Senate Intel Hearing A Waste Of Time

Was it on C-Span?
Leave it to the pols to use the opportunity to pan for the cameras. But you didn't mention much what the intelligence guys said.

Because no matter what they say or what evidence they have do you honestly think new info will change their minds.

Tomorrow when Trump gets briefed the only play he can make is to keep saying he doesnt believe it. If he says he does that means he knows Russia hacked us, to help him...which means he's a Putin Fuck boy. He cant admit to being a Putin Fuck boy so he HAS to say he doesnt believe it.

But what he believes doesnt change reality. He's still a Pooty Poot fuck boy
This is just too sad to contemplate. We may need to fire this guy if he's going to turn the country into a bunch of morons without even trying. I hope C-Span will run it again.

Who is "this guy"?
Donald J. Trump

That makes your post pure nonsense. What did Trump have to do with any of this?
Be SPECIFIC and QUOTE from the article where any claim other then "state run TV was against us" was said.

Did you watch the video? Graham asked Clapper if he would feel he would be in the right to "throw rocks not pebbles" at the Russians based on the likelihood it was the Russians that did the hacking... and Clapper said, "Highly."
That is a pathetic response. Clapper has jack shit and the entire Intel community knows it.

They do? Is that why he represents them and they all gave him the same conclusion? I love how you keyboard warriors think you know more about intel and hacking than the fucking professionals.
Either Clapper doesn't what the fuck is going on, or the Intel community literally has nothing to give him.

There is nothing but a narrative at this point, and the Democrats look like fucking idiots pushing it considering what Obama said to Romney in 2012 about Russia.

They have nothing??? Are you not fucking paying attention and reading what everyone is saying including cyber-security firms outside the government??? Fuck arguing this with anyone anymore. If you are a Trump supporter you should have to wear a badge just like the Jews in the Holocaust so that people know not to waste their time discussing any issues like this with you. You don't read any sources, you don't watch any videos, and you don't trust Russia more than your own country.
yes...ARS tech said they had nothing....posted it here...try to keep up
Here is an article with some video from the hearings... and again, the Trump supporters believe Trump who admits he doesn't even use email yet states he knows a lot about hacking, Putin, and Assange over our own Intelligence agencies and private cyber-security firms.

Intelligence chief: Russia’s election interference went far beyond hacks

I'm truly saddened by the fact we have so many Americans that are so fucking partisan and just happy their political party won the election, that they will believe Russia over our own government. I'm not sure where we as a country go from here. The only good thing I can think of is, something definitive comes out that proves once and for all, without a shadow of a doubt, that Trump is in bed with the Russians. Only then, can we then move on... and everyone get back on the same page again.
Only little chicks get saddened by what they read.

We don't have facts so normal people don't place blame. Especially against governments. The fact that you are too slow to understand that government officials might be acting out of politics is something that should sadden you though.

When Trump takes office, every one of you libs will be questioning every minor thing from government. Who do you think you're fooling?

I'm not a Lib... but I am American enough to trust my own government over the Russians. What about you? You still going to stick with the Russians? Your opinion doesn't mean shit to me btw... since you lied about yourself and your position on a fucking forum.

You're not a lib? LOL, no sale. You have a toggle switch for a brain, that makes you one. Dissent is patriotic, remember that?
So now the libs have moved it to if you even question government then you support Russia.

That's just dumb, dishonest and very very liberal.

No, when you argument NOT to trust your own government is because Russia told you to do so... yes that is supporting Russia. And no, I'm not a Lib. Calling me a Lib is about as straight forward as you saying you "deal with LE agencies in hiring" when what you really meant was, "I talk to people on an internet forum." You're a dishonest fuck, and your word means nothing.
The American spook agencies are going to be fixed. President Trump will see to it.
There you go again, saying no evidence exists just because no one showed YOU PERSONALLY. Which means Dinosaurs never existed unless you're going to tell me your ass is so old that you rode one to school
I watched the whole stupid show, they have no solid evidence.

sure you did! See how you went from no evidence to "no SOLID evidence". You're moving already and I like it
Here is an article with some video from the hearings... and again, the Trump supporters believe Trump who admits he doesn't even use email yet states he knows a lot about hacking, Putin, and Assange over our own Intelligence agencies and private cyber-security firms.

Intelligence chief: Russia’s election interference went far beyond hacks

I'm truly saddened by the fact we have so many Americans that are so fucking partisan and just happy their political party won the election, that they will believe Russia over our own government. I'm not sure where we as a country go from here. The only good thing I can think of is, something definitive comes out that proves once and for all, without a shadow of a doubt, that Trump is in bed with the Russians. Only then, can we then move on... and everyone get back on the same page again.
It truly saddens me that you idiots would abandon all reason and escalate tensions with the Russians over nothing.

Over nothing? They hacked the fucking elections to put in a puppet President. You want to know how big of a deal this is? Ask Gary Kasparov. He knows how dangerous Putin is and how big of a deal this is.
What exactly does hacking the election mean?

Jesus fucking Christ... I'm not getting into this circular argument with you. It doesn't matter what the fuck evidence I give you, you are only going to believe what you already believe.

At this point, I think 99.9% of the people that still question the hack at this point would only change their stance if Putin himself came out and said they did it, and that isn't going to happen.
You have no evidence, retard.

Do you even know what "evidence" actually is?

Evidence has been provided to you hand over fist... what more do you want? A hand written note from Putin's mom?
Tom, no offense, but I have to change sides on this one now-----------> if the intelligence agencies put their cred on the line and say it was the Russians, then in my book it was, unless someone comes up with something different. We will know far more Friday because Trump will speak. He will see the thing, and as President.....or soon to be President, I doubt he will lie. I have a feeling it was the Russians since the whole intel of Washington went out and said it was, although it makes no difference who it was, it didn't change the outcome; all it did is inform Americans how crooked the DNC is.

No worries but why hasn't Comey testified that he agrees with any of this? Surely he's more independent than Brennan or Clapper who will both be unemployed and unemployable in 16 days. Intel has always been colored by who's gathering it and I have utmost respect for CIA field agents who do indeed risk their asses out in the real world. But leadership? these guys are political appointees, hired on by the most dishonest politician we may ever see....Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama.
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It truly saddens me that you idiots would abandon all reason and escalate tensions with the Russians over nothing.

Over nothing? They hacked the fucking elections to put in a puppet President. You want to know how big of a deal this is? Ask Gary Kasparov. He knows how dangerous Putin is and how big of a deal this is.
What exactly does hacking the election mean?

Jesus fucking Christ... I'm not getting into this circular argument with you. It doesn't matter what the fuck evidence I give you, you are only going to believe what you already believe.

At this point, I think 99.9% of the people that still question the hack at this point would only change their stance if Putin himself came out and said they did it, and that isn't going to happen.
You have no evidence, retard.

Do you even know what "evidence" actually is?

Evidence has been provided to you hand over fist... what more do you want? A hand written note from Putin's mom?
There is no evidence provided all that was provided is an open source code available to ANY one with a computer and an internet connection and the fact that State run TV was "against" Hillary.
Dems on TV today are now saying "but what if" they did hack the election, they know there is no evidence.
Did anyone think that these hack Russia cock blowers were going to have a different opinion AFTER the hearings?

Does any retard out there want to bet that Trump will have the same Doubting Thomas act AFTER he gets briefed as he has now?
Over nothing? They hacked the fucking elections to put in a puppet President. You want to know how big of a deal this is? Ask Gary Kasparov. He knows how dangerous Putin is and how big of a deal this is.

For the 1000th time, WHAT EXACTLY DID THEY DO to convince 65 MM people to vote for Trump?

Oh for fuck's sake, give it the fuck up. You know exactly what they did. You Trump supporter fuck's bragged during the release of each and EVERY email that it was going to hurt Clinton. You ARE the proof of what exactly it did.
So your evidence is what USMB members were hoping for?

Which email was the most devastating in your mind? The fact that you won't answer reveals what the real problem is.

Dems are corrupt and didn't want it known.
Dems have no evidence the election was influence in any way.
Have nothing else to offer.

It doesn't matter. No one needs your approval.
Here is an article with some video from the hearings... and again, the Trump supporters believe Trump who admits he doesn't even use email yet states he knows a lot about hacking, Putin, and Assange over our own Intelligence agencies and private cyber-security firms.

Intelligence chief: Russia’s election interference went far beyond hacks

I'm truly saddened by the fact we have so many Americans that are so fucking partisan and just happy their political party won the election, that they will believe Russia over our own government. I'm not sure where we as a country go from here. The only good thing I can think of is, something definitive comes out that proves once and for all, without a shadow of a doubt, that Trump is in bed with the Russians. Only then, can we then move on... and everyone get back on the same page again.
It truly saddens me that you idiots would abandon all reason and escalate tensions with the Russians over nothing.

Over nothing? They hacked the fucking elections to put in a puppet President. You want to know how big of a deal this is? Ask Gary Kasparov. He knows how dangerous Putin is and how big of a deal this is.
What exactly does hacking the election mean?

Jesus fucking Christ... I'm not getting into this circular argument with you. It doesn't matter what the fuck evidence I give you, you are only going to believe what you already believe.

At this point, I think 99.9% of the people that still question the hack at this point would only change their stance if Putin himself came out and said they did it, and that isn't going to happen.
I didn't ask for any evidence from you, I already know there isn't any. I asked what hacking the election means. It's just more BS.

The bottom line is that you idiots would like to escalate tensions with Russia over nothing. You have no evidence of hacking, Russian or otherwise, and you can't quantify how the election was altered. You have nothing. Not even a moral high ground with Russia so step back.
Be SPECIFIC and QUOTE from the article where any claim other then "state run TV was against us" was said.

Did you watch the video? Graham asked Clapper if he would feel he would be in the right to "throw rocks not pebbles" at the Russians based on the likelihood it was the Russians that did the hacking... and Clapper said, "Highly."
That is a pathetic response. Clapper has jack shit and the entire Intel community knows it.

They do? Is that why he represents them and they all gave him the same conclusion? I love how you keyboard warriors think you know more about intel and hacking than the fucking professionals.
Either Clapper doesn't what the fuck is going on, or the Intel community literally has nothing to give him.

There is nothing but a narrative at this point, and the Democrats look like fucking idiots pushing it considering what Obama said to Romney in 2012 about Russia.

They have nothing??? Are you not fucking paying attention and reading what everyone is saying including cyber-security firms outside the government??? Fuck arguing this with anyone anymore. If you are a Trump supporter you should have to wear a badge just like the Jews in the Holocaust so that people know not to waste their time discussing any issues like this with you. You don't read any sources, you don't watch any videos, and you don't trust Russia more than your own country.
What's the evidence?
WW111 on the horizon brought to you by the Nobel peace prize winner...:laugh::lmao::lol:
Did you watch the video? Graham asked Clapper if he would feel he would be in the right to "throw rocks not pebbles" at the Russians based on the likelihood it was the Russians that did the hacking... and Clapper said, "Highly."
That is a pathetic response. Clapper has jack shit and the entire Intel community knows it.

They do? Is that why he represents them and they all gave him the same conclusion? I love how you keyboard warriors think you know more about intel and hacking than the fucking professionals.
Either Clapper doesn't what the fuck is going on, or the Intel community literally has nothing to give him.

There is nothing but a narrative at this point, and the Democrats look like fucking idiots pushing it considering what Obama said to Romney in 2012 about Russia.

They have nothing??? Are you not fucking paying attention and reading what everyone is saying including cyber-security firms outside the government??? Fuck arguing this with anyone anymore. If you are a Trump supporter you should have to wear a badge just like the Jews in the Holocaust so that people know not to waste their time discussing any issues like this with you. You don't read any sources, you don't watch any videos, and you don't trust Russia more than your own country.
yes...ARS tech said they had nothing....posted it here...try to keep up

ARS tech? CrowdStrike and the British firm confirmed they were right.
He's one of the smartest people on the planet, and was really good friends with Putin's opponent that was shot and murdered.

No he isn't.... and there's a good chance that Seth Rich, where the DNC leak came from, was murdered by the Clintons. Billy and Hilly have strewn the political landscape with over 40 deaths deemed "suicides".
Over nothing? They hacked the fucking elections to put in a puppet President. You want to know how big of a deal this is? Ask Gary Kasparov. He knows how dangerous Putin is and how big of a deal this is.
What exactly does hacking the election mean?

Jesus fucking Christ... I'm not getting into this circular argument with you. It doesn't matter what the fuck evidence I give you, you are only going to believe what you already believe.

At this point, I think 99.9% of the people that still question the hack at this point would only change their stance if Putin himself came out and said they did it, and that isn't going to happen.
You have no evidence, retard.

Do you even know what "evidence" actually is?

Evidence has been provided to you hand over fist... what more do you want? A hand written note from Putin's mom?
There is no evidence provided all that was provided is an open source code available to ANY one with a computer and an internet connection and the fact that State run TV was "against" Hillary.

Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CrowdStrike was contacted in May of last year and fucking watched the malware and tracked where the information was being sent back to. Jesus fucking Christ.
Oh for fuck's sake, give it the fuck up. You know exactly what they did. You Trump supporter fuck's bragged during the release of each and EVERY email that it was going to hurt Clinton. You ARE the proof of what exactly it did.

I do not know what they did or did not do - and it wouldn't matter because NOTHING the russians did to the DNC or anyone else's PC had ANY impact on who won the election. They did not affect a single voting machine, count, etc, ANYWHERE, so what is there to discuss?

Assholes like you have claimed repeatedly the russians "stole the election and put Trump in office..." What the flying fuck did they do to accomplish that?

Either provide a specific answer, or fuck off already. You are so fucking stupid I think I might just block you.

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