Senator 'You Ain't Black' Joe Sent Black Female Judge To The 'Back Of The Bus'

Trump had a list of judges when he ran for office. It came from the Federalist Society. You had to promise to overturn Roe v. Wade to get a job on the SC when Trump was in office. And be white, of course.
Has Roe vs. Wade been overturned? It won’t be overturned.
Yeah, Thurgood Marshal.
Glad you mentioned him.

Brandon wouldn’t even CONSIDER nominating Thurgood Marshall because of that whole penis vs vagina requirement.

So, Brandon wouldn’t nominate Thurgood Marshall; but you know who would “qualify” at least for consideration? Kameltoe Heels Up Harris and that brain surgeon, Whoopi Goldberg. 🙄
None of them ever felt entitled enough to say that is what they were doing if they were.
That's because they didn't have to say it.
The woman justice said that the bench was for making policy because she bet that because of her gender and ethnicity, she wouldn’t be held accountable. That is the danger with solely nominating a Justice based on affirmative action.
They don't say it, hell they just do it. Is AA what got Amy Comey Barrett on the bench?
How many of the white men have used the bench to make policy?
This is not another era. We are in a long-term environment of righting wrongs. What we have ended up with is the newly empowered exacting vengeance on those who did nothing to them while not taken their own to task for their irresponsible ways.
That's because they didn't have to say it.

They don't say it, hell they just do it. Is AA what got Amy Comey Barrett on the bench?
It may be but she has yet to hid behind her AA status as justification for making a bold statement that her role is to make policy from the bench. A justice might as well say her mission is to fundamentally transform the mission of the bench to an extension of the legislative branch and eliminate the role of interpretation of the law. In this case, I think the justice “slipped” in saying that because it is not only what she believes, but her masters that put her there believe as well.
Well that may be true but we're stuck with Amy Coney Barrett now and there's nothing can be done about it.

What an unqualified, unsuitable elevation of a woman simply because they needed someone who can pass as female to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That Stepford Wife is a poor replacement for RBG.
You're a hateful little thing, aren't you?
Trump had a list of judges when he ran for office. It came from the Federalist Society. You had to promise to overturn Roe v. Wade to get a job on the SC when Trump was in office. And be white, of course.
White was never a qualification. You’re an idiot. The qualities to make the list was a belief and adherence to constitutional law. Period. That applied to all of them regardless of their race or sex.

The qualifications you morons are looking for in a judge? Black and female.

One of those is based on a persons qualifications for the job. The other is racism and sexism. I’ll give you a minute to see if you can figure out which is which.
You read your posts and you don't think what you say is racist. This is how delusional you are.
If our government was totally authoritarian, Joe would be killing millions of people.
White was never a qualification. You’re an idiot. The qualities to make the list was a belief and adherence to constitutional law. Period. That applied to all of them regardless of their race or sex.

The qualifications you morons are looking for in a judge? Black and female.

One of those is based on a persons qualifications for the job. The other is racism and sexism. I’ll give you a minute to see if you can figure out which is which.
White was a qualification. There were blacks who fit those standards but none were nominated. At any level. And a number of trump judicial appointees were rated unqualified.
trump is the authoritarian.
Trump was at worse, uncouth. joe has a history of doing anything for power. Hiding his evil in potential good deeds and letting that side show over and over but never questioned.

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