Sen Schumer: Lets Fly Gay Banner Instead of Old Glory

So when the next country hosting the Olympics has policy we don't
agree with with we wear a little something that points that out.
That's not being political....

Let Obama fight that battle and leave our athletes out of the BS...

Sure...why not.

Happened in 1984. The Soviets were concerned for the "safety" of their athletes.
Another example that you have to wonder about the radical left's vision of America. Here's the deal, the US's foreign policy is so convoluted that the administration thinks the best way to engage in the new "cold war" is to wave a flag promoting sodomy.

Ah do want government to be in your bedroom.


It seems that the world is upside down in the eyes of radical liberals.
It astounds me that scumbags like Schumer are still in office. But I suppose this country is divided and full of hate. That's OK, because the right side of the fence has all the guns. You liberal maggots enjoy your liberal spring.

Feel free.

Start shooting.

Worked reeeallly well during the Civil War.


Well, R.C. may have to watch out for all the Jews against him....don't think they'd roll over again.

Oh your type is sooooo predictable.
We must stop the homosexual agenda. They want inclusion into mainstrem society.
And this is not normal. We must stop this homosexual brainwashing of America.
Old Glory represents true freedom and equality. We don't need to add flags for gays or the KKK or any other group in the US because they are already represented by the flag of the USA and the Constitution.
From Thatcher's Section 28 and US anti-sodomy laws a few decades ago... to the most pro-gay activist nations now. Gay rights have become a massive political weapon in the US and UK. A bigger weapon than in other developed nations.

And they are starting to use it internationally. David Cameron has threatened to cut aid to Africa over homophobia. And there is this brand new "spontaneous" campaign against Russia... But they will not threaten middle-east oil monarchies.
This homosexulaity must be criminalized now. The Russians have made the right decision, banning homosexual disscussion and propoganda.
The homosexual agenda must be stopped from spreading throughout the world.
Its not natural. We must put a stop to this abnormal lifstyle.

We're Queer.

We're Here.

Get used to it.

Your Queer, you should be hacked to piceces and burned at the Stake.
And you shouldn't be here.
And there is no getting used to a homo lifestyle.!

Wow- you need to seriously seek help. I don't agree with the Gay Community making demands on other nations, our own, etc.. but you're out there and SICK.. Who the hell even thinks like you do?
The Olympics are the one event every couple of years that is supposed to bring all the nations of Earth together. While there have been incidents in the past, it's not supposed to be a place for politics and it should stay that way. Whether you agree with it or not, Russia's policy on gays is Russia's policy and it's none of the business. Everyone has the right to criticize their policy and we have already been doing it, but the Olympics is not the appropriate place for it.

Another thing being ignored is the awkward position Schumer's idea would put our athletes in. Undoubtedly there will be athletes who don't approve of homosexuality for personal or religious reasons and will not feel comfortable participating in this type of display. They are then faced with a choice of going along with it against their beliefs or not going along with it and risk being ridiculed and called bigots and homophobes by the media, the leftist blogsphere, and even some fellow athletes, I'm sure.

So let the Olympics be the Olympics and leave the politics at home.

This^^^ and perfectly stated.
I love that that picture shows two blacks giving a raised fist while standing behind an Australian.

Another example that you have to wonder about the radical left's vision of America. Here's the deal, the US's foreign policy is so convoluted that the administration thinks the best way to engage in the new "cold war" is to wave a flag promoting sodomy.

Ah do want government to be in your bedroom.


And according to that logic the libtards want the government into every part of our lives, including the bedroom!
If Schumer is here in New York long enough, the NYC skyline will be dominated by a big dick about 1,500 feet tall. Might even have a skyline dominated by dick-like buildings.

hhhhmmmm something for the muslims to aim at? :lol::lol::lol:

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