Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
Newsflash: Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans : Ms Magazine Blog

Senate conservatives blocked the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act on Tuesday, following an objection from Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK, left), who spoke out in opposition to the bill. The $3.4 billion bill, introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), would have provided special benefits to homeless women veterans (as well as to homeless male veterans with dependent children). The defeat comes at a time when homelessness among women veterans has dramatically increased. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the number of homeless women veterans has nearly doubled over the past ten years. The trend is even more apparent among homeless veterans under 45; one in ten is a woman. What’s more, the increase in the number of homeless women veterans has coincided with a drop in homelessness among their male counterparts, according to Peter Dougherty, director of homeless veterans programs at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill‬‏[/ame]
Come on now! What is in it for the wealthy? Be real! How is helping female veterans going to help the wealthy? got to ask the important questions first!

The middle class exists only as "cannon fodder" for the rich. I thought that was understood.
Welcome to the freak show. Get used to it, you will see a dozen "republicans want to kill or starve or deprive" (pick a victim) every month until the election in 2012. It's an old cheap hate-filled political trick courtesy of the ignorant left.
Welcome to the freak show. Get used to it, you will see a dozen "republicans want to kill or starve or deprive" (pick a victim) every month until the election in 2012. It's an old cheap hate-filled political trick courtesy of the ignorant left.

...and its true.
So why do female veterans need a bill just for them? Males too of course but only if they have kids. Why would a female veteran be treated differently than a male veteran?
Petition Congress to raise taxes and close loops holes in Debt Ceiling debate
Please sign the petition below and email your local representatives/senators!

The American middle and lower class refuse to bare the entire burden of balancing the United States' massive debt. The people of the United States have grown fearful with the threat of a credit default looming because of a stagnant debate in our Congress about raising the debt ceiling. In recent negotiations, President Obama has put forth a deal that would cut parts of social security and medicare while raising tax revenues. We the people disagree with the notion that our welfare programs must be sacrificed in order to balance the federal government's budget. Republicans have refused to consider raising taxes and therefore I ask that everyone call or email their senators and state representatives demanding that they leave our welfare programs alone and return taxes for the upper class back to pre-Bush-era rates while also closing loop holes for big oil and agriculture.
So why do female veterans need a bill just for them? Males too of course but only if they have kids. Why would a female veteran be treated differently than a male veteran?

Read the bill, OK? Women are three times more likely than men veterans to become homeless.

This is shameful, shameful, shameful.
Newsflash: Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans : Ms Magazine Blog

Senate conservatives blocked the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act on Tuesday, following an objection from Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK, left), who spoke out in opposition to the bill. The $3.4 billion bill, introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), would have provided special benefits to homeless women veterans (as well as to homeless male veterans with dependent children). The defeat comes at a time when homelessness among women veterans has dramatically increased. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the number of homeless women veterans has nearly doubled over the past ten years. The trend is even more apparent among homeless veterans under 45; one in ten is a woman. What’s more, the increase in the number of homeless women veterans has coincided with a drop in homelessness among their male counterparts, according to Peter Dougherty, director of homeless veterans programs at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

YouTube - ‪Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill‬‏

The bill increases spending in an already existing program. Sorry but where is this money going to come from? Oh thats right, borrow it. Borrow more to spend more.

And not many people end up homeless unless they are drug addicts or have some other serious problem. I'd like to know why there are supposedly so many homeless vets.
I wonder if you libs would approve of cutting welfare and unemployment to fund these homeless vets?

Shouldn't we take care of our vets first and foremost?
Newsflash: Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans : Ms Magazine Blog

Senate conservatives blocked the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act on Tuesday, following an objection from Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK, left), who spoke out in opposition to the bill. The $3.4 billion bill, introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), would have provided special benefits to homeless women veterans (as well as to homeless male veterans with dependent children). The defeat comes at a time when homelessness among women veterans has dramatically increased. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the number of homeless women veterans has nearly doubled over the past ten years. The trend is even more apparent among homeless veterans under 45; one in ten is a woman. What’s more, the increase in the number of homeless women veterans has coincided with a drop in homelessness among their male counterparts, according to Peter Dougherty, director of homeless veterans programs at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

YouTube - ‪Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill‬‏

The bill increases spending in an already existing program. Sorry but where is this money going to come from? Oh thats right, borrow it. Borrow more to spend more.

And not many people end up homeless unless they are drug addicts or have some other serious problem. I'd like to know why there are supposedly so many homeless vets.
Funny how during the Reagan Star Wars years we were told that borrowing money for the military was always good borrowing. But now special funding for military people with special needs is bad because we have to borrow the money. :cuckoo:

And it couldn't be that when reservists were called away from their jobs, that the loss of income prevented them from keeping up their housing payments making them homeless, it must be that the military are a bunch of drug addicts. :cuckoo:
Newsflash: Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans : Ms Magazine Blog

Senate conservatives blocked the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act on Tuesday, following an objection from Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK, left), who spoke out in opposition to the bill. The $3.4 billion bill, introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), would have provided special benefits to homeless women veterans (as well as to homeless male veterans with dependent children). The defeat comes at a time when homelessness among women veterans has dramatically increased. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the number of homeless women veterans has nearly doubled over the past ten years. The trend is even more apparent among homeless veterans under 45; one in ten is a woman. What’s more, the increase in the number of homeless women veterans has coincided with a drop in homelessness among their male counterparts, according to Peter Dougherty, director of homeless veterans programs at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

YouTube - ‪Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill‬‏

The bill increases spending in an already existing program. Sorry but where is this money going to come from? Oh thats right, borrow it. Borrow more to spend more.

And not many people end up homeless unless they are drug addicts or have some other serious problem. I'd like to know why there are supposedly so many homeless vets.
Funny how during the Reagan Star Wars years we were told that borrowing money for the military was always good borrowing. But now special funding for military people with special needs is bad because we have to borrow the money. :cuckoo:

And it couldn't be that when reservists were called away from their jobs, that the loss of income prevented them from keeping up their housing payments making them homeless, it must be that the military are a bunch of drug addicts. :cuckoo:

So you have proof that the majority of these homeless were reservists that lost their income, knowing of course that they would lose that income if and when they are called up.
Newsflash: Senate Republicans Block Benefits to Homeless Women Veterans : Ms Magazine Blog

Senate conservatives blocked the Homeless Women Veterans and Homeless Veterans with Children Act on Tuesday, following an objection from Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK, left), who spoke out in opposition to the bill. The $3.4 billion bill, introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), would have provided special benefits to homeless women veterans (as well as to homeless male veterans with dependent children). The defeat comes at a time when homelessness among women veterans has dramatically increased. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the number of homeless women veterans has nearly doubled over the past ten years. The trend is even more apparent among homeless veterans under 45; one in ten is a woman. What’s more, the increase in the number of homeless women veterans has coincided with a drop in homelessness among their male counterparts, according to Peter Dougherty, director of homeless veterans programs at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

YouTube - ‪Republican Senators Blocks Homeless Veterans Bill‬‏

The bill increases spending in an already existing program. Sorry but where is this money going to come from? Oh thats right, borrow it. Borrow more to spend more.

And not many people end up homeless unless they are drug addicts or have some other serious problem. I'd like to know why there are supposedly so many homeless vets.
Funny how during the Reagan Star Wars years we were told that borrowing money for the military was always good borrowing. But now special funding for military people with special needs is bad because we have to borrow the money. :cuckoo:

And it couldn't be that when reservists were called away from their jobs, that the loss of income prevented them from keeping up their housing payments making them homeless, it must be that the military are a bunch of drug addicts. :cuckoo:

It all depends on who is doing the borrowing. You should know that. If the GOP borrows, well, like DICK said..."Deficits don't matter."


Come on DICK. Step up and defend deficits again...
I wonder if you libs would approve of cutting welfare and unemployment to fund these homeless vets?

Shouldn't we take care of our vets first and foremost?
Typical CON$ervative pitting one needy group against another.

Why not have those who benefit most, from Americans risking their LIVES to protect the wealthy's right to private ownership, contribute a little extra?

Oh that's Right, The wealthy risking money to "create jobs" overseas is a greater risk and sacrifice than an American risking their lives to defend this great country. :cuckoo:
The bill increases spending in an already existing program. Sorry but where is this money going to come from? Oh thats right, borrow it. Borrow more to spend more.

And not many people end up homeless unless they are drug addicts or have some other serious problem. I'd like to know why there are supposedly so many homeless vets.
Funny how during the Reagan Star Wars years we were told that borrowing money for the military was always good borrowing. But now special funding for military people with special needs is bad because we have to borrow the money. :cuckoo:

And it couldn't be that when reservists were called away from their jobs, that the loss of income prevented them from keeping up their housing payments making them homeless, it must be that the military are a bunch of drug addicts. :cuckoo:

So you have proof that the majority of these homeless were reservists that lost their income, knowing of course that they would lose that income if and when they are called up.
So you have proof that they were drug addicts?
I wonder if you libs would approve of cutting welfare and unemployment to fund these homeless vets?

Shouldn't we take care of our vets first and foremost?
Typical CON$ervative pitting one needy group against another.

Why not have those who benefit most, from Americans risking their LIVES to protect the wealthy's right to private ownership, contribute a little extra?

Oh that's Right, The wealthy risking money to "create jobs" overseas is a greater risk and sacrifice than an American risking their lives to defend this great country. :cuckoo:

The House GOP freshmen have made a pledge to screw everyone and everything that makes less than $250,000 a they can be reelected. And the FOX crowd will blindly go along with them.

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