Senator Rick Scott is calling on the U.S. to stand with the Venezuelan people. Do you agree ?

US should send in army, do you AGREE?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • I am not sure

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
US should send in army, do you AGREE?
Finally!!! So glad a Senator speaking up for Venezuela Where are the rest?!

When people distrust government and you have half of the country interested in just making ends meet, burning their own flag, gender issues and climate change, the civil liberties and elections of another country fall by the wayside.

These are the consequences some of us warned Americans about. The Monarchies don't care and their shills will even defend their failures.
US should send in army, do you AGREE?
Finally!!! So glad a Senator speaking up for Venezuela Where are the rest?!

Stand with them?

What does that even mean?

They are at the mercy of their elected Socialist dictatorship.

Good luck folks.
"Standing with" indicates moral support for a new administration. It doesn't translate to throwing billions of dollars or supplying a regime that might turn out bad with US military weapons.

"He also called them "fascists." has it surprised you ? 🇷🇺 RT SENT A NAZI - propaganda MANUAL to despot maduro many long time ago....
"Standing with" indicates moral support for a new administration. It doesn't translate to throwing billions of dollars or supplying a regime that might turn out bad with US military weapons.
Sure, moral support

It's all theirs!!!

Is shit like this what the United Nations is supposed to be for? What a useless organization.
save this beautiful American nation from the moscow´s 🇷🇺 bloody, predatory claws

America has enough problems trying to save itself, or had you not noticed?

America gets closer to Venezuela every day.

Who in the hell will give them moral support?

I'm guessing nobody.
When people distrust government and you have half of the country interested in just making ends meet, burning their own flag, gender issues and climate change, the civil liberties and elections of another country fall by the wayside.

These are the consequences some of us warned Americans about. The Monarchies don't care and their shills will even defend their failures.
A military intervention is needed, or Moscow 🇷🇺 empire will take over this (full of oil and gold ) country
Is shit like this what the United Nations is supposed to be for? What a useless organization.
Not true.

The UN has written more resolutions against Israel than all nations combined on the planet.

They are there to stop the Jews.

Take it back! They do serve some purpose in life.

Maybe they will start making those German ovens again to help prepare.
US should send in army, do you AGREE?
Finally!!! So glad a Senator speaking up for Venezuela Where are the rest?!

Why should I be mad about that? He couldn’t stand up against welfare fraud committed by his company.
Maybe if Reagan or even Kennedy were in office. It's a different world now and the spreading of American Values is in decline, even within America many people despise the Constitution or want to change it.
you are right , but i dont want to die from the hunger in 🇷🇺 GULAG. I ´d RATHER die fighting these bloody, genocidal
🇷🇺pig - dogs

Maybe if Reagan or even Kennedy were in office. It's a different world now and the spreading of American Values is in decline, even within America many people despise the Constitution or want to change it.
Decline what decline that there’s gay people and you might have to actually interact with them.

Are you that much of a pussy boy?

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