Senate Democrats Claim to Have 60 Votes!

lol, the 1st aid crack was funny.

Well once again no new ideas. Folks will just keep wanting more and more expensive tests and procedures to extend their lives or improve their quality of living. Did I see something about stem cell organs in Discover Magazine the other day?

This is a new and exciting problem we have. I don't know if I have the answer. Regardless I see plenty of folks using the Emergency Room as their doctor slapping their costs on the public already.
The debate on this peice of shit bill should be interesting. Wonder if CNN will carry it in our new Open and Transparant Govt???

FRom what I hear from Landreaus own mouth the cost of her vote was 300 million and this is just to debate. It doesn't mean she'd be voting for this bill. Ol'Reid sure will have put his foot and our tax dollars in it if she votes a big no. After all, she's already got our tax money. Jeeze. Morons one and all.
the cost for landreu was 100 million, not 300 million, but no less disgusting, imo!
Yeah, I thought it was 100 million but saw Landreau on the news yesterday and she said it wasn't 100 million. It was 300 million. Either way its disgusting is right. LA purchase one more time.
The 60 votes to "bring on the debate" ends any hope of filibuster.

Thus the bill will get voted on -- in whatever from and the form does not matter. It will get an up or down vote by a smple majority.

NEXT, it will have to be "reconciled" with the House version.

The reconciliation version will ALSO get an up or down vote with no hope that a filibuster can kill it.

Accordingly, the "bill" in its final form WILL pass with the only question being what precise form it will take. And under present circumstances, the prospects for it being ANYTHING other than the darkest rawest ugliest smelliest most Marxist piece of crap to ever be squeezed through the buttcheeks of Congress are slim to none.

simply wrong again. I blame the american educational system and am certain you went to public school.

Your ability to cobble together words into random meaningless blather is duly noted. :clap2:

At debate, of course, you suck worse than a porn starlette on crack.

I don't blame the public education system for your massive failure. I blame you. You are just a fucking lump.

Although this too will sail over your sub-atomic sized mind at light speed, you should also be advised that I am not wrong at all ("simply" or otherwise, ya fucking simpleton shitbrain). I am absolutely correct about the import of what happened in the Senate yesterday. The one who is "wrong" is you and that's probably because you blindly accept the pablum spoon fed to you by the nanny state lame stream media.

:lol: And a Happy Thanksgiving to you too..
Actually is was $300m. She's a whore, just an expensive one.

Daily Reveille - Landrieu votes in favor of health care

"Critics also seized on language Landrieu secured in the bill giving Louisiana $300 million in additional funding to help defer the effects of budget shortfalls."

It's their job to work for their state, she is just being greedy. Like with that bucket of chicken at her Sunday dinner.. Excessive and greedy.

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