SENSELESS: Oregon man faces charges after he killed Black 19-year-old Aidan Ellison, over playing loud music in parking lot inn where they were both

From the article:

“The killing of Ellison, a Black man, resulted in collective mourning from his community alongside calls against racism, which O'Meara said was "valid."

How is this necessary?

They rarely report race when the roles are reversed, why is that?
What kind of irresponsible asshole plays loud music at fucking 4:20 in the morning?

Sure, you don't shoot the piece of shit, but some assholes run around thinking they can do whatever they please and the MSM encourages them to do so based upon their skin color.
What kind of irresponsible asshole plays loud music at fucking 4:20 in the morning?

Sure, you don't shoot the piece of shit, but some assholes run around thinking they can do whatever they please and the MSM encourages them to do so based upon their skin color.
been there done that
at 4:20 in the morning?..
Saw that Harry. In my community and I guess yours, a phone call to to the police would have had law enforcement handle it anytime after 10:00 PM. At 04:20 the offender would probably be taken with them. On the other hand, I guess they did take the offender with them.
Condolences to the dead kid's family. Wish they had taught him better.
Condolences to the son handed over to his grand parents. Wish they had taught the shooter better.
If you can't be any more discreet about placing a round in a target, you probably deserve some jail time.
What does race have to do with it? Nothing in the fake news article even hinted that race was a factor, no evidence means it never happened. More trashy liberal gaslighting.
What kind of irresponsible asshole plays loud music at fucking 4:20 in the morning?

Sure, you don't shoot the piece of shit, but some assholes run around thinking they can do whatever they please and the MSM encourages them to do so based upon their skin color.
I do ! Time to get up and roust them thar cowz byatches !
What kind of irresponsible asshole plays loud music at fucking 4:20 in the morning?

Sure, you don't shoot the piece of shit, but some assholes run around thinking they can do whatever they please and the MSM encourages them to do so based upon their skin color.

You can believe it that if someone important (such as a politician or movie star) were kept awake because of a horrible individual playing that ghastly music, the cops would quickly put an end to that nonsense.

But if you're a nobody like me, the cops & the media will blame us for being insensitive to the feelings of a victim of society, someone who just wanted to have some "music" to console himself.
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
sure, because blacks resist arrests/attack cops

Yea because whites always follow police orders and don't resist or fight the police.
it all CROSSCHECKS!!!!
.....FACTS: blacks graduate at lower rates and murder/rape/etc at higher rates.....not only does this prove they will have more contacts with the police per capita, but also they will not obey legal commands any less

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