Senate Votes To Include Women In The Draft Look at that, Republicans and Democrats actually agree on

Well, women did want equity. Well, they can fight and die by the of millions in the next world war. I'll sit in the mountains and pop me a bag of popcorn and pour me a glass of booze.
Well, women did want equity. Well, they can fight and die by the of millions in the next world war. I'll sit in the mountains and pop me a bag of popcorn and pour me a glass of booze.

Hey maybe wars would stop!
This could be a Democratic or Green ploy
to push for military alternatives.
Will the Trump boys and Romney boys be among the list?

What about the Obama girls?
Blacks should be excluded from this draft...that's why the killer let people of color go during his shooting....America's rednecks will give us our war to fight right here at home...besides...whites are the proprietors of prosperity in this country, so damit fight for it!!
Will the Trump boys and Romney boys be among the list?

What about the Obama girls?

Be pretty funny is Obama has to sign the law and forces Sasha to be the first girl to register for the draft.

He won't do anything because it's an election year plus he's a pussy, but it would still be pretty funny.
This bill should exclude the hell we gonna fight 5 wars? With america's nazi's on the top?
Will the Trump boys and Romney boys be among the list?

What about the Obama girls?

Be pretty funny is Obama has to sign the law and forces Sasha to be the first girl to register for the draft.

He won't do anything because it's an election year plus he's a pussy, but it would still be pretty funny.
This bill should exclude the hell we gonna fight 5 wars? With america's nazi's on the top?

Should exclude Lesbians too, right or did you forget you said you were gay?
Will the Trump boys and Romney boys be among the list?

Romney's sons range in age from the early 30s to mid 40s. By laws, each one of them, because they are male, had to register with selective service at age 18.

Donald Trump has 3 sons and 2 daughters. His oldest sons, being over 18, by law had to register with selective service. His youngest son will when he reaches 18.

Will the Obama daughters have to be equal and do the same? Did Chelsea Clinton, someone whose mother as a politician claims to be about equality, have to? Bernie Sanders has two daughters. Did either one have to be equal, something he claims he supports, have to register? The answer is no. Why hasn't any of them, since they claim to be for equality, pushed when in the Senate for a bill requiring females to do what males have had to do for years?
Will the Trump boys and Romney boys be among the list?

What about the Obama girls?

Be pretty funny is Obama has to sign the law and forces Sasha to be the first girl to register for the draft.

He won't do anything because it's an election year plus he's a pussy, but it would still be pretty funny.
This bill should exclude the hell we gonna fight 5 wars? With america's nazi's on the top?

Yeah, your kind is too busy squirting out bastard children at a rate of over 70%.
Let's be honest. Even if the daughter of someone like Obama or Trump or Clinton is drafted, they aren't going to be shot at. They'll get a nice, cushy, staff job somewhere. FDR has his own son as a military aide during the war. Their offspring are just too important to be bullet sponges.
Will the Trump boys and Romney boys be among the list?

What about the Obama girls?
Blacks should be excluded from this draft...that's why the killer let people of color go during his shooting....America's rednecks will give us our war to fight right here at home...besides...whites are the proprietors of prosperity in this country, so damit fight for it!!
He didn't let people of color go. You need to research before you make these idiotic statements.
Uncle Ferd says, "Well, dat's part o' equal rights too, don't ya know...

Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate
Jun 16, 2016 | A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.
The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year. On Feb. 2, a panel of top military leaders including Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller, and Navy Secretary Ray Mabus all told the Senate Armed Services Committee they supported drafting men and women in light of the changes to combat assignments. "It is my personal view that based on this lifting of restriction for assigning [job specialties], that every American that is physically qualified should register for the draft," Neller said at the time.

In the House, which previously passed its version of the NDAA, an amendment requiring women to register for the draft passed narrowly with a 32-30 vote, even though its author, California Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter, voted against it. "I've talked to coffeehouse liberals in San Francisco and conservative families who pray three times a day," Hunter said April 27, as the House Armed Services Committee marked up the bill. "Neither of them want their daughter to be drafted." The Senate proposal was hotly debated on the floor June 7 by Republicans Ted Cruz, from Texas, and John McCain, from Arizona. Cruz complained that the provision including women in the draft entered the bill through committee, rather than in public, open debate. "I'm the father of two daughters. Women can do anything they set their mind to, and I see that each and every day," Cruz said. "The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls in combat to my mind makes little or no sense. It is at minimum a radical proposition. I could not vote for a bill that did so without public debate."

McCain countered that including women in the draft was a matter of equality. "Women who I have spoken to in the military overwhelmingly believe that women are not only qualified, but are on the same basis as their male counterparts," McCain said. "Every leader of the United States military seems to have a different opinion from [Cruz], whose military background is not extensive." Currently, U.S. law requires most male citizens and immigrants between the ages of 18 to 25 to register in the selective service system. The Senate NDAA would require all female citizens and U.S. residents who turn 18 on or after Jan. 1, 2018, to register as well. Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah introduced an amendment that would have removed the draft language from the bill, but it was unsuccessful. Another Republican, Rand Paul of Kentucky, filed an amendment that would have gotten rid of the draft altogether, but it too failed to get traction. The House and Senate must now reconcile their versions of the NDAA in conference before final passage.

Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |
House says women won't have to register for the draft...

House Approves Measure to Bar Women from Draft Registration
WASHINGTON — The Republican-led House backed a measure that seeks to bar women from being required to register for a potential military draft.
The Republican-led House backed a measure Thursday that seeks to bar women from being required to register for a potential military draft, a victory for social conservatives who fear that forcing females to sign up is another step toward the blurring of gender lines. By a vote of 217 to 203, lawmakers approved an amendment that would block the Selective Service System from using any money to alter draft registration requirements that currently apply only to men between the ages of 18 and 25. The amendment, sponsored by Rep. Warren Davidson, R-Ohio, was added to a financial services spending bill. The House also approved an amendment by Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., that would block any money in the bill from being used for sanctuary cities, a term for jurisdictions that resist turning over immigrants to federal authorities.

Davidson said much more study is necessary before such a significant, if largely symbolic, change to the draft is made. The U.S. has not had a military draft since 1973, in the waning years of the Vietnam War era, and the odds for another wide-scale draft are remote. Still, the draft registration requirement remains for men, and many lawmakers believe women should be included. The House vote comes just a few weeks after the Senate passed an annual defense policy bill that mandates for the first time in history that young women sign up for a draft. That measure calls for women to sign up with the Selective Service within 30 days of turning 18, beginning in January 2018.


The push in the Senate to lift the exclusion was triggered by the Pentagon's decision late last year to open all front-line combat jobs to women. After gender restrictions to military service were erased, the top uniformed officers in each of the military branches expressed support during congressional testimony for requiring women to register. At the same time, they said the all-volunteer force is working and they didn't want a return to conscription. Davidson said delaying the requirement gives lawmakers time "to talk with our families, talk with young women, and then take a more considered action." The House didn't include a similar provision in its version of the annual defense policy bill.

Instead there's a measure to study whether the Selective Service is even needed at a time when the armed forces get plenty of qualified volunteers, making the possibility of a draft remote. The House on Wednesday rejected an amendment to put the Selective Service System out of business by denying the agency's $23 million annual budget. Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., who drafted the amendment, said the Selective Service is obsolete and archaic. But other lawmakers pushed back. Rep. Ander Crenshaw, R-Fla., said the $23 million is a "small price to pay for an agency that has the potential to avert a crisis should the draft ever need to be reinstated."

House Approves Measure to Bar Women from Draft Registration |
It is ironic justice. Women wanted to be,able to serve in combat if they wanted to.

It didn't work out that way.
Sounds good to me. Plus it'll probably save a lot of American lives. In the next major conflict we put the babes on the front lines and let 'em bitch and nag our enemies to death.
Draft may not apply to women...

Congress May Not Require Women Register for Draft
Nov 08, 2016 | While U.S. Defense Department officials have made clear it has no problem with requiring women to register for the draft, lawmakers in Congress appear poised to dodge the issue in the upcoming battle over the defense policy bill.
House and Senate negotiators plan to shelve the provision in the Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act in favor of ordering up a study of the issue, sources told Politico and the Washington Examiner. "Neither majorities support it," a source told Politico. "There's bigger things to worry about" in the $602 billion defense bill proposed by the Pentagon and the White House. A spokesman for the House Armed Services Committee declined to comment on whether the proposal to have women register for the draft would be scrapped but said a House and Senate conference committee would take up the legislation when Congress returns next week.

Congress passed a stopgap spending measure known as a continuing resolution, or CR, in September to avoid a government shutdown before they recessed to campaign for re-election The measure will expire in early December, and it was unclear whether they would be able to pass an NDAA in the lame-duck session or settle on another CR until the next president is inaugurated. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has backed having women register for the draft. "I do support that," she told the Huffington Post last June.


Republican candidate Donald Trump's position on the issue is less clear. His website on issues doesn't address the draft. In a town hall meeting in Virginia last month, Trump was asked by a veteran about the "social engineering" in the military that the veteran claimed had opened up combat roles to women and the possibility that women would have to register for the draft. "Well, we're going to get away from political correctness, and we are going to have to do that," he said, according to The Washington Post. "We have a politically correct military, and it's getting more and more politically correct every day."

Last December, Defense Secretary Ash Carter ended the combat exclusionary rule for women and opened up all military jobs to women in the military who qualify. The Senate Armed Services Committee then said that Carter's action had removed any justification for limiting draft registration to men. "The fact is every single leader in this country, both men and women, members of the military leadership, believe that it's fair since we opened up all aspects of the military to women that they would also be registering for Selective Services," said Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican and chairman of SASC.

Well, women did want equity. Well, they can fight and die by the of millions in the next world war. I'll sit in the mountains and pop me a bag of popcorn and pour me a glass of booze.

Hey maybe wars would stop!
This could be a Democratic or Green ploy
to push for military alternatives.
Like surrender. The women can sell themselves into slavery. No more wars.
Well, women did want equity. Well, they can fight and die by the of millions in the next world war. I'll sit in the mountains and pop me a bag of popcorn and pour me a glass of booze.

Hey maybe wars would stop!
This could be a Democratic or Green ploy
to push for military alternatives.
Like surrender. The women can sell themselves into slavery. No more wars.
It depends which women you offer up. Tipsycatlover
Some might say yuck! no thanks.
We'd rather die in war!!! ;-0

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