Senator Manchin, co2 is fraud, stop selling out your state


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Senator Manchin,

You represent a coal state. Your party is killing jobs in your state because of incredibly obvious FRAUD.

You need to dump the Dems like courageous Sinema.

The co2 theory - increasing atmospheric co2 will warm atmosphere

Problem - the data never showed that until it was FUDGED

Co2 went up
Atmospheric temps did not


Want a climate lesson?

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Senator Manchin,

You represent a coal state. Your party is killing jobs in your state because of incredibly obvious FRAUD.

You need to dump the Dems like courageous Sinema.

The co2 theory - increasing atmospheric co2 will warm atmosphere

Problem - the data never showed that until it was FUDGED

Co2 went up
Atmospheric temps did not


Want a climate lesson?

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Oh, so what? Toxic emissions (like those belched out of coal-burning sites) are toxic emissions... climate impact or no. We can (and should) do better than that.

Why? To improve the air quality where we and our children and grandchildren live. Nobody wants to go back to the Pittsburgh of old or the London Smog.

Keeping a few dozen-thousand coal miners employed is too high a price to pay for the toxins that coal-fired power-plants belch into our blue skies.

The sooner that coal burning - even with its exhaust scrubbers (when they work) - is phased-out the better it is for our children's respiratory systems.

The coal-miners are just going to have to find other employment. They won't be happy but their children or grandchildren will have dodged a bullet.
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There are literally only 70,000 coal jobs in the ENTIRE COUNTRY.

and they weren't lost due to regulation, they were lost due to automation.

Coal Companies have been replacing workers with machines for decades.
The coal workers' unions used to fight against it, but the GOP successfully neutered them years ago.
Oh, so what? Toxic emissions (like those belched out of coal-burning sites) are toxic emissions... climate impact or no. We can (and should) do better than that.

Why? To improve the air quality where we and our children and grandchildren live. Nobody wants to go back to the Pittsburgh of old or the London Smog.

Keeping a few dozen-thousand coal miners employed is too high a price to pay for the toxins that coal-fired power-plants belch into our blue skies.

The sooner that coal burning - even with its exhaust scrubbers (when they work) - is phased-out the better it is for our children's respiratory systems.

So, in other words, co2 climate change is 100% pure fraud, the left knows it, and Manchin sells out his state by supporting Schumer who kills WV jobs...
There are literally only 70,000 coal jobs in the ENTIRE COUNTRY.

and they weren't lost due to regulation, they were lost due to automation.

Coal Companies have been replacing workers with machines for decades.
The coal workers' unions used to fight against it, but the GOP successfully neutered them years ago.

The 70k number is just coal. Many more are working supporting coal.

Uniform cleaners
Equipment makers

Joe manchin as a Dem sells them out over FRAUD
Why coal miners aren't making $150 per hour one will never know. Talk about underpaid, overworked, and severely under benefitted.
Oh, so what? Toxic emissions (like those belched out of coal-burning sites) are toxic emissions... climate impact or no. We can (and should) do better than that.

Why? To improve the air quality where we and our children and grandchildren live. Nobody wants to go back to the Pittsburgh of old or the London Smog.

Keeping a few dozen-thousand coal miners employed is too high a price to pay for the toxins that coal-fired power-plants belch into our blue skies.

The sooner that coal burning - even with its exhaust scrubbers (when they work) - is phased-out the better it is for our children's respiratory systems.

The coal-miners are just going to have to find other employment. They won't be happy but their children or grandchildren will have dodged a bullet.
Millions of people in China and India are making products for us as they build more and more coal plants. When your insanity is taken back to you. You will get karma.
Millions of people in China and India are making products for us as they build more and more coal plants. When your insanity is taken back to you. You will get karma.
They also work for cheap, will you work for cheap?
So, in other words, co2 climate change is 100% pure fraud, the left knows it, and Manchin sells out his state by supporting Schumer who kills WV jobs...
Whatever. The bulk-release of dangerous toxins into the atmosphere is enough for me. Kill Coal. Phukk the jobs. Save our lungs.
We were self-contained as a nation. We paid the price for it and we grew into a power. Now we are a social welfare state in decline. Massive taxes and growing to pay people off for not earning enough to survive.
The same as every other nation, why should we be any different?
Whatever. The bulk-release of dangerous toxins into the atmosphere is enough for me. Kill Coal. Phukk the jobs. Save our lungs.

Smokestack tech is now a lot better. Coal relatively is not bad.

Look at what Musk puts in his cars - talk about enviro damage....

Coal is good for america now.
The 70k number is just coal. Many more are working supporting coal.

Uniform cleaners
Equipment makers

Joe manchin as a Dem sells them out over FRAUD
Ok, but you completely ignored the part where it was REPUBLJCAN supported automation that ended the vast majority of coal jobs, not regulation.

Coal was already losing jobs in the 80's when Reagan was basically trying to deregulate everything. it's been happening for decades.

Republicans and the coal companies are trying to pretend it's something knew. Hell, the coal mine in my home down only had 100 workers in 1985, and almost every one of them was a technician for the robotic mining equiptment. They only had about 20 miners in total even then. 20 years before that they had about 300 miners.

Maybe you should be mad at the companies for replacing the workers with machines instead of trying to claim that not letting the companies dump coal ash into rivers somehow killed all the jobs.
Smokestack tech is now a lot better. Coal relatively is not bad.

Look at what Musk puts in his cars - talk about enviro
Smokestack scrubbers aren't enough. We aren't going backwards. No.
Millions of people in China and India are making products for us as they build more and more coal plants. When your insanity is taken back to you. You will get karma.
Let the Chinese and Indians choke their children with smog... you can already see it in the smoggy videos of their cities... been there... done that... no thank you.
Ok, but you completely ignored the part where it was REPUBLJCAN supported automation that ended the vast majority of coal jobs, not regulation.

Coal was already losing jobs in the 80's when Reagan was basically trying to deregulate everything. it's been happening for decades.

Republicans and the coal companies are trying to pretend it's something knew. Hell, the coal mine in my home down only had 100 workers in 1985, and almost every one of them was a technician for the robotic mining equiptment. They only had about 20 miners in total even then. 20 years before that they had about 300 miners.

Maybe you should be mad at the companies for replacing the workers with machines instead of trying to claim that not letting the companies dump coal ash into rivers somehow killed all the jobs.

Don't be a luddite.

The machines employ

Workers who make the machines
Workers who program and use the machines
Mechanics who fix and maintain the machines
Don't be a luddite.

The machines employ

Workers who make the machines
Workers who program and use the machines
Mechanics who fix and maintain the machines
10 workers making and maintaining machines that replace 1000 miners

And now, you understand why coal jobs were lost. Thanks for playing.

The vast majority of mine workers don't have the education or skills to work as technicians. Most mine technician jobs require college degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering. So, a bunch of miners out of work replaced by machines and a much smaller number of factory workers and engineers replace them to produce, maintain, and operate the machines.

Yet, according to GOP talking points, all of those miners were fired because of regulations and if coal is deregulated , then the mining jobs that were replaced by robots will come back.
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