Senior GOP Official: 'Voters Don't Pick Nominee, We Do'...

Boy, doesn't that sum up our corrupt Two-Party Ruling-Class Elite System?

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.

Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official

You people don't like democracy, that thing you call 'mob rule', well,

this is what you get in its place.
I've been saying for years -- SELECTED not elected. This should infuriate every American and yet...nothing. Everyone just goes along with it.

If you want to get a republican riled about such a process, just mention 'Super Delegates'. You'll see plenty of fury.
Yup...the system is rigged against the American people.

Here's the thing: Super Delegates have never turned a nomination against the candidate with the most delegates.

It exists solely to create the illusion of momentum. They want a candidate to look like they are completely kicking ass and indomitable. They aren't. As 2008 demonstrated elegantly.

Obama won the count. And super delegates defected by the score.

A genuinely brokered convention where someone who *didn't* get the most delegates is given the nomination.....that's a turd only republicans are furiously polishing.
I've been saying for years -- SELECTED not elected. This should infuriate every American and yet...nothing. Everyone just goes along with it.

If you want to get a republican riled about such a process, just mention 'Super Delegates'. You'll see plenty of fury.
Yup...the system is rigged against the American people.

Here's the thing: Super Delegates have never turned a nomination against the candidate with the most delegates.

It exists solely to create the illusion of momentum. They want a candidate to look like they are completely kicking ass and indomitable. They aren't. As 2008 demonstrated elegantly.

Obama won the count. And super delegates defected by the score.

A genuinely brokered convention where someone who *didn't* get the most delegates is given the nomination.....that's a turd only republicans are furiously polishing.
It will take a lot of political will to deny trump the nomination if he shows up with a clear and commanding plurality lead. However, given the option of running a candidate you know will not only lose in the general but hurt your down ticket races and the brand for generations to come, I don't see where the GOP is left with a lot of choice on this. The easy thing is to let him have it and take your lumps. The harder thing is do what you're convinced is the right thing and let the chips fall as they may.
I've been saying for years -- SELECTED not elected. This should infuriate every American and yet...nothing. Everyone just goes along with it.

If you want to get a republican riled about such a process, just mention 'Super Delegates'. You'll see plenty of fury.
Yup...the system is rigged against the American people.

Here's the thing: Super Delegates have never turned a nomination against the candidate with the most delegates.

It exists solely to create the illusion of momentum. They want a candidate to look like they are completely kicking ass and indomitable. They aren't. As 2008 demonstrated elegantly.

Obama won the count. And super delegates defected by the score.

A genuinely brokered convention where someone who *didn't* get the most delegates is given the nomination.....that's a turd only republicans are furiously polishing.
It will take a lot of political will to deny trump the nomination if he shows up with a clear and commanding plurality lead. However, given the option of running a candidate you know will not only lose in the general but hurt your down ticket races and the brand for generations to come, I don't see where the GOP is left with a lot of choice on this. The easy thing is to let him have it and take your lumps. The harder thing is do what you're convinced is the right thing and let the chips fall as they may.

Its more of a 'now or later' choice. If they choose later, the GOP is branded with all sorts of Trump dumps, unraveling pretty much all outreach efforts they've made for the last decade or so. But.....they can wait until the election is over, passions settle, and there's no shot clock.

If they choose now, they pick a high drama era.....but with substantial benefits. As they can plausibly repudiate the silly shit that Trump has said. And brand their party in a way better in the long term. It will mean a painful split with tea party faithful, drama, and lots of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. But its puts them in a better long term situation at the cost of loads of short term pain.

I think the deciding factor....will be Senate races. Republicans have *way* more candidates up than democrats do. Something like 2 to 1. Which ever scenario they think will help them with the Senate, that's what they'll do.

As on a general election front, they're fucked either way.
Laughing......repeat that, word for word when Trump supporters cry out against the nomination being 'brokered' to a candidate that won fewer votes, fewer states, and fewer delegates that Trump

I'll tell them the same thing I'm telling you: Sit down, shut up, and quit your bitching.
Laughing......repeat that, word for word when Trump supporters cry out against the nomination being 'brokered' to a candidate that won fewer votes, fewer states, and fewer delegates that Trump

I'll tell them the same thing I'm telling you: Sit down, shut up, and quit your bitching.

That'll bring 'em in line! I mean, its worked so well for you so far.....with a GOP establishment candidate firmly in the lead.

Oh, wait...
I've been saying for years -- SELECTED not elected. This should infuriate every American and yet...nothing. Everyone just goes along with it.

If you want to get a republican riled about such a process, just mention 'Super Delegates'. You'll see plenty of fury.
Yup...the system is rigged against the American people.

Here's the thing: Super Delegates have never turned a nomination against the candidate with the most delegates.

It exists solely to create the illusion of momentum. They want a candidate to look like they are completely kicking ass and indomitable. They aren't. As 2008 demonstrated elegantly.

Obama won the count. And super delegates defected by the score.

A genuinely brokered convention where someone who *didn't* get the most delegates is given the nomination.....that's a turd only republicans are furiously polishing.
Super Delegates have never turned a nomination against the candidate with the most delegates.....yet. Here's the thing and its pure speculation on my part. If Sanders had the edge with pledged delegates I would not put it past the establishment to use the SD's to push Clinton to victory. I mean she lost NH and came out with the same amount of delegates as Sanders for cripes sake. People can say "yes but the SD's can still change their vote come the convention" I :dunno: , I don't think its that cut and dry simply because it's never happened before. The reason it's never happened before is because there has never been a really strong grassroots movement that tested the SD system. Thats what it was put in place for no? (to keep a grassroots movement in check)
Fox just repeated the blurb that Boehner (cronyism Establ guy) endorsed Ryan (Another crony Establ guy who is also creepy)

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Boy, doesn't that sum up our corrupt Two-Party Ruling-Class Elite System?

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.

Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official

If he get the needed amount of Delegates to nominate him then he should be the nominee but if he is one shy then he did not sway the Primary and Caucus voter to give him the nomination and will be tossed to the floor and a brokered Convention will happen which mean Kasich will most likely be the nominee...

So his ( Trump ) supporters need to make sure he get the delegates needed, and if the GOP still deny him the nomination then his supporters have a true complaint but as I have written if he fails to win a majority of the delegates then he does not deserve the nomination no matter if he is one delegate from the nomination.

If the GOP tries that bullshit, they will destroy themselves.

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