Senior GOP Official: 'Voters Don't Pick Nominee, We Do'...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Right there!

I have the right to speak freely and the founding fathers would have hung you and Trump for denying me this right!

How dare you even try to compare Trump to the founding fathers, and yes I have pointed out the fact that you have a issue with the word radical and want to silence me for using it, and you are a Trump supporter!

Our Founding Fathers were radicals, ya big ole dummy.
'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets. And your definition of 'Radical Speech' is likely far different than mine. I don't think Trump has expressed any 'Radical Speech.'

Look Kunt, the fact is Trump support using violence against protestors and love to use childish insults while confronting the other candidates, and that is not a Presidential Candidate except for the class bully that want to relive their bully days through Trump.

The Founding Fathers would have not allow the police to arrest the protestor and would have listen to them speak and would have confronted the protestor face to face, and yet Trump is a coward that hide behind a police state while applauding those like you for throwing sucker punches.

So no he is more like the King of England and you enjoy little dictators don't you?

The 'protesters' expressed their free speech and were then removed. The show must go on. The People came to listen to the Candidate speak. They didn't come to listen to loons who were only there to disrupt and incite. And the same thing will happen at all of the other Candidates' events. The other people who attend the events have rights too.
Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

Also I have listen, and read so much about Trump that you are the one going off what he is saying today while ignoring the past, so please remember this:

1. Trump and Clinton's are friends.

2. Trump own a Billion Dollar Business that make money off the GLOBAL Economy.

3. Trump was for abortion before he was against it.

4. Trump was and still is a birther.

Prove any of those things to be untrue and if you can't wear the moron or better yet the retarded cap for life!
So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

No he is not and he is a little wanna-be DICKtator that like to fling childish insults around and have his supporters throw sucker punches while applauding the crime.

Now are you going to tell me the Founding Fathers would have used soldiers to silence those that were against them like Trump is using the police and his supporters?

Oh Gawd, calm down Sally. It was an unfortunate incident, and the perpetrator was arrested and will be prosecuted. And if you're not supporting Trump, why would you be attending his rallies? The answer is, to disrupt and incite. So spare me the playin dumb routine. You're only there to cause a problem. So don't cry when you get one.
Parties Choose Their Nominee, Not the General Public

I heard Rush talking about this and almost choked. He didn't give the source other than the name of the GOP Rules Committee individual so I used Cortana to find it.

Listen to this and do your best to keep your blood from boiling.
I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Right there!

I have the right to speak freely and the founding fathers would have hung you and Trump for denying me this right!

How dare you even try to compare Trump to the founding fathers, and yes I have pointed out the fact that you have a issue with the word radical and want to silence me for using it, and you are a Trump supporter!

Our Founding Fathers were radicals, ya big ole dummy.
'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets. And your definition of 'Radical Speech' is likely far different than mine. I don't think Trump has expressed any 'Radical Speech.'

Look Kunt, the fact is Trump support using violence against protestors and love to use childish insults while confronting the other candidates, and that is not a Presidential Candidate except for the class bully that want to relive their bully days through Trump.

The Founding Fathers would have not allow the police to arrest the protestor and would have listen to them speak and would have confronted the protestor face to face, and yet Trump is a coward that hide behind a police state while applauding those like you for throwing sucker punches.

So no he is more like the King of England and you enjoy little dictators don't you?

The 'protesters' expressed their free speech and were then removed. The show must go on. The People came to listen to the Candidate speak. They didn't come to listen to loons who were only there to disrupt and incite. And the same thing will happen at all of the other Candidates' events. The other people who attend the events have rights too.


How anti-American you come off as!

I can't write Trump is radical but you can write someone that is protesting Trump is a loon?

What would the founding fathers say about that?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, and yet you have not explained how Trump hiding behind police and his supporters is something the Founding Fathers would have done or even supported?
So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

Also I have listen, and read so much about Trump that you are the one going off what he is saying today while ignoring the past, so please remember this:

1. Trump and Clinton's are friends.

2. Trump own a Billion Dollar Business that make money off the GLOBAL Economy.

3. Trump was for abortion before he was against it.

4. Trump was and still is a birther.

Prove any of those things to be untrue and if you can't wear the moron or better yet the retarded cap for life!

Try actually listening to him speak. Many of his speeches are available on YouTube. Don't easily buy into the hysterical Anti-Trump propaganda.
I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

No he is not and he is a little wanna-be DICKtator that like to fling childish insults around and have his supporters throw sucker punches while applauding the crime.

Now are you going to tell me the Founding Fathers would have used soldiers to silence those that were against them like Trump is using the police and his supporters?

Oh Gawd, calm down Sally. It was an unfortunate incident, and the perpetrator was arrested and will be prosecuted. And if you're not supporting Trump, why would you be attending his rallies? The answer is, to disrupt and incite. So spare me the playin dumb routine. You're only there to cause a problem. So don't cry when you get one.

Interesting as can be.

So someone goes to a trump rally they are to stand there in silence if they disagree with him?

Interesting and you support sucker punching those that speak against Trump?

How would the Founding Fathers view this?

You brought them into the discussion so let look how Trump is nothing like the founding fathers...
Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Right there!

I have the right to speak freely and the founding fathers would have hung you and Trump for denying me this right!

How dare you even try to compare Trump to the founding fathers, and yes I have pointed out the fact that you have a issue with the word radical and want to silence me for using it, and you are a Trump supporter!

Our Founding Fathers were radicals, ya big ole dummy.
'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets. And your definition of 'Radical Speech' is likely far different than mine. I don't think Trump has expressed any 'Radical Speech.'

Look Kunt, the fact is Trump support using violence against protestors and love to use childish insults while confronting the other candidates, and that is not a Presidential Candidate except for the class bully that want to relive their bully days through Trump.

The Founding Fathers would have not allow the police to arrest the protestor and would have listen to them speak and would have confronted the protestor face to face, and yet Trump is a coward that hide behind a police state while applauding those like you for throwing sucker punches.

So no he is more like the King of England and you enjoy little dictators don't you?

The 'protesters' expressed their free speech and were then removed. The show must go on. The People came to listen to the Candidate speak. They didn't come to listen to loons who were only there to disrupt and incite. And the same thing will happen at all of the other Candidates' events. The other people who attend the events have rights too.


How anti-American you come off as!

I can't write Trump is radical but you can write someone that is protesting Trump is a loon?

What would the founding fathers say about that?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, and yet you have not explained how Trump hiding behind police and his supporters is something the Founding Fathers would have done or even supported?

The assholes who only attend these events to disrupt and incite, aren't the only people who have rights. The others attending also have rights. And their rights have to be respected as well. Like i said, you don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend Trump rallies.
I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

Also I have listen, and read so much about Trump that you are the one going off what he is saying today while ignoring the past, so please remember this:

1. Trump and Clinton's are friends.

2. Trump own a Billion Dollar Business that make money off the GLOBAL Economy.

3. Trump was for abortion before he was against it.

4. Trump was and still is a birther.

Prove any of those things to be untrue and if you can't wear the moron or better yet the retarded cap for life!

Try actually listening to him speak. Many of his speeches are available on YouTube. Don't easily buy into the hysterical Anti-Trump propaganda.

So facts are anti-Trump Propaganda, and him speaking and not actual evidence is the only proof I need...

Got, and hope you enjoy the fucking retarded cap that is made for you!
Boy, doesn't that sum up our corrupt Two-Party Ruling-Class Elite System?

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.

Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official

They are technically right. If you want to run as a GOP candidate, you need the approval of the party and the party is controlled by its officials, not its voters. The officials do have to follow the rules the party has laid out, but they do have a process to change those rules.

If Trump and his supporters don't like the fact there is a binding set of rules and procedures, they can and should form their own party. But again, if you want to have the endorsement of a political party, don't be surprised when they expect you to play by the rules and procedures that are stated in order to play.

Personally, I think if Trump gets to the delegate mark, the GOP wouldn't be willing to deny him. However, if he does roll into Cleveland with a plurality and not a majority (two very different things) then the rules will play out and Trump would likely be shut out by a Cruz/Kasich unity ticket.
Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

No he is not and he is a little wanna-be DICKtator that like to fling childish insults around and have his supporters throw sucker punches while applauding the crime.

Now are you going to tell me the Founding Fathers would have used soldiers to silence those that were against them like Trump is using the police and his supporters?

Oh Gawd, calm down Sally. It was an unfortunate incident, and the perpetrator was arrested and will be prosecuted. And if you're not supporting Trump, why would you be attending his rallies? The answer is, to disrupt and incite. So spare me the playin dumb routine. You're only there to cause a problem. So don't cry when you get one.

Interesting as can be.

So someone goes to a trump rally they are to stand there in silence if they disagree with him?

Interesting and you support sucker punching those that speak against Trump?

How would the Founding Fathers view this?

You brought them into the discussion so let look how Trump is nothing like the founding fathers...

If you hate the man and aren't supporting him, why would you be attending his rallies? If you're honest with yourself, you know the answer.
Boy, doesn't that sum up our corrupt Two-Party Ruling-Class Elite System?

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.

Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official

They are technically right. If you want to run as a GOP candidate, you need the approval of the party and the party is controlled by its officials, not its voters. The officials do have to follow the rules the party has laid out, but they do have a process to change those rules.

If Trump and his supporters don't like the fact there is a binding set of rules and procedures, they can and should form their own party. But again, if you want to have the endorsement of a political party, don't be surprised when they expect you to play by the rules and procedures that are stated in order to play.

Personally, I think if Trump gets to the delegate mark, the GOP wouldn't be willing to deny him. However, if he does roll into Cleveland with a plurality and not a majority (two very different things) then the rules will play out and Trump would likely be shut out by a Cruz/Kasich unity ticket.

You bet they are technically right.

It won't matter though. If Trump comes into the convention with the most delegates and the most votes......and the GOP establishment gives the nomination to someone with fewer delegates and fewer votes?

His supporters will tell the GOP to go fuck itself.
Right there!

I have the right to speak freely and the founding fathers would have hung you and Trump for denying me this right!

How dare you even try to compare Trump to the founding fathers, and yes I have pointed out the fact that you have a issue with the word radical and want to silence me for using it, and you are a Trump supporter!

Our Founding Fathers were radicals, ya big ole dummy.
'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets. And your definition of 'Radical Speech' is likely far different than mine. I don't think Trump has expressed any 'Radical Speech.'

Look Kunt, the fact is Trump support using violence against protestors and love to use childish insults while confronting the other candidates, and that is not a Presidential Candidate except for the class bully that want to relive their bully days through Trump.

The Founding Fathers would have not allow the police to arrest the protestor and would have listen to them speak and would have confronted the protestor face to face, and yet Trump is a coward that hide behind a police state while applauding those like you for throwing sucker punches.

So no he is more like the King of England and you enjoy little dictators don't you?

The 'protesters' expressed their free speech and were then removed. The show must go on. The People came to listen to the Candidate speak. They didn't come to listen to loons who were only there to disrupt and incite. And the same thing will happen at all of the other Candidates' events. The other people who attend the events have rights too.


How anti-American you come off as!

I can't write Trump is radical but you can write someone that is protesting Trump is a loon?

What would the founding fathers say about that?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, and yet you have not explained how Trump hiding behind police and his supporters is something the Founding Fathers would have done or even supported?

The assholes who only attend these events to disrupt and incite, aren't the only people who have rights. The others attending also have rights. And their rights have to be respected as well. Like i said, you don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend Trump rallies.

Yep, the only people with rights are the ones that support Trump and if someone that does not support Trump, well they need to sit down and shut the fuck up and if not they will be suckered punch and be given a lecture how their rights are less than those kissing Trump fake ass...

Got it, and thank you admitting you and Trump do not agree with Free Speech and prefer anyone that is against Trump to drop dead or at least be sucker punched for what you consider to be annoying.
Where you upset when the Governor of Michigan replaced the elected officials from Flint?

Boy, doesn't that sum up our corrupt Two-Party Ruling-Class Elite System?

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.

Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official
This goes parallel to what most of us have been saying about Citizens United since the SCOTUS ruled.
Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

No he is not and he is a little wanna-be DICKtator that like to fling childish insults around and have his supporters throw sucker punches while applauding the crime.

Now are you going to tell me the Founding Fathers would have used soldiers to silence those that were against them like Trump is using the police and his supporters?

Oh Gawd, calm down Sally. It was an unfortunate incident, and the perpetrator was arrested and will be prosecuted. And if you're not supporting Trump, why would you be attending his rallies? The answer is, to disrupt and incite. So spare me the playin dumb routine. You're only there to cause a problem. So don't cry when you get one.

Interesting as can be.

So someone goes to a trump rally they are to stand there in silence if they disagree with him?

Interesting and you support sucker punching those that speak against Trump?

How would the Founding Fathers view this?

You brought them into the discussion so let look how Trump is nothing like the founding fathers...

If you hate the man and aren't supporting him, why would you be attending his rallies? If you're honest with yourself, you know the answer.

I have the right to confront him and call him on his radical words of hate...

I know how dare I use my right to speak freely when all you want is to listen to Trump tell you how he will do something when in reality he is just lying as usual...

So how is Trump like the founding fathers?
Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

Also I have listen, and read so much about Trump that you are the one going off what he is saying today while ignoring the past, so please remember this:

1. Trump and Clinton's are friends.

2. Trump own a Billion Dollar Business that make money off the GLOBAL Economy.

3. Trump was for abortion before he was against it.

4. Trump was and still is a birther.

Prove any of those things to be untrue and if you can't wear the moron or better yet the retarded cap for life!

Try actually listening to him speak. Many of his speeches are available on YouTube. Don't easily buy into the hysterical Anti-Trump propaganda.

So facts are anti-Trump Propaganda, and him speaking and not actual evidence is the only proof I need...

Got, and hope you enjoy the fucking retarded cap that is made for you!

No, it's mosty hysterical over-the-top Anti-Trump propaganda. Try listening to him speak a bit more. You'll likely be very surpised.
Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

No he is not and he is a little wanna-be DICKtator that like to fling childish insults around and have his supporters throw sucker punches while applauding the crime.

Now are you going to tell me the Founding Fathers would have used soldiers to silence those that were against them like Trump is using the police and his supporters?

Oh Gawd, calm down Sally. It was an unfortunate incident, and the perpetrator was arrested and will be prosecuted. And if you're not supporting Trump, why would you be attending his rallies? The answer is, to disrupt and incite. So spare me the playin dumb routine. You're only there to cause a problem. So don't cry when you get one.

Interesting as can be.

So someone goes to a trump rally they are to stand there in silence if they disagree with him?

Interesting and you support sucker punching those that speak against Trump?

How would the Founding Fathers view this?

You brought them into the discussion so let look how Trump is nothing like the founding fathers...

If you hate the man and aren't supporting him, why would you be attending his rallies? If you're honest with yourself, you know the answer.

I have the right to confront him and call him on his radical words of hate...

I know how dare I use my right to speak freely when all you want is to listen to Trump tell you how he will do something when in reality he is just lying as usual...

So how is Trump like the founding fathers?

So you're only there to disrupt and incite? That's what i've been saying. So, you can have your 'free speech' moment, but then you'll be removed. The others attending the event have rights too. They didn't go to listen to you hysterical nutters. They went to listen to the Candidate speak.
If he is so damn popular, maybe he should have gone with a write-in campaign

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