Sen. Warren & banking committee call out

leave them alone to create monopolies that take down the economy? :eusa_hand: Read some history.

Besides, if their lobbyists run Capitol Hill then we have every right to question their motives and business *cough* "plans".

You're so low info.
Monopolies exist only due to government action. In the real world it is virtually impossible for a monopoly to form and continue for any length of time.

But we get that you are in favor of gov't bailouts for big business.

who is "we". :eusa_eh: Speak for yourself :eusa_hand:

Which party did everything in their power to obstruct & delay the Financial Reform Bill? I'll give you a hint, it starts w/ an "R".
The smart people on this board.
Are you speaking about Dodd-Frank? The bill that enshrined too big to fail? The bill that raised costs for comsumers across the board? The bill that made banks virtually indestructible? Yeah the GOP couldn't obstruct or delay it because the Dems had a filibuster proof majority.
your supporting link didn't post through :rolleyes:

Hey troll, go stalk someone else's thread because grown ups are talking here.
your supporting link didn't post through :rolleyes:

Hey troll, go stalk someone else's thread because grown ups are talking here.

You can't answer any objections so now you call people trolls.
Yes, I am a troll. I troll for stupidity. I troll for errors in fact and logic. I troll for posters who don't know their ass from a hole in the wall.
And I've caught a prize one with you.
Government, leave the banks alone.

Leave private business alone.

This would include not bailing them out if they fail.

leave them alone to create monopolies that take down the economy? :eusa_hand: Read some history.

Besides, if their lobbyists run Capitol Hill then we have every right to question their motives and business *cough* "plans".

You're so low info.
Monopolies exist only due to government action. In the real world it is virtually impossible for a monopoly to form and continue for any length of time.

But we get that you are in favor of gov't bailouts for big business.

That would be, me poor low info con tool, because we have made a decision that monopolies are bad things, and therefore those that are natural monopolies are gov. regulated. Now, try to concentrate. What is being talked about by economists when they discuss monopoly is not a complete monopoly since they are illegal. What they are discussing is great amounts of MONOPOLY POWER. Companies like, say, Exxon, GE, Boeing, etc. And sorry, me low information con tool, these and other monopolistic companies have indeed continued for a great length of time. As those with a functioning brain and desire to be honest know.
Try reading some time. Then try comprehension. OOOPS, that is a step to far for you, I know.
And, dipshit, no one wants to bail out private corporations. Some times it is necessary to save the economy. And happily we only had to do so once, and we have been paid back in full. Which you would know if you were not a low information toady.
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She makes a good point about the government's lack of leverage in these negotiations if they are never taking them to court. She also makes a good point about the information Congress can get if they do get them into court.

The point she makes about their value seems a bit speculative but worth keeping an eye on.

Corporations commit crimes that make them money and if the punishment is small enough they can still make money on the exchange. I personally don't think corporations should get away with stealing millions of dollars just because they have good lawyers.
Please name these bank executives and their illegal conduct. We'll wait.
Really, me boy??? You are that ignorant???
Of course you are.
So, you are, of course, one of the apologists for the bankers in the great republican recession of 2008. You believe that we should let them continue the same wonderful activities as before. Because they are all princes of capitalism. No illegal activities ever. Just as it states in the bat shit crazy con web sites you spend your time in.

Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud Settlement Is Payoff TO Bank of America, Wells Fargo & Chase » The Great Recession Blog
Are Criminal Banks Trying to Crash the Economy Again? | Nick Fillmore
How the Great Recession changed us - 1 - US economy & jobs - MSN Money
Transcripts detail Fed's struggles amid 2008 financial crisis - Page 2 -

There is this thing called google, me boy. The above few articles will give you a good list of illegal activities by bankers. And that is from just the first page of results. There are HUNDREDS.

But then, these are from sites that you do not look at. You spend your time looking at the bat shit crazy con sites. So, you will never know.

blogs. roflmao

Here let me help your lazy ass out.
Google Search this: Wells Fargo Bank of America fraud mortgage.
And come back here and tells us it's bullshit. There's 787,000 results so this shouldn't be too hard on you.
Really, me boy??? You are that ignorant???
Of course you are.
So, you are, of course, one of the apologists for the bankers in the great republican recession of 2008. You believe that we should let them continue the same wonderful activities as before. Because they are all princes of capitalism. No illegal activities ever. Just as it states in the bat shit crazy con web sites you spend your time in.

Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud Settlement Is Payoff TO Bank of America, Wells Fargo & Chase » The Great Recession Blog
Are Criminal Banks Trying to Crash the Economy Again? | Nick Fillmore
How the Great Recession changed us - 1 - US economy & jobs - MSN Money
Transcripts detail Fed's struggles amid 2008 financial crisis - Page 2 -

There is this thing called google, me boy. The above few articles will give you a good list of illegal activities by bankers. And that is from just the first page of results. There are HUNDREDS.

But then, these are from sites that you do not look at. You spend your time looking at the bat shit crazy con sites. So, you will never know.

blogs. roflmao

Here let me help your lazy ass out.
Google Search this: Wells Fargo Bank of America fraud mortgage.
And come back here and tells us it's bullshit. There's 787,000 results so this shouldn't be too hard on you.

I see suits involving issues with foreclosures that occurred after the meltdown.
Looks like yet another big ole fail in your column, s0n.
blogs. roflmao

Here let me help your lazy ass out.
Google Search this: Wells Fargo Bank of America fraud mortgage.
And come back here and tells us it's bullshit. There's 787,000 results so this shouldn't be too hard on you.

I see suits involving issues with foreclosures that occurred after the meltdown.
Looks like yet another big ole fail in your column, s0n.
Yup. That would be what you would believe. Because you have that stupid person's ailment of believing what you what you want. Makes it so easy.
Good for you, rabbi. Ignorance is bliss. Read nothing, son. Ignorance is bliss for guys like you.
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blogs. roflmao

Here let me help your lazy ass out.
Google Search this: Wells Fargo Bank of America fraud mortgage.
And come back here and tells us it's bullshit. There's 787,000 results so this shouldn't be too hard on you.

I see suits involving issues with foreclosures that occurred after the meltdown.
Looks like yet another big ole fail in your column, s0n.

Your quote was "Please name these bank executives and their illegal conduct. We'll wait."

And that was answered 100's of time on Google search I pointed out to you. Or are you trying to again wiggle your way out of another false/ignorant statement that you have made on this thread?

A couple of examples: "Bank of America and Mairone were each found liable for defrauding government-controlled mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through the sale of shoddy loans purchased from Countrywide in 2007 and 2008"
Bank Of America Facing $864 Million Fine After Mortgage Fraud Verdict

"The government also said that from 2002 to 2010, Wells Fargo identified 6,558 loans as having materially violated HUD requirements, but reported only 238 of them"
Wells Fargo fails to end U.S. mortgage fraud lawsuit | Reuters

Hmmm, it seems that this illegal actions did take place before the meltdown. Whoops, Rabbit just showed he didn't even bother to read any articles, he just makes shit up as he goes along.
Here let me help your lazy ass out.
Google Search this: Wells Fargo Bank of America fraud mortgage.
And come back here and tells us it's bullshit. There's 787,000 results so this shouldn't be too hard on you.

I see suits involving issues with foreclosures that occurred after the meltdown.
Looks like yet another big ole fail in your column, s0n.

Your quote was "Please name these bank executives and their illegal conduct. We'll wait."

And that was answered 100's of time on Google search I pointed out to you. Or are you trying to again wiggle your way out of another false/ignorant statement that you have made on this thread?

A couple of examples: "Bank of America and Mairone were each found liable for defrauding government-controlled mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through the sale of shoddy loans purchased from Countrywide in 2007 and 2008"
Bank Of America Facing $864 Million Fine After Mortgage Fraud Verdict

"The government also said that from 2002 to 2010, Wells Fargo identified 6,558 loans as having materially violated HUD requirements, but reported only 238 of them"
Wells Fargo fails to end U.S. mortgage fraud lawsuit | Reuters

Hmmm, it seems that this illegal actions did take place before the meltdown. Whoops, Rabbit just showed he didn't even bother to read any articles, he just makes shit up as he goes along.

Wow. Some people working in an industry that employs thousands of people violated a rule. Stop the presses!
I see suits involving issues with foreclosures that occurred after the meltdown.
Looks like yet another big ole fail in your column, s0n.

Your quote was "Please name these bank executives and their illegal conduct. We'll wait."

And that was answered 100's of time on Google search I pointed out to you. Or are you trying to again wiggle your way out of another false/ignorant statement that you have made on this thread?

A couple of examples: "Bank of America and Mairone were each found liable for defrauding government-controlled mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through the sale of shoddy loans purchased from Countrywide in 2007 and 2008"
Bank Of America Facing $864 Million Fine After Mortgage Fraud Verdict

"The government also said that from 2002 to 2010, Wells Fargo identified 6,558 loans as having materially violated HUD requirements, but reported only 238 of them"
Wells Fargo fails to end U.S. mortgage fraud lawsuit | Reuters

Hmmm, it seems that this illegal actions did take place before the meltdown. Whoops, Rabbit just showed he didn't even bother to read any articles, he just makes shit up as he goes along.

Wow. Some people working in an industry that employs thousands of people violated a rule. Stop the presses!

:clap2: Great response! Unfortunately for you, it answers your quote "Please name these bank executives and their illegal conduct. We'll wait".
Who directed those folk to commit the illegal actions? As Obama is responsible for Benghazi, the upper echelon of the banks who committed the illegal actions would be responsible. Or is that apples to oranges?
Your quote was "Please name these bank executives and their illegal conduct. We'll wait."

And that was answered 100's of time on Google search I pointed out to you. Or are you trying to again wiggle your way out of another false/ignorant statement that you have made on this thread?

A couple of examples: "Bank of America and Mairone were each found liable for defrauding government-controlled mortgage companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac through the sale of shoddy loans purchased from Countrywide in 2007 and 2008"
Bank Of America Facing $864 Million Fine After Mortgage Fraud Verdict

"The government also said that from 2002 to 2010, Wells Fargo identified 6,558 loans as having materially violated HUD requirements, but reported only 238 of them"
Wells Fargo fails to end U.S. mortgage fraud lawsuit | Reuters

Hmmm, it seems that this illegal actions did take place before the meltdown. Whoops, Rabbit just showed he didn't even bother to read any articles, he just makes shit up as he goes along.

Wow. Some people working in an industry that employs thousands of people violated a rule. Stop the presses!

:clap2: Great response! Unfortunately for you, it answers your quote "Please name these bank executives and their illegal conduct. We'll wait".
Who directed those folk to commit the illegal actions? As Obama is responsible for Benghazi, the upper echelon of the banks who committed the illegal actions would be responsible. Or is that apples to oranges?

It is apples to oranges. The two arent related at all.
btw, werent the mortgage execs punished? Yes. So where is Obama's punishment?
Wow. Some people working in an industry that employs thousands of people violated a rule. Stop the presses!

:clap2: Great response! Unfortunately for you, it answers your quote "Please name these bank executives and their illegal conduct. We'll wait".
Who directed those folk to commit the illegal actions? As Obama is responsible for Benghazi, the upper echelon of the banks who committed the illegal actions would be responsible. Or is that apples to oranges?

It is apples to oranges. The two arent related at all.
btw, werent the mortgage execs punished? Yes. So where is Obama's punishment?

Well Obama's punishment should have been losing the 2012 election but that didn't happen. Make no mistake about, it the buck should have stopped with Obama. But then there have also been other Benghazis, about a dozen under "W". Yet, there was no redundant investigations?
The execs punished, how? The banks paid the fines or are still fighting paying fines and their customers pay for all of that, the bill for the fines are just pasted down.
:clap2: Great response! Unfortunately for you, it answers your quote "Please name these bank executives and their illegal conduct. We'll wait".
Who directed those folk to commit the illegal actions? As Obama is responsible for Benghazi, the upper echelon of the banks who committed the illegal actions would be responsible. Or is that apples to oranges?

It is apples to oranges. The two arent related at all.
btw, werent the mortgage execs punished? Yes. So where is Obama's punishment?

Well Obama's punishment should have been losing the 2012 election but that didn't happen. Make no mistake about, it the buck should have stopped with Obama. But then there have also been other Benghazis, about a dozen under "W". Yet, there was no redundant investigations?
The execs punished, how? The banks paid the fines or are still fighting paying fines and their customers pay for all of that, the bill for the fines are just pasted down.

Franklin Raines and Barney Frank are free men. That's the state of justice in this country.
Warren would beat Hillary in the primaries.

Hillary is too moderate for democrats. they want a wingnut.

It's hard to imagine anyone wanting to vote for Fauxcohontas. She is not only a liar, a phony, a hypocrite who never held a real job but she has a scolding hectoring manner that reminds everyone of their first grade teacher.
IOW, perfect for the Dems of today.
Really, me boy??? You are that ignorant???
Of course you are.
So, you are, of course, one of the apologists for the bankers in the great republican recession of 2008. You believe that we should let them continue the same wonderful activities as before. Because they are all princes of capitalism. No illegal activities ever. Just as it states in the bat shit crazy con web sites you spend your time in.

Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud Settlement Is Payoff TO Bank of America, Wells Fargo & Chase » The Great Recession Blog
Are Criminal Banks Trying to Crash the Economy Again? | Nick Fillmore
How the Great Recession changed us - 1 - US economy & jobs - MSN Money
Transcripts detail Fed's struggles amid 2008 financial crisis - Page 2 -

There is this thing called google, me boy. The above few articles will give you a good list of illegal activities by bankers. And that is from just the first page of results. There are HUNDREDS.

But then, these are from sites that you do not look at. You spend your time looking at the bat shit crazy con sites. So, you will never know.

blogs. roflmao

Here let me help your lazy ass out.
Google Search this: Wells Fargo Bank of America fraud mortgage.
And come back here and tells us it's bullshit. There's 787,000 results so this shouldn't be too hard on you.

More to the point, the seven largest banks have paid over $1 trillion in fines (and counting) to settle cases of wrongdoing rather than risk trial. This is not the behavior of an industry confident that it has law and fact on its side.
She is a national treasure. She asks the regulators how many times large Wall St firms have been brought to trial lol

Senator Elizabeth Warren's First Banking Committee Hearing - YouTube

let the rw commercial bank fluffers come out & denounce her because she's a Dem :rolleyes:

That might not set too well with the left wing commercial bank fluffers.

A Wasted Crisis? Why the Democrats did so little to change Wall Street | New Republic

"Although Democrats saw the 2008 crisis as requiring new rules, the party’s leaders had championed financial deregulation during the 1990s and were eagerly and successfully competing with Republicans for the industry’s campaign contributions. In 1999, Bill Clinton and his economic advisers, as well as top Democrats in Congress, had supported the legislation repealing Glass-Steagall, the Depression-era law segregating commercial banks (and their federally insured deposits) from investment banking. “Removal of barriers to competition,” Clinton had declared on signing the repeal, “will enhance the stability of our financial services system.” Removing those barriers did exactly the opposite. Clinton had also signed legislation in 2000 barring any regulation of financial derivatives, which was the market that would be at the center of the crisis eight years later. In 1995, Senator Chris Dodd of Connecticut had even played a leading role in overcoming Clinton’s veto of legislation that fulfilled one item in the Republicans’ Contract with America by making it more difficult to prove private securities fraud. A longtime booster of Wall Street who became chair of the Senate Banking Committee in 2007, Dodd would have a critical role in financial reform after the crisis. And Barack Obama brought back to the top ranks of economic policy-making the very people who had advised Clinton to support financial deregulation........."

Democrats haunted by corporate ties - Jonathan Allen and Eamon Javers -

"President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats are promising a climactic clash with Wall Street, but there’s a complication in their battle plan: The Democratic Party is closer to corporate America — and to Wall Street in particular — than many Democrats would care to admit.

Former White House counsel Greg Craig has just signed on as an institutional Sherpa for Goldman Sachs, the iconic financial firm facing fraud charges from the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Former House Democratic leader Dick Gephardt lobbies for Goldman Sachs, Visa and the coal industry. Former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle — Obama’s first choice to head Health and Human Services — is an adviser for a lobbying firm that represents Charles Schwab, Comcast, Lockheed Martin, Verizon and a host of other corporate interests.

Attorney General Eric Holder once lobbied for Global Crossing — sometimes described as the Democratic Enron — and White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel made eight figures in a little more than two years as the Chicago-based managing director at Wasserstein Perella & Co. between jobs as a senior aide in President Bill Clinton’s White House and as the congressman representing Illinois’s 5th District.

And the Democrats rode to their majorities in the House and the Senate on a wave of cash Emanuel and New York Sen. Chuck Schumer helped them raise from Wall Street. Earlier this month, a hedge fund manager at the center of the Goldman Sachs fraud case held a fundraiser for Schumer in New York.

“It’s pathetic,” Sen. Bernie Sanders, a liberal Vermont independent who caucuses with the Democrats, said of news that Goldman Sachs has hired Craig. “But it’s what goes on around here."............”
blogs. roflmao

Here let me help your lazy ass out.
Google Search this: Wells Fargo Bank of America fraud mortgage.
And come back here and tells us it's bullshit. There's 787,000 results so this shouldn't be too hard on you.

More to the point, the seven largest banks have paid over $1 trillion in fines (and counting) to settle cases of wrongdoing rather than risk trial. This is not the behavior of an industry confident that it has law and fact on its side.
But it was probably cheaper than fighting the Justice Dept.
And in any case the catcalls on this site that the banksters (what are you, 5 years old??) got off scot free is obviously not true.
blogs. roflmao

Here let me help your lazy ass out.
Google Search this: Wells Fargo Bank of America fraud mortgage.
And come back here and tells us it's bullshit. There's 787,000 results so this shouldn't be too hard on you.

More to the point, the seven largest banks have paid over $1 trillion in fines (and counting) to settle cases of wrongdoing rather than risk trial. This is not the behavior of an industry confident that it has law and fact on its side.
Poor Rabbi. He suffers the malady of believing what he wants, no matter what the evidence. Dishonest, and ignorant, but that is Rabbi. Incapable of actual discussion. I have never ever seen any single profound statement come out of him. Just drivel.

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