Senator Cruz, Others Introduce Bill To Ban Federal Coronavirus Passports

Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
You're goddamn right.

You don't get to demand anything from us. Go hide under your bed, you authoritarian shit.
How about you respect the rights and freedoms of others and keep your goddamn germs to yourself?
So let me get this straight--if you get vaccinated, you quit passing germs? Is that what you just said? I think your answer is self-isolation.
No. That is not what I said.
Well you demanded that he keep his GD germs to himself. What would make your germs any better? He doesn't seem to fear your germs, so it stands to reason that the problem is with your fear and self isolation would be the only logical solution.
They shouldnt have persecuted poor Tyohoid Mary then.
You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.
"Personal responsibility" comes with assuming the risks...You want to wave a gun in the faces of those who are perfectly willing to assume those risks.

Now buzz off, turbo-Karen.
Personal responsibility isn't limited to assuming the risks. Any child will assume risks. It's taking responsibility for the effects your choices have on the rights of others that requires an adult mindset. I don't think you Me-me-me snowflakes quite have that concept down.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
Ahhhh...hold on a sec.

I'm not and have never said you have to get vaccinated. For adults, that's a personal choice - I don't think any vaccines are mandated.

However - like with any choice there are upsides and downsides. Private entities - like a concert for example - can (and in the interests of public health in an epidemic) require proof of vaccination or a negative covid tests. Likewise, other countries can require proof of vaccination to cross their borders. Wearing a mask, until the epidemic is under control can also be reasonably required for those that aren't vaccinated (but really it's impossible to enforce).
Where did i say you said that? Apparently you’re illiterate too. Your arguments ALL come back to forcing people to do something because YOU want to feel a certain way. Sorry, you don’t get to do that. HIPA laws still apply. My private medical history is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Period.
Where did you say it? Right in the post I responded to:

Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”.

No one can force you to get vaccinated. It's your choice. No one can force you to reveal private medical information. It's your choice.
Again you’re illiterate. Nowhere there does it say you stated that. It says ALL YOUR ARGUMENTS BOIL DOWN TO THAT. So you have no right to ask me for any proof of any vaccinations. Good to know.
Nope. I don't have that right. It is your choice. But choices come with consequences. A private entity can require proof of vaccination or negative Covid test to allow you entry, you can refuse, and they can refuse you entry or require you wear a mask.
That's discrimination!!!
You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.
"Personal responsibility" comes with assuming the risks...You want to wave a gun in the faces of those who are perfectly willing to assume those risks.

Now buzz off, turbo-Karen.
Personal responsibility isn't limited to assuming the risks. Any child will assume risks. It's taking responsibility for the effects your choices have on the rights of others that requires an adult mindset. I don't think you Me-me-me snowflakes quite have that concept down.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
Ahhhh...hold on a sec.

I'm not and have never said you have to get vaccinated. For adults, that's a personal choice - I don't think any vaccines are mandated.

However - like with any choice there are upsides and downsides. Private entities - like a concert for example - can (and in the interests of public health in an epidemic) require proof of vaccination or a negative covid tests. Likewise, other countries can require proof of vaccination to cross their borders. Wearing a mask, until the epidemic is under control can also be reasonably required for those that aren't vaccinated (but really it's impossible to enforce).
Where did i say you said that? Apparently you’re illiterate too. Your arguments ALL come back to forcing people to do something because YOU want to feel a certain way. Sorry, you don’t get to do that. HIPA laws still apply. My private medical history is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Period.
Where did you say it? Right in the post I responded to:

Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”.

No one can force you to get vaccinated. It's your choice. No one can force you to reveal private medical information. It's your choice.
Again you’re illiterate. Nowhere there does it say you stated that. It says ALL YOUR ARGUMENTS BOIL DOWN TO THAT. So you have no right to ask me for any proof of any vaccinations. Good to know.
Nope. I don't have that right. It is your choice. But choices come with consequences. A private entity can require proof of vaccination or negative Covid test to allow you entry, you can refuse, and they can refuse you entry or require you wear a mask.
And we can happily take our money down the road where they do not practice such draconian measures.
Absolutely. That is the way it works.
You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.
"Personal responsibility" comes with assuming the risks...You want to wave a gun in the faces of those who are perfectly willing to assume those risks.

Now buzz off, turbo-Karen.
Personal responsibility isn't limited to assuming the risks. Any child will assume risks. It's taking responsibility for the effects your choices have on the rights of others that requires an adult mindset. I don't think you Me-me-me snowflakes quite have that concept down.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
Ahhhh...hold on a sec.

I'm not and have never said you have to get vaccinated. For adults, that's a personal choice - I don't think any vaccines are mandated.

However - like with any choice there are upsides and downsides. Private entities - like a concert for example - can (and in the interests of public health in an epidemic) require proof of vaccination or a negative covid tests. Likewise, other countries can require proof of vaccination to cross their borders. Wearing a mask, until the epidemic is under control can also be reasonably required for those that aren't vaccinated (but really it's impossible to enforce).
Where did i say you said that? Apparently you’re illiterate too. Your arguments ALL come back to forcing people to do something because YOU want to feel a certain way. Sorry, you don’t get to do that. HIPA laws still apply. My private medical history is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Period.
Where did you say it? Right in the post I responded to:

Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”.

No one can force you to get vaccinated. It's your choice. No one can force you to reveal private medical information. It's your choice.
Again you’re illiterate. Nowhere there does it say you stated that. It says ALL YOUR ARGUMENTS BOIL DOWN TO THAT. So you have no right to ask me for any proof of any vaccinations. Good to know.
Nope. I don't have that right. It is your choice. But choices come with consequences. A private entity can require proof of vaccination or negative Covid test to allow you entry, you can refuse, and they can refuse you entry or require you wear a mask.
And there you are...Using corporate Murica to force upon the peasants what you could never get gubmint to do.

You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.
"Personal responsibility" comes with assuming the risks...You want to wave a gun in the faces of those who are perfectly willing to assume those risks.

Now buzz off, turbo-Karen.
Personal responsibility isn't limited to assuming the risks. Any child will assume risks. It's taking responsibility for the effects your choices have on the rights of others that requires an adult mindset. I don't think you Me-me-me snowflakes quite have that concept down.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
Ahhhh...hold on a sec.

I'm not and have never said you have to get vaccinated. For adults, that's a personal choice - I don't think any vaccines are mandated.

However - like with any choice there are upsides and downsides. Private entities - like a concert for example - can (and in the interests of public health in an epidemic) require proof of vaccination or a negative covid tests. Likewise, other countries can require proof of vaccination to cross their borders. Wearing a mask, until the epidemic is under control can also be reasonably required for those that aren't vaccinated (but really it's impossible to enforce).
Where did i say you said that? Apparently you’re illiterate too. Your arguments ALL come back to forcing people to do something because YOU want to feel a certain way. Sorry, you don’t get to do that. HIPA laws still apply. My private medical history is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Period.
Where did you say it? Right in the post I responded to:

Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”.

No one can force you to get vaccinated. It's your choice. No one can force you to reveal private medical information. It's your choice.
Again you’re illiterate. Nowhere there does it say you stated that. It says ALL YOUR ARGUMENTS BOIL DOWN TO THAT. So you have no right to ask me for any proof of any vaccinations. Good to know.
Nope. I don't have that right. It is your choice. But choices come with consequences. A private entity can require proof of vaccination or negative Covid test to allow you entry, you can refuse, and they can refuse you entry or require you wear a mask.
That's discrimination!!!
Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
You're goddamn right.

You don't get to demand anything from us. Go hide under your bed, you authoritarian shit.
How about you respect the rights and freedoms of others and keep your goddamn germs to yourself?
So let me get this straight--if you get vaccinated, you quit passing germs? Is that what you just said? I think your answer is self-isolation.
No. That is not what I said.
Well you demanded that he keep his GD germs to himself. What would make your germs any better? He doesn't seem to fear your germs, so it stands to reason that the problem is with your fear and self isolation would be the only logical solution.
They shouldnt have persecuted poor Tyohoid Mary then.
I think typhoid is a bit different than a flu that has a 99+% recovery rate.
Nope. I don't have that right. It is your choice. But choices come with consequences. A private entity can require proof of vaccination or negative Covid test to allow you entry, you can refuse, and they can refuse you entry or require you wear a mask.
And there you are...Using corporate Murica to force upon the peasants what you could never get gubmint to do.
Yep. That's the way free society works. Private citizens and business have more power to shape society than government. It's a feature, not a bug.
You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.
"Personal responsibility" comes with assuming the risks...You want to wave a gun in the faces of those who are perfectly willing to assume those risks.

Now buzz off, turbo-Karen.
Personal responsibility isn't limited to assuming the risks. Any child will assume risks. It's taking responsibility for the effects your choices have on the rights of others that requires an adult mindset. I don't think you Me-me-me snowflakes quite have that concept down.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
Ahhhh...hold on a sec.

I'm not and have never said you have to get vaccinated. For adults, that's a personal choice - I don't think any vaccines are mandated.

However - like with any choice there are upsides and downsides. Private entities - like a concert for example - can (and in the interests of public health in an epidemic) require proof of vaccination or a negative covid tests. Likewise, other countries can require proof of vaccination to cross their borders. Wearing a mask, until the epidemic is under control can also be reasonably required for those that aren't vaccinated (but really it's impossible to enforce).
Where did i say you said that? Apparently you’re illiterate too. Your arguments ALL come back to forcing people to do something because YOU want to feel a certain way. Sorry, you don’t get to do that. HIPA laws still apply. My private medical history is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Period.
Where did you say it? Right in the post I responded to:

Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”.

No one can force you to get vaccinated. It's your choice. No one can force you to reveal private medical information. It's your choice.
Again you’re illiterate. Nowhere there does it say you stated that. It says ALL YOUR ARGUMENTS BOIL DOWN TO THAT. So you have no right to ask me for any proof of any vaccinations. Good to know.
Nope. I don't have that right. It is your choice. But choices come with consequences. A private entity can require proof of vaccination or negative Covid test to allow you entry, you can refuse, and they can refuse you entry or require you wear a mask.
And there you are...Using corporate Murica to force upon the peasants what you could never get gubmint to do.
Yep. That's the way free society works. Private citizens and business have more power to shape society than government. It's a feature, not a bug.
Guess what...Nobody has any right to demand PAPERS PLEASE! in a free society....You have become an even more piss poor of an excuse for an alleged "libertarian" than the Golfing Gomer.....And that's no small feat, poseur.
Cruz said that “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

Americans have a right to spread a deadly infection if they want to
You're goddamn right.

You don't get to demand anything from us. Go hide under your bed, you authoritarian shit.
How about you respect the rights and freedoms of others and keep your goddamn germs to yourself?
So let me get this straight--if you get vaccinated, you quit passing germs? Is that what you just said? I think your answer is self-isolation.
No. That is not what I said.
Well you demanded that he keep his GD germs to himself. What would make your germs any better? He doesn't seem to fear your germs, so it stands to reason that the problem is with your fear and self isolation would be the only logical solution.
They shouldnt have persecuted poor Tyohoid Mary then.
I think typhoid is a bit different than a flu that has a 99+% recovery rate.
Of course it's different....But the FauciFlu fascists don't care...They're all about the power trip.
You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.
"Personal responsibility" comes with assuming the risks...You want to wave a gun in the faces of those who are perfectly willing to assume those risks.

Now buzz off, turbo-Karen.
Personal responsibility isn't limited to assuming the risks. Any child will assume risks. It's taking responsibility for the effects your choices have on the rights of others that requires an adult mindset. I don't think you Me-me-me snowflakes quite have that concept down.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
Ahhhh...hold on a sec.

I'm not and have never said you have to get vaccinated. For adults, that's a personal choice - I don't think any vaccines are mandated.

However - like with any choice there are upsides and downsides. Private entities - like a concert for example - can (and in the interests of public health in an epidemic) require proof of vaccination or a negative covid tests. Likewise, other countries can require proof of vaccination to cross their borders. Wearing a mask, until the epidemic is under control can also be reasonably required for those that aren't vaccinated (but really it's impossible to enforce).
Where did i say you said that? Apparently you’re illiterate too. Your arguments ALL come back to forcing people to do something because YOU want to feel a certain way. Sorry, you don’t get to do that. HIPA laws still apply. My private medical history is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Period.
Where did you say it? Right in the post I responded to:

Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”.

No one can force you to get vaccinated. It's your choice. No one can force you to reveal private medical information. It's your choice.
Again you’re illiterate. Nowhere there does it say you stated that. It says ALL YOUR ARGUMENTS BOIL DOWN TO THAT. So you have no right to ask me for any proof of any vaccinations. Good to know.
Nope. I don't have that right. It is your choice. But choices come with consequences. A private entity can require proof of vaccination or negative Covid test to allow you entry, you can refuse, and they can refuse you entry or require you wear a mask.
And there you are...Using corporate Murica to force upon the peasants what you could never get gubmint to do.
Yep. That's the way free society works. Private citizens and business have more power to shape society than government. It's a feature, not a bug.
Guess what...Nobody has any right to demand PAPERS PLEASE! in a free society....You have become an even more piss poor of an excuse for an alleged "libertarian" than the Golfing Gomer.....And that's no small feat, poseur.
Hit a nerve? What's it like flying statist?
Now that you’ve put up a totally irrelevant “comparison” maybe you can try a real one. Civilians aren’t military.
Every time some asshole catches COVID because he's part of a pocket of idiots who don't want to get vaccinated, and who don't want to wear masks, that now takes up a hospital bed, a nurse, and a doctor that's taken away from where they're needed. To take care of the backlog of patients, and delayed procedures, they had to turn away because all the beds were filled up.
You will NOT take away my freedoms because you are terrified without reason.
This is a lie.

No one wants to take away your freedoms.
"Let me see your papers" is not taking away freedoms?
Would be dick-tater jackasses like C_Foghorn_Leghorn don't know what the words "freedom" and "liberty" mean.
Or maybe they do. Freedom and Liberty require a degree of personal responsibility in order to work in a society.

You guys seem to have jettisoned the "personal responsibility" aspect and turned it into a "me me me" demand.
"Personal responsibility" comes with assuming the risks...You want to wave a gun in the faces of those who are perfectly willing to assume those risks.

Now buzz off, turbo-Karen.
Personal responsibility isn't limited to assuming the risks. Any child will assume risks. It's taking responsibility for the effects your choices have on the rights of others that requires an adult mindset. I don't think you Me-me-me snowflakes quite have that concept down.
Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”. Nothing is more me-me-me snowflake than that. Trying to force others to do what you want. How dictatorial of you.
Ahhhh...hold on a sec.

I'm not and have never said you have to get vaccinated. For adults, that's a personal choice - I don't think any vaccines are mandated.

However - like with any choice there are upsides and downsides. Private entities - like a concert for example - can (and in the interests of public health in an epidemic) require proof of vaccination or a negative covid tests. Likewise, other countries can require proof of vaccination to cross their borders. Wearing a mask, until the epidemic is under control can also be reasonably required for those that aren't vaccinated (but really it's impossible to enforce).
Where did i say you said that? Apparently you’re illiterate too. Your arguments ALL come back to forcing people to do something because YOU want to feel a certain way. Sorry, you don’t get to do that. HIPA laws still apply. My private medical history is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Period.
Where did you say it? Right in the post I responded to:

Hey Karen, all of your pathetic arguments boil down to “you HAVE to get vaccinated because I want you to so I feel safe”.

No one can force you to get vaccinated. It's your choice. No one can force you to reveal private medical information. It's your choice.
Again you’re illiterate. Nowhere there does it say you stated that. It says ALL YOUR ARGUMENTS BOIL DOWN TO THAT. So you have no right to ask me for any proof of any vaccinations. Good to know.
Nope. I don't have that right. It is your choice. But choices come with consequences. A private entity can require proof of vaccination or negative Covid test to allow you entry, you can refuse, and they can refuse you entry or require you wear a mask.
And there you are...Using corporate Murica to force upon the peasants what you could never get gubmint to do.
Yep. That's the way free society works. Private citizens and business have more power to shape society than government. It's a feature, not a bug.
Guess what...Nobody has any right to demand PAPERS PLEASE! in a free society....You have become an even more piss poor of an excuse for an alleged "libertarian" than the Golfing Gomer.....And that's no small feat, poseur.
Hit a nerve? What's it like flying statist?
No...You missed an important distinction.

If you come into my shop demanding that I perform a service that I disagree with, it's my prerogative to not take your business.

OTOH, businesses demanding PAPERS PLEASE! as a precondition of doing business with customers are engaging in an updated version of Jim Crow.

Congratulations, dipschitt....You're the exact opposite of what you claim to stand for.
I have a great idea....

Let's force everyone who doesn't take the vax to sew a gold star onto their jackets.

It's the only way to be sure.
So let me get this straight--if you get vaccinated, you quit passing germs? Is that what you just said? I think your answer is self-isolation.
I don't have all the data, but a vaccinated person is not a COVID factory. Meaning that the virus is not going to replicate as quickly, and thus minimize, but not totally eliminate their expelling of the virus. Their spread is minimized to the point that a vaccinated person is able to fend off that diminished viral spread.

An unvacicinated person can still infect a vaccinated person with a high enough viral load to transmit COVID, and as the vaccine is only 96% effective, that leaves 4% (1 in 25) vaccinated people vulnerable.

The 70% herd immunity number comes from that's the point where the R0 is likely to drop below 1.0 so that the spread isn't eliminated, but is constantly shrinking.
No...You missed an important distinction.

If you come into my shop demanding that I perform a service that I disagree with, it's my prerogative to not take your business.

OTOH, businesses demanding PAPERS PLEASE! as a precondition of doing business with customers are engaging in an updated version of Jim Crow.
Nah. Jim Crow was legislated discrimination.

It's weird, because I know you've heard all these arguments, that you're making now, coming from statists trying to justify their power grabs. Do you seriously not remember?

In any case, if some of us want to take a flight on an airplane, and we want to do it only with people who have been vaccinated, that's our right. And you have no right to force your way onboard. But maybe you don't give a shit about rights.
So let me get this straight--if you get vaccinated, you quit passing germs? Is that what you just said? I think your answer is self-isolation.
I don't have all the data, but a vaccinated person is not a COVID factory. Meaning that the virus is not going to replicate as quickly, and thus minimize, but not totally eliminate their expelling of the virus. Their spread is minimized to the point that a vaccinated person is able to fend off that diminished viral spread.

An unvacicinated person can still infect a vaccinated person with a high enough viral load to transmit COVID, and as the vaccine is only 96% effective, that leaves 4% (1 in 25) vaccinated people vulnerable.

The 70% herd immunity number comes from that's the point where the R0 is likely to drop below 1.0 so that the spread isn't eliminated, but is constantly shrinking.
I don't have all the data, but a vaccinated person is not a COVID factory. Meaning that the virus is not going to replicate as quickly, and thus minimize, but not totally eliminate their expelling of the virus. Their spread is minimized to the point that a vaccinated person is able to fend off that diminished viral spread.

Guess what...The same can be said for people who have been infected and recovered.
No...You missed an important distinction.

If you come into my shop demanding that I perform a service that I disagree with, it's my prerogative to not take your business.

OTOH, businesses demanding PAPERS PLEASE! as a precondition of doing business with customers are engaging in an updated version of Jim Crow.
Nah. Jim Crow was legislated discrimination.

It's weird, because I know you've heard all these same arguments that you're making now, coming from statists trying to justify their power grabs. Do you seriously not remember?

In any case, if some of us want to take a fight on an airplane, and we want to do it only with people who have been vaccinated, that's our right. And you have no right to force your way onboard. But maybe you don't give a shit about rights.
Jim Crow wasn't always legislated everywhere....It was accepted through social conditioning and peer pressure as well....As a child of a MS father, I know.

Just make the unvaxxed wear the gold star...It'll all be good.

Gongrats, bitch.
No...You missed an important distinction.

If you come into my shop demanding that I perform a service that I disagree with, it's my prerogative to not take your business.

OTOH, businesses demanding PAPERS PLEASE! as a precondition of doing business with customers are engaging in an updated version of Jim Crow.
Nah. Jim Crow was legislated discrimination.

It's weird, because I know you've heard all these arguments, that you're making now, coming from statists trying to justify their power grabs. Do you seriously not remember?

In any case, if some of us want to take a fight on an airplane, and we want to do it only with people who have been vaccinated, that's our right. And you have no right to force your way onboard. But maybe you don't give a shit about rights.
You're vaccinated, how is he a threat to you other than you needing validation for your belief that you need it. He poses no threat.
No...You missed an important distinction.

If you come into my shop demanding that I perform a service that I disagree with, it's my prerogative to not take your business.

OTOH, businesses demanding PAPERS PLEASE! as a precondition of doing business with customers are engaging in an updated version of Jim Crow.
Nah. Jim Crow was legislated discrimination.

It's weird, because I know you've heard all these same arguments that you're making now, coming from statists trying to justify their power grabs. Do you seriously not remember?

In any case, if some of us want to take a fight on an airplane, and we want to do it only with people who have been vaccinated, that's our right. And you have no right to force your way onboard. But maybe you don't give a shit about rights.
Jim Crow wasn't always legislated everywhere....It was accepted through social conditioning and peer pressure as well....As a child of a MS father, I know.

Just make the unvaxxed wear the gold star...It'll all be good.

Gongrats, bitch.
I'll take that as a "no, I don't remember defending liberty"
I don't have all the data, but a vaccinated person is not a COVID factory. Meaning that the virus is not going to replicate as quickly, and thus minimize, but not totally eliminate their expelling of the virus. Their spread is minimized to the point that a vaccinated person is able to fend off that diminished viral spread.

Guess what...The same can be said for people who have been infected and recovered.
Not enough data to come to that conclusion, since there have been cases of people catching COVID twice.

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