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Senators call for 12-cent gas-tax increase to replenish highway fund

Just ran to Home Depot and turned on the hysterical screamer Mark LEVin. He was railing against this and Kevin McCarthy, who supports it, and actually made sense for once.

Of course, he's an extreme ideologue who would never list any solution to any problem that might cost any industry a single cent, so he ended up going off the rails....

....but for a minute there he actually sounded sane.
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Here's a thought, scrap the federal gas tax altogether and the let the states fund their own damn roads. Why does D.C. need to do it?

Senators call for 12-cent gas-tax increase to replenish highway fund*-*Los Angeles Times

Because this gives power to the Federal Government.

It's the same concept as taxing the hell out of the public, and offering food stamps, welfare, section 8 housing, and so on. Every impoverished soul in need of government handouts, is an instant pro-government voter.

Similarly, the more money they suck out of the states, and give back in programs, makes the states more willing to play to the puppeteer. Remember how Ohio wasn't going to do Obamacare, and then suddenly when they realize how much Federal Money they would forfeit, oh... well maybe we will.... I guess.
Care to specifically name these subsidies?

You know, with links and stuff?

States raise sales, income & property taxes to repair roads. Federal payroll & income tax now pays over 25% of the federal highway maintenance as the US highway system has fallen from #1 in the world to below #18. Non oil or highway users are forced to pay Big-Time for asphalt & fuel from OIL companies to build & maintain roads for OIL customers to drive on.

CNN: - "Lawmakers' have simply chosen to add to what the gas tax brings in with additional money from general federal revenue -- an estimated $55 billion since the end of 2008.

General revenue now accounts for more than 25% of spending on federal surface transportation programs, according to transportation expert Emil Frankel, a senior adviser at the Bipartisan Policy Center, who just published a new paper on the issue."

Since the 1973 Arab oil embargo, successive US administrations have equated national security with access to, and control of, oil – particularly in the Persian Gulf, which holds two-thirds of global oil reserves. In other words, as long as we need oil, we need the Persian Gulf.

Faced with this unpleasant fact, every President since Carter has chosen to defend US “access” to the Persian Gulf costing even non-oil using tax payers well over $1.04 a gallon.

A peer reviewed study from Roger Stern, an economic geographer at Princeton, pegs the cost to defend US “access” to the Persian Gulf at $7.3 trillion over 30 years. Stern looked at the cost of patrolling the Persian Gulf with aircraft carriers from 1976 to 2007. The carriers are only in the Gulf to secure oil supplies, so he views this as a great way to begin to measure military subsidies to oil.

Missouri House passes Largest Sales Tax Increase In History to repair & build Roads by buying asphalt & fuel from Oil companies to maintain roads used by Oil customers.
None of that shows any direct in-kind cash payment to oil companies, a.k.a. subsidies.

Where are the subsidies?

Are you always this stupid, or are you just making a special effort today?

FYI Subsidies are not just direct in-kind cash payments. Although the government does pay oil companies directly with taxpayer money.

Encyclopedia Britannica - SUBSIDY: a direct or indirect payment, economic concession, or privilege granted by a government to private firms, households, or other governmental units in order to promote a public objective. Identification of a subsidy is often complicated because of the variety of subsidy instruments, the multiplicity of the objectives they are designed to serve, and the complexity of their effects.

Regardless of the form that subsidies take, their purpose is to alter the results created by otherwise free markets and unimpeded competition in a direction considered more consistent with the objectives of public policy. The effect of subsidies is to encourage the growth of subsidized industries relative to industries that do not receive subsidies and thus to alter the uses to which an economy puts its resources.

Subsidies have a long history in all nations. They were extensively employed by governments during the mercantilist period preceding the Industrial Revolution, when it was thought that the accumulation of gold through a favorable balance of trade required the protection of domestic manufacturers. Such protectionist doctrines have often been viewed with skepticism. Nevertheless, protectionism continues as a part of national economic policy in most nations of the world. In nations in which a strong central government influences the price and production policies of domestic industries, the subsidy device is replaced by comprehensive economic planning.
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I'm just curious as to how the highway funds were depleted. After all, our infrastructure *according to the left* is the worst it has been in centuries....so much so, its a disgrace.

Yet, the billions and billions we take in don't seem to be found anywhere.

I'd like to see a detailed accounting of that money. By detailed, I mean if they said they spent X on asphalt, then I want to know every asphalt company that was paid, and I want to see invoices of the asphalt purchased, and reports on where it was applied.

In other words, before we give them another fucking red cent, I want a 100% audit of the entire program.
Just like our social security it was stolen.
Shut down the coal industry...
Throw in a little cap and tax...utility rates go up.
Add a little increase to minimum wage...prices go up...
Bump up the price of gas at the pump...

And why not Democrats are looking out for us.

Yup Democrats gotta love em...
They know what's best for America.

Obama promised no new taxes on the middle class. First obamacare and now this. Hitting the very people who need the money the most
Here's a thought, scrap the federal gas tax altogether and the let the states fund their own damn roads. Why does D.C. need to do it?

Senators call for 12-cent gas-tax increase to replenish highway fund*-*Los Angeles Times

Calling for a tax increase during an election year? That takes some serious balls.

Democrats feel there is never a bad time to stick it to the American people. :mad:

Bob Corker is a Democrat?
States raise sales, income & property taxes to repair roads. Federal payroll & income tax now pays over 25% of the federal highway maintenance as the US highway system has fallen from #1 in the world to below #18. Non oil or highway users are forced to pay Big-Time for asphalt & fuel from OIL companies to build & maintain roads for OIL customers to drive on.

CNN: - "Lawmakers' have simply chosen to add to what the gas tax brings in with additional money from general federal revenue -- an estimated $55 billion since the end of 2008.

General revenue now accounts for more than 25% of spending on federal surface transportation programs, according to transportation expert Emil Frankel, a senior adviser at the Bipartisan Policy Center, who just published a new paper on the issue."

Since the 1973 Arab oil embargo, successive US administrations have equated national security with access to, and control of, oil – particularly in the Persian Gulf, which holds two-thirds of global oil reserves. In other words, as long as we need oil, we need the Persian Gulf.

Faced with this unpleasant fact, every President since Carter has chosen to defend US “access” to the Persian Gulf costing even non-oil using tax payers well over $1.04 a gallon.

A peer reviewed study from Roger Stern, an economic geographer at Princeton, pegs the cost to defend US “access” to the Persian Gulf at $7.3 trillion over 30 years. Stern looked at the cost of patrolling the Persian Gulf with aircraft carriers from 1976 to 2007. The carriers are only in the Gulf to secure oil supplies, so he views this as a great way to begin to measure military subsidies to oil.

Missouri House passes Largest Sales Tax Increase In History to repair & build Roads by buying asphalt & fuel from Oil companies to maintain roads used by Oil customers.
None of that shows any direct in-kind cash payment to oil companies, a.k.a. subsidies.

Where are the subsidies?

Are you always this stupid, or are you just making a special effort today?

FYI Subsidies are not just direct in-kind cash payments. Although the government does pay oil companies directly with taxpayer money.

Your attempt to claim your previous examples as subsidies is a more of a stretch than a rubber band.
None of that shows any direct in-kind cash payment to oil companies, a.k.a. subsidies.

Where are the subsidies?

Are you always this stupid, or are you just making a special effort today?

FYI Subsidies are not just direct in-kind cash payments. Although the government does pay oil companies directly with taxpayer money.

Your attempt to claim your previous examples as subsidies is a more of a stretch than a rubber band.

Well Comrade your lie puts you squarely in the fascist anti-free market camp.
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Full Definition of SUBSIDY
: a grant or gift of money: as
a : a sum of money formerly granted by the British Parliament to the crown and raised by special taxation
b : money granted by one state to another
c : a grant by a government to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public

Subsidy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Nothing you listed meets the definition of a subsidy, champ.
Maybe we just need to be grateful we are allowed to keep any money from our paycheck...

A real American, when faced with a small paycheck....would get a second job or start a business. Quit yer whining, patriot. Grab those bootstraps and pull!

The answer to govt corruption is for "real americans" to get another job?

Statists/communists think the answer to every problem is for the govt to seize more money from working citizens....to "redistribute".
Between the states and fed on gasoline alone 67 billion dollars are collected annually.

Add to that the taxes on diesel, tolls, the various excise taxes, mileage fees for commercial trucks etc and over 100 billion dollars a year are collected for roads.

So tell me where the fuck is all that money going?

Nah dude. You tell us. You're the one knows everything.
I don't know everything but I know more than you.

Really? You know more than me about what? Bullshitting on a message board? OK. Got me there.Your post count does show that you have more "experience". For whatever that means.
Maybe we just need to be grateful we are allowed to keep any money from our paycheck...

A real American, when faced with a small paycheck....would get a second job or start a business. Quit yer whining, patriot. Grab those bootstraps and pull!

The answer to govt corruption is for "real americans" to get another job?

Statists/communists think the answer to every problem is for the govt to seize more money from working citizens....to "redistribute".

Hell no, that ain't the answer. The answer is for you, The T and daveman to do a march on Washington. Really. That is the answer. You all go kick some corrupt government ass. OK?
A real American, when faced with a small paycheck....would get a second job or start a business. Quit yer whining, patriot. Grab those bootstraps and pull!

The answer to govt corruption is for "real americans" to get another job?

Statists/communists think the answer to every problem is for the govt to seize more money from working citizens....to "redistribute".

Hell no, that ain't the answer. The answer is for you, The T and daveman to do a march on Washington. Really. That is the answer. You all go kick some corrupt government ass. OK?

you mean like that failed Occupy movement leftard?
A real American, when faced with a small paycheck....would get a second job or start a business. Quit yer whining, patriot. Grab those bootstraps and pull!

The answer to govt corruption is for "real americans" to get another job?

Statists/communists think the answer to every problem is for the govt to seize more money from working citizens....to "redistribute".

Hell no, that ain't the answer. The answer is for you, The T and daveman to do a march on Washington. Really. That is the answer. You all go kick some corrupt government ass. OK?

Brilliant rebuttal. :doubt:
The answer to govt corruption is for "real americans" to get another job?

Statists/communists think the answer to every problem is for the govt to seize more money from working citizens....to "redistribute".

Hell no, that ain't the answer. The answer is for you, The T and daveman to do a march on Washington. Really. That is the answer. You all go kick some corrupt government ass. OK?

you mean like that failed Occupy movement leftard?

Bedoninny, are you saying that your friends Daveman, the T and Rotto are members of the occupy movement? I doubt that.

Or are you saying that a three person march on Washington might not get much done?

What are you saying bedoninny?
The answer to govt corruption is for "real americans" to get another job?

Statists/communists think the answer to every problem is for the govt to seize more money from working citizens....to "redistribute"

Hell no, that ain't the answer. The answer is for you, The T and daveman to do a march on Washington. Really. That is the answer. You all go kick some corrupt government ass. OK?

Brilliant rebuttal. :doubt:

Hey my "response" was as valid as the bullshit you wrote above; "statists communiosts.........blah blah blah blah.

What insight. What understanding. What a joke you are.

Here's an idea; if you would get a fucking JOB, maybe you wouldn't have to worry so much about not having any money. What you think of that idea?
Hell no, that ain't the answer. The answer is for you, The T and daveman to do a march on Washington. Really. That is the answer. You all go kick some corrupt government ass. OK?

Brilliant rebuttal. :doubt:

Hey my "response" was as valid as the bullshit you wrote above; "statists communiosts.........blah blah blah blah.

What insight. What understanding. What a joke you are.

Here's an idea; if you would get a fucking JOB, maybe you wouldn't have to worry so much about not having any money. What you think of that idea?

In your opinion, the way to correct government corruption is for americans to get a second job?

...and you call me a "joke"?

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