Senators Introduce "CECIL Act" After Outcry Over Killed African Lion


New bill aims to prevent Cecil's hunter from importing his trophy.

WASHINGTON - Four Democratic senators announced Friday that they will introduce a bill named for the beloved Zimbabwean lion Cecil, who was killed by an American trophy hunter earlier this month.

The Conserving Ecosystems by Ceasing the Importation of Large (CECIL) Animal Trophies Act would extend current U.S. import and export restrictions on animal trophies to include species that have been proposed for listing as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Current law provides protection only for species whose status on the list has been finalized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and it can take over a year for the agency to complete an assessment.

Democrats Bob Menendez (N.J.), Cory Booker (N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) and Ben Cardin (Md.) are co-sponsoring the legislation. Click here to read the full text of the bill.

“Cecil’s death was a preventable tragedy that highlights the need to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act," Menendez said in a statement on Friday. "When we have enough concern about the future of a species to propose it for listing, we should not be killing it for sport." In a similar statement, Blumenthal called the hunting of endangered species "a reprehensible and repugnant act."

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has already proposed adding the African lion to the list of species covered by the Endangered Species Act, but the agency has yet to finalize the designation. The CECIL Act would ensure that species under consideration for protection are automatically covered by the tightest import restrictions on sport hunted trophies.

In the case of Cecil, this would mean that the Minnesota dentist who shot and killed the lion, identified as Walter Palmer, would need a special permit directly from the U.S. secretary of the interior in order to import a trophy of Cecil from Zimbabwe to the United States.

According to news reports, Palmer left Cecil's carcass in the Zimbabwean bush, taking with him only the animal's skin and head, ostensibly to have them mounted into a replica trophy for display.

The death of the 13 year-old African lion has sparked global outrage, and prompted a request by the government of Zimbabwe to have Walter Palmer extradited to the country to face potential poaching charges.

More: Senators Introduce CECIL Act After Outcry Over Killed African Lion

Sounds like a good start.

Are those the same four that want to keep funding Planned Parenthood so the can sell baby body parts?

Would you rather they just scrap the fetus parts instead of using them for valuable research?

I would prefer that they aborted before a mass of cells becomes a fetus.
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Never let a crisis go to waste...said every democrat ever

Yeah, I know, you would prefer to talk about "doctored" Planned Parenthood videos.

Yeah I would, Fauxahontas. It's about human beings. You're all wound up over a fucking lion.
You fucked a lion? Why am I not surprised.
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Never let a crisis go to waste...said every democrat ever

Yeah, I know, you would prefer to talk about "doctored" Planned Parenthood videos.

Yeah I would, Fauxahontas. It's about human beings. You're all wound up over a fucking lion.
You fucked a lion? Why am I not surprised.
That lion had terrible taste.
A law should be put in place that bans all hunting of rare animals...If there's less then 10,000 of such species the punishment should be harsh.

20 years in prison.

The only thing that has actually worked though is trophy hunting. As much as I hate it the hunters pay huge sums that fund the anti poaching programs that keep these critters alive. Where there is legal hunting there is a viable population.

Where there isn't the poachers are driving them to extinction.
A law should be put in place that bans all hunting of rare animals...If there's less then 10,000 of such species the punishment should be harsh.

20 years in prison.

The only thing that has actually worked though is trophy hunting. As much as I hate it the hunters pay huge sums that fund the anti poaching programs that keep these critters alive. Where there is legal hunting there is a viable population.

Where there isn't the poachers are driving them to extinction.

As a hunter - I agree! However, the killing of Cecil was NOT a legal hunt.
A law should be put in place that bans all hunting of rare animals...If there's less then 10,000 of such species the punishment should be harsh.

20 years in prison.

The only thing that has actually worked though is trophy hunting. As much as I hate it the hunters pay huge sums that fund the anti poaching programs that keep these critters alive. Where there is legal hunting there is a viable population.

Where there isn't the poachers are driving them to extinction.

As a hunter - I agree! However, the killing of Cecil was NOT a legal hunt.

Based on the evidence in hand I agree. And if so I look forward to the asshole spending time in a Zimbabwe prison.
This won't apply to that Dentist nor that Lion. Theyre called Ex post Facto Laws or After the Fact Laws.

Stupid Liberals.
People like you do not bat an eye. many of us do.

People like the Mainstream media, President Obama and Democrat politicians haven't mentioned it, but let a white cop shoot a black criminal and all hell breaks loose.

As it should. Blacks get tired of being unfairly slaughtered by whitey.

For every black criminal justifiably shot by cops there are at least fifty shot by other blacks in Chicago. I suggest blacks shot by blacks are just as dead, but nobody gets tired of that.
People like you do not bat an eye. many of us do.

People like the Mainstream media, President Obama and Democrat politicians haven't mentioned it, but let a white cop shoot a black criminal and all hell breaks loose.

As it should. Blacks get tired of being unfairly slaughtered by whitey.

For every black criminal justifiably shot by cops there are at least fifty shot by other blacks in Chicago. I suggest blacks shot by blacks are just as dead, but nobody gets tired of that.

That would be funny to a racist. A tragedy to the rest of us.
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Yes, usually it it - if you're caught. However, dentist Walter Palmer thought he outsmarted the wildlife authorities by baiting Cecil off the protected Hwange national park. That's akin to baiting protected animals out of a zoo.

His guides did that. From what I understand he didnt know he was shooting a lion named Cecil.
sure he did not know.....what did he do when he saw the collar on it?....
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Yes, usually it it - if you're caught. However, dentist Walter Palmer thought he outsmarted the wildlife authorities by baiting Cecil off the protected Hwange national park. That's akin to baiting protected animals out of a zoo.

His guides did that. From what I understand he didnt know he was shooting a lion named Cecil.
sure he did not know.....what did he do when he saw the collar on it?....

Dude you type like an android.
Why don't you give me the link that says Cecil was wearing a tracking device?
I haven't followed this to much because it's a bunch of shit over nothing as far as I can see.
Hillary Clinton's incompetence killed four Americans, including the Ambassador and two special forces members.

Let's focus on that issue, since it is 1 million times more important since Hillary is running for President.
Oh for fucks sake!
There are already laws regarding big game hunting and what can and cant be brought back.
If you poach an animal you more than likely wont be able to get it back to the states anyway because you wont have the proper permits.'s already illegal.

Yes, usually it it - if you're caught. However, dentist Walter Palmer thought he outsmarted the wildlife authorities by baiting Cecil off the protected Hwange national park. That's akin to baiting protected animals out of a zoo.

His guides did that. From what I understand he didnt know he was shooting a lion named Cecil.
sure he did not know.....what did he do when he saw the collar on it?....

Dude you type like an android.
Why don't you give me the link that says Cecil was wearing a tracking device?
I haven't followed this to much because it's a bunch of shit over nothing as far as I can see.
every story on this has said question is,why did they not go after a lion out on the open grasslands?...

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