Senate votes against Putin's proposal to question Americans in exchange for cooperation


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'The Senate on Thursday unanimously approved a non-binding resolution against making current and former diplomats available to the Russian government for questioning in exchange for cooperation with the Mueller probe.

Why it matters: This is a blowing rebuke against President Trump who was initially considering the request from Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling it an "incredible offer." Trump's willingness to consider handing U.S. citizens, including former U.S. ambassador Michael McFaul, for interrogation triggered widespread outrage. The White House ruled out the request just hours before the Senate vote.'

Senate votes against Putin's proposal to question Americans in exchange for cooperation

It is incredible that Trump was even considering Putin's ridiculous offer.

If you don't think he should have dismissed it immediately, you are an idiot or a disloyal American...or perhaps both.

Hats off to the Senate for doing the right thing and stopping Trump from trying to do this madness (had he decided to take Putin's offer up). And sending a clear message to Putin (since Trump refuses to) that his insane idea will NOT be matter what Trump tells Putin in private.
'The Senate on Thursday unanimously approved a non-binding resolution against making current and former diplomats available to the Russian government for questioning in exchange for cooperation with the Mueller probe.

So in other words, the Senate thinks they have more to hide than they can gain from Putin concerning Mueller? Isn't that just like saying they don't think there's anything to the investigation? Apparently so! :abgg2q.jpg:
Well, the OP certainly makes it obvious who is easily manipulated by lame media ploys. lol lol lol like it was going to happen and those idiot pols in the Senate really did something. lol lol lol can't get any more retarded than you puppets like Rocket and Jake here.

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