Sen Tester (D-Montana): “Are you crazy? Are you trying to get me shot? I’d never, ever want to be aligned with Manchin. My wife would divorce me”

So Tester, the pussy with the crewcut, would rather destroy the country than make his wife mad? Someone needs to tell him he represents a whole state and a country, not just his radical wife.
The solution is for radical leftists to return to reality and act on behalf of the people, instead of their Marxist manifesto.

Aside from that, perhaps Biden should work on unifying his own house before demanding the rest of us fall in line.
Are Manchin and Sinema the only 2 Senate democrats that oppose spending all that money that we ain't got? I didn't know the progressive wing of their party was that strong, and that's pretty scary. If they ever get in charge with enough votes in the Senate, the filibuster is gone and that ain't good. If you look at all the things they want to do, it's mind-boggling. I used to think the major calamities that could cause a major disruption in this country were pretty much limited to a 1930s style depression or a world war, but now I gotta add a 3rd possibility: the democrats in charge of our national gov't with enough votes to do as they please. If that happens, WE ARE FUCKED.
So Tester, the pussy with the crewcut, would rather destroy the country than make his wife mad? Someone needs to tell him he represents a whole state and a country, not just his radical wife.
in dem households women are the men .
Are Manchin and Sinema the only 2 Senate democrats that oppose spending all that money that we ain't got? I didn't know the progressive wing of their party was that strong, and that's pretty scary. If they ever get in charge with enough votes in the Senate, the filibuster is gone and that ain't good. If you look at all the things they want to do, it's mind-boggling. I used to think the major calamities that could cause a major disruption in this country were pretty much limited to a 1930s style depression or a world war, but now I gotta add a 3rd possibility: the democrats in charge of our national gov't with enough votes to do as they please. If that happens, WE ARE FUCKED.
Where was all.this outrage when tRump was giving shit away to be wealthy buddies?
Where was all.this outrage when tRump was giving shit away to be wealthy buddies?
Where was your outrage when Obama signed off on the great transfer of wealth in history to his rich buddies?
I bitched about Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden spending money we don’t have. Our bond rating will suffer, the dollar will suffer, inflation will increase as well as interest rates. But it’s all good with the Americans that want it all now.
God bless and protect Manchin as he us holding back the destruction of this country at the hands of insane, treasonous Marxist Democrats.
It's sad that an elected official would be so in fear for his life or marriage for being accused of serving the best interest of Americans and the nation, for standing up for what is right, like Manchin is doing.

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