Senate Democrats unveil government funding bill


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Interesting....Are Republicans making some headway with these liberals?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Top Senate Democrats and Republicans Monday night released a catchall government funding bill that denies President Barack Obama new money for implementing signature first-term accomplishments like new regulations on Wall Street and his expansion of government health care subsidies but provides modest additional funding for domestic priorities like health research and highway projects.

Monday's measure is the product of bipartisan negotiations and is the legislative vehicle to fund the day-to-day operations of government through Sept. 30 — and prevent a government shutdown when current funding runs out March 27.

It sets a path for government in the wake of across-the-board spending cuts that took effect March 1. In most cases the minor changes in agency budgets amount to housekeeping within a trillion-dollar cap for the day-to-day operations of agencies in the current budget year.

Passage in the Senate this week seems routine and could presage an end to a mostly overlooked battle between House Republicans and Obama and his Senate Democratic allies over the annual spending bills required to fund federal agency operations.

The measure expands upon House GOP legislation that passed last week, adding sometimes symbolic funding and flexibility for scores of programs and challenges House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, who warned Democrats last week not to load the measure up too much.

But each of the additional items was drawn from earlier informal House-Senate agreements, and top Senate Appropriations Committee Republican Richard Shelby of Alabama has signed on.

The bipartisan measure comes as Washington girds for weeks of warfare over the budget for next year and beyond as both House and Senate Budget Committees this week take up blueprints for the upcoming 2014 budget year.

Senate Democrats unveil government funding bill - Yahoo! News

Michael Ramirez Cartoon
We'll see how long it takes for Maobama to try to torpedo it. Only reason he's been talking to the republicans at all is because his rating in the polls was tanking.
We'll see how long it takes for Maobama to try to torpedo it. Only reason he's been talking to the republicans at all is because his rating in the polls was tanking.

Is the love affair coming to an end?:eusa_pray:

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