Senator Manchin, co2 is fraud, stop selling out your state

10 workers making and maintaining machines that replace 1000 miners

And now, you understand why coal jobs were lost. Thanks for playing.

The vast majority of mine workers don't have the education or skills to work as technicians. Most mine technician jobs require college degrees in mechanical and electrical engineering. So, a bunch of miners out of work replaced by machines and a much smaller number of factory workers and engineers replace them to produce, maintain, and operate the machines.

Yet, according to GOP talking points, all of those miners were fired because of regulations and if coal is deregulated , then the mining jobs that were replaced by robots will come back.

Blaming the GOP for advancements in tech is pretty damn dumb.

Our nation must compete. Our coal is good and clean and can be exported cheap with our high end machines.

Luddites also lost their jobs...
Blaming the GOP for advancements in tech is pretty damn dumb.

Our nation must compete. Our coal is good and clean and can be exported cheap with our high end machines.

Luddites also lost their jobs...
Ok, but that doesn't change the fact that the GOP exploits coal workers and lies to hem for political gain by promising to bring ack jobs that are never coming back, and falseing blaiming regulation for the loss of those jobs as a ploy to gather support for lessening environmental regulations that were put in place because coal companies were intentionally dumping toxins into rivers and causing damage from cutting corners.
There are literally only 70,000 coal jobs in the ENTIRE COUNTRY.

and they weren't lost due to regulation, they were lost due to automation.

Coal Companies have been replacing workers with machines for decades.
The coal workers' unions used to fight against it, but the GOP successfully neutered them years ago.

Thread over.
WV is moving away from coal. Very little changed with Sinema going (I). Sanders is (I).

It would be great if more would disassociate themselves from the two parties and still be able to win. I hope she can but Joe isn't going (R).
WV is moving away from coal. Very little changed with Sinema going (I). Sanders is (I).

It would be great if more would disassociate themselves from the two parties and still be able to win. I hope she can but Joe isn't going (R).

No, joe is not going r, but unless WV has machine voting, he'll lose as a d and he knows it

You probably have a college "degree" even though you never passed a real science course...
You probably can't read past a 4th grade level.
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Whatever. The bulk-release of dangerous toxins into the atmosphere is enough for me. Kill Coal. Phukk the jobs. Save our lungs.
CO2 is not a toxin, dumbass. Anything else toxic is scrubbed from the emissions. Making solar cells produces far more toxins
CO2 is not a toxin, dumbass. Anything else toxic is scrubbed from the emissions. Making solar cells produces far more toxins
But the following are...

* Sulfur dioxide
* nitrogen oxide
* Mercury and other heavy metals

...and the resulting ash contains concentrated levels of these and other toxic and dangerous substances which pollute the ground and ground-water and waterways into which that ash is introduced at disposal time.

Oh, and, by the way... making solar cells produces toxins as a one-time "hit".

Burning coal produces toxins on a continuing basis, day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day... ad infinitum ad nauseum...

I'd rather take the toxins "hit" to produce a solar cell as a one-time-shot and then not worry about more toxins the next day and the next and the next and the next...

You unimaginative a$$hole$ would have us continue to burn coal and the like for centuries to come.

No thank you.
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Senator Manchin,

You represent a coal state. Your party is killing jobs in your state because of incredibly obvious FRAUD.

You need to dump the Dems like courageous Sinema.

The co2 theory - increasing atmospheric co2 will warm atmosphere

Problem - the data never showed that until it was FUDGED

Co2 went up
Atmospheric temps did not


Want a climate lesson?

Come here...
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, Manchin has been elected several times in a deep red state. Apparently they have liked him.
But yet Manchin continues to be a member of a party of Environmental Wacko morons that want to shut down fossil fuel energy production.
  • Thanks
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WV politics are not like politics elsewhere.

Talking about another biden hero

Ku klux klan enchanted cyclops

Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd

Biden voted 4 times for cyclops Byrd to be Dem senate majority leader.

WV Senator Cyclops, did you like him?

What about the Greaseman?

Love him!!!

How Joe Manchin Aided Coal, and Earned Millions › manchin-coal-climate-conflicts

Mar 27, 2022 — Manchin has blocked legislation that would speed the country's transition to wind, solar and other clean energy and away from coal, oil and gas, ...
Speed ? More like force the transition. The loons never learn. Spain's forced green economy was a disaster. As we speak Switzerland is considering the banning of charging EV's this winter.

We are not ready for this forced transition, but the loons will always double down on stupid.
Senator Manchin,

You represent a coal state. Your party is killing jobs in your state because of incredibly obvious FRAUD.

You need to dump the Dems like courageous Sinema.

The co2 theory - increasing atmospheric co2 will warm atmosphere

Problem - the data never showed that until it was FUDGED

Co2 went up
Atmospheric temps did not


Want a climate lesson?

Come here...
So far Tulsi Gabbard and Kyrsten Sinema have bigger balls than Manchin. It's time Joe, you aren't leaving the Democrats, the Democrats left you.
So far Tulsi Gabbard and Kyrsten Sinema have bigger balls than Manchin. It's time Joe, you aren't leaving the Democrats, the Democrats left you.

There does seem to be a bias against women who are not really ugly with the Dems...


Manchin is pinned. Stay a Dem and he's out and he knows it.


Come on.

All republicans and sinema vote manchin as senate leader!!

Assuming he bolts NOW
Talking about another biden hero

Ku klux klan enchanted cyclops

Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd

Biden voted 4 times for cyclops Byrd to be Dem senate majority leader.

WV Senator Cyclops, did you like him?

What about the Greaseman?

Love him!!!

Plain English please.

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