Senate Intel Hearing A Waste Of Time

Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CrowdStrike was contacted in May of last year and fucking watched the malware and tracked where the information was being sent back to. Jesus fucking Christ.
Wrong asshole. This is an interview the head of Crowdstrike did with PBS. He doesn't present much of a case.

DMITRI ALPEROVITCH: Well, this report was not about the DNC. This report was about information we uncovered about what these Russian actors were doing in eastern Ukraine in terms of locating these artillery units of the Ukrainian army and then targeting them. So, what we just did is said that it looks exactly as the same to the evidence we’ve already uncovered from the DNC, linking the two together.
Security company releases new evidence of Russian role in DNC hack

It should be pointed out again that Dmitri Alperovitch is a Russian expat with ties to the Atlantic Council, a think tank hostile to Russia, and he is working with the Ukrainian government in their war in eastern Ukraine.
Was it on C-Span?
Leave it to the pols to use the opportunity to pan for the cameras. But you didn't mention much what the intelligence guys said.

Because no matter what they say or what evidence they have do you honestly think new info will change their minds.

Tomorrow when Trump gets briefed the only play he can make is to keep saying he doesnt believe it. If he says he does that means he knows Russia hacked us, to help him...which means he's a Putin Fuck boy. He cant admit to being a Putin Fuck boy so he HAS to say he doesnt believe it.

But what he believes doesnt change reality. He's still a Pooty Poot fuck boy
well dude, the DNC servers were never examined by the FBI. They just admitted that.

Did they really? Did they also say Russia wasnt behind the hacks or are you only believing the stuff you want to from the FBI and shitting on the rest?

The FBI also said Russia was behind the hacks. How will you wiggle your oily pig ass out of this one?
nope, just that the FBI never examined their servers. oooooooppppps
Obozo himself called the DNC emails "leaks" TWICE in his farewell presser. If you don't believe me, watch it for yourselves. The idiot can't keep his own lies straight for more than 20 minutes. :lol:
He also called Fort Hood a terrorist attack a month ago.

You mean that "workplace violence" with a lunatic raghead screaming "ALLAHU AKBAR" while he shot dozens of unarmed Cav Troopers? oh my.
What exactly does hacking the election mean?

Jesus fucking Christ... I'm not getting into this circular argument with you. It doesn't matter what the fuck evidence I give you, you are only going to believe what you already believe.

At this point, I think 99.9% of the people that still question the hack at this point would only change their stance if Putin himself came out and said they did it, and that isn't going to happen.
You have no evidence, retard.

Do you even know what "evidence" actually is?

Evidence has been provided to you hand over fist... what more do you want? A hand written note from Putin's mom?
Then why isn't there any evidence being shown at the hearing?

You stupid fucks blamed Russia for the DNC incident before the CIA or FBI could even do any investigation and now you don't want to look like the idiots you all are, that is ALL this is.
Next week they say, DUHHHHH. Sorry the real world doesn't jibe with your ignorant ADHD Fox WHATEVER bs RW propaganda media. Now top secret doesn't matter again lol...but Hillary's bs classified nonsense e-mails are earth shaking (and didn't mean a thing lol....feking brainwashed morons...
Notice how you are attempting to mitigate crimes that you know Hillary committed and I am simply doubting a completely baseless allegation.

Democrats wish they could have the evidence against Trump and Russia that the Republicans and the Intel community had on Hillary.
DNI Clapper is senile, the democrats as usual used their time to bash Trump, and the GOP Senators were suspicious of there being no proof (ZERO) of Russian interference in our election. Not that they haven't interfered before, huddling with Tedward the Drunk to undermine Reagan. And then there were McCain and his cuddle-buddy Lindsy Graham; the former being the guy who couldn't keep the Kenyan out of the WH, and the latter with presidential ambitions that Trump stubbed out like a cigarette butt.

Most of their afternoon was spent siding with the seething demoncrats' dire warnings aimed at Trump's belief that the reports are bogus. And they are bogus yet the charade continues and these mutts get face-time trying to seem serious on TV. What wasn't brought up is something that seems so basic it's blood simple. What do we fear most from a hack attack especially if we start initiating them against our foes, real and imaginary? They hit our electrical-grid and shut us down completely right? So the question is, why is our electrical-grid tied to the internet in the first place? We produced ample power without only minor problems long before there was an internet. There was certainly nothing to fear from a foreign government short of hydroelectric damns being bombed or struck with missiles. So it begs the question, why not take our power-grid off-line or place it on a closed-system intranet basis that foreign operators can't penetrate? :confused-84:

Funny how to these leftist turds and their news media allies, the intelligence community was either:

1) lying for faking the WMD evidence for iraq
2) lying for claiming in the 2003 Intelligence estimate iran was developing nuclear weapons
3) a bunch of totally credible and hardworking people with integrity when they claimed in the 2007 intelligence estimate iran was not developing nukes
4) a bunch of totally credible and hardworking people with integrity when they claimed that somehow, russia "stole the election" in 2016

Talk about hypocritical, inconsistent, lowlife, bottom-feeding dogshit - aided and abetted by the scum that is the leftwing news media in the US.

What's also disgusting is how those claiming "russia interfered with the election" have STILL never claimed how it did. How did russia "force" all those people across the country, in about 85% or more of the counties, to vote for Trump? As if the voting public is incapable of seeing Clinton and the democrats for what they are.
What intelligence said about those was fine. What wasn't was the bs propaganda Fox etc made out of all proportion, and the Booosh cherry picking of anything that made their lying point, no matter how ridiculous.

RW denial of Russian hacking and its obvious effect is disgraceful as usual. Only in GOP dupe world in the whole universe. Putin loving dimwits....thank god Trump isn't so stupid (?)...
Denial requires facts to deny. Post them.

So far you lefties are blowing hot air. Think of the emissions you are generating. That steamy pile of bovine excrement is cranking out lots of methane.
Obozo himself called the DNC emails "leaks" TWICE in his farewell presser. If you don't believe me, watch it for yourselves. The idiot can't keep his own lies straight for more than 20 minutes. :lol:
He also called Fort Hood a terrorist attack a month ago.

You mean that "workplace violence" with a lunatic raghead screaming "ALLAHU AKBAR" while he shot dozens of unarmed Cav Troopers? oh my.

What a complete scumbag.
There you go piggy
I mean this is the same Putin that said there were no Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

There were no uniformed Russians in Ukraine...they were "on leave". :lol: Hey, he wanted Crimea port facilities and he took it...if he'd wanted the rest of Ukraine he'd have taken it in 2 weeks.
That is a pathetic response. Clapper has jack shit and the entire Intel community knows it.

They do? Is that why he represents them and they all gave him the same conclusion? I love how you keyboard warriors think you know more about intel and hacking than the fucking professionals.
Either Clapper doesn't what the fuck is going on, or the Intel community literally has nothing to give him.

There is nothing but a narrative at this point, and the Democrats look like fucking idiots pushing it considering what Obama said to Romney in 2012 about Russia.

They have nothing??? Are you not fucking paying attention and reading what everyone is saying including cyber-security firms outside the government??? Fuck arguing this with anyone anymore. If you are a Trump supporter you should have to wear a badge just like the Jews in the Holocaust so that people know not to waste their time discussing any issues like this with you. You don't read any sources, you don't watch any videos, and you don't trust Russia more than your own country.
yes...ARS tech said they had nothing....posted it here...try to keep up

ARS tech? CrowdStrike and the British firm confirmed they were right.
yeah ARS tech........nothing to see but rube food
Jesus fucking Christ... I'm not getting into this circular argument with you. It doesn't matter what the fuck evidence I give you, you are only going to believe what you already believe.

At this point, I think 99.9% of the people that still question the hack at this point would only change their stance if Putin himself came out and said they did it, and that isn't going to happen.
You have no evidence, retard.

Do you even know what "evidence" actually is?

Evidence has been provided to you hand over fist... what more do you want? A hand written note from Putin's mom?
Then why isn't there any evidence being shown at the hearing?

You stupid fucks blamed Russia for the DNC incident before the CIA or FBI could even do any investigation and now you don't want to look like the idiots you all are, that is ALL this is.
Next week they say, DUHHHHH. Sorry the real world doesn't jibe with your ignorant ADHD Fox WHATEVER bs RW propaganda media. Now top secret doesn't matter again lol...but Hillary's bs classified nonsense e-mails are earth shaking (and didn't mean a thing lol....feking brainwashed morons...
Notice how you are attempting to mitigate crimes that you know Hillary committed and I am simply doubting a completely baseless allegation.

Democrats wish they could have the evidence against Trump and Russia that the Republicans and the Intel community had on Hillary.
Those crimes are ridiculous bs in the real world DUH dupe, and nobody outside your BS bubble and Russia's believes your crap about our intelligence community....dictator lover.
You have no evidence, retard.

Do you even know what "evidence" actually is?

Evidence has been provided to you hand over fist... what more do you want? A hand written note from Putin's mom?
Then why isn't there any evidence being shown at the hearing?

You stupid fucks blamed Russia for the DNC incident before the CIA or FBI could even do any investigation and now you don't want to look like the idiots you all are, that is ALL this is.
Next week they say, DUHHHHH. Sorry the real world doesn't jibe with your ignorant ADHD Fox WHATEVER bs RW propaganda media. Now top secret doesn't matter again lol...but Hillary's bs classified nonsense e-mails are earth shaking (and didn't mean a thing lol....feking brainwashed morons...
Notice how you are attempting to mitigate crimes that you know Hillary committed and I am simply doubting a completely baseless allegation.

Democrats wish they could have the evidence against Trump and Russia that the Republicans and the Intel community had on Hillary.
Those crimes are ridiculous bs in the real world DUH dupe, and nobody outside your BS bubble and Russia's believes your crap about our intelligence community....dictator lover.
You idiots just can't stop gambling on obvious losers, can you?
What they did say is no other acting state has been given these type sanctions before, even though one hacked over 22 million American's records of personally identifiable information, such as been done to Russia.
I did hear it stated we do commit espionage ourselves, as these other actors have done and do we want sanctions back...
What they did say is no other acting state has been given these type sanctions before, even though one hacked over 22 million American's records of personally identifiable information, such as been done to Russia.
I did hear it stated we do commit espionage ourselves, as these other actors have done and do we want sanctions back...

Tony Stewart used to wreck Jeff Gordon on a regular basis.....during qualifying, during races, during cool-downs, on pit road....loved knocking around the #24. Gordon would scream bloody murder at him, swearing retaliation and Stewart would just laugh and say "if you wreck me, I'll just wreck you more often than I already do".....Gordon finally got him back in an important race for Stewart and he knocked off hitting Gordon unless he was in a particularly foul mood. :lol:
Tom, no offense, but I have to change sides on this one now-----------> if the intelligence agencies put their cred on the line and say it was the Russians, then in my book it was, unless someone comes up with something different. We will know far more Friday because Trump will speak. He will see the thing, and as President.....or soon to be President, I doubt he will lie. I have a feeling it was the Russians since the whole intel of Washington went out and said it was, although it makes no difference who it was, it didn't change the outcome; all it did is inform Americans how crooked the DNC is.

No worries but why hasn't Comey testified that he agrees with any of this? Surely he's more independent than Brennan or Clapper who will both be unemployed and unemployable in 16 days. Intel has always been colored by who's gathering it and I have utmost respect for CIA field agents who do indeed risk their asses out in the real world. But leadership? these guys are political appointees, hired on by the most dishonest politician we may ever see....Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama.

I have no idea, and while I think this was theatre, I do not think they are lying to us. Why would they? Because of Obama? Nah, if that happened, every agent that knew better who was conservative would start blowing the whistle. To pull off a lie of this magnitude, everybody with knowledge of this would have to be on board. That is a huge conspiracy that could fall apart if one person opened their mouth.

That being said, after about 2hrs of watching it, I kinda stopped paying real close attention, but nowhere did I hear that they have evidence of vote tampering. I also heard them say that on Monday when the brief that is not classified to the public is released, there will be in there the likely reasons Putin did this; which I am most interested in.

Now I think Washington is more crooked than most people, and that centralized government will be the death of our nation if we are not careful; but, I also think that the intelligence agencies are not purposeful in misleading, nor all that political. If we find out down the road that they are, then my friend, we are at this moment living in a police state.

And so, I will take their word for it, and look forward to hearing, and reading their public report, along with what Trump has to say after reading the classified one. Remember this Tom.....and I am being 100% serious...........if this IS a grand conspiracy between agencies, then neither Trump, or Hilly, or Palin, or Mcain, or any of them can save us, and we can't probably save our country either. That is fact! So while we may not really like what they have to say, let us listen and hope they are being honest, lest we find ourselves in deeper doo-doo than we already are.
Personally, I think his conquest of Crimea was in that conversation O and Putin had. And the basis for said reset. It was just not quite as the O thought, after that. Putin has had even greater ambitions, realizing our policies were rather weak suddenly.
I mean this is the same Putin that said there were no Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

There were no uniformed Russians in Ukraine...they were "on leave". :lol: Hey, he wanted Crimea port facilities and he took it...if he'd wanted the rest of Ukraine he'd have taken it in 2 weeks.
Personally, I think his conquest of Crimea was in that conversation O and Putin had. And the basis for said reset. It was just not quite as the O thought, after that. Putin has had even greater ambitions, realizing our policies were rather weak suddenly.
I mean this is the same Putin that said there were no Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

There were no uniformed Russians in Ukraine...they were "on leave". :lol: Hey, he wanted Crimea port facilities and he took it...if he'd wanted the rest of Ukraine he'd have taken it in 2 weeks.

Well, Crimea has been russian forever and with the revolt in Kiev, he thought he might lose the only warm water port he he took it back....and a land-bridge to access it from the Russian border. Ukraine has their freedom and all it cost them was win.
You see, we have a problem in Congress. Overall they do not prepare enough to ask for the answers to the questions they really need to ask, once they are diverted from the question actually asked. Hope that makes sense.
Tom, no offense, but I have to change sides on this one now-----------> if the intelligence agencies put their cred on the line and say it was the Russians, then in my book it was, unless someone comes up with something different. We will know far more Friday because Trump will speak. He will see the thing, and as President.....or soon to be President, I doubt he will lie. I have a feeling it was the Russians since the whole intel of Washington went out and said it was, although it makes no difference who it was, it didn't change the outcome; all it did is inform Americans how crooked the DNC is.

No worries but why hasn't Comey testified that he agrees with any of this? Surely he's more independent than Brennan or Clapper who will both be unemployed and unemployable in 16 days. Intel has always been colored by who's gathering it and I have utmost respect for CIA field agents who do indeed risk their asses out in the real world. But leadership? these guys are political appointees, hired on by the most dishonest politician we may ever see....Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama.

I have no idea, and while I think this was theatre, I do not think they are lying to us. Why would they? Because of Obama? Nah, if that happened, every agent that knew better who was conservative would start blowing the whistle. To pull off a lie of this magnitude, everybody with knowledge of this would have to be on board. That is a huge conspiracy that could fall apart if one person opened their mouth.

That being said, after about 2hrs of watching it, I kinda stopped paying real close attention, but nowhere did I hear that they have evidence of vote tampering. I also heard them say that on Monday when the brief that is not classified to the public is released, there will be in there the likely reasons Putin did this; which I am most interested in.

Now I think Washington is more crooked than most people, and that centralized government will be the death of our nation if we are not careful; but, I also think that the intelligence agencies are not purposeful in misleading, nor all that political. If we find out down the road that they are, then my friend, we are at this moment living in a police state.

And so, I will take their word for it, and look forward to hearing, and reading their public report, along with what Trump has to say after reading the classified one. Remember this Tom.....and I am being 100% serious...........if this IS a grand conspiracy between agencies, then neither Trump, or Hilly, or Palin, or Mcain, or any of them can save us, and we can't probably save our country either. That is fact! So while we may not really like what they have to say, let us listen and hope they are being honest, lest we find ourselves in deeper doo-doo than we already are.

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