Senate Intel Hearing A Waste Of Time

You see, we have a problem in Congress. Overall they do not prepare enough to ask for the answers to the questions they really need to ask, once they are diverted from the question actually asked. Hope that makes sense.

They ask the real questions in closed-session....something the CIA ducked when the House intel committee demanded the CIA come with evidence of Russian involvement. That was the first GIGANTIC red flag about the veracity of their claims.
Tom, no offense, but I have to change sides on this one now-----------> if the intelligence agencies put their cred on the line and say it was the Russians, then in my book it was, unless someone comes up with something different. We will know far more Friday because Trump will speak. He will see the thing, and as President.....or soon to be President, I doubt he will lie. I have a feeling it was the Russians since the whole intel of Washington went out and said it was, although it makes no difference who it was, it didn't change the outcome; all it did is inform Americans how crooked the DNC is.

No worries but why hasn't Comey testified that he agrees with any of this? Surely he's more independent than Brennan or Clapper who will both be unemployed and unemployable in 16 days. Intel has always been colored by who's gathering it and I have utmost respect for CIA field agents who do indeed risk their asses out in the real world. But leadership? these guys are political appointees, hired on by the most dishonest politician we may ever see....Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama.

I have no idea, and while I think this was theatre, I do not think they are lying to us. Why would they? Because of Obama? Nah, if that happened, every agent that knew better who was conservative would start blowing the whistle. To pull off a lie of this magnitude, everybody with knowledge of this would have to be on board. That is a huge conspiracy that could fall apart if one person opened their mouth.

That being said, after about 2hrs of watching it, I kinda stopped paying real close attention, but nowhere did I hear that they have evidence of vote tampering. I also heard them say that on Monday when the brief that is not classified to the public is released, there will be in there the likely reasons Putin did this; which I am most interested in.

Now I think Washington is more crooked than most people, and that centralized government will be the death of our nation if we are not careful; but, I also think that the intelligence agencies are not purposeful in misleading, nor all that political. If we find out down the road that they are, then my friend, we are at this moment living in a police state.

And so, I will take their word for it, and look forward to hearing, and reading their public report, along with what Trump has to say after reading the classified one. Remember this Tom.....and I am being 100% serious...........if this IS a grand conspiracy between agencies, then neither Trump, or Hilly, or Palin, or Mcain, or any of them can save us, and we can't probably save our country either. That is fact! So while we may not really like what they have to say, let us listen and hope they are being honest, lest we find ourselves in deeper doo-doo than we already are.
It is possible that the Intel community really just isn't any smarter than the politicians and the voters.

Maybe they actually believe "hacking" and somehow "influencing" are the same thing. Maybe they are as stupid as Stan is in "American Dad".
It is possible that the Intel community really just isn't any smarter than the politicians and the voters.

Maybe they actually believe "hacking" and somehow "influencing" are the same thing. Maybe they are as stupid as Stan is in "American Dad".

They have fewer human sources since a good number of them were exposed for helping us in iraq. Without eyes on target, it's difficult to assess fluid situations. We've relied far too long on our satellites and signal intel instead of overhearing conversations in cafes and hotel rooms like we used to . I blame the anti-smoking lobby for a good deal of it....back in the day, a person could approach another person for a light and offering a cigarette in return. If they accept, they're obligated to have a brief conversation. During that conversation, an agent can learn what language that person speaks, what dialect, if they're right-handed or left-handed, what kind and make of watch and jewelry they wear, and a general idea of the person's mental state. No cigs, less opportunity to approach a stranger. :smoke:
Senate Intel Hearing A Waste Of Time
For once, I agree with you.

You tards will never accept that a hostile foreign power interfered in our electoral process no matter how much evidence is presented.

It is a waste of time to try to get you willfully blind monkeys to see.

Trump's ego can't handle that he was given a leg up by Putin, and you obsequious short attention span Chumps are obediently parroting whatever your messiah tweets.
MOSES: I have come down this mountain after speaking with our Lord!

TRUMP CHUMP: Yes, but what evidence do you have you saw God? After all, you're the one who made us wander in the Iraqi desert for four decades for nothing!

MOSES: I have these commandments burned on these tablets from God!

TRUMP CHUMP: Yes, but what evidence do you have you are God's prophet? Otherwise, let us get back to worshipping this golden calf we call "Trump"!

MOSES: Behold! (strikes rock with staff and brings forth water)

TRUMP CHUMP: Yes, but what evidence do you have you are God's prophet? I see none!

MOSES: Behold! (parts Red Sea)

TRUMP CHUMP: Yes, but what evidence do you have you are God's prophet? This is a total waste of time!
Senate Intel Hearing A Waste Of Time
For once, I agree with you.

You tards will never accept that a hostile foreign power interfered in our electoral process no matter how much evidence is presented.

It is a waste of time to try to get you willfully blind monkeys to see.

Trump's ego can't handle that he was given a leg up by Putin, and you obsequious short attention span Chumps are obediently parroting whatever your messiah tweets.
There is ZERO evidence.
Senate Intel Hearing A Waste Of Time
For once, I agree with you.

You tards will never accept that a hostile foreign power interfered in our electoral process no matter how much evidence is presented.

It is a waste of time to try to get you willfully blind monkeys to see.

Trump's ego can't handle that he was given a leg up by Putin, and you obsequious short attention span Chumps are obediently parroting whatever your messiah tweets.
There is ZERO evidence.
The cry of the willfully blind monkeys!
MOSES: I have come down this mountain after speaking with our Lord!

TRUMP CHUMP: Yes, but what evidence do you have you saw God? After all, you're the one who made us wander in the Iraqi desert for four decades for nothing!

MOSES: I have these commandments burned on these tablets from God!

TRUMP CHUMP: Yes, but what evidence do you have you are God's prophet? Otherwise, let us get back to worshipping this golden calf we call "Trump"!

MOSES: Behold! (strikes rock with staff and brings forth water)

TRUMP CHUMP: Yes, but what evidence do you have you are God's prophet? I see none!

MOSES: Behold! (parts Red Sea)

TRUMP CHUMP: Yes, but what evidence do you have you are God's prophet? This is a total waste of time!
The stupidity in this post is absolutely immeasurable.
So the Russians didn't change the vote Talley or hack any voting machines or change the results in the election in any way.
All that happened is Hillary via Uma's and Podestas emails exposed Hillary for the liar and crook she is. If anything the hackers whomever they were did what our media should have done. They exposed a crook. You would think that if the democrats really love America they would be relieved that we found out how corrupt she was in time to send her packing. But noooooo they want WW111 because their crooked candidate was exposed. Democrats do not love the country and their whining tells it all.
Senate Intel Hearing A Waste Of Time
For once, I agree with you.

You tards will never accept that a hostile foreign power interfered in our electoral process no matter how much evidence is presented.

It is a waste of time to try to get you willfully blind monkeys to see.

Trump's ego can't handle that he was given a leg up by Putin, and you obsequious short attention span Chumps are obediently parroting whatever your messiah tweets.
There is ZERO evidence.
The cry of the willfully blind monkeys!
The irony....

You are blindly following the Democrat retards and the compromised Intel community and I am merely asking for proof.
So the Russians didn't change the vote Talley or hack any voting machines or change the results in the election in any way.
O'rly? Because the tards around here were absolutely certain the DNC leaks were killing Hillary's election chances. You could hear the gloating over those leaks all the way to Jupiter.

"Stick a fork in her!"

I find it fascinating alleged conservatives are condoning a hostile foreign power interfering in our electoral process. And RUSSIA, at that!

Reagan is spinning in his grave.
The cry of the willfully blind monkeys!
Monkeys? that's racist!

Tom, no offense, but I have to change sides on this one now-----------> if the intelligence agencies put their cred on the line and say it was the Russians, then in my book it was, unless someone comes up with something different. We will know far more Friday because Trump will speak. He will see the thing, and as President.....or soon to be President, I doubt he will lie. I have a feeling it was the Russians since the whole intel of Washington went out and said it was, although it makes no difference who it was, it didn't change the outcome; all it did is inform Americans how crooked the DNC is.

No worries but why hasn't Comey testified that he agrees with any of this? Surely he's more independent than Brennan or Clapper who will both be unemployed and unemployable in 16 days. Intel has always been colored by who's gathering it and I have utmost respect for CIA field agents who do indeed risk their asses out in the real world. But leadership? these guys are political appointees, hired on by the most dishonest politician we may ever see....Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama.

I have no idea, and while I think this was theatre, I do not think they are lying to us. Why would they? Because of Obama? Nah, if that happened, every agent that knew better who was conservative would start blowing the whistle. To pull off a lie of this magnitude, everybody with knowledge of this would have to be on board. That is a huge conspiracy that could fall apart if one person opened their mouth.

That being said, after about 2hrs of watching it, I kinda stopped paying real close attention, but nowhere did I hear that they have evidence of vote tampering. I also heard them say that on Monday when the brief that is not classified to the public is released, there will be in there the likely reasons Putin did this; which I am most interested in.

Now I think Washington is more crooked than most people, and that centralized government will be the death of our nation if we are not careful; but, I also think that the intelligence agencies are not purposeful in misleading, nor all that political. If we find out down the road that they are, then my friend, we are at this moment living in a police state.

And so, I will take their word for it, and look forward to hearing, and reading their public report, along with what Trump has to say after reading the classified one. Remember this Tom.....and I am being 100% serious...........if this IS a grand conspiracy between agencies, then neither Trump, or Hilly, or Palin, or Mcain, or any of them can save us, and we can't probably save our country either. That is fact! So while we may not really like what they have to say, let us listen and hope they are being honest, lest we find ourselves in deeper doo-doo than we already are.
It is possible that the Intel community really just isn't any smarter than the politicians and the voters.

Maybe they actually believe "hacking" and somehow "influencing" are the same thing. Maybe they are as stupid as Stan is in "American Dad".

Nah, that is to much wishful thinking, grasping at a straw. If they were that dumb, we already would have lost our country to someone else. I am certain that the intelligence agency could be improved, just like everything in life can be improved; but I also think I will go along with them until Monday at least, when I get to see the evidence released, and I will also have heard from Trump by then.

I mean, as far as I know nobody has said the voting machines were hacked, so good, no question then, Hillary is DOA, right? So what we have is an intelligence group saying that it was the Russians that did the hacking, but have no idea how it affected the voters.

So, what is wrong with that?

What if they said, it was the Iranians?

If we agree the DNC was hacked, then what country would make it better that did the hacking? If the only outcome that makes us feel more comfortable is either a single hacker, or group of hackers that have no citizenship anywhere, (because unless they have no citizenship, it is going to be made into that state hacked us) then I say, "good luck with that!" It just isn't going to happen that way.

And so, instead of fighting the tide hoping for a miracle of a single hacker with no citizenship, I say---------> "fine, it was the Russians. We agree, what else ya got.....and no innuendo!" Realistically, this exercise in politics is NOT about who/whom hacked the DNC, it is about what effect it had, if any. That is the only evidence that matters POLITICALLY! Now militarily, that is a different story.....but for us, we, Republicans............all that matters is the PROVEN effects, and if the effects are unproven, then it is a none starter, period!
O'rly? Because the tards around here were absolutely certain the DNC leaks were killing Hillary's election chances.

"Stick a fork in her!"
The "leaks" didn't harm Hillary...her own actions and blatant disregard for the truth and the law did her in. The hackers did what the media should have done but because they are in the democrat tank they got pushed aside by the hackers. By the way I believe the leaks came from Bernie supporters.
I find it fascinating alleged conservatives are condoning a hostile foreign power interfering in our electoral process. And RUSSIA, at that!

Reagan is spinning in his grave.
You are such a phony...if the Russians, China and Isis hacked the Trump campaign and released bad info on him that doomed his campaign you would be wearing a Putin for king T shirt.
and you fucking know it snowflake.
So the Russians didn't change the vote Talley or hack any voting machines or change the results in the election in any way.
O'rly? Because the tards around here were absolutely certain the DNC leaks were killing Hillary's election chances.

"Stick a fork in her!"
How is that any different from the US media releasing the "grab them by the pussy" tape to destroy Trump?

Answer: It isn't any different.

Devastating counter-argument: If someone actually had to hack the elections just to balance the media coverage, then that proves that there never actually was a free and fair election for Russia to influence.
Long live the Tea Party! gotcha dems...told ya we would 2 years ago.

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