Senator Says Trump Has ‘Maturity Of A 5-Year-Old’ — Which Makes Nuke Talk Very Scary


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) says the apparent escalation of tensions after the president-elect’s nuclear tweet terrifies him.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said Thursday that he has little confidence Donald Trump will act rationally on nuclear weapons as commander in chief, in part because he thinks the president-elect behaves like a child.

Responding to Trump’s vague tweet Thursday morning stating that he wants to “strengthen and expand” the nuclear capability of the United States, Merkley told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes that the apparent escalation of tensions terrified him.

“We have an incoming president who has kind of the maturity of a five-year-old, wrapped by a massive ego,” Merkley said. “And to have that just a second away from a nuclear trigger is very, very scary.”

Trump’s tweet came just hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a similar call to strengthen his nation’s nuclear arsenal. Experts have expressed concerns that this sort of rhetoric could signal a departure from decades of cooperation against nuclear proliferation in the international community.

“This is an area where it’s constrained by international agreements, as it should be because of the risk of nuclear weapons,” Merkley said.

More: Senator Says Trump Has 'Maturity Of A 5-Year-Old' -- Which Makes Nuke Talk Very Scary

Amen! This is scary as hell. Yes, having access to the nuclear trigger is very, very scary.
Scary for you, perhaps ...


But what ISN'T scary for you?
and 'merkley' really is the epitome of a wusse , just take a look at the guy . There is nothing MALE about him !!
I'm going to share some Top Secret information here... instead of the DoD giving Trump the "Nuclear Football," they are giving him

To fight terrorism one coin at a time.
Aw, poor baby. Senator Snowflake should go back and hide in his Safe Space.
You people are so dumb. If a democrat president was talking like this, you would all be shitting bricks right now. Right now you are either lying or are too stupid to realize how insane it is for Trump to have control over nukes.

Cons like to act like tough guys, but the truth is that they are secretly pussies.
Aw, poor baby. Senator Snowflake should go back and hide in his Safe Space.
You people are so dumb. If a democrat president was talking like this, you would all be shitting bricks right now. Right now you are either lying or are too stupid to realize how insane it is for Trump to have control over nukes.

Cons like to act like tough guys, but the truth is that they are secretly pussies.
If we all cry like little girls like you are now. . . Will the Donald have any less access to the nukes?

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Aw, poor baby. Senator Snowflake should go back and hide in his Safe Space.
You people are so dumb. If a democrat president was talking like this, you would all be shitting bricks right now. Right now you are either lying or are too stupid to realize how insane it is for Trump to have control over nukes.

Cons like to act like tough guys, but the truth is that they are secretly pussies.

Trump was being honest. Thanks to Obama and Clinton starting another Cold War with Russia, we are in a new arms race with it. What do you want him to do? You guys started the war. He inherited your mess.
Trump is a fool, and the Alt Right TDSers are fools for following him.
Aw, poor baby. Senator Snowflake should go back and hide in his Safe Space.
You people are so dumb. If a democrat president was talking like this, you would all be shitting bricks right now. Right now you are either lying or are too stupid to realize how insane it is for Trump to have control over nukes.

Cons like to act like tough guys, but the truth is that they are secretly pussies.

I agree. Trump should start out by flying around the world and apologizing for all our transgressions against other countries. He should free all our terrorist prisoners. He should never use the phrase Islamic terrorists because we don't want to offend anybody.

After all, we don't want to "secretly" be pussies!
Aw, poor baby. Senator Snowflake should go back and hide in his Safe Space.
You people are so dumb. If a democrat president was talking like this, you would all be shitting bricks right now. Right now you are either lying or are too stupid to realize how insane it is for Trump to have control over nukes.

Cons like to act like tough guys, but the truth is that they are secretly pussies.

I agree. Trump should start out by flying around the world and apologizing for all our transgressions against other countries. He should free all our terrorist prisoners. He should never use the phrase Islamic terrorists because we don't want to offend anybody.

After all, we don't want to "secretly" be pussies!
Too late. You already are.

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