Senate Intel Hearing A Waste Of Time

Who is the they that said that? And why don't you tag them? Because no one I know says that.

Post #23 in this thread, from "Lewdog":

"Over nothing? They hacked the fucking elections to put in a puppet President..."

Guess you missed that...derrrrrrrrr

Yes I did say that...and so did the DNI Clapper. But hey, you're right and he's wrong... right?
Who is the they that said that? And why don't you tag them? Because no one I know says that.

Post #23 in this thread, from "Lewdog":

"Over nothing? They hacked the fucking elections to put in a puppet President..."

Guess you missed that...derrrrrrrrr

The problem is you asked how it was stolen tho. They did hack the election that's been proven and made public today by everyone except the people who haven't been briefed.
The problem is you asked how it was stolen tho. They did hack the election that's been proven and made public today by everyone except the people who haven't been briefed.

First you claimed no one said, then admit it happened, good debating skills there charlie...

I'll ask yet again, HOW did the russians "hack the election", thereby allowing Trump to win. Someday a liberal might grow some brains and balls to actually answer this simple question.

BTW, NOTHING has been "proven," by you, the democraps, or anyone else.
Clapper is a known liar and a perjurer. He should have been charged for lying in the NSA scandal.
Who is the they that said that? And why don't you tag them? Because no one I know says that.

Post #23 in this thread, from "Lewdog":

"Over nothing? They hacked the fucking elections to put in a puppet President..."

Guess you missed that...derrrrrrrrr

The problem is you asked how it was stolen tho. They did hack the election that's been proven and made public today by everyone except the people who haven't been briefed.
Asking how is not a problem except for the zealots who can't answer it. All you have is faith. The belief that the government has proof of Russian interference even in the absence of any evidence. You can't answer the question because the government hasn't told you how to answer it. Yet you insist that critically thinking people must drop their reason and join you in your irrationality.

Of course Lewdog was kind enough to uncover for us the wellspring of the zealot's faith. You want it to delegitimize Trump. That is your salvation. That is the reason you will abandon reason and any attempt to look at this story objectively.
All I saw was a bunch of bloviating talking heads all trying to sound important.

This is the most important bit that I heard.

Asked about the possible effect of the disclosure of private information stolen by hackers, Clapper said, "The intelligence community can't gauge the impact it had on the choices the electorate made." But he did say Russian hacking "did not change any vote tallies."

That's from Clapper.
The problem is you asked how it was stolen tho. They did hack the election that's been proven and made public today by everyone except the people who haven't been briefed.

First you claimed no one said, then admit it happened, good debating skills there charlie...

I'll ask yet again, HOW did the russians "hack the election", thereby allowing Trump to win. Someday a liberal might grow some brains and balls to actually answer this simple question.

BTW, NOTHING has been "proven," by you, the democraps, or anyone else.

You said someone said it was stolen. Then provided a quote saying our election was hacked as proof that someone said it was stolen. Stolen and hacked are 2 different things.

Maybe you quoted the wrong person or something.
All I saw was a bunch of bloviating talking heads all trying to sound important.

This is the most important bit that I heard.

Asked about the possible effect of the disclosure of private information stolen by hackers, Clapper said, "The intelligence community can't gauge the impact it had on the choices the electorate made." But he did say Russian hacking "did not change any vote tallies."

That's from Clapper.
Bravo. Now, if only Trump could hear that, we'd be all set. That is the only thing this is about. He doesn't want anyone saying his win was not 100% because of his likability, and if through the fog, that message could get to Trump loud and clear, he'd be fine with the intelligence reports. What his supporters should NOT do is encourage him to dig a deeper hole for himself.
What I'd like to know and never will is, WHY did they prefer Trump to Clinton? Easier mark? Everyone says Clinton was a vote for Obama #3, and no one liked his "doormat" foreign policy, so WHY prefer Trump? Some say it was Putin's personal vendetta. I don't know, but Trump will have to be careful not to be manipulated by them, I think. Grab him by the ego and it's an easy task.
I doubt anyone could manipulate Trump.

He knows Putin. He does business in Russia and I'm sure he's met the man.

His relationship with Putin has nothing to do with the fact that Trump is now POTUS.

Putin would have been happy with anyone beside Hillary in the WH since he hates her and thinks she tried to interfere with the Russian elections.

Trump won because he got his message out there to the blue collar folks in America. Something Hillary completely ignored. Hillary was a lousy candidate with entirely to much baggage.

He also won because folks don't like the direction this country has been steered into for the last eight years.

I doubt Trump gives a flying fuck about popularity. He won and I for one hope he does what he says he will.

This country has been hacked before and will continue to be hacked till the intelligence agencies get off their asses and find ways to stop it

Hell. The Chinese hacked the personal info on millions of Govt. workers just a couple of years ago. Douchebag sure didn't expel any Chinese embassy folks from America.
But you didn't mention much what the intelligence guys said.
Because no matter what they say or what evidence they have do you honestly think new info will change their minds.
Liberals have continued to say, "It won't matter what they say, no one will believe it" as an excuse/justification for not having any evidence to present.

On the contrary, once - if any - evidence is presented I would definitely change my mind. I have heard RUMORS that the Intel agencies intercepted messages between Russian leaders 'congratulating themselves' for Trump's victory, though no evidence has been provided to support this. If this is true it goes a long way to proving not only that the Russians intervened in the election but also had the intent of assisting Donald Trump. The problem is, again, is that the evidence supporting this has not been provided.

Having been burned by numerous lies by numerous administrations over the years I have learned not to believe anything unless they can back it up. One would think that Liberals - after Bush/WMDs - would have learned that same lesson, but it seems they believe everything is different if a Democrats / Liberal administration says it.

A politician is a politician is a politician.

Schumer, through his public declarations of how he will spend the next 4 years intentionally engaging in Obstructionism in order to help his party - not the country - has me more than wary of just how far the Democrats are willing to go to undermine Trump. Schumer is not helping the Democrats make their case about the Russians. He is making me and others more suspicious -- if they are willing to go as far as engage in Obstructionist politics to undermine Trump who is to say they would not lie about Intel?

It is a sad thing that politics has driven us to this point, but it is because of the unethical, immoral, partisan actions of politicians in the past have engaged in.

Provide me with the definitive evidence and I will believe.
McCain has been chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee for a couple of years and yet we only learn about the alleged hacking after the Trump victory. Did McCain expect Hillary to win and that's why he kept his mouth shut?
of course

he does not want to change the way things are done on the hill

his gravy train is in jeopardy

I doubt anyone could manipulate Trump.
I disagree with you there.

All you have to do is 'attack his ego', declare he doesn't know something, declare he is wrong about something, etc... and he takes to Twitter immediately to respond. He declares he knows more than experts. I know he is a smart man, but that only goes so far. I am a little worried about him listening to his advisors. I believe he can - he did so in his campaign, changing in the 2nd half - which I believe may have saved his campaign. Ego can be played upon as well - Obama's was several times, causing him to make mistakes. Trump could be the same way.

We'll see.

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