Senator Reid announces today a push for a amnesty before election!

Wrong as usual, first you make them legal immigrants then you fast track citizenship.

Ok Jillian explain to me how it is right that milli0ons of illegal Mexicans can flood our country and we should amnesty them for breaking the law while my Brother in law and sister in law and their families in the Philippines must wait YEARS to even have any hope of immigrating to this Country? Maybe I should have them jump ship and come here for the Amnesty?

You so don't know what you're talking about. Even if they gave them a path to citizenship, do you have any clue how long it would take? It's like the idiots who cry about 'anchor babies'.... It takes an average of 10 years to get citizenship based on your child being born here.... And even then, they only grant about 4,000 such applications a year.... About the same number as fill one NYC middle school.

You and your fellow loons are so busy claiming that the sky is falling that you don't even give thought to what is practical or what is right.

Totally ignoring reality and I notice you REFUSED to answer my question. Why is it you support MILLIONS of illegals while denying the same to people that have been on waiting lists for years doing it the right way?

Also dumb ass, once one is a LEGAL immigrant it is 5 YEARS to take the citizenship test. I know my wife being originally an immigrant. And my Mother in law being one also.

She does not answer you because she has no good answer. It's like punishing those who play by the rules, that's the obie wan way. if you work hard and follow the rules we're gonna kick your ass. How much does it cost to do it the right way?
all demonRats are slimeballs.

Worse. They're like petulant children. They'll do as much damage as they can out of spite.

There is absolutely no doubt about that. That's a fact. They've proved it over and over and over again.

The left have been very adept at 'Get Even With Them'...

They will ensure they relegate themselves into the dustbin of history the way they have treated the people of this Republic...and nail their coffins shut for decades as the people will find it difficult to trust any of them.
Wrong as usual, first you make them legal immigrants then you fast track citizenship.

Ok Jillian explain to me how it is right that milli0ons of illegal Mexicans can flood our country and we should amnesty them for breaking the law while my Brother in law and sister in law and their families in the Philippines must wait YEARS to even have any hope of immigrating to this Country? Maybe I should have them jump ship and come here for the Amnesty?

You so don't know what you're talking about. Even if they gave them a path to citizenship, do you have any clue how long it would take? It's like the idiots who cry about 'anchor babies'.... It takes an average of 10 years to get citizenship based on your child being born here.... And even then, they only grant about 4,000 such applications a year.... About the same number as fill one NYC middle school.

You and your fellow loons are so busy claiming that the sky is falling that you don't even give thought to what is practical or what is right.

Totally ignoring reality and I notice you REFUSED to answer my question. Why is it you support MILLIONS of illegals while denying the same to people that have been on waiting lists for years doing it the right way?

Also dumb ass, once one is a LEGAL immigrant it is 5 YEARS to take the citizenship test. I know my wife being originally an immigrant. And my Mother in law being one also.

You'll have to pardon her. She's one of those that isn't interested in RULES.

Power and continuing the partisan hack games sends some into orgasmic orbit.

She is one of those.
Senate Seeks To Pursue 2nd Step Towards Immigration Law Overhaul

It would offer young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents the ability to take steps towards permanent residency. In order to do so, they would have to complete either two years of college education or serve in the military for two years.

To further complicate matters, the spending bill also includes language repealing the 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' rule, which prevents gays from serving openly in the military. Any move striking this rule is staunchly opposed by Republicans.

Read more: Senate Seeks To Pursue 2nd Step Towards Immigration Law Overhaul

They have tacked this "Dream Act" for children brought to the country illegally onto the defense spending bill -- also in the same bill is the repeal of DADT.
Harry is really desperate to look better in the eyes of the voters so he has added something new to a bill. In addition to the repeal of "Don't Ask, "Don't Tell" [which I favor] he wants to make a percentage of Illegals, legal. Aww benevolent of you. :eusa_whistle: The Tea Party and Sharron Angle threatening your pants by your literal seat --Aqua*


From CNN Congressional Producer Ted Barrett

Harry Reid said he will add the DREAM Act to a defese policy bill next week.
Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday he will add the DREAM Act, a controversial immigration measure, to a defense policy bill the Senate will take up next week.


Many Hispanic voters are angry with Democratic leaders for not doing more to pass an immigration overhaul. The decision by Reid to add the DREAM Act now could help soothe that anger.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell called Reid's decision "needlessly controversial."
The Senate will need 60 votes to take up the bill next week, and Reid said Tuesday he doesn't know if he has enough votes.

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Reid adds controversial immigration measure to defense bill - Blogs from
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Looks like politics as usual. The immigration bill must really be a bad bill if they have to piggy back the damn thing on a major bill such as defense. :rolleyes:

LOL you need to read the articles.

This is not general amnesty. It is a specific measure that would allow young Illegals. Who came here before they were 16, and have lived here for at least 5 Years. To serve 2 years in the military, and or 2 years in college, as a path to citizenship for them and only them.
Looks like politics as usual. The immigration bill must really be a bad bill if they have to piggy back the damn thing on a major bill such as defense

LOL you need to read the articles.

This is not general amnesty. It is a specific measure that would allow young Illegals. Who came here before they were 16, and have lived here for at least 5 Years. To serve 2 years in the military, and or 2 years in college, as a path to citizenship for them and only them.

believe it or not, I don't think it is all that bad of an idea. We all know they are going to give a general Amnesty at some point. Why not get some service out of some of them with a bill like this.

I have always though the idea of Service for Citizenship was not a bad one, and Neither is the 2 years of College. After all god knows we need more Educated immigrants as well.

PS I already made a post on this in the CORRECT section :)
Good post CM, but I'm not for any type of immigration reform until they get the borders under control, then I will be open for suggestions. Until they are at that point, they are not serious about protecting the border.
responding to Charles_Main--

I notice you didn't mention the part about gays in the military.

"he repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy."
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Yeah, like we have plenty of jobs and college tuitions for everyone...

Looks like politics as usual. The immigration bill must really be a bad bill if they have to piggy back the damn thing on a major bill such as defense

LOL you need to read the articles.

This is not general amnesty. It is a specific measure that would allow young Illegals. Who came here before they were 16, and have lived here for at least 5 Years. To serve 2 years in the military, and or 2 years in college, as a path to citizenship for them and only them.

believe it or not, I don't think it is all that bad of an idea. We all know they are going to give a general Amnesty at some point. Why not get some service out of some of them with a bill like this.

I have always though the idea of Service for Citizenship was not a bad one, and Neither is the 2 years of College. After all god knows we need more Educated immigrants as well.

PS I already made a post on this in the CORRECT section :)
Yeah, like we have plenty of jobs and college tuitions for everyone...

Looks like politics as usual. The immigration bill must really be a bad bill if they have to piggy back the damn thing on a major bill such as defense

LOL you need to read the articles.

This is not general amnesty. It is a specific measure that would allow young Illegals. Who came here before they were 16, and have lived here for at least 5 Years. To serve 2 years in the military, and or 2 years in college, as a path to citizenship for them and only them.

believe it or not, I don't think it is all that bad of an idea. We all know they are going to give a general Amnesty at some point. Why not get some service out of some of them with a bill like this.

I have always though the idea of Service for Citizenship was not a bad one, and Neither is the 2 years of College. After all god knows we need more Educated immigrants as well.

PS I already made a post on this in the CORRECT section :)

Where does the article say their tuition would be paid for by US?

look man these illegals are already here. What the hell is wrong with having them educate themselves, or serve in the military before they get citizenship. We all know they are going to get it anyways soon enough.
Good post CM, but I'm not for any type of immigration reform until they get the borders under control, then I will be open for suggestions. Until they are at that point, they are not serious about protecting the border.

This attitude seems to be what the majority of US Citizens have been saying. Thanks for articulating it again.
Looks like politics as usual. The immigration bill must really be a bad bill if they have to piggy back the damn thing on a major bill such as defense. :rolleyes:

I know it's a bit off-topic? But this 'piggybacking' crap needs to cease. A bill stands alone on it's merits or it dies.

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