Senior Citizens from Biden’s Own Hometown Turning on Him – They Know Exactly What Happens with Age

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
This commenter sums it up: "They all voted for Biden in 2020, give those outstanding seniors a double dose of booster vaccines, they truly deserved it!"

Most don't care about the potus or what he does or doesn't do. They only vote for that potus due to party. Which is what got us in this mess to begin with. Did they not see or hear or watch Biden when he used the N word all the time? Do they not see how warped his family is (hunter, showering with his daughter, etc)? Do they not wonder why Jill allows her dementia riddled husband to be a puppet (she must really hate him)? Yet, they voted for him or ignore the horrors he has done to us and this country. Why? Because he is of the party THEY goosestep to. And repubs are the same. Ignore the person, but stand firm on the party regardless of how awful it is.

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