Senator Reid (D-NV) Body Slams docile Republicans

Harry's own family calls him "pinky" becuase of his mannerisms.
His mom and Dad, Harry Senior and Treva were the salt of the earth...Treva was the sister of my ex-wifes dad.
Harry never came arond the family at all...he was too "good" for them.
wow! you cons sure do get your feathers ruffled easily :dunno: :boohoo:

I can see how you'd see it that way since one of your insipid trolls has been shot down, as...another insipid troll post.

Reid went out of his way to make this harder than it had to be...wake up, he doesn't want to vote or have a vote making his vulnerable members up for reelection have to go on record and walk the plank, like all of those blue dogs Rahm Emmanuel got elected in a brilliant jui jitsu move in 06 to take back the house, they walked the plank on obamacare and, they got fed to the beast in the midterms...same here. hes happy there will be no vote, and there won't be, ever.
ummm..... never been a Dove. Never been a "shoot first & ask questions later" (start a 10+ year, unpaid-for war that has dubious results :thup: ) like the last Repub admin either.
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Republicans who are more concerned about their next election (being "primaried-out") for working w/ our proud African American President (doing whats right)

Senator Reid (D) being a true statesman AGAIN :salute: Not surprising as he used to be a Capitol Policemen while going to law school at night.

He invokes Rabbi Hillel & Dante to shame Republican "Doves" (irony alert- can't believe I said "repub doves" lol) into action. If you want to see a true statesman, click on the link for the video.

Harry Reid Quotes Dante In Backing Syria Strike - AOL On

Dante (The Inferno)- "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those, who in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality"

Rabbi Hillel- "If I care only for myself, what am I?" & "If not now, when?"

Repubs must've been slunk in their chairs when Senator Reid called them out :( :lol:

whadda a hilarious thread after harry reid asked today for a delayed vote. Dang, you libs/dems are a riot

dot com was the dove when bush was president

now it is a dem, dot com is all the hawk

Its a new species. The Chameleon Hawk-dove....It changes positions depending upon party affiliation.

Republicans who are more concerned about their next election (being "primaried-out") for working w/ our proud African American President (doing whats right)

Senator Reid (D) being a true statesman AGAIN :salute: Not surprising as he used to be a Capitol Policemen while going to law school at night.

He invokes Rabbi Hillel & Dante to shame Republican "Doves" (irony alert- can't believe I said "repub doves" lol) into action. If you want to see a true statesman, click on the link for the video.

Harry Reid Quotes Dante In Backing Syria Strike - AOL On

Dante (The Inferno)- "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those, who in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality"

Rabbi Hillel- "If I care only for myself, what am I?" & "If not now, when?"

Repubs must've been slunk in their chairs when Senator Reid called them out :( :lol:

It takes a special kind of asshole to support human filth like Reid. Just like it takes a special kind of filth to support McCain or his butthole buddy Lindsey. You suck, ROFLMAO.

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