Senator Warren introduces military housing bill to boost inspections, transparency

Oh great another government mess that’s going to be cleaned up by even more government. Should work out well.

I have a simple question. Who at the government is allowing these contractors to get away without maintaining the units? And if they are failing why aren’t they finding new property managers?
yes--why do they need ANOTHER bill?
kick the property manager's ass OUT

Clearly they are not doing that, which is why this is an issue.
they make new bills---that don't work---- all the time
.....if they are too stupid to fix it now, who says a new bill would do any good--just more miles of red tape hinder the process
Oh great another government mess that’s going to be cleaned up by even more government. Should work out well.

I have a simple question. Who at the government is allowing these contractors to get away without maintaining the units? And if they are failing why aren’t they finding new property managers?
yes--why do they need ANOTHER bill?
kick the property manager's ass OUT

Clearly they are not doing that, which is why this is an issue.
they make new bills---that don't work---- all the time
.....if they are too stupid to fix it now, who says a new bill would do any good--just more miles of red tape hinder the process

The bill will not pass anyhow because the GOP cannot vote for it since it was Dems idea...but even the idea of the bill will put renewed focus on the problem. Same thing they have tried to do with the VA
Oh great another government mess that’s going to be cleaned up by even more government. Should work out well.

I have a simple question. Who at the government is allowing these contractors to get away without maintaining the units? And if they are failing why aren’t they finding new property managers?

The military is the government, you cannot get away from that.

They need to go back to the old way where the military owns, runs and maintains base housing.

This is what you get when you pick your property managers based on the lowest bidder.
It's actually what you get when you when you try to fake a free market with the government running the show. You get special operators who have friends in the right places who can neglect the maintenance and yet still keep the contract.

The military is the government is as dumb as claiming that education is the government. You can take care of both problems with vouchers and a free market system. Let military people get a voucher for their housing and let them choose. You will get better places to live at better prices. Let their kids go to the schools they like. Better educations.

You can't claim the free market failed when in fact it was never there to begin with.

Why stop there, put the whole military on the free market since you do not think it is part of the government. Just disband the Fed military and hire Mercs whenever you need to fight a war.
Well why is that the stopping point? Let's go the other way and just have everyone live in government housing. It's good enough for our military people so good enough for all don't you think?

The rest of the population are not government employees that move on average of every 3 years nor go on deployments for up to a year at a time.

are you really this stupid or are you just so blindly partisan that you would fuck over the military vice agreeing with a Dem?
I spend weeks that turn into months on the road for my job. Weekend trips at home every few weeks of course but yes I'm on the move even more than military people. Here;s the difference. I get to choose my lodging with a perdium provided by the company. Sometimes I do a hotel. other times I rent a house and in some cases get a long term kitchenette. None of which are dictated by the government or as a quasi government entity my company. That shockingly results in I don't stay in shitholes very often.

Fucking over the military is obviously making them stay in government provided and mandated housing. Are you really so damn stupid you can't figure out a perdium would be better for them?
Oh great another government mess that’s going to be cleaned up by even more government. Should work out well.

I have a simple question. Who at the government is allowing these contractors to get away without maintaining the units? And if they are failing why aren’t they finding new property managers?
yes--why do they need ANOTHER bill?
kick the property manager's ass OUT

Clearly they are not doing that, which is why this is an issue.
they make new bills---that don't work---- all the time
.....if they are too stupid to fix it now, who says a new bill would do any good--just more miles of red tape hinder the process

The bill will not pass anyhow because the GOP cannot vote for it since it was Dems idea...but even the idea of the bill will put renewed focus on the problem. Same thing they have tried to do with the VA
Since dem idea's are always doubling down on stupid there's good reason not to take them seriously.
Oh great another government mess that’s going to be cleaned up by even more government. Should work out well.

I have a simple question. Who at the government is allowing these contractors to get away without maintaining the units? And if they are failing why aren’t they finding new property managers?
yes--why do they need ANOTHER bill?
kick the property manager's ass OUT

Clearly they are not doing that, which is why this is an issue.
they make new bills---that don't work---- all the time
.....if they are too stupid to fix it now, who says a new bill would do any good--just more miles of red tape hinder the process

The bill will not pass anyhow because the GOP cannot vote for it since it was Dems idea...but even the idea of the bill will put renewed focus on the problem. Same thing they have tried to do with the VA
Since dem idea's are always doubling down on stupid there's good reason not to take them seriously.

damn son, look in the mirror every now and then.
I spend weeks that turn into months on the road for my job. Weekend trips at home every few weeks of course but yes I'm on the move even more than military people. Here;s the difference. I get to choose my lodging with a perdium provided by the company. Sometimes I do a hotel. other times I rent a house and in some cases get a long term kitchenette. None of which are dictated by the government or as a quasi government entity my company. That shockingly results in I don't stay in shitholes very often.

Fucking over the military is obviously making them stay in government provided and mandated housing. Are you really so damn stupid you can't figure out a perdium would be better for them?

We are not talking about the housing when they are deployed, but when they are at their home base, which changes every 3 years on average. What you do does not compare, you have a home that does not change.

It has never been mandated unless you are young enlisted person that has to live in the barracks, which is not the topic of discussion. The topic is family housing that the military provides. The military provides married members a housing allowance since they cannot live in the barracks at their home station.

They were not shitholes when the military owned, controlled and maintained them, there is no reason they should be now.
The military is the government, you cannot get away from that.

They need to go back to the old way where the military owns, runs and maintains base housing.

This is what you get when you pick your property managers based on the lowest bidder.
It's actually what you get when you when you try to fake a free market with the government running the show. You get special operators who have friends in the right places who can neglect the maintenance and yet still keep the contract.

The military is the government is as dumb as claiming that education is the government. You can take care of both problems with vouchers and a free market system. Let military people get a voucher for their housing and let them choose. You will get better places to live at better prices. Let their kids go to the schools they like. Better educations.

You can't claim the free market failed when in fact it was never there to begin with.

Why stop there, put the whole military on the free market since you do not think it is part of the government. Just disband the Fed military and hire Mercs whenever you need to fight a war.
Well why is that the stopping point? Let's go the other way and just have everyone live in government housing. It's good enough for our military people so good enough for all don't you think?

The rest of the population are not government employees that move on average of every 3 years nor go on deployments for up to a year at a time.

are you really this stupid or are you just so blindly partisan that you would fuck over the military vice agreeing with a Dem?
I spend weeks that turn into months on the road for my job. Weekend trips at home every few weeks of course but yes I'm on the move even more than military people. Here;s the difference. I get to choose my lodging with a perdium provided by the company. Sometimes I do a hotel. other times I rent a house and in some cases get a long term kitchenette. None of which are dictated by the government or as a quasi government entity my company. That shockingly results in I don't stay in shitholes very often.

Fucking over the military is obviously making them stay in government provided and mandated housing. Are you really so damn stupid you can't figure out a perdium would be better for them?

I would like to add that at most bases there is not enough housing for everyone and many people have to live off base either for a time or their whole time at that station. In Beaufort SC that is the case, and there is "housing" off base that was total shit because the owners of the properties knew they had a captive audience and that people had to live somewhere. They have no incentive to make it better because the military members have no other choices.
It's actually what you get when you when you try to fake a free market with the government running the show. You get special operators who have friends in the right places who can neglect the maintenance and yet still keep the contract.

The military is the government is as dumb as claiming that education is the government. You can take care of both problems with vouchers and a free market system. Let military people get a voucher for their housing and let them choose. You will get better places to live at better prices. Let their kids go to the schools they like. Better educations.

You can't claim the free market failed when in fact it was never there to begin with.

Why stop there, put the whole military on the free market since you do not think it is part of the government. Just disband the Fed military and hire Mercs whenever you need to fight a war.
Well why is that the stopping point? Let's go the other way and just have everyone live in government housing. It's good enough for our military people so good enough for all don't you think?

The rest of the population are not government employees that move on average of every 3 years nor go on deployments for up to a year at a time.

are you really this stupid or are you just so blindly partisan that you would fuck over the military vice agreeing with a Dem?
I spend weeks that turn into months on the road for my job. Weekend trips at home every few weeks of course but yes I'm on the move even more than military people. Here;s the difference. I get to choose my lodging with a perdium provided by the company. Sometimes I do a hotel. other times I rent a house and in some cases get a long term kitchenette. None of which are dictated by the government or as a quasi government entity my company. That shockingly results in I don't stay in shitholes very often.

Fucking over the military is obviously making them stay in government provided and mandated housing. Are you really so damn stupid you can't figure out a perdium would be better for them?

I would like to add that at most bases there is not enough housing for everyone and many people have to live off base either for a time or their whole time at that station. In Beaufort SC that is the case, and there is "housing" off base that was total shit because the owners of the properties knew they had a captive audience and that people had to live somewhere. They have no incentive to make it better because the military members have no other choices.
And shockingly you think the solution is more of the government that is causing that problem. Sounds like a great opportunity to make some good money if the government would step out of the way, If I built 50 housing units in SC and took care of them and the military people had the choice to move there how many units do you think I could fill? That's capitalism. What they are doing now isn't. And a total government takeover will only get worse.
And shockingly you think the solution is more of the government that is causing that problem.

The problem started when the government stepped away.

Sounds like a great opportunity to make some good money if the government would step out of the way, If I built 50 housing units in SC and took care of them and the military people had the choice to move there how many units do you think I could fill? That's capitalism. What they are doing now isn't. And a total government takeover will only get worse.

you could build 50 units and do nothing to them but the very minimum maintenance and you would still fill them all...which is what happens. The point of capitalism is to maximize profits, so the less you spend on upkeep the more profit you get.

One more time for the really slow learners...the military is a total governmental entity...or should we use capitalism to defend our nation and stand down the Fed Military?
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Military housing privatization was enacted by the 104th Congress in 1996 under Bill Clinton.
An overview can be found @ Military Housing Privatization Initiative

I don't know what went wrong, but it's clear the whole thing has gone to the dogs. Does this mean that a private contractor was allowed to become a Slum Lord? Without any real oversight?

My dad was in the military and when I was a kid we lived in K-Park. Base housing in Plattsburg, NY. The housing was fantastic.

Seems things have gone downhill since 96.
And shockingly you think the solution is more of the government that is causing that problem.

The problem started when the government stepped away.

Sounds like a great opportunity to make some good money if the government would step out of the way, If I built 50 housing units in SC and took care of them and the military people had the choice to move there how many units do you think I could fill? That's capitalism. What they are doing now isn't. And a total government takeover will only get worse.

you could build 50 units and do nothing to them but the very minimum maintenance and you would still fill them all...which is what happens. The point of capitalism is to maximize profits, so the less you spend on upkeep the more profit you get.

One more time for the really slow learners...the military is a total governmental entity...or should we use capitalism to defend our nation and stand down the Fed Military?
First of all no problems never start when the government steps away. They didn't get completely out and there is the issue.

I can build 50 units and keep them full by having nice units. What can't be competed with is the shithole the government half ass supports and gives deals to because some senators buddy owns them.

The military is not a total government entity. It's a job you have within the government that pays your salary. That's it. Now, do they need a raise? Maybe. Is it up to the government to house your family? No. It's up to them to make the job worth having, The rest can be taken care of by the people themselves.

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