Senior GOP Official: 'Voters Don't Pick Nominee, We Do'...

Boy, doesn't that sum up our corrupt Two-Party Ruling-Class Elite System?

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.

Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official

Erm, voters don't pick nominees. So what are you bitching about?

Gee i don't know, what do you think we're bitching about?

Probably because you think your dear party is poking it right up your poop chute. It's a shame your party doesn't have any more integrity than that. I told you so..

Well in fairness, neither Party does. But Trump really must be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. They're so willing to hand the Election to the Democrats. Pretty bizarre stuff.

The GOP leadership thinks Hillary would be a better president than T-rump. It's that simple.
Boy, doesn't that sum up our corrupt Two-Party Ruling-Class Elite System?

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.

Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official

If he get the needed amount of Delegates to nominate him then he should be the nominee but if he is one shy then he did not sway the Primary and Caucus voter to give him the nomination and will be tossed to the floor and a brokered Convention will happen which mean Kasich will most likely be the nominee...

So his ( Trump ) supporters need to make sure he get the delegates needed, and if the GOP still deny him the nomination then his supporters have a true complaint but as I have written if he fails to win a majority of the delegates then he does not deserve the nomination no matter if he is one delegate from the nomination.

Looks like the old hack Establishment Elites have decided to thwart a Trump nomination. And they have the power to make that happen. I'll let you think about how. Keep in mind, their henchmen will be roaming polling places all over the country.

Again, it is his supporters job to get him nominated, and if his supporters can not get the amount of delegates for him to win it, well then no one to blame but his supporters...

You can try to blame the establishment but in the end they can only do so much to stop him without looking petty and cheaters ( like Cruz )...

Now what is interesting is Cruz wanting Kasich to drop out of the race, and it make me wonder does Cruz understand that Kasich and Rubio supporters would never vote for him and they will either stay home or vote Trump in a Primary?

So Cruz need Kasich to stay in to help him throw this race to the floor because if Kasich would drop from the race then I will say it now Trump win the rest of the way and make it hard for the establishment to argue against his nomination.

Why are the old guard Elites so willing to slit their own throat? Any Convenetion shenanigns will result in a Landslide victory for the Democrats. There is no way they're gonna force another Candidate in there and then defeat the Democrats.

It would be impossible to win the Election under those circumstances. So what's going on? Why all the panic? Trump must really be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. The seem very willing to throw the Election.


1. If Trump does not get the amount of Delegates needed to win then he did not win and a brokered Convention is the only result, and will piss those like you off, so make sure he get the delegates needed to win.

2. If Trump get the delegates needed and is denied then those like you have a true complaint, and should be pissed, and allow the GOP slice their wrists and lose the entire election cycle.

3. The GOP could let Trump have the nomination and quietly back Gary Johnson on the Libertarian party while focusing on Senate and House races instead.

Those are my answers for you...

Thwarting Trump will = a Landslide victory for the Democrats. The old guard Elites have to know that. So why are they so willing to hand it to the Democrats? Clearly, they'd rather give it to the Democrats then allow Trump to be the Nominee. Something's very wrong. Trump's spooked em bigtime.
Boy, doesn't that sum up our corrupt Two-Party Ruling-Class Elite System?

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.

Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official

Erm, voters don't pick nominees. So what are you bitching about?

Gee i don't know, what do you think we're bitching about?

Probably because you think your dear party is poking it right up your poop chute. It's a shame your party doesn't have any more integrity than that. I told you so..

Well in fairness, neither Party does. But Trump really must be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. They're so willing to hand the Election to the Democrats. Pretty bizarre stuff.

The GOP leadership thinks Hillary would be a better president than T-rump. It's that simple.

Yes, i have to agree. There is no way the GOP can win if they thwart Trump at the Convention. It is suicide. It's so damn bizarre.
Erm, voters don't pick nominees. So what are you bitching about?

Gee i don't know, what do you think we're bitching about?

Probably because you think your dear party is poking it right up your poop chute. It's a shame your party doesn't have any more integrity than that. I told you so..

Well in fairness, neither Party does. But Trump really must be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. They're so willing to hand the Election to the Democrats. Pretty bizarre stuff.

The GOP leadership thinks Hillary would be a better president than T-rump. It's that simple.

Yes, i have to agree. There is no way the GOP can win if they thwart Trump at the Convention. It is suicide. It's so damn bizarre.

What is bizarre is that so many republicans have gone so far off the deep end till they would support an idiot like T-rump. I guess all that hate and fear preached by right wing radio is finally paying off big.
Gee i don't know, what do you think we're bitching about?

Probably because you think your dear party is poking it right up your poop chute. It's a shame your party doesn't have any more integrity than that. I told you so..

Well in fairness, neither Party does. But Trump really must be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. They're so willing to hand the Election to the Democrats. Pretty bizarre stuff.

The GOP leadership thinks Hillary would be a better president than T-rump. It's that simple.

Yes, i have to agree. There is no way the GOP can win if they thwart Trump at the Convention. It is suicide. It's so damn bizarre.

What is bizarre is that so many republicans have gone so far off the deep end till they would support an idiot like T-rump. I guess all that hate and fear preached by right wing radio is finally paying off big.

Well obviously i disagree with your hateful rant. But yeah, willing to throw an Election is something i've never seen before. Trump really has spooked the powers-that-be in the Party.
If he get the needed amount of Delegates to nominate him then he should be the nominee but if he is one shy then he did not sway the Primary and Caucus voter to give him the nomination and will be tossed to the floor and a brokered Convention will happen which mean Kasich will most likely be the nominee...

So his ( Trump ) supporters need to make sure he get the delegates needed, and if the GOP still deny him the nomination then his supporters have a true complaint but as I have written if he fails to win a majority of the delegates then he does not deserve the nomination no matter if he is one delegate from the nomination.

Looks like the old hack Establishment Elites have decided to thwart a Trump nomination. And they have the power to make that happen. I'll let you think about how. Keep in mind, their henchmen will be roaming polling places all over the country.

Again, it is his supporters job to get him nominated, and if his supporters can not get the amount of delegates for him to win it, well then no one to blame but his supporters...

You can try to blame the establishment but in the end they can only do so much to stop him without looking petty and cheaters ( like Cruz )...

Now what is interesting is Cruz wanting Kasich to drop out of the race, and it make me wonder does Cruz understand that Kasich and Rubio supporters would never vote for him and they will either stay home or vote Trump in a Primary?

So Cruz need Kasich to stay in to help him throw this race to the floor because if Kasich would drop from the race then I will say it now Trump win the rest of the way and make it hard for the establishment to argue against his nomination.

Why are the old guard Elites so willing to slit their own throat? Any Convenetion shenanigns will result in a Landslide victory for the Democrats. There is no way they're gonna force another Candidate in there and then defeat the Democrats.

It would be impossible to win the Election under those circumstances. So what's going on? Why all the panic? Trump must really be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. The seem very willing to throw the Election.


1. If Trump does not get the amount of Delegates needed to win then he did not win and a brokered Convention is the only result, and will piss those like you off, so make sure he get the delegates needed to win.

2. If Trump get the delegates needed and is denied then those like you have a true complaint, and should be pissed, and allow the GOP slice their wrists and lose the entire election cycle.

3. The GOP could let Trump have the nomination and quietly back Gary Johnson on the Libertarian party while focusing on Senate and House races instead.

Those are my answers for you...

Thwarting Trump will = a Landslide victory for the Democrats. The old guard Elites have to know that. So why are they so willing to hand it to the Democrats? Clearly, they'd rather give it to the Democrats then allow Trump to be the Nominee. Something's very wrong. Trump's spooked em bigtime.

To answer that is to look at Donald Trump past words, actions, and also reflect on what he has said in recent years, months and days...

Does Trump scare the Establishment?

Yes, and rightfully so...

The reality is Trump is winning in Primary and Caucuses but is doing poorly among minorities in polls and in Minority-Majority states like New Mexico, California and Texas this could be a major issue come November.

The Establishment want to keep the House and Senate and they fear if Trump is nominated they will for sure lose the Senate and could lose the House while giving Hillary the White House still.

So the question then come down to do you back a possible losing horse and risk losing the House and Senate or do you ditch Trump ( if he does not obtain the amount of delegates needed ) for someone like Kasich and pray Kasich will help keep the House and Senate while still losing the White House to Clinton?

My answer is even more simple, and that is if Trump has a clear lead in delegates but is just a few shy of the nomination then still back him and force Trump to take Kasich as his running mate so that the establishment can try to hold onto the Senate and appease the moderate voter within the party that is establishment.

If they feel Trump is going to lose and is too much of a headache but feel booting him would cost the Senate and House they can still nominate him and back Johnson like I have written.

Johnson will be on the Libertarian ticket and I had figured his run on that ticket was for the establishment in case Trump or Cruz garner the nomination, so that the establishment can quietly back a Republican that is not Trump nor Cruz.

That is my answer...
Looks like the old hack Establishment Elites have decided to thwart a Trump nomination. And they have the power to make that happen. I'll let you think about how. Keep in mind, their henchmen will be roaming polling places all over the country.

Again, it is his supporters job to get him nominated, and if his supporters can not get the amount of delegates for him to win it, well then no one to blame but his supporters...

You can try to blame the establishment but in the end they can only do so much to stop him without looking petty and cheaters ( like Cruz )...

Now what is interesting is Cruz wanting Kasich to drop out of the race, and it make me wonder does Cruz understand that Kasich and Rubio supporters would never vote for him and they will either stay home or vote Trump in a Primary?

So Cruz need Kasich to stay in to help him throw this race to the floor because if Kasich would drop from the race then I will say it now Trump win the rest of the way and make it hard for the establishment to argue against his nomination.

Why are the old guard Elites so willing to slit their own throat? Any Convenetion shenanigns will result in a Landslide victory for the Democrats. There is no way they're gonna force another Candidate in there and then defeat the Democrats.

It would be impossible to win the Election under those circumstances. So what's going on? Why all the panic? Trump must really be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. The seem very willing to throw the Election.


1. If Trump does not get the amount of Delegates needed to win then he did not win and a brokered Convention is the only result, and will piss those like you off, so make sure he get the delegates needed to win.

2. If Trump get the delegates needed and is denied then those like you have a true complaint, and should be pissed, and allow the GOP slice their wrists and lose the entire election cycle.

3. The GOP could let Trump have the nomination and quietly back Gary Johnson on the Libertarian party while focusing on Senate and House races instead.

Those are my answers for you...

Thwarting Trump will = a Landslide victory for the Democrats. The old guard Elites have to know that. So why are they so willing to hand it to the Democrats? Clearly, they'd rather give it to the Democrats then allow Trump to be the Nominee. Something's very wrong. Trump's spooked em bigtime.

To answer that is to look at Donald Trump past words, actions, and also reflect on what he has said in recent years, months and days...

Does Trump scare the Establishment?

Yes, and rightfully so...

The reality is Trump is winning in Primary and Caucuses but is doing poorly among minorities in polls and in Minority-Majority states like New Mexico, California and Texas this could be a major issue come November.

The Establishment want to keep the House and Senate and they fear if Trump is nominated they will for sure lose the Senate and could lose the House while giving Hillary the White House still.

So the question then come down to do you back a possible losing horse and risk losing the House and Senate or do you ditch Trump ( if he does not obtain the amount of delegates needed ) for someone like Kasich and pray Kasich will help keep the House and Senate while still losing the White House to Clinton?

My answer is even more simple, and that is if Trump has a clear lead in delegates but is just a few shy of the nomination then still back him and force Trump to take Kasich as his running mate so that the establishment can try to hold onto the Senate and appease the moderate voter within the party that is establishment.

If they feel Trump is going to lose and is too much of a headache but feel booting him would cost the Senate and House they can still nominate him and back Johnson like I have written.

Johnson will be on the Libertarian ticket and I had figured his run on that ticket was for the establishment in case Trump or Cruz garner the nomination, so that the establishment can quietly back a Republican that is not Trump nor Cruz.

That is my answer...

Throwing the Election is no answer. That would be treasonous. There is no way they're gonna just pop a new Candidate in there and have a chance of winning the Election. It's suicidal. So why are they so willing to commit suicide?
The GOP leadership thinks Hillary would be a better president than T-rump. It's that simple.
...and that's all the reason you need to know that she is the wrong choice for America....

(BD is actually siding with Republicans? That's because there is no difference between these ass-clowns and liberals!)
Again, it is his supporters job to get him nominated, and if his supporters can not get the amount of delegates for him to win it, well then no one to blame but his supporters...

You can try to blame the establishment but in the end they can only do so much to stop him without looking petty and cheaters ( like Cruz )...

Now what is interesting is Cruz wanting Kasich to drop out of the race, and it make me wonder does Cruz understand that Kasich and Rubio supporters would never vote for him and they will either stay home or vote Trump in a Primary?

So Cruz need Kasich to stay in to help him throw this race to the floor because if Kasich would drop from the race then I will say it now Trump win the rest of the way and make it hard for the establishment to argue against his nomination.

Why are the old guard Elites so willing to slit their own throat? Any Convenetion shenanigns will result in a Landslide victory for the Democrats. There is no way they're gonna force another Candidate in there and then defeat the Democrats.

It would be impossible to win the Election under those circumstances. So what's going on? Why all the panic? Trump must really be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. The seem very willing to throw the Election.


1. If Trump does not get the amount of Delegates needed to win then he did not win and a brokered Convention is the only result, and will piss those like you off, so make sure he get the delegates needed to win.

2. If Trump get the delegates needed and is denied then those like you have a true complaint, and should be pissed, and allow the GOP slice their wrists and lose the entire election cycle.

3. The GOP could let Trump have the nomination and quietly back Gary Johnson on the Libertarian party while focusing on Senate and House races instead.

Those are my answers for you...

Thwarting Trump will = a Landslide victory for the Democrats. The old guard Elites have to know that. So why are they so willing to hand it to the Democrats? Clearly, they'd rather give it to the Democrats then allow Trump to be the Nominee. Something's very wrong. Trump's spooked em bigtime.

To answer that is to look at Donald Trump past words, actions, and also reflect on what he has said in recent years, months and days...

Does Trump scare the Establishment?

Yes, and rightfully so...

The reality is Trump is winning in Primary and Caucuses but is doing poorly among minorities in polls and in Minority-Majority states like New Mexico, California and Texas this could be a major issue come November.

The Establishment want to keep the House and Senate and they fear if Trump is nominated they will for sure lose the Senate and could lose the House while giving Hillary the White House still.

So the question then come down to do you back a possible losing horse and risk losing the House and Senate or do you ditch Trump ( if he does not obtain the amount of delegates needed ) for someone like Kasich and pray Kasich will help keep the House and Senate while still losing the White House to Clinton?

My answer is even more simple, and that is if Trump has a clear lead in delegates but is just a few shy of the nomination then still back him and force Trump to take Kasich as his running mate so that the establishment can try to hold onto the Senate and appease the moderate voter within the party that is establishment.

If they feel Trump is going to lose and is too much of a headache but feel booting him would cost the Senate and House they can still nominate him and back Johnson like I have written.

Johnson will be on the Libertarian ticket and I had figured his run on that ticket was for the establishment in case Trump or Cruz garner the nomination, so that the establishment can quietly back a Republican that is not Trump nor Cruz.

That is my answer...

Throwing the Election is no answer. That would be treasonous. There is no way they're gonna just pop a new Candidate in there and have a chance of winning the Election. It's suicidal. So why are they so willing to commit suicide?

They are republicans. They do stupid shit all the time.
The GOP leadership thinks Hillary would be a better president than T-rump. It's that simple.
...and that's all the reason you need to know that she is the wrong choice for America....

(BD is actually siding with Republicans? That's because there is no difference between these ass-clowns and liberals!)

A very exclusive and secretive One Party-Rule Globalist Elite club. This proves its existence. The old guard GOP Elites are willing to hand the Election to the Democrats, rather than nominate Trump. It's such a corrupt mess.
Again, it is his supporters job to get him nominated, and if his supporters can not get the amount of delegates for him to win it, well then no one to blame but his supporters...

You can try to blame the establishment but in the end they can only do so much to stop him without looking petty and cheaters ( like Cruz )...

Now what is interesting is Cruz wanting Kasich to drop out of the race, and it make me wonder does Cruz understand that Kasich and Rubio supporters would never vote for him and they will either stay home or vote Trump in a Primary?

So Cruz need Kasich to stay in to help him throw this race to the floor because if Kasich would drop from the race then I will say it now Trump win the rest of the way and make it hard for the establishment to argue against his nomination.

Why are the old guard Elites so willing to slit their own throat? Any Convenetion shenanigns will result in a Landslide victory for the Democrats. There is no way they're gonna force another Candidate in there and then defeat the Democrats.

It would be impossible to win the Election under those circumstances. So what's going on? Why all the panic? Trump must really be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. The seem very willing to throw the Election.


1. If Trump does not get the amount of Delegates needed to win then he did not win and a brokered Convention is the only result, and will piss those like you off, so make sure he get the delegates needed to win.

2. If Trump get the delegates needed and is denied then those like you have a true complaint, and should be pissed, and allow the GOP slice their wrists and lose the entire election cycle.

3. The GOP could let Trump have the nomination and quietly back Gary Johnson on the Libertarian party while focusing on Senate and House races instead.

Those are my answers for you...

Thwarting Trump will = a Landslide victory for the Democrats. The old guard Elites have to know that. So why are they so willing to hand it to the Democrats? Clearly, they'd rather give it to the Democrats then allow Trump to be the Nominee. Something's very wrong. Trump's spooked em bigtime.

To answer that is to look at Donald Trump past words, actions, and also reflect on what he has said in recent years, months and days...

Does Trump scare the Establishment?

Yes, and rightfully so...

The reality is Trump is winning in Primary and Caucuses but is doing poorly among minorities in polls and in Minority-Majority states like New Mexico, California and Texas this could be a major issue come November.

The Establishment want to keep the House and Senate and they fear if Trump is nominated they will for sure lose the Senate and could lose the House while giving Hillary the White House still.

So the question then come down to do you back a possible losing horse and risk losing the House and Senate or do you ditch Trump ( if he does not obtain the amount of delegates needed ) for someone like Kasich and pray Kasich will help keep the House and Senate while still losing the White House to Clinton?

My answer is even more simple, and that is if Trump has a clear lead in delegates but is just a few shy of the nomination then still back him and force Trump to take Kasich as his running mate so that the establishment can try to hold onto the Senate and appease the moderate voter within the party that is establishment.

If they feel Trump is going to lose and is too much of a headache but feel booting him would cost the Senate and House they can still nominate him and back Johnson like I have written.

Johnson will be on the Libertarian ticket and I had figured his run on that ticket was for the establishment in case Trump or Cruz garner the nomination, so that the establishment can quietly back a Republican that is not Trump nor Cruz.

That is my answer...

Throwing the Election is no answer. That would be treasonous. There is no way they're gonna just pop a new Candidate in there and have a chance of winning the Election. It's suicidal. So why are they so willing to commit suicide?

I wrote it out for you and the answer is simple and the reason is Donald Trump past words and action along with his radical words of today has made it clear the GOP Establishment does not want him because he is not one of them...

Now you might support the man ( Trump ) but the reality is if you have read, followed and studied the man you would not be so happy to want to vote him in.

Also let me add that if Trump does become President, then you do realize he has to deal with either Pelosi or Ryan in the House and McConnell or the Democratic Senate Majority leader, and if you believe the House and Senate have been Toxic against President Obama, well you have not seen anything if either Clinton or Trump get elected and the Congress stays GOP...

So yeah, I can understand why the GOP might commit political suicide to purge the political party of the Trump supporters and Tea Party caucus...
Why are the old guard Elites so willing to slit their own throat? Any Convenetion shenanigns will result in a Landslide victory for the Democrats. There is no way they're gonna force another Candidate in there and then defeat the Democrats.

It would be impossible to win the Election under those circumstances. So what's going on? Why all the panic? Trump must really be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. The seem very willing to throw the Election.


1. If Trump does not get the amount of Delegates needed to win then he did not win and a brokered Convention is the only result, and will piss those like you off, so make sure he get the delegates needed to win.

2. If Trump get the delegates needed and is denied then those like you have a true complaint, and should be pissed, and allow the GOP slice their wrists and lose the entire election cycle.

3. The GOP could let Trump have the nomination and quietly back Gary Johnson on the Libertarian party while focusing on Senate and House races instead.

Those are my answers for you...

Thwarting Trump will = a Landslide victory for the Democrats. The old guard Elites have to know that. So why are they so willing to hand it to the Democrats? Clearly, they'd rather give it to the Democrats then allow Trump to be the Nominee. Something's very wrong. Trump's spooked em bigtime.

To answer that is to look at Donald Trump past words, actions, and also reflect on what he has said in recent years, months and days...

Does Trump scare the Establishment?

Yes, and rightfully so...

The reality is Trump is winning in Primary and Caucuses but is doing poorly among minorities in polls and in Minority-Majority states like New Mexico, California and Texas this could be a major issue come November.

The Establishment want to keep the House and Senate and they fear if Trump is nominated they will for sure lose the Senate and could lose the House while giving Hillary the White House still.

So the question then come down to do you back a possible losing horse and risk losing the House and Senate or do you ditch Trump ( if he does not obtain the amount of delegates needed ) for someone like Kasich and pray Kasich will help keep the House and Senate while still losing the White House to Clinton?

My answer is even more simple, and that is if Trump has a clear lead in delegates but is just a few shy of the nomination then still back him and force Trump to take Kasich as his running mate so that the establishment can try to hold onto the Senate and appease the moderate voter within the party that is establishment.

If they feel Trump is going to lose and is too much of a headache but feel booting him would cost the Senate and House they can still nominate him and back Johnson like I have written.

Johnson will be on the Libertarian ticket and I had figured his run on that ticket was for the establishment in case Trump or Cruz garner the nomination, so that the establishment can quietly back a Republican that is not Trump nor Cruz.

That is my answer...

Throwing the Election is no answer. That would be treasonous. There is no way they're gonna just pop a new Candidate in there and have a chance of winning the Election. It's suicidal. So why are they so willing to commit suicide?

They are republicans. They do stupid shit all the time.

Hey, Not all the damn time, and I try to keep it down to six times a week and rest on the Sabbath from being stupid...
Why are the old guard Elites so willing to slit their own throat? Any Convenetion shenanigns will result in a Landslide victory for the Democrats. There is no way they're gonna force another Candidate in there and then defeat the Democrats.

It would be impossible to win the Election under those circumstances. So what's going on? Why all the panic? Trump must really be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. The seem very willing to throw the Election.


1. If Trump does not get the amount of Delegates needed to win then he did not win and a brokered Convention is the only result, and will piss those like you off, so make sure he get the delegates needed to win.

2. If Trump get the delegates needed and is denied then those like you have a true complaint, and should be pissed, and allow the GOP slice their wrists and lose the entire election cycle.

3. The GOP could let Trump have the nomination and quietly back Gary Johnson on the Libertarian party while focusing on Senate and House races instead.

Those are my answers for you...

Thwarting Trump will = a Landslide victory for the Democrats. The old guard Elites have to know that. So why are they so willing to hand it to the Democrats? Clearly, they'd rather give it to the Democrats then allow Trump to be the Nominee. Something's very wrong. Trump's spooked em bigtime.

To answer that is to look at Donald Trump past words, actions, and also reflect on what he has said in recent years, months and days...

Does Trump scare the Establishment?

Yes, and rightfully so...

The reality is Trump is winning in Primary and Caucuses but is doing poorly among minorities in polls and in Minority-Majority states like New Mexico, California and Texas this could be a major issue come November.

The Establishment want to keep the House and Senate and they fear if Trump is nominated they will for sure lose the Senate and could lose the House while giving Hillary the White House still.

So the question then come down to do you back a possible losing horse and risk losing the House and Senate or do you ditch Trump ( if he does not obtain the amount of delegates needed ) for someone like Kasich and pray Kasich will help keep the House and Senate while still losing the White House to Clinton?

My answer is even more simple, and that is if Trump has a clear lead in delegates but is just a few shy of the nomination then still back him and force Trump to take Kasich as his running mate so that the establishment can try to hold onto the Senate and appease the moderate voter within the party that is establishment.

If they feel Trump is going to lose and is too much of a headache but feel booting him would cost the Senate and House they can still nominate him and back Johnson like I have written.

Johnson will be on the Libertarian ticket and I had figured his run on that ticket was for the establishment in case Trump or Cruz garner the nomination, so that the establishment can quietly back a Republican that is not Trump nor Cruz.

That is my answer...

Throwing the Election is no answer. That would be treasonous. There is no way they're gonna just pop a new Candidate in there and have a chance of winning the Election. It's suicidal. So why are they so willing to commit suicide?

I wrote it out for you and the answer is simple and the reason is Donald Trump past words and action along with his radical words of today has made it clear the GOP Establishment does not want him because he is not one of them...

Now you might support the man ( Trump ) but the reality is if you have read, followed and studied the man you would not be so happy to want to vote him in.

Also let me add that if Trump does become President, then you do realize he has to deal with either Pelosi or Ryan in the House and McConnell or the Democratic Senate Majority leader, and if you believe the House have been Toxic against President Obama, well you have not seen anything if either Clinton or Trump get elected...

So yeah, I can understand why the GOP might commit political suicide to purge the political party of the Trump supporters and Tea Party caucus...

"Radical Words??" WHAT?? Oh man, what the hell happened to the Republican Party? Rotten to the core. Shameful traitors.
The GOP leadership thinks Hillary would be a better president than T-rump. It's that simple.
...and that's all the reason you need to know that she is the wrong choice for America....

(BD is actually siding with Republicans? That's because there is no difference between these ass-clowns and liberals!)

A very exclusive and secretive One Party-Rule Globalist Elite club. This proves its existence. The old guard GOP Elites are willing to hand the Election to the Democrats, rather than nominate Trump. It's such a corrupt mess.

It's another conspiracy I tell you. Get the tinfoil hats.
Gee i don't know, what do you think we're bitching about?

Probably because you think your dear party is poking it right up your poop chute. It's a shame your party doesn't have any more integrity than that. I told you so..

Well in fairness, neither Party does. But Trump really must be spooking the hell out of the powers-that-be. They're so willing to hand the Election to the Democrats. Pretty bizarre stuff.

The GOP leadership thinks Hillary would be a better president than T-rump. It's that simple.

Yes, i have to agree. There is no way the GOP can win if they thwart Trump at the Convention. It is suicide. It's so damn bizarre.

What is bizarre is that so many republicans have gone so far off the deep end till they would support an idiot like T-rump. I guess all that hate and fear preached by right wing radio is finally paying off big.

Its looks like the right wing radio was right. The recent past has shown us that the GOP in fact is the party of the rich elite that don't care about us except during voting season.

So yes, it is finally paying off, thankfully


1. If Trump does not get the amount of Delegates needed to win then he did not win and a brokered Convention is the only result, and will piss those like you off, so make sure he get the delegates needed to win.

2. If Trump get the delegates needed and is denied then those like you have a true complaint, and should be pissed, and allow the GOP slice their wrists and lose the entire election cycle.

3. The GOP could let Trump have the nomination and quietly back Gary Johnson on the Libertarian party while focusing on Senate and House races instead.

Those are my answers for you...

Thwarting Trump will = a Landslide victory for the Democrats. The old guard Elites have to know that. So why are they so willing to hand it to the Democrats? Clearly, they'd rather give it to the Democrats then allow Trump to be the Nominee. Something's very wrong. Trump's spooked em bigtime.

To answer that is to look at Donald Trump past words, actions, and also reflect on what he has said in recent years, months and days...

Does Trump scare the Establishment?

Yes, and rightfully so...

The reality is Trump is winning in Primary and Caucuses but is doing poorly among minorities in polls and in Minority-Majority states like New Mexico, California and Texas this could be a major issue come November.

The Establishment want to keep the House and Senate and they fear if Trump is nominated they will for sure lose the Senate and could lose the House while giving Hillary the White House still.

So the question then come down to do you back a possible losing horse and risk losing the House and Senate or do you ditch Trump ( if he does not obtain the amount of delegates needed ) for someone like Kasich and pray Kasich will help keep the House and Senate while still losing the White House to Clinton?

My answer is even more simple, and that is if Trump has a clear lead in delegates but is just a few shy of the nomination then still back him and force Trump to take Kasich as his running mate so that the establishment can try to hold onto the Senate and appease the moderate voter within the party that is establishment.

If they feel Trump is going to lose and is too much of a headache but feel booting him would cost the Senate and House they can still nominate him and back Johnson like I have written.

Johnson will be on the Libertarian ticket and I had figured his run on that ticket was for the establishment in case Trump or Cruz garner the nomination, so that the establishment can quietly back a Republican that is not Trump nor Cruz.

That is my answer...

Throwing the Election is no answer. That would be treasonous. There is no way they're gonna just pop a new Candidate in there and have a chance of winning the Election. It's suicidal. So why are they so willing to commit suicide?

I wrote it out for you and the answer is simple and the reason is Donald Trump past words and action along with his radical words of today has made it clear the GOP Establishment does not want him because he is not one of them...

Now you might support the man ( Trump ) but the reality is if you have read, followed and studied the man you would not be so happy to want to vote him in.

Also let me add that if Trump does become President, then you do realize he has to deal with either Pelosi or Ryan in the House and McConnell or the Democratic Senate Majority leader, and if you believe the House have been Toxic against President Obama, well you have not seen anything if either Clinton or Trump get elected...

So yeah, I can understand why the GOP might commit political suicide to purge the political party of the Trump supporters and Tea Party caucus...

"Radical Words??" WHAT?? Oh man, what the hell happened to the Republican Party? Rotten to the core. Shameful traitors.

Whatever man, and I mean whatever...

I don't really care if Trump get the nomination because I am voting for Johnson, but you better pray that I am one of the quirky voters because Johnson garner 1.2 million votes in 2012, and with the mood of this election cycle it could get larger, but no way he would ever win...
Thwarting Trump will = a Landslide victory for the Democrats. The old guard Elites have to know that. So why are they so willing to hand it to the Democrats? Clearly, they'd rather give it to the Democrats then allow Trump to be the Nominee. Something's very wrong. Trump's spooked em bigtime.

To answer that is to look at Donald Trump past words, actions, and also reflect on what he has said in recent years, months and days...

Does Trump scare the Establishment?

Yes, and rightfully so...

The reality is Trump is winning in Primary and Caucuses but is doing poorly among minorities in polls and in Minority-Majority states like New Mexico, California and Texas this could be a major issue come November.

The Establishment want to keep the House and Senate and they fear if Trump is nominated they will for sure lose the Senate and could lose the House while giving Hillary the White House still.

So the question then come down to do you back a possible losing horse and risk losing the House and Senate or do you ditch Trump ( if he does not obtain the amount of delegates needed ) for someone like Kasich and pray Kasich will help keep the House and Senate while still losing the White House to Clinton?

My answer is even more simple, and that is if Trump has a clear lead in delegates but is just a few shy of the nomination then still back him and force Trump to take Kasich as his running mate so that the establishment can try to hold onto the Senate and appease the moderate voter within the party that is establishment.

If they feel Trump is going to lose and is too much of a headache but feel booting him would cost the Senate and House they can still nominate him and back Johnson like I have written.

Johnson will be on the Libertarian ticket and I had figured his run on that ticket was for the establishment in case Trump or Cruz garner the nomination, so that the establishment can quietly back a Republican that is not Trump nor Cruz.

That is my answer...

Throwing the Election is no answer. That would be treasonous. There is no way they're gonna just pop a new Candidate in there and have a chance of winning the Election. It's suicidal. So why are they so willing to commit suicide?

I wrote it out for you and the answer is simple and the reason is Donald Trump past words and action along with his radical words of today has made it clear the GOP Establishment does not want him because he is not one of them...

Now you might support the man ( Trump ) but the reality is if you have read, followed and studied the man you would not be so happy to want to vote him in.

Also let me add that if Trump does become President, then you do realize he has to deal with either Pelosi or Ryan in the House and McConnell or the Democratic Senate Majority leader, and if you believe the House have been Toxic against President Obama, well you have not seen anything if either Clinton or Trump get elected...

So yeah, I can understand why the GOP might commit political suicide to purge the political party of the Trump supporters and Tea Party caucus...

"Radical Words??" WHAT?? Oh man, what the hell happened to the Republican Party? Rotten to the core. Shameful traitors.

Whatever man, and I mean whatever...

I don't really care if Trump get the nomination because I am voting for Johnson, but you better pray that I am one of the quirky voters because Johnson garner 1.2 million votes in 2012, and with the mood of this election cycle it could get larger, but no way he would ever win...

Whining about 'Radical Words', yet you're gonna vote Libertarian? I bet you claim you support the Constitution too. My God, what a mess. :cuckoo:
If the Trumpista fascista go the streets, each one of them will do it only once. They will find the other 80% of America out there to meet them.

Who's the violent Fasists? You should think before posting.
The violent followers of Trump are the fascists. The military, the LEO, and the good Americans will meet them and put them down. Easily.

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