Sending A Message: Trump Gives Presser In WH Sitting Between Empty Chairs For Schumer And Pelosi

The GOP has 52 seats in the Senate. The Dems have 48. The bill needs a simple majority to pass. So, if it does not pass, it is because the GOP could not craft a bill that all of the GOP could agree on.

If it does pass, we get to use the same line the RWnuts used against know...

...the one about ramming it down our throats... lol
What beautiful ads can be made of that scene near the midterms.
What brilliant optics.Trump placed McConnell and Speaker Ryan on the other side of the empty chairs reserved for open borders/tax hikes Pelosi and Schumer. The American people are seeing that the Democrats do not work for them, but for themselves to line their pocketbooks.

Watch the video!
WINNING! POTUS Trump Gives Presser Next to Empty Chairs for Pelosi-Shumer …. PELOSI FREAKS OUT!

what message is he sending? that he's a moron?
Re-read the op Nazigirl.


It is NOT appropriate to call jilly a "nazi". There are many apt adjectives that describe Jilly but "nazi" isn't one of them. Mind you; if you are merely taking the piss out of her then I understand but it still means you lost the argument.

What brilliant optics.Trump placed McConnell and Speaker Ryan on the other side of the empty chairs reserved for open borders/tax hikes Pelosi and Schumer. The American people are seeing that the Democrats do not work for them, but for themselves to line their pocketbooks.

Watch the video!
WINNING! POTUS Trump Gives Presser Next to Empty Chairs for Pelosi-Shumer …. PELOSI FREAKS OUT!
Sounds like he's ripping off Clint Eastwood. Doesn't he remember how Clint was the butt of a million jokes after that stunt? :laugh2:

He does but hey; it's worth another crack I suppose. Many thought that the Eastwood stunt was just fine.

Poor Donnie Dealmaker
All dressed up and nobody to talk to

I liked how far McConnell and Ryan stayed away from him
What brilliant optics.Trump placed McConnell and Speaker Ryan on the other side of the empty chairs reserved for open borders/tax hikes Pelosi and Schumer. The American people are seeing that the Democrats do not work for them, but for themselves to line their pocketbooks.

Watch the video!
WINNING! POTUS Trump Gives Presser Next to Empty Chairs for Pelosi-Shumer …. PELOSI FREAKS OUT!
They say pictures say 1,000 words. That one was impactful and told one helluva story, reminding all Americans how Schumer extremely publicly declared he and his fellow Democrats were 100% committed to obstruction, to ensuring this nation enjoys no success, no progress, under the GOP Congress and under this President. The open seats remind us of their sedition and betrayal of this country for the 'Party Good'.
What brilliant optics.Trump placed McConnell and Speaker Ryan on the other side of the empty chairs reserved for open borders/tax hikes Pelosi and Schumer. The American people are seeing that the Democrats do not work for them, but for themselves to line their pocketbooks.

Watch the video!
WINNING! POTUS Trump Gives Presser Next to Empty Chairs for Pelosi-Shumer …. PELOSI FREAKS OUT!

Once again Trump proves to be incompetent and unfit to be POTUS. His entire first year in office has shown he has no ability to lead, and picks fights for no reason. Trump cannot learn from experience, and remains a megalomaniac out of control, and a serious a danger to our nation and to peace and goodwill around the world.
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Yet Pelosi and Schumer’s wasn’t? The joke is on you.
Another 3rd grade like action. What a joke of a man.

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Nope, you are 100% right, Trump is no different at all than Pelosi and Schumer, they are all 3 peas in a pod. Thanks for bringing that up!
But yours started the game. He just gave their game its deserved finishing touches. Don’t play the game if you aren’t willing to lose...
What brilliant optics.Trump placed McConnell and Speaker Ryan on the other side of the empty chairs reserved for open borders/tax hikes Pelosi and Schumer. The American people are seeing that the Democrats do not work for them, but for themselves to line their pocketbooks.

Watch the video!
WINNING! POTUS Trump Gives Presser Next to Empty Chairs for Pelosi-Shumer …. PELOSI FREAKS OUT!

what message is he sending? that he's a moron?
Re-read the op Nazigirl.

View attachment 163362

It is NOT appropriate to call jilly a "nazi". There are many apt adjectives that describe Jilly but "nazi" isn't one of them. Mind you; if you are merely taking the piss out of her then I understand but it still means you lost the argument.


She is a Communist. Sort of like a Nazi but less intelligent and with more body hair.
The GOP has 52 seats in the Senate. The Dems have 48. The bill needs a simple majority to pass. So, if it does not pass, it is because the GOP could not craft a bill that all of the GOP could agree on.

The GOP does not know how to compromise

Even with itself
On one hand I see the photo of the empty chairs as display of Democrats refusing to come to the table. On the other, I see it as predictable result of Trump's tweet that telegraphed his plan to pull their chairs out from beneath them. So on balance to me it's no big deal.
What brilliant optics.Trump placed McConnell and Speaker Ryan on the other side of the empty chairs reserved for open borders/tax hikes Pelosi and Schumer. The American people are seeing that the Democrats do not work for them, but for themselves to line their pocketbooks.

Watch the video!
WINNING! POTUS Trump Gives Presser Next to Empty Chairs for Pelosi-Shumer …. PELOSI FREAKS OUT!

what message is he sending? that he's a moron?
Re-read the op Nazigirl.

View attachment 163362

It is NOT appropriate to call jilly a "nazi". There are many apt adjectives that describe Jilly but "nazi" isn't one of them. Mind you; if you are merely taking the piss out of her then I understand but it still means you lost the argument.


She is a Communist. Sort of like a Nazi but less intelligent and with more body hair.

I doubt that she knows what a real communist is; for her being a liberal means "smart"; how dumb is that???

What brilliant optics.Trump placed McConnell and Speaker Ryan on the other side of the empty chairs reserved for open borders/tax hikes Pelosi and Schumer. The American people are seeing that the Democrats do not work for them, but for themselves to line their pocketbooks.

Watch the video!
WINNING! POTUS Trump Gives Presser Next to Empty Chairs for Pelosi-Shumer …. PELOSI FREAKS OUT!

what message is he sending? that he's a moron?
Re-read the op Nazigirl.

View attachment 163362

It is NOT appropriate to call jilly a "nazi". There are many apt adjectives that describe Jilly but "nazi" isn't one of them. Mind you; if you are merely taking the piss out of her then I understand but it still means you lost the argument.


She is a Communist. Sort of like a Nazi but less intelligent and with more body hair.

I doubt that she knows what a real communist is; for her being a liberal means "smart"; how dumb is that???


I love when people who haven't a clue what a communist is call liberals "communists". that DOES make us smarter than you. There are smart conservatives too... you just aren't one of them.
what message is he sending? that he's a moron?
Re-read the op Nazigirl.

View attachment 163362

It is NOT appropriate to call jilly a "nazi". There are many apt adjectives that describe Jilly but "nazi" isn't one of them. Mind you; if you are merely taking the piss out of her then I understand but it still means you lost the argument.


She is a Communist. Sort of like a Nazi but less intelligent and with more body hair.

I doubt that she knows what a real communist is; for her being a liberal means "smart"; how dumb is that???


I love when people who haven't a clue what a communist is call liberals "communists". that DOES make us smarter than you. There are smart conservatives too... you just aren't one of them.

Merry Christmas Jillian. Oops...sorry. Not your thing.
On one hand I see the photo of the empty chairs as display of Democrats refusing to come to the table. On the other, I see it as predictable result of Trump's tweet that telegraphed his plan to pull their chairs out from beneath them. So on balance to me it's no big deal.

He telegraphed his position. He telegraphed he doesn’t need either one to get it done.
Knowing the facts, the Dems are now a permanent minority, and not being willing to compromise with the majority they threw a tantrum.
Democrats really believe their “We lost so you have to do what we say” garbage...but the rest of us don’t have to pretend.
what message is he sending? that he's a moron?
Re-read the op Nazigirl.

View attachment 163362

It is NOT appropriate to call jilly a "nazi". There are many apt adjectives that describe Jilly but "nazi" isn't one of them. Mind you; if you are merely taking the piss out of her then I understand but it still means you lost the argument.


She is a Communist. Sort of like a Nazi but less intelligent and with more body hair.

I doubt that she knows what a real communist is; for her being a liberal means "smart"; how dumb is that???


I love when people who haven't a clue what a communist is call liberals "communists". that DOES make us smarter than you. There are smart conservatives too... you just aren't one of them.

Except I didn't call you a communist. Hence your assumtion is wrong. hence your conclusion is irrelevant. hence you are just as dumb as I am; maybe even dumber!! lol

The Democrat Party's jones-for government shutdown will only happen if Republicans defect.

Which is why God invented tar.

Why God gave birds feathers.

and why God made fire hot.
what message is he sending? that he's a moron?
Re-read the op Nazigirl.

View attachment 163362

It is NOT appropriate to call jilly a "nazi". There are many apt adjectives that describe Jilly but "nazi" isn't one of them. Mind you; if you are merely taking the piss out of her then I understand but it still means you lost the argument.


She is a Communist. Sort of like a Nazi but less intelligent and with more body hair.

I doubt that she knows what a real communist is; for her being a liberal means "smart"; how dumb is that???


I love when people who haven't a clue what a communist is call liberals "communists". that DOES make us smarter than you. There are smart conservatives too... you just aren't one of them.

Shillian, you and those of your ilk are pseudo "liberals".......once, liberals believed in personal liberties and individualism but now it's allllll about the "collective". The demcrat party adopted the political aspirations of the 1930's socialist/communist party at a secret caucus in 1980 and every single presidential nominee has been a closet communist that has been bankrolled by the very elitist class that their minions claim to be fighting are too fucking STUPID to see it.

Yeah, you and your little leftard pals are most definitely "commies" and pawns of the puppet masters....and the Trotsky-ite neocons are no better. Let me know if you need more clarification....I'm a "giver".....this is what I do.


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