Senate Intel Hearing A Waste Of Time

I doubt anyone could manipulate Trump.
I disagree with you there.

All you have to do is 'attack his ego', declare he doesn't know something, declare he is wrong about something, etc... and he takes to Twitter immediately to respond. He declares he knows more than experts. I know he is a smart man, but that only goes so far. I am a little worried about him listening to his advisors. I believe he can - he did so in his campaign, changing in the 2nd half - which I believe may have saved his campaign. Ego can be played upon as well - Obama's was several times, causing him to make mistakes. Trump could be the same way.

We'll see.

You honestly think someone could manipulate the businessman that he is??

I'm sure that in many of his business dealings some have tried and I doubt they succeeded. You forget. Trump is not a politician so quit expecting him to act like one.

Oh we all have an ego but I doubt he will let his get in the way of the important projects he has on his plate.
Was it on C-Span?
Leave it to the pols to use the opportunity to pan for the cameras. But you didn't mention much what the intelligence guys said.

Because no matter what they say or what evidence they have do you honestly think new info will change their minds.

Tomorrow when Trump gets briefed the only play he can make is to keep saying he doesnt believe it. If he says he does that means he knows Russia hacked us, to help him...which means he's a Putin Fuck boy. He cant admit to being a Putin Fuck boy so he HAS to say he doesnt believe it.

But what he believes doesnt change reality. He's still a Pooty Poot fuck boy

/----"Can we just ignore what the leaked emails revealed and just focus on the dog ate my homework?" Said every Democrat.
[QUOTE="easyt65, post: 16232211, member: 55400]You honestly think someone could manipulate the businessman that he is??

I'm sure that in many of his business dealings some have tried and I doubt they succeeded. You forget. Trump is not a politician so quit expecting him to act like one.

Oh we all have an ego but I doubt he will let his get in the way of the important projects he has on his plate.
'Businessman'. I am confident in his abilities at business, but in regards to foreign policy - Russia, for instance: Trump is dealing with an Ex-KGB leader, shrewd, crafty, well-versed in espionage, and other 'talents'. In some ways the 'businessman' is outmatched just as much as the 'community organizer'. That is why it is critical that both listen to their advisors and not allow their egos to over-ride intelligence/wisdom.

Also, I said I believe Trump CAN be manipulated, not that he would.
[QUOTE="easyt65, post: 16232211, member: 55400]You honestly think someone could manipulate the businessman that he is??

I'm sure that in many of his business dealings some have tried and I doubt they succeeded. You forget. Trump is not a politician so quit expecting him to act like one.

Oh we all have an ego but I doubt he will let his get in the way of the important projects he has on his plate.
'Businessman'. I am confident in his abilities at business, but in regards to foreign policy - Russia, for instance: Trump is dealing with an Ex-KGB leader, shrewd, crafty, well-versed in espionage, and other 'talents'. In some ways the 'businessman' is outmatched just as much as the 'community organizer'. That is why it is critical that both listen to their advisors and not allow their egos to over-ride intelligence/wisdom.

Also, I said I believe Trump CAN be manipulated, not that he would.

You are right there but he has some pretty damned good advisors and you can bet he will be following their lead.

Trump is a smart man. A man who can follow the advice of his people and I'm sure he will do just that.
Who is the they that said that? And why don't you tag them? Because no one I know says that.

Post #23 in this thread, from "Lewdog":

"Over nothing? They hacked the fucking elections to put in a puppet President..."

Guess you missed that...derrrrrrrrr

The problem is you asked how it was stolen tho. They did hack the election that's been proven and made public today by everyone except the people who haven't been briefed.
Asking how is not a problem except for the zealots who can't answer it. All you have is faith. The belief that the government has proof of Russian interference even in the absence of any evidence. You can't answer the question because the government hasn't told you how to answer it. Yet you insist that critically thinking people must drop their reason and join you in your irrationality.

Of course Lewdog was kind enough to uncover for us the wellspring of the zealot's faith. You want it to delegitimize Trump. That is your salvation. That is the reason you will abandon reason and any attempt to look at this story objectively.

WTF are you talking about? The intelligence agencies have to eventually answer for what they have, I'm not in the CIA, the FBI, or any of those intelligence agencies, and even if I were, I wouldn't share the evidence with you. And you aren't in any of those agencies either... so for you to say there isn't any evidence is fucking arrogant and stupid. I can't wait until this all blows up in your faces and you are made out to look like the fools you are. And no, for as long as I will be a member here, I will mention it every day until they day I die or you disappear.
I can't wait until this all blows up in your faces and you are made out to look like the fools you are. And no, for as long as I will be a member here, I will mention it every day until they day I die or you disappear.
Questioning something this important when no definitive evidence has been provided yet does not make one look 'foolish' but instead makes them cautious, wary.

What would make them look foolish is to reject the evidence once given.

I personally believe that until any definitive evidence is given about any potential explanation almost all are possible.
- Could Assange have worked with an insider? Yes
- Could the Russians have hacked Podesta and the DNC? Yes

I will not buy 100% into any 1 explanation/claim, however, until definitive proof is given.
I can't wait until this all blows up in your faces and you are made out to look like the fools you are. And no, for as long as I will be a member here, I will mention it every day until they day I die or you disappear.
Questioning something this important when no definitive evidence has been provided yet does not make one look 'foolish' but instead makes them cautious, wary.

What would make them look foolish is to reject the evidence once given.

I personally believe that until any definitive evidence is given about any potential explanation almost all are possible.
- Could Assange have worked with an insider? Yes
- Could the Russians have hacked Podesta and the DNC? Yes

I will not buy 100% into any 1 explanation/claim, however, until definitive proof is given.

No, you all haven't just questioned it, you've flat out said that Putin said Russia didn't do it, that Trump said Russia didn't do it, and that Assange said he didn't get the stuff from the Russians. All without proof. Yet on the same page, you questioned your own government when they said the Russians did it.

Today is the first day you have even remotely admitted there is a chance. In fact I'm starting to see a trend on this board of some Trump supporters, even Assman, starting to realize that Russia might have done this... and have now moved onto the argument of, "But if they did, did it REALLY effect the election?"
No, you all haven't just questioned it, you've flat out said that Putin said Russia didn't do it, that Trump said Russia didn't do it, and that Assange said he didn't get the stuff from the Russians. All without proof. Yet on the same page, you questioned your own government when they said the Russians did it.
I have never said Russia flat out didn't do it. I have quoted the Chairman of the Intel Committee say 'There is no evidence'. I personally have claimed no definitive evidence has been presented.

I have pointed out that Assange says he never received anything from the Russians, which does not make it true but does cast doubt on the Intel Community's claim - especially when they are NOT providing definitive evidence.

I did question my government when they claimed the Russians did it - and for good reasons
- Iraq/WMD
- 'If you like your plan, you can keep your plan"

It is ok to question your government and in some cases - again as proven - demand evidence.

Only the 'STUPID', as Gruber pointed out, blindly accepts whatever their government tells them.
DNI Clapper is senile, the democrats as usual used their time to bash Trump, and the GOP Senators were suspicious of there being no proof (ZERO) of Russian interference in our election. Not that they haven't interfered before, huddling with Tedward the Drunk to undermine Reagan. And then there were McCain and his cuddle-buddy Lindsy Graham; the former being the guy who couldn't keep the Kenyan out of the WH, and the latter with presidential ambitions that Trump stubbed out like a cigarette butt.


Most of their afternoon was spent siding with the seething demoncrats' dire warnings aimed at Trump's belief that the reports are bogus. And they are bogus yet the charade continues and these mutts get face-time trying to seem serious on TV. What wasn't brought up is something that seems so basic it's blood simple. What do we fear most from a hack attack especially if we start initiating them against our foes, real and imaginary? They hit our electrical-grid and shut us down completely right? So the question is, why is our electrical-grid tied to the internet in the first place? We produced ample power without only minor problems long before there was an internet. There was certainly nothing to fear from a foreign government short of hydroelectric damns being bombed or struck with missiles. So it begs the question, why not take our power-grid off-line or place it on a closed-system intranet basis that foreign operators can't penetrate? :confused-84:

One more vivid example of what cult behaviour looks like.
No, you all haven't just questioned it, you've flat out said that Putin said Russia didn't do it, that Trump said Russia didn't do it, and that Assange said he didn't get the stuff from the Russians. All without proof. Yet on the same page, you questioned your own government when they said the Russians did it.

They dont need no stinking proof! ...wait...
No, you all haven't just questioned it, you've flat out said that Putin said Russia didn't do it, that Trump said Russia didn't do it, and that Assange said he didn't get the stuff from the Russians. All without proof. Yet on the same page, you questioned your own government when they said the Russians did it.

They dont need no stinking proof! ...wait...
Like I said, it was just a bunch of career politicians patting each other backs...
No, you all haven't just questioned it, you've flat out said that Putin said Russia didn't do it, that Trump said Russia didn't do it, and that Assange said he didn't get the stuff from the Russians. All without proof. Yet on the same page, you questioned your own government when they said the Russians did it.

They dont need no stinking proof! ...wait...
Like I said, it was just a bunch of career politicians patting each other backs...

You wish you created reality or read minds but you dont

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