Senator Tim Scott... right on target!!! What have we got after $25 trillion spent on the War on Poverty???

So, we spent $25 trillion to feed the hungry, House the homeless, provide medical care to the poor, offer education and job placement

I can see why Conservatives are outraged
Utopia was promised. People survived in those draconian times before the spending. It is a disgrace that children go to sleep at night hungry in this nation. Something is wrong.
Remember what your illustrious president said about those "no longer have jobs"...

Biden tells coal miners to “learn to code”​

According to Dave Weigel of the Washington Post, Biden said, “Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well… Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!”

It is not easy to change career paths after working so many years.
Coal Mining is difficult work, but it doesn’t transition well to other professions

Why we need to help those in communities where the main means of employment has left
Not really…..helping those who need help

What have Republicans done for those in poverty other than build more prisons and send their jobs overseas?
Republicans are the only ones who cut taxes so they can keep more of their own money.
Utopia was promised. People survived in those draconian times before the spending. It is a disgrace that children go to sleep at night hungry in this nation. Something is wrong.
Actually, the poor suffered
Families in the Dust Bowl and Depression were destitute

The Government had to step in and save them
AOC acted like any other citizen in opposing $2.8 billion in tax breaks for the wealthiest corporation in the world.

She had no vote in the ultimate decision
So she got zero tax revenue instead of tens of millions. You are both blithering idiots.
60 years ago, people living in urban areas could get jobs where they could start in a low skill position and advance.
Those jobs left the cities and the people behind.

Do you oppose providing food, housing and medical care for those living in poverty?
Providing those things do not work. The numbers prove that.
Why aren’t Republicans bringing good jobs in those communities? They would vote Republican forever.

Instead they won’t even enter urban communities
Wow! You cheer AOC chasing off good jobs, then whine and cry about Republicans not bringing good jobs. Moron.

Seems like red states are where the good jobs are being created, and why people are fleeing shithole blue states.
So, we spent $25 trillion to feed the hungry, House the homeless, provide medical care to the poor, offer education and job placement

I can see why Conservatives are outraged
None of that worked, Simp.

Poverty numbers are the same, andd single parent households skyrocketed. Nice job.
A permanent class dependent on the government..

Oh, and national defense is in the Constitution, not a single thing you listed is.
The "War on Poverty" was intentionally designed to break up the nuclear family. Plus the reform act of 1996 was a good start, but didn't go far enough.

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