Senator Al Franken Won´t Resign From Senate: Will Spend Thanksgiving ´doing a lot of reflecting´

Prolly eat a shot ton of food to. I doubt this will be on his mind much.
I just submitted a post where I predicted exactly this. The Republicans are assembling the circular firing squad while the Dims circle the wagon. Not a single Dim called for Franken to resign. There you have the double standard in spades.

A spokesperson for Sen. Al Franken, a Democrat from Minnesota, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that 'no' the embattled senator would not resign over allegations that he fondled and kissed a woman without her permission 11 years ago.

'He is spending time with his family in Washington, D.C., and will be through the Thanksgiving holiday,' the aide told the newspaper. 'And he's doing a lot of reflecting.'

. . . . . . . . .

Franken's initial statement noted that he did not remember the USO skit happening that way.

A second statement was more apologetic, as Franken that he would cooperate in a Senate Ethics Committee investigation into his behavior.
The Senate Ethics Committee is a joke. Dim senators are positively mocking us. They are giving us the Bronx cheer. I just don't understand how anyone can be stupid enough to vote for these slimy shameless reptiles.

So what. I don't want to be as immoral as Democrats. We should police our own and that means dump Moore.
I just submitted a post where I predicted exactly this. The Republicans are assembling the circular firing squad while the Dims circle the wagon. Not a single Dim called for Franken to resign. There you have the double standard in spades.

A spokesperson for Sen. Al Franken, a Democrat from Minnesota, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that 'no' the embattled senator would not resign over allegations that he fondled and kissed a woman without her permission 11 years ago.

'He is spending time with his family in Washington, D.C., and will be through the Thanksgiving holiday,' the aide told the newspaper. 'And he's doing a lot of reflecting.'

. . . . . . . . .

Franken's initial statement noted that he did not remember the USO skit happening that way.

A second statement was more apologetic, as Franken that he would cooperate in a Senate Ethics Committee investigation into his behavior.
The Senate Ethics Committee is a joke. Dim senators are positively mocking us. They are giving us the Bronx cheer. I just don't understand how anyone can be stupid enough to vote for these slimy shameless reptiles.

Finger Boy, I challenged you to essplain on what basis Franken even should resign.
You went "humma humma humma" and ran away.

So your thread here has no basis from which to launch.

Doesn't matter though --- right?

most of those on the right want him to resign because the left is CONSTANTLY calling for people to resign, be disqualified or fired for not following their line of thinking.

if you're "side" is going to set some arbitrary standard of ethics they damn well need to follow it and it's painfull obvious the left is not doing so. they have taken identity politics to horrible extremes and now WHO people are is punishable moreso than WHAT people do. someone they like can do something and nothing. not a peep. someone they don't like does it, OFF WITH THEIR HEAD.

so now when these occasions come up to rub their smug-noses in it, the right will do so and demand equal punishment for equal offenses and suddenly ANYTHING related to "sexual offenses" is now an extreme crime for the biggest reason of to hit the left back with them.

this mindset puts us in a perpetual state of "payback" we can't seem to get out of and it sucks.

Lotta words just to set up a strawman that can't stand up.

Unfortunately for you I already cited the example of Larry Craig. In both cases I wanted to know what the basis would be for resigning. In neither case did I get an answer, because there isn't one.

David Vitter's another example. While Craig didn't run again, Vitter did. That put his judgment in the hands of his constituents, which is where it belongs. As it will be if and when Franken runs again, as it will be for Moore next month.

you can't just put your dick away and talk to people w/o the digs and insults can you?

nothing changes the fact far too many people on both sides scream OFF WITH THEIR HEADS at every little move away from the social norm THEY hold dear to themselves.

the left did it for a long time and still does it and now the right is in a payback mode where they will defend their assholes cause the left defended theirs for 8 years and somewhere along the way right and wrong got skewed to preferences.

Once AGAIN trying to give the same strawman an erection. It ain't happening.

There is no action by "the left" or "the right". Those are collective sweeping generalization fallacies.
I fly solo. I don't give a flying fuck what somebody you lump me in with thinks-- that's your problem, not mine.
I just submitted a post where I predicted exactly this. The Republicans are assembling the circular firing squad while the Dims circle the wagon. Not a single Dim called for Franken to resign. There you have the double standard in spades.

A spokesperson for Sen. Al Franken, a Democrat from Minnesota, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that 'no' the embattled senator would not resign over allegations that he fondled and kissed a woman without her permission 11 years ago.

'He is spending time with his family in Washington, D.C., and will be through the Thanksgiving holiday,' the aide told the newspaper. 'And he's doing a lot of reflecting.'

. . . . . . . . .

Franken's initial statement noted that he did not remember the USO skit happening that way.

A second statement was more apologetic, as Franken that he would cooperate in a Senate Ethics Committee investigation into his behavior.
The Senate Ethics Committee is a joke. Dim senators are positively mocking us. They are giving us the Bronx cheer. I just don't understand how anyone can be stupid enough to vote for these slimy shameless reptiles.
In order of eligibility for resignation based on their sexual predatory behaviors, from worst to least are:

1) Donald Trump
2) Roy Moore
3) Al Franken.

When Trump resigns, and Moore quits, then I will join you in demanding Franken resign.

There's no evidence of such for the first two names on your list, moron.

Haha, you spelled "the first two names on your list didn't have the stones to man up" wrong.
Second woman comes forward stating Franked grabbed her ass at a Fair.

She was so startled, she forgot to bring a link.

That doesn't matter --- what matters is.... did Franken sign her yearbook? What color was the ink? And did he sign it with a "D" and leave off the "FL"?

These are admissible as evidence in the Court of Fingerboy.
Second woman comes forward stating Franked grabbed her ass at a Fair.

She was so startled, she forgot to bring a link.

That doesn't matter --- what matters is.... did Franken sign her yearbook? What color was the ink? And did he sign it with a "D" and leave off the "FL"?

These are admissible as evidence in the Court of Fingerboy.
LOL the newest Roger Stone production is that Franken in public in front of a woman's husband ,while taking a picture grabbed the wife's ass and the husband stood there like some sort of dummy and neither said anything for 7 years
I'm sure Senator Franken would offer to resign if President Trump offered to resign at the same time
Democrats usually do bitterly and shamefully cling to power. Republicans are more accountable and honorable in that regard. So this doesn't surprise me. To hell with women when it comes to maintaining power. Democrats are frauds. It is what it is.
Democrats usually do bitterly and shamefully cling to power. Republicans are more accountable and honorable in that regard. So this doesn't surprise me. To hell with women when it comes to maintaining power. Democrats are frauds. It is what it is.
Kellyanne Conway says vote for Moore, no matter what apparently? Do try again please.

All of this scum can go, starting with the Chief pussy-grabber.
Democrats usually do bitterly and shamefully cling to power. Republicans are more accountable and honorable in that regard. So this doesn't surprise me. To hell with women when it comes to maintaining power. Democrats are frauds. It is what it is.
Kellyanne Conway says vote for Moore, no matter what apparently? Do try again please.

All of this scum can go, starting with the Chief pussy-grabber.

Yet you all dutifully defend this serial rapist...

Democrats usually do bitterly and shamefully cling to power. Republicans are more accountable and honorable in that regard. So this doesn't surprise me. To hell with women when it comes to maintaining power. Democrats are frauds. It is what it is.
Kellyanne Conway says vote for Moore, no matter what apparently? Do try again please.

All of this scum can go, starting with the Chief pussy-grabber.

Yet you all dutifully defend this serial rapist...

Defend him? One there's no need, and two that really was consensual unlike what Moore did. And three Clinton didn't try to fuck teenagers.
Democrats usually do bitterly and shamefully cling to power. Republicans are more accountable and honorable in that regard. So this doesn't surprise me. To hell with women when it comes to maintaining power. Democrats are frauds. It is what it is.
Kellyanne Conway says vote for Moore, no matter what apparently? Do try again please.

All of this scum can go, starting with the Chief pussy-grabber.

Yet you all dutifully defend this serial rapist...

Defend him? One there's no need, and two that really was consensual unlike what Moore did. And three Clinton didn't try to fuck teenagers.

Another Dumocrat who doesn't know what 'Sexual Harassment' is. Do some research and then get back to us. Bill Clinton is sick serial pervert.
Democrats usually do bitterly and shamefully cling to power. Republicans are more accountable and honorable in that regard. So this doesn't surprise me. To hell with women when it comes to maintaining power. Democrats are frauds. It is what it is.
Kellyanne Conway says vote for Moore, no matter what apparently? Do try again please.

All of this scum can go, starting with the Chief pussy-grabber.

Yet you all dutifully defend this serial rapist...

Defend him? One there's no need, and two that really was consensual unlike what Moore did. And three Clinton didn't try to fuck teenagers.

Another Dumocrat who doesn't know what 'Sexual Harassment' is. Do some research and then get back to us. Bill Clinton is sick serial pervert.
All you have to do is prove that to make your point or do you not care about that as long as he's a Democrat?

Moore has one thing in common with Clinton, they both should have kept it in their pants. They can all go and none should be in power, including the Pussy-grabber. Don't you agree? Of course not.
I just submitted a post where I predicted exactly this. The Republicans are assembling the circular firing squad while the Dims circle the wagon. Not a single Dim called for Franken to resign. There you have the double standard in spades.

A spokesperson for Sen. Al Franken, a Democrat from Minnesota, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that 'no' the embattled senator would not resign over allegations that he fondled and kissed a woman without her permission 11 years ago.

'He is spending time with his family in Washington, D.C., and will be through the Thanksgiving holiday,' the aide told the newspaper. 'And he's doing a lot of reflecting.'

. . . . . . . . .

Franken's initial statement noted that he did not remember the USO skit happening that way.

A second statement was more apologetic, as Franken that he would cooperate in a Senate Ethics Committee investigation into his behavior.
The Senate Ethics Committee is a joke. Dim senators are positively mocking us. They are giving us the Bronx cheer. I just don't understand how anyone can be stupid enough to vote for these slimy shameless reptiles.

Finger Boy, I challenged you to essplain on what basis Franken even should resign.
You went "humma humma humma" and ran away.

So your thread here has no basis from which to launch.

Doesn't matter though --- right?

most of those on the right want him to resign because the left is CONSTANTLY calling for people to resign, be disqualified or fired for not following their line of thinking.

if you're "side" is going to set some arbitrary standard of ethics they damn well need to follow it and it's painfull obvious the left is not doing so. they have taken identity politics to horrible extremes and now WHO people are is punishable moreso than WHAT people do. someone they like can do something and nothing. not a peep. someone they don't like does it, OFF WITH THEIR HEAD.

so now when these occasions come up to rub their smug-noses in it, the right will do so and demand equal punishment for equal offenses and suddenly ANYTHING related to "sexual offenses" is now an extreme crime for the biggest reason of to hit the left back with them.

this mindset puts us in a perpetual state of "payback" we can't seem to get out of and it sucks.

Lotta words just to set up a strawman that can't stand up.

Unfortunately for you I already cited the example of Larry Craig. In both cases I wanted to know what the basis would be for resigning. In neither case did I get an answer, because there isn't one.

David Vitter's another example. While Craig didn't run again, Vitter did. That put his judgment in the hands of his constituents, which is where it belongs. As it will be if and when Franken runs again, as it will be for Moore next month.

you can't just put your dick away and talk to people w/o the digs and insults can you?

nothing changes the fact far too many people on both sides scream OFF WITH THEIR HEADS at every little move away from the social norm THEY hold dear to themselves.

the left did it for a long time and still does it and now the right is in a payback mode where they will defend their assholes cause the left defended theirs for 8 years and somewhere along the way right and wrong got skewed to preferences.

Once AGAIN trying to give the same strawman an erection. It ain't happening.

There is no action by "the left" or "the right". Those are collective sweeping generalization fallacies.
I fly solo. I don't give a flying fuck what somebody you lump me in with thinks-- that's your problem, not mine.
like i said - the way you talk to people dictate how the conversations go.

you just like to be an asshole to people. dunno why, don't care.

Finger Boy, I challenged you to essplain on what basis Franken even should resign.
You went "humma humma humma" and ran away.

So your thread here has no basis from which to launch.

Doesn't matter though --- right?

most of those on the right want him to resign because the left is CONSTANTLY calling for people to resign, be disqualified or fired for not following their line of thinking.

if you're "side" is going to set some arbitrary standard of ethics they damn well need to follow it and it's painfull obvious the left is not doing so. they have taken identity politics to horrible extremes and now WHO people are is punishable moreso than WHAT people do. someone they like can do something and nothing. not a peep. someone they don't like does it, OFF WITH THEIR HEAD.

so now when these occasions come up to rub their smug-noses in it, the right will do so and demand equal punishment for equal offenses and suddenly ANYTHING related to "sexual offenses" is now an extreme crime for the biggest reason of to hit the left back with them.

this mindset puts us in a perpetual state of "payback" we can't seem to get out of and it sucks.

Lotta words just to set up a strawman that can't stand up.

Unfortunately for you I already cited the example of Larry Craig. In both cases I wanted to know what the basis would be for resigning. In neither case did I get an answer, because there isn't one.

David Vitter's another example. While Craig didn't run again, Vitter did. That put his judgment in the hands of his constituents, which is where it belongs. As it will be if and when Franken runs again, as it will be for Moore next month.

you can't just put your dick away and talk to people w/o the digs and insults can you?

nothing changes the fact far too many people on both sides scream OFF WITH THEIR HEADS at every little move away from the social norm THEY hold dear to themselves.

the left did it for a long time and still does it and now the right is in a payback mode where they will defend their assholes cause the left defended theirs for 8 years and somewhere along the way right and wrong got skewed to preferences.

Once AGAIN trying to give the same strawman an erection. It ain't happening.

There is no action by "the left" or "the right". Those are collective sweeping generalization fallacies.
I fly solo. I don't give a flying fuck what somebody you lump me in with thinks-- that's your problem, not mine.
like i said - the way you talk to people dictate how the conversations go.

you just like to be an asshole to people. dunno why, don't care.


Hey, don't insult people's intelligence tossing out blanket fallacies....... and you won't get called on them.
Ain't rocket surgery.
most of those on the right want him to resign because the left is CONSTANTLY calling for people to resign, be disqualified or fired for not following their line of thinking.

if you're "side" is going to set some arbitrary standard of ethics they damn well need to follow it and it's painfull obvious the left is not doing so. they have taken identity politics to horrible extremes and now WHO people are is punishable moreso than WHAT people do. someone they like can do something and nothing. not a peep. someone they don't like does it, OFF WITH THEIR HEAD.

so now when these occasions come up to rub their smug-noses in it, the right will do so and demand equal punishment for equal offenses and suddenly ANYTHING related to "sexual offenses" is now an extreme crime for the biggest reason of to hit the left back with them.

this mindset puts us in a perpetual state of "payback" we can't seem to get out of and it sucks.

Lotta words just to set up a strawman that can't stand up.

Unfortunately for you I already cited the example of Larry Craig. In both cases I wanted to know what the basis would be for resigning. In neither case did I get an answer, because there isn't one.

David Vitter's another example. While Craig didn't run again, Vitter did. That put his judgment in the hands of his constituents, which is where it belongs. As it will be if and when Franken runs again, as it will be for Moore next month.

you can't just put your dick away and talk to people w/o the digs and insults can you?

nothing changes the fact far too many people on both sides scream OFF WITH THEIR HEADS at every little move away from the social norm THEY hold dear to themselves.

the left did it for a long time and still does it and now the right is in a payback mode where they will defend their assholes cause the left defended theirs for 8 years and somewhere along the way right and wrong got skewed to preferences.

Once AGAIN trying to give the same strawman an erection. It ain't happening.

There is no action by "the left" or "the right". Those are collective sweeping generalization fallacies.
I fly solo. I don't give a flying fuck what somebody you lump me in with thinks-- that's your problem, not mine.
like i said - the way you talk to people dictate how the conversations go.

you just like to be an asshole to people. dunno why, don't care.


Hey, don't insult people's intelligence tossing out blanket fallacies....... and you won't get called on them.
Ain't rocket surgery.
first of all, i'm calling out the extreme behavior on both sides, not limiting myself to thinking only 1 side has their extreme assholes fucking it up for the rest.

if you'd like to dive into the particulars of the "blanket statements" fine - let's go. we gotta start somewhere and i'm more than happy to dive deeper as long as we're not just logging NO YOU ASSHOLE at each other.

those are pointless discussions.
I just submitted a post where I predicted exactly this. The Republicans are assembling the circular firing squad while the Dims circle the wagon. Not a single Dim called for Franken to resign. There you have the double standard in spades.

A spokesperson for Sen. Al Franken, a Democrat from Minnesota, told the Minneapolis Star Tribune that 'no' the embattled senator would not resign over allegations that he fondled and kissed a woman without her permission 11 years ago.

'He is spending time with his family in Washington, D.C., and will be through the Thanksgiving holiday,' the aide told the newspaper. 'And he's doing a lot of reflecting.'

. . . . . . . . .

Franken's initial statement noted that he did not remember the USO skit happening that way.

A second statement was more apologetic, as Franken that he would cooperate in a Senate Ethics Committee investigation into his behavior.
The Senate Ethics Committee is a joke. Dim senators are positively mocking us. They are giving us the Bronx cheer. I just don't understand how anyone can be stupid enough to vote for these slimy shameless reptiles.

So what. I don't want to be as immoral as Democrats. We should police our own and that means dump Moore.

Yeah, right. Dims have done such a good job of "policing their own" that Republicans should follow suit. We'll dump Moore after you dump Franken.

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