Senator 'You Ain't Black' Joe Sent Black Female Judge To The 'Back Of The Bus'

Racism since Jim Crow ended is practiced in a different way. It is not overt in practice but covert in policy and attitudes. The covert nature of the racism allows members of the racist subculture to claim plausible deniability. We now face perhaps an insidious and arrogant type of white backlash. Whites who are “tired of hearing” blacks and other nonwhites protesting and complaining about white racism.
"In short, a large number of white Americans have become comfortable with as much racial inequality and segregation as a putatively nondiscriminatory polity and free market economy can produce. Hence, the reproduction and, on some dimensions, the worsening of racial inequalities. These circumstances are rendered culturally palatable by the new ideology of Laissez Faire Racism."-Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, Ryan A. Smith - LAISSEZ FAIRE RACISM: The Crystallization of a 'Kinder, Gentler' Anti-Black Ideology

Laissez Faire Racism involves:

persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans,

a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing,


resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”

This forum is full of such racism and those who I have called racists do what is described above.
Trump was at worse, uncouth. joe has a history of doing anything for power. Hiding his evil in potential good deeds and letting that side show over and over but never questioned.
Stop lying. I know Biden is not perfect but everything you said about him is exactly what trump is.
You read your posts and you don't think what you say is racist. This is how delusional you are.

You can't point to a single thing, little man. Everyone knows you're the racist, and if there were any doubts, you eliminated them by voting for a white supremacist piece of shit who said he doesn't want his kids growing up in "a jungle" with people like you.

Now fuck off.
You can't point to a single thing, little man. Everyone knows you're the racist, and if there were any doubts, you eliminated them by voting for a white supremacist piece of shit who said he doesn't want his kids growing up in "a jungle" with people like you.

Now fuck off.
And here is another example of laissez faire racism. When Biden made the comment you keep repeating, Trump had been sued for actually discriminating against blacks and called for some innocent black and Hispanic kids to be executed. Because of him some kids were wrongfully imprisoned. So just shut the fuck up you piece of addled brained white trash.
And here is another example of laissez faire racism. When Biden made the comment you keep repeating, Trump had been sued for actually discriminating against blacks and called for some innocent black and Hispanic kids to be executed. Because of him some kids were wrongfully imprisoned. So just shut the fuck up you piece of addled brained white trash.

As I said, you got nothing. Just your vote for a white supremacist who wouldn't let his kids get near your nasty, dirty ass.

Enjoy your klan meeting, Cletus.

Stop lying. I know Biden is not perfect but everything you said about him is exactly what trump is.
What the Progs are doing now is in the political playbook throughout history. Inflation and perhaps stagflation is insidious. for it is uneven in who it impoverishes. Progs are doing this. They are doing this. They are doing this.
Wow, look who the real racist is:

I’m old enough to also remember a certain Senator that vehemently opposed the nomination of a black person to the Supreme Court:

View attachment 594074

2003. Ok....:rolleyes:
That has nothing to do with what I said. Picking people for a job because of their color is just plain stupid.
Amazing how you think it's JUST about color. You don't believe a black woman can possibly be qualified, right?
Amazing how you think it's JUST about color. You don't believe a black woman can possibly be qualified, right?
That is what identity politics is. I never said anything about a black woman not being qualified. I said basing the pick on color was stupid. I take it you think it is a good idea. That makes you a racist, and a real stupid one at that.
White was a qualification. There were blacks who fit those standards but none were nominated. At any level. And a number of trump judicial appointees were rated unqualified.
Quite a few were nominated and confirmed at all levels. You’re an idiot.
That has been the standard in this country for years.


It may be but she has yet to hid behind her AA status as justification for making a bold statement that her role is to make policy from the bench. A justice might as well say her mission is to fundamentally transform the mission of the bench to an extension of the legislative branch and eliminate the role of interpretation of the law. In this case, I think the justice “slipped” in saying that because it is not only what she believes, but her masters that put her there believe as well.
Amy got on the bench because she’s a hand maiden.
Wow, look who the real racist is:

I’m old enough to also remember a certain Senator that vehemently opposed the nomination of a black person to the Supreme Court:

why doesn't bidim just come clean w/ Americans and say He is anti-conservative and wishes all of us would drop dead asap thank u very much?

oh yeh... I know why he doesn't do that.. not a big fan of truth and honesty...

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