Senior GOP Official: 'Voters Don't Pick Nominee, We Do'...

You claim to be a Republican and you support Trump, and you call me insane?

No, the reality is Trump can say whatever he want and i have the right to claim his words are radical to me, and I do not support his stupidity because the reality is he is just selling you piss water while claiming it is a miracle cure.

The reality is Trump will be facing a hostile House with Ryan as the majority leader and if McConnell happen to keep the Senate Majority Leader job then Trump will have another foe in the Senate.

So let admit the reality and Trump is not even a True Conservative. Hell he is not even a Reagan Conservative. The reality is Trump is whatever he need to be to get those like you to vote for him, and once it is done he will show his true Liberal self that once supported abortion, and many other things in the past.

You're tire of the establishment then vote third party and it does not have to be Libertarian either.

Also because I am voting for Johnson on the Libertarian ticket has nothing to do with the Libertarian party but with him instead. Johnson was the Governor of New Mexico and is still a Republican by all means.

Also he is more of a Conservative than Trump, so yeah I will be voting for him...

You'll be voting for someone who can't possibly win. If that makes you happy, than so be it i guess. But seriously, you whine about 'Radical Words', but then call yourself a Libertarian? I don't think Johnson could approve of your beliefs. Our Founding Fathers often expressed 'Radical Words.'

But regardless, Trump represents something different. I'm completely over the career hack Politicians. He's talking about caring about Americans again. He wants to move us away from the Globalist agenda that's brought us so many terrible Trade Deals and debacles like the recent Iran Deal. I'm with him on that. But hey, that's just how i feel.

Our founding Fathers would have given us back to England if they knew what we would become, so let not kid ourselves Trump is anything like them at all!

Also Trump profits from the Globalism and let not forget that either!

Finally, Ronald Reagan brought unity when there was a splinter within the rank of the GOP, and Donald Trump has done more to divide the ranks with his words and not unite us.

As for Johnson not winning, what part of that I know this already do you and other Trump supporters not understand?

I am very aware of Johnson not winning but if my vote is not going for Trump and I refuse to vote for Clinton, then I will vote for someone that fit into what I want as a President and Johnson is the best choice.

The founding fathers would be happier with that than for me supporting the GOP or the Democratic Party choice because they fought to give me that basic right of choice.

Also let remember the voter has say on the state level on who they will vote for but the Electoral College has the final say over the person that will become President, and if I am correct and Trump will lose Illinois, and California, and might not even carry Ohio then you can see the writing on the wall, and Trump loses the Electoral College.

Now ask me again why the GOP is afraid of a Trump nomination and how it relates to the Electoral College and Minority-Majority States...

Johnson would be very disappointed in you. You're not standing up for freedom and the Constitution. You're very confused and a bit disingenuous.


Are you saying I am not allow to call the words of Trump radical?

Now I can see if I am calling for him to be silence to be wrong, but just writing that I feel his words are radical is not unconstitutional, nor am I denying him the right to speak.

Only a simple minded fool would attempt to make that ignorant argument, and let be factual Trump and his supporters are against free speech unless it is them freely speaking.

So please stop with the nonsense because you and most of the Trump supporters hate free speech and that is why you are upset at my usage of the word radical.

Learn what a opinion is and no I am not calling for your candidate to be silent, but I am sure you would be happier if everyone against Trump would be forced to be silent and never allow to speak against him!

He's the Anti-Globalist/Career Politician Candidate. That's good enough for me. And you know, our Founding Fathers and folks like Johnson and Ron Paul, have been called 'Radicals' too. 'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets.

I swear to God those like you believe anything Trump tell you, and if anyone disagree with you then you want them silence and the founding fathers would spit on you for even comparing Trump to them!

Also how do you think Trump has made all his money?


The Global Economy has been great for him, but he is Anti-Globalist ( wink, wink ) according to you...

I can write he is radical all I want and yet have I called for him to be arrested for his words, or for you to be silent because I disagree with you?

No, but I damn well know if the shoe was on the other foot, well you would be all to glad to have my internet connection disconnected and put me in jail or worst sucker punch me because you disagree with my opinion of Trump...

Yeah, Trump and his supporters love freedom of speech as long as it fit into what they want said...
Our founding Fathers would have given us back to England if they knew what we would become, so let not kid ourselves Trump is anything like them at all!

Also Trump profits from the Globalism and let not forget that either!

Finally, Ronald Reagan brought unity when there was a splinter within the rank of the GOP, and Donald Trump has done more to divide the ranks with his words and not unite us.

As for Johnson not winning, what part of that I know this already do you and other Trump supporters not understand?

I am very aware of Johnson not winning but if my vote is not going for Trump and I refuse to vote for Clinton, then I will vote for someone that fit into what I want as a President and Johnson is the best choice.

The founding fathers would be happier with that than for me supporting the GOP or the Democratic Party choice because they fought to give me that basic right of choice.

Also let remember the voter has say on the state level on who they will vote for but the Electoral College has the final say over the person that will become President, and if I am correct and Trump will lose Illinois, and California, and might not even carry Ohio then you can see the writing on the wall, and Trump loses the Electoral College.

Now ask me again why the GOP is afraid of a Trump nomination and how it relates to the Electoral College and Minority-Majority States...

Johnson would be very disappointed in you. You're not standing up for freedom and the Constitution. You're very confused and a bit disingenuous.


Are you saying I am not allow to call the words of Trump radical?

Now I can see if I am calling for him to be silence to be wrong, but just writing that I feel his words are radical is not unconstitutional, nor am I denying him the right to speak.

Only a simple minded fool would attempt to make that ignorant argument, and let be factual Trump and his supporters are against free speech unless it is them freely speaking.

So please stop with the nonsense because you and most of the Trump supporters hate free speech and that is why you are upset at my usage of the word radical.

Learn what a opinion is and no I am not calling for your candidate to be silent, but I am sure you would be happier if everyone against Trump would be forced to be silent and never allow to speak against him!
That's not true. Everyone should have a voice but their actions should not thwart the free speech of others.

Where have I wrote he should not be allow to speak freely?

It is his supporters that have the issue of me saying what he has said in the past is radical to me, and I have that right to say, or write it.

If you believe I do not then I will tell you right here and now it is not your right to tell me what I can say or write about another person.

I will never deny a person their right to speak their mind but again it seem Trump supporters have a issue with free speech when it come to the other side, and prefer their ( the other side ) right to free speech to be denied...

Maybe this country is becoming the Fourth Reich?

( Notice the question mark )

How is Trump denying you your right to free speech? How has any Trump supporter denied you your right to free speech? I'll wait for you to elaborate on that.

Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...
You'll be voting for someone who can't possibly win. If that makes you happy, than so be it i guess. But seriously, you whine about 'Radical Words', but then call yourself a Libertarian? I don't think Johnson could approve of your beliefs. Our Founding Fathers often expressed 'Radical Words.'

But regardless, Trump represents something different. I'm completely over the career hack Politicians. He's talking about caring about Americans again. He wants to move us away from the Globalist agenda that's brought us so many terrible Trade Deals and debacles like the recent Iran Deal. I'm with him on that. But hey, that's just how i feel.

Our founding Fathers would have given us back to England if they knew what we would become, so let not kid ourselves Trump is anything like them at all!

Also Trump profits from the Globalism and let not forget that either!

Finally, Ronald Reagan brought unity when there was a splinter within the rank of the GOP, and Donald Trump has done more to divide the ranks with his words and not unite us.

As for Johnson not winning, what part of that I know this already do you and other Trump supporters not understand?

I am very aware of Johnson not winning but if my vote is not going for Trump and I refuse to vote for Clinton, then I will vote for someone that fit into what I want as a President and Johnson is the best choice.

The founding fathers would be happier with that than for me supporting the GOP or the Democratic Party choice because they fought to give me that basic right of choice.

Also let remember the voter has say on the state level on who they will vote for but the Electoral College has the final say over the person that will become President, and if I am correct and Trump will lose Illinois, and California, and might not even carry Ohio then you can see the writing on the wall, and Trump loses the Electoral College.

Now ask me again why the GOP is afraid of a Trump nomination and how it relates to the Electoral College and Minority-Majority States...

Johnson would be very disappointed in you. You're not standing up for freedom and the Constitution. You're very confused and a bit disingenuous.


Are you saying I am not allow to call the words of Trump radical?

Now I can see if I am calling for him to be silence to be wrong, but just writing that I feel his words are radical is not unconstitutional, nor am I denying him the right to speak.

Only a simple minded fool would attempt to make that ignorant argument, and let be factual Trump and his supporters are against free speech unless it is them freely speaking.

So please stop with the nonsense because you and most of the Trump supporters hate free speech and that is why you are upset at my usage of the word radical.

Learn what a opinion is and no I am not calling for your candidate to be silent, but I am sure you would be happier if everyone against Trump would be forced to be silent and never allow to speak against him!

He's the Anti-Globalist/Career Politician Candidate. That's good enough for me. And you know, our Founding Fathers and folks like Johnson and Ron Paul, have been called 'Radicals' too. 'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets.

I swear to God those like you believe anything Trump tell you, and if anyone disagree with you then you want them silence and the founding fathers would spit on you for even comparing Trump to them!

Also how do you think Trump has made all his money?


The Global Economy has been great for him, but he is Anti-Globalist ( wink, wink ) according to you...

I can write he is radical all I want and yet have I called for him to be arrested for his words, or for you to be silent because I disagree with you?

No, but I damn well know if the shoe was on the other foot, well you would be all to glad to have my internet connection disconnected and put me in jail or worst sucker punch me because you disagree with my opinion of Trump...

Yeah, Trump and his supporters love freedom of speech as long as it fit into what they want said...

I'll wait a little longer for you to explain how Donald Trump or any of his supporters have denied you your right to free speech. And please spare us the whining about his rallies. His rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government sponsored events.
Johnson would be very disappointed in you. You're not standing up for freedom and the Constitution. You're very confused and a bit disingenuous.


Are you saying I am not allow to call the words of Trump radical?

Now I can see if I am calling for him to be silence to be wrong, but just writing that I feel his words are radical is not unconstitutional, nor am I denying him the right to speak.

Only a simple minded fool would attempt to make that ignorant argument, and let be factual Trump and his supporters are against free speech unless it is them freely speaking.

So please stop with the nonsense because you and most of the Trump supporters hate free speech and that is why you are upset at my usage of the word radical.

Learn what a opinion is and no I am not calling for your candidate to be silent, but I am sure you would be happier if everyone against Trump would be forced to be silent and never allow to speak against him!
That's not true. Everyone should have a voice but their actions should not thwart the free speech of others.

Where have I wrote he should not be allow to speak freely?

It is his supporters that have the issue of me saying what he has said in the past is radical to me, and I have that right to say, or write it.

If you believe I do not then I will tell you right here and now it is not your right to tell me what I can say or write about another person.

I will never deny a person their right to speak their mind but again it seem Trump supporters have a issue with free speech when it come to the other side, and prefer their ( the other side ) right to free speech to be denied...

Maybe this country is becoming the Fourth Reich?

( Notice the question mark )

How is Trump denying you your right to free speech? How has any Trump supporter denied you your right to free speech? I'll wait for you to elaborate on that.

Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.
Our founding Fathers would have given us back to England if they knew what we would become, so let not kid ourselves Trump is anything like them at all!

Also Trump profits from the Globalism and let not forget that either!

Finally, Ronald Reagan brought unity when there was a splinter within the rank of the GOP, and Donald Trump has done more to divide the ranks with his words and not unite us.

As for Johnson not winning, what part of that I know this already do you and other Trump supporters not understand?

I am very aware of Johnson not winning but if my vote is not going for Trump and I refuse to vote for Clinton, then I will vote for someone that fit into what I want as a President and Johnson is the best choice.

The founding fathers would be happier with that than for me supporting the GOP or the Democratic Party choice because they fought to give me that basic right of choice.

Also let remember the voter has say on the state level on who they will vote for but the Electoral College has the final say over the person that will become President, and if I am correct and Trump will lose Illinois, and California, and might not even carry Ohio then you can see the writing on the wall, and Trump loses the Electoral College.

Now ask me again why the GOP is afraid of a Trump nomination and how it relates to the Electoral College and Minority-Majority States...

Johnson would be very disappointed in you. You're not standing up for freedom and the Constitution. You're very confused and a bit disingenuous.


Are you saying I am not allow to call the words of Trump radical?

Now I can see if I am calling for him to be silence to be wrong, but just writing that I feel his words are radical is not unconstitutional, nor am I denying him the right to speak.

Only a simple minded fool would attempt to make that ignorant argument, and let be factual Trump and his supporters are against free speech unless it is them freely speaking.

So please stop with the nonsense because you and most of the Trump supporters hate free speech and that is why you are upset at my usage of the word radical.

Learn what a opinion is and no I am not calling for your candidate to be silent, but I am sure you would be happier if everyone against Trump would be forced to be silent and never allow to speak against him!

He's the Anti-Globalist/Career Politician Candidate. That's good enough for me. And you know, our Founding Fathers and folks like Johnson and Ron Paul, have been called 'Radicals' too. 'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets.

I swear to God those like you believe anything Trump tell you, and if anyone disagree with you then you want them silence and the founding fathers would spit on you for even comparing Trump to them!

Also how do you think Trump has made all his money?


The Global Economy has been great for him, but he is Anti-Globalist ( wink, wink ) according to you...

I can write he is radical all I want and yet have I called for him to be arrested for his words, or for you to be silent because I disagree with you?

No, but I damn well know if the shoe was on the other foot, well you would be all to glad to have my internet connection disconnected and put me in jail or worst sucker punch me because you disagree with my opinion of Trump...

Yeah, Trump and his supporters love freedom of speech as long as it fit into what they want said...

I'll wait a little longer for you to explain how Donald Trump or any of his supporters have denied you your right to free speech. And please spare us the whining about his rallies. His rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government sponsored events.

Yep, give you a great example of where those like you deny someone their right to free speech, and how Trump support it, and you just go it does not count.

So why do you hate free speech?

You're the one with the issue and not me.

I just wrote his words are radical to me, and all of a sudden you lecture me how the founding fathers would be upset at me along with Gary Johnson, and yet you did not point out where I was denying your candidate right to speak freely?

Of course you can not prove where I have wrote where Trump should be silent, and instead you want to focus on me, and not the fact that Trump support violent attacks against protestors which could have been me, and his supporters love throwing sucker punches to silence those they disagree with.

So yeah, I have pointed out where you have a problem with my right to free speech and how you hate the word radical, but the reality is trump is no General Washington, Abe Lincoln or Ronald Reagan, and is more like David Duke than any of our great leaders of the past!
The words of Curly Haugland did not bother you? "The people do not elect a nominee, the party does..." Why do we have primaries? Good question!"

It's true. People don't elect nominees, the party does. That has always been true through the entire history of history.
You claim to be a Republican and you support Trump, and you call me insane?

No, the reality is Trump can say whatever he want and i have the right to claim his words are radical to me, and I do not support his stupidity because the reality is he is just selling you piss water while claiming it is a miracle cure.

The reality is Trump will be facing a hostile House with Ryan as the majority leader and if McConnell happen to keep the Senate Majority Leader job then Trump will have another foe in the Senate.

So let admit the reality and Trump is not even a True Conservative. Hell he is not even a Reagan Conservative. The reality is Trump is whatever he need to be to get those like you to vote for him, and once it is done he will show his true Liberal self that once supported abortion, and many other things in the past.

You're tire of the establishment then vote third party and it does not have to be Libertarian either.

Also because I am voting for Johnson on the Libertarian ticket has nothing to do with the Libertarian party but with him instead. Johnson was the Governor of New Mexico and is still a Republican by all means.

Also he is more of a Conservative than Trump, so yeah I will be voting for him...

You'll be voting for someone who can't possibly win. If that makes you happy, than so be it i guess. But seriously, you whine about 'Radical Words', but then call yourself a Libertarian? I don't think Johnson could approve of your beliefs. Our Founding Fathers often expressed 'Radical Words.'

But regardless, Trump represents something different. I'm completely over the career hack Politicians. He's talking about caring about Americans again. He wants to move us away from the Globalist agenda that's brought us so many terrible Trade Deals and debacles like the recent Iran Deal. I'm with him on that. But hey, that's just how i feel.

Our founding Fathers would have given us back to England if they knew what we would become, so let not kid ourselves Trump is anything like them at all!

Also Trump profits from the Globalism and let not forget that either!

Finally, Ronald Reagan brought unity when there was a splinter within the rank of the GOP, and Donald Trump has done more to divide the ranks with his words and not unite us.

As for Johnson not winning, what part of that I know this already do you and other Trump supporters not understand?

I am very aware of Johnson not winning but if my vote is not going for Trump and I refuse to vote for Clinton, then I will vote for someone that fit into what I want as a President and Johnson is the best choice.

The founding fathers would be happier with that than for me supporting the GOP or the Democratic Party choice because they fought to give me that basic right of choice.

Also let remember the voter has say on the state level on who they will vote for but the Electoral College has the final say over the person that will become President, and if I am correct and Trump will lose Illinois, and California, and might not even carry Ohio then you can see the writing on the wall, and Trump loses the Electoral College.

Now ask me again why the GOP is afraid of a Trump nomination and how it relates to the Electoral College and Minority-Majority States...

Johnson would be very disappointed in you. You're not standing up for freedom and the Constitution. You're very confused and a bit disingenuous.


Are you saying I am not allow to call the words of Trump radical?

Now I can see if I am calling for him to be silence to be wrong, but just writing that I feel his words are radical is not unconstitutional, nor am I denying him the right to speak.

Only a simple minded fool would attempt to make that ignorant argument, and let be factual Trump and his supporters are against free speech unless it is them freely speaking.

So please stop with the nonsense because you and most of the Trump supporters hate free speech and that is why you are upset at my usage of the word radical.

Learn what a opinion is and no I am not calling for your candidate to be silent, but I am sure you would be happier if everyone against Trump would be forced to be silent and never allow to speak against him!

He's the Anti-Globalist/Career Politician Candidate. That's good enough for me. And you know, our Founding Fathers and folks like Johnson and Ron Paul, have been called 'Radicals' too. 'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets.

Both established parties, melded into the Uni-Party are now basically pro-Globalisation and on foreign policy in control of the psychopathic Neo-Conservatives. As such they don't speak for nor work for what's best for the people anymore.

I think America one of the few nations that has no other representation aside from the two established parties.
Johnson would be very disappointed in you. You're not standing up for freedom and the Constitution. You're very confused and a bit disingenuous.


Are you saying I am not allow to call the words of Trump radical?

Now I can see if I am calling for him to be silence to be wrong, but just writing that I feel his words are radical is not unconstitutional, nor am I denying him the right to speak.

Only a simple minded fool would attempt to make that ignorant argument, and let be factual Trump and his supporters are against free speech unless it is them freely speaking.

So please stop with the nonsense because you and most of the Trump supporters hate free speech and that is why you are upset at my usage of the word radical.

Learn what a opinion is and no I am not calling for your candidate to be silent, but I am sure you would be happier if everyone against Trump would be forced to be silent and never allow to speak against him!

He's the Anti-Globalist/Career Politician Candidate. That's good enough for me. And you know, our Founding Fathers and folks like Johnson and Ron Paul, have been called 'Radicals' too. 'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets.

I swear to God those like you believe anything Trump tell you, and if anyone disagree with you then you want them silence and the founding fathers would spit on you for even comparing Trump to them!

Also how do you think Trump has made all his money?


The Global Economy has been great for him, but he is Anti-Globalist ( wink, wink ) according to you...

I can write he is radical all I want and yet have I called for him to be arrested for his words, or for you to be silent because I disagree with you?

No, but I damn well know if the shoe was on the other foot, well you would be all to glad to have my internet connection disconnected and put me in jail or worst sucker punch me because you disagree with my opinion of Trump...

Yeah, Trump and his supporters love freedom of speech as long as it fit into what they want said...

I'll wait a little longer for you to explain how Donald Trump or any of his supporters have denied you your right to free speech. And please spare us the whining about his rallies. His rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government sponsored events.

Yep, give you a great example of where those like you deny someone their right to free speech, and how Trump support it, and you just go it does not count.

So why do you hate free speech?

You're the one with the issue and not me.

I just wrote his words are radical to me, and all of a sudden you lecture me how the founding fathers would be upset at me along with Gary Johnson, and yet you did not point out where I was denying your candidate right to speak freely?

Of course you can not prove where I have wrote where Trump should be silent, and instead you want to focus on me, and not the fact that Trump support violent attacks against protestors which could have been me, and his supporters love throwing sucker punches to silence those they disagree with.

So yeah, I have pointed out where you have a problem with my right to free speech and how you hate the word radical, but the reality is trump is no General Washington, Abe Lincoln or Ronald Reagan, and is more like David Duke than any of our great leaders of the past!

Again, his events are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. It is well-within his own rights to remove disruptive people. But that being said, the trespassers' free speech rights weren't even violated. They spoke plenty and disrupted the event. They were then removed.

Someone assaulting them was not Trump's fault. And that person was arrested and will be prosecuted. But again, give us just one example of Trump or any of his supporters denying you your right to free speech. I'll give you one more chance to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Go for it.

Are you saying I am not allow to call the words of Trump radical?

Now I can see if I am calling for him to be silence to be wrong, but just writing that I feel his words are radical is not unconstitutional, nor am I denying him the right to speak.

Only a simple minded fool would attempt to make that ignorant argument, and let be factual Trump and his supporters are against free speech unless it is them freely speaking.

So please stop with the nonsense because you and most of the Trump supporters hate free speech and that is why you are upset at my usage of the word radical.

Learn what a opinion is and no I am not calling for your candidate to be silent, but I am sure you would be happier if everyone against Trump would be forced to be silent and never allow to speak against him!
That's not true. Everyone should have a voice but their actions should not thwart the free speech of others.

Where have I wrote he should not be allow to speak freely?

It is his supporters that have the issue of me saying what he has said in the past is radical to me, and I have that right to say, or write it.

If you believe I do not then I will tell you right here and now it is not your right to tell me what I can say or write about another person.

I will never deny a person their right to speak their mind but again it seem Trump supporters have a issue with free speech when it come to the other side, and prefer their ( the other side ) right to free speech to be denied...

Maybe this country is becoming the Fourth Reich?

( Notice the question mark )

How is Trump denying you your right to free speech? How has any Trump supporter denied you your right to free speech? I'll wait for you to elaborate on that.

Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Are you saying I am not allow to call the words of Trump radical?

Now I can see if I am calling for him to be silence to be wrong, but just writing that I feel his words are radical is not unconstitutional, nor am I denying him the right to speak.

Only a simple minded fool would attempt to make that ignorant argument, and let be factual Trump and his supporters are against free speech unless it is them freely speaking.

So please stop with the nonsense because you and most of the Trump supporters hate free speech and that is why you are upset at my usage of the word radical.

Learn what a opinion is and no I am not calling for your candidate to be silent, but I am sure you would be happier if everyone against Trump would be forced to be silent and never allow to speak against him!

He's the Anti-Globalist/Career Politician Candidate. That's good enough for me. And you know, our Founding Fathers and folks like Johnson and Ron Paul, have been called 'Radicals' too. 'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets.

I swear to God those like you believe anything Trump tell you, and if anyone disagree with you then you want them silence and the founding fathers would spit on you for even comparing Trump to them!

Also how do you think Trump has made all his money?


The Global Economy has been great for him, but he is Anti-Globalist ( wink, wink ) according to you...

I can write he is radical all I want and yet have I called for him to be arrested for his words, or for you to be silent because I disagree with you?

No, but I damn well know if the shoe was on the other foot, well you would be all to glad to have my internet connection disconnected and put me in jail or worst sucker punch me because you disagree with my opinion of Trump...

Yeah, Trump and his supporters love freedom of speech as long as it fit into what they want said...

I'll wait a little longer for you to explain how Donald Trump or any of his supporters have denied you your right to free speech. And please spare us the whining about his rallies. His rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government sponsored events.

Yep, give you a great example of where those like you deny someone their right to free speech, and how Trump support it, and you just go it does not count.

So why do you hate free speech?

You're the one with the issue and not me.

I just wrote his words are radical to me, and all of a sudden you lecture me how the founding fathers would be upset at me along with Gary Johnson, and yet you did not point out where I was denying your candidate right to speak freely?

Of course you can not prove where I have wrote where Trump should be silent, and instead you want to focus on me, and not the fact that Trump support violent attacks against protestors which could have been me, and his supporters love throwing sucker punches to silence those they disagree with.

So yeah, I have pointed out where you have a problem with my right to free speech and how you hate the word radical, but the reality is trump is no General Washington, Abe Lincoln or Ronald Reagan, and is more like David Duke than any of our great leaders of the past!

Again, his events are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. It is well-within his own rights to remove disruptive people. But that being said, the trespassers' free speech rights weren't even violated. They spoke plenty and disrupted the event. They were then removed.

Someone assaulting them was not Trump's fault. And that person was arrested and will be prosecuted. But again, give us just one example of Trump or any of his supporters denying you your right to free speech. I'll give you one more chance to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Go for it.

You are the one trying to silence me from using the word radical when describing your beloved leader.


By claiming that I am not for the constitution, and that the founding fathers would be ashamed of me.

Trump being at a Private event does not shield him from being confronted... Also the protestor was assaulted because of their speech, so yeah they were being denied, and Trump want those like you to assault protestors and silence them, so why do you support such radical hatred?
That's not true. Everyone should have a voice but their actions should not thwart the free speech of others.

Where have I wrote he should not be allow to speak freely?

It is his supporters that have the issue of me saying what he has said in the past is radical to me, and I have that right to say, or write it.

If you believe I do not then I will tell you right here and now it is not your right to tell me what I can say or write about another person.

I will never deny a person their right to speak their mind but again it seem Trump supporters have a issue with free speech when it come to the other side, and prefer their ( the other side ) right to free speech to be denied...

Maybe this country is becoming the Fourth Reich?

( Notice the question mark )

How is Trump denying you your right to free speech? How has any Trump supporter denied you your right to free speech? I'll wait for you to elaborate on that.

Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...
Where have I wrote he should not be allow to speak freely?

It is his supporters that have the issue of me saying what he has said in the past is radical to me, and I have that right to say, or write it.

If you believe I do not then I will tell you right here and now it is not your right to tell me what I can say or write about another person.

I will never deny a person their right to speak their mind but again it seem Trump supporters have a issue with free speech when it come to the other side, and prefer their ( the other side ) right to free speech to be denied...

Maybe this country is becoming the Fourth Reich?

( Notice the question mark )

How is Trump denying you your right to free speech? How has any Trump supporter denied you your right to free speech? I'll wait for you to elaborate on that.

Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Right there!

I have the right to speak freely and the founding fathers would have hung you and Trump for denying me this right!

How dare you even try to compare Trump to the founding fathers, and yes I have pointed out the fact that you have a issue with the word radical and want to silence me for using it, and you are a Trump supporter!
How is Trump denying you your right to free speech? How has any Trump supporter denied you your right to free speech? I'll wait for you to elaborate on that.

Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Right there!

I have the right to speak freely and the founding fathers would have hung you and Trump for denying me this right!

How dare you even try to compare Trump to the founding fathers, and yes I have pointed out the fact that you have a issue with the word radical and want to silence me for using it, and you are a Trump supporter!

Our Founding Fathers were radicals, ya big ole dummy.
'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets. And your definition of 'Radical Speech' is likely far different than mine. I don't think Trump has expressed any 'Radical Speech.'
Where have I wrote he should not be allow to speak freely?

It is his supporters that have the issue of me saying what he has said in the past is radical to me, and I have that right to say, or write it.

If you believe I do not then I will tell you right here and now it is not your right to tell me what I can say or write about another person.

I will never deny a person their right to speak their mind but again it seem Trump supporters have a issue with free speech when it come to the other side, and prefer their ( the other side ) right to free speech to be denied...

Maybe this country is becoming the Fourth Reich?

( Notice the question mark )

How is Trump denying you your right to free speech? How has any Trump supporter denied you your right to free speech? I'll wait for you to elaborate on that.

Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!
Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Right there!

I have the right to speak freely and the founding fathers would have hung you and Trump for denying me this right!

How dare you even try to compare Trump to the founding fathers, and yes I have pointed out the fact that you have a issue with the word radical and want to silence me for using it, and you are a Trump supporter!

Our Founding Fathers were radicals, ya big ole dummy.
'Radical Speech' is as American as it gets. And your definition of 'Radical Speech' is likely far different than mine. I don't think Trump has expressed any 'Radical Speech.'

Look Kunt, the fact is Trump support using violence against protestors and love to use childish insults while confronting the other candidates, and that is not a Presidential Candidate except for the class bully that want to relive their bully days through Trump.

The Founding Fathers would have not allow the police to arrest the protestor and would have listen to them speak and would have confronted the protestor face to face, and yet Trump is a coward that hide behind a police state while applauding those like you for throwing sucker punches.

So no he is more like the King of England and you enjoy little dictators don't you?
How is Trump denying you your right to free speech? How has any Trump supporter denied you your right to free speech? I'll wait for you to elaborate on that.

Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.
Boy, doesn't that sum up our corrupt Two-Party Ruling-Class Elite System?

Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.

"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why primaries and caucuses are held.

Haugland is one of 112 Republican delegates who are not required to cast their support for any one candidate because their states and territories don't hold primaries or caucuses.

Even with Trump's huge projected delegate haul in four state primaries Tuesday, the odds are increasing the billionaire businessman may not ultimately get the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the GOP nomination before the convention.

Voters don't pick nominee, we do: GOP official

Erm, voters don't pick nominees. So what are you bitching about?

Laughing......repeat that, word for word when Trump supporters cry out against the nomination being 'brokered' to a candidate that won fewer votes, fewer states, and fewer delegates that Trump.

Don't change a syllable.
Sucker punching someone because you disagree with them, and supporting such actions is a good enough for me to know which side you and Trump are on.

You love Free Speech as long as you are the only one freely speaking and if the other side start speaking, well let sucker punch and beat those we disagree with up...

So Trump has never denied you your right to free speech? Ok, now we may be getting somewhere. And that person who assaulted the trespasser was arrested and will be prosecuted.

But the trespassers' rights to free speech were never violated. They spoke plenty. They were only there to disrupt and incite. And Trump's rallies are private events paid for by him. They are not Government-sponsored events. He does have the right to remove disruptive trespassers.

I am not the one that has the issue with Free Speech, but you do.

Trump is Radical to me, and you wrote to me how my comment was so unconstitutional and against the founding fathers, and Gary Johnson.

Hell Rand and Ron Paul laugh at Trump like I do, so he is nothing like them.

Also if I buy a Ticket to go to his rally then I should be allow to comment about his comments and not worry about someone like you doing a sucker punch on me because you ate my right to speak freely.

I know you will claim no one has ever denied me my right, but you would and so would Donald Trump, and he has supported the abusive nature of his supporters, and applauds them when they use violence against protestors, and that remind me more of the King of England and nothing like our found fathers.

I know you will cry that the event was PRIVATE, and he should not have to worry about anyone calling him on his radical nonsense, but in a free society people should be allow to confront Donald Trump and tell him they think his words are radical.

So as you scream about the constitution, founding fathers, and libertarian movement the fact remains you and Trump love free speech as long as you and him are the only ones doing the speaking and you will be damn if someone call it radical!

Do what you want, but you will be removed if you disrupt and violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak. They're not there to listen to you.

But regardless, you failed to prove you're not a full of shite imbecile. Neither Donald Trump or any of his supporters have ever denied you your right to freedom of speech. Period, end of story. Movin on...

Actually the true imbecile is you and Trump supporters.

You're the one with the issue of me using the word radical and threw a fit about it, so why get upset over the word?

Also it is you comparing Trump to the founding fathers and not me, and Trump act more like the King of England instead.

It is you that has a issue with third party voters, and again attempted to bring the founding fathers into it.

So which one of us is the true imbecile here?

I mean how is it that someone support a man that once was a birther, and supported abortion?

How do you support a man that claim to be anti-establishment but has a paper trail of being good friends with those like Bill and Hillary Clinton?

How can you make the claim he is anti-Global when he make his money off the global economy and his business benefits from raping poorer countries by buying their products for a lesser price?

Yeah, I am a imbecile and you are fucking retarded as can be for supporting a radical charlatan like Trump.

Now fuck off piss ant!

Do what you want at a Trump rally. But as soon as you disrupt and attempt to violate others' rights who are there to listen to the Candidate speak, you will be removed. They are not there to listen to you speak. Trump is well-within his rights to have you removed.

You don't like that? Tough shit. Don't attend his rallies. But try actually listening to him speak sometime. Lay off the edited sound bites. He is the only Anti-Globalist/Career Politician in the race. And that's good enough for me.

No he is not and he is a little wanna-be DICKtator that like to fling childish insults around and have his supporters throw sucker punches while applauding the crime.

Now are you going to tell me the Founding Fathers would have used soldiers to silence those that were against them like Trump is using the police and his supporters?

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