Eight years after Trayvon Martin, another 17-year-old is killed in a Sanford, Florida, stand your ground case

Maybe he was just trying to see what kind of perv was following him.
A "reasonable" person asks the man sitting in the car if there is something he wants! Zimmerman would then ask him if he lived in the complex and a "reasonable" person would tell him he's staying at his father's girlfriend's place and tell him her name. This happened because Martin WASN'T reasonable, Blues Man! For some reason he wanted a conflict that night. A "reasonable" person doesn't leave the condo they're staying at and go back looking for trouble.
You have to be stupid to get out of your car and chase a person when the cops tell you not to
Look at the transcript of the call, Blues Man. The Police dispatcher asks Zimmerman if he can see which way Martin went. George gets out of his car and attempts to SEE where Martin went! When the dispatcher hears him breathing hard and realizes that he's trying to follow...she tells him not to. He's then told to go back to the front gate and wait there for the Police who are responding. He's in the process of doing that when Martin attacks him.
A "reasonable" person asks the man sitting in the car if there is something he wants! Zimmerman would then ask him if he lived in the complex and a "reasonable" person would tell him he's staying at his father's girlfriend's place and tell him her name. This happened because Martin WASN'T reasonable, Blues Man! For some reason he wanted a conflict that night. A "reasonable" person doesn't leave the condo they're staying at and go back looking for trouble.
YYEah OK And a reasonable man listens to the cops when they tell him to stay in his car and not follow anyone.
Doesn't matter. There is not a requirement for physical contact for a person's behavior to reasonably be seen as threatening.
No reasonable person is going to perceive someone following at a long distance a threat. Most people aren't even going to notice they are being followed.
Look at the transcript of the call, Blues Man. The Police dispatcher asks Zimmerman if he can see which way Martin went. George gets out of his car and attempts to SEE where Martin went! When the dispatcher hears him breathing hard and realizes that he's trying to follow...she tells him not to. He's then told to go back to the front gate and wait there for the Police who are responding. He's in the process of doing that when Martin attacks him.
Yeah I really don't care enough to keep arguing about this.

All I said was that where i grew up it would have been Zimmerman that was seen as a threat. But hey look how good Zimmerman's life is now.
YYEah OK And a reasonable man listens to the cops when they tell him to stay in his car and not follow anyone.
He wasn't told to stay in his car. He was asked by the dispatcher if he could see which way Martin went. At that point he gets out of the car and tries to follow. When he's told by the dispatcher to stop and return to the front gate...he does! Nothing in Zimmerman's actions that night come close to being unreasonable.
Yeah I really don't care enough to keep arguing about this.

All I said was that where i grew up it would have been Zimmerman that was seen as a threat. But hey look how good Zimmerman's life is now.
You obviously don't care about the facts...so why even bother to argue?
No reasonable person is going to perceive someone following at a long distance a threat. Most people aren't even going to notice they are being followed.
It depends on where you grew up.

Any guy pacing a person in my old neighborhood like that would most certainly have been seen as a threat and if he got out of his car to follow anyone even moreso.
Different place and the outcome of the trial would have been different.
What you mean is that if the trial had been held where people like you ignored the facts and determined guilt by your "feelings" that Zimmerman would have been convicted? I have no doubt of that.
There was no neighborhood watch... Just Zimmerman. He was unemployed, dropped out of school.. his parents paid his rent and he was creeping around the neighborhood at night with a loaded gun.
When all else fails resort to character assassination, Surada?
Yeah I really don't care enough to keep arguing about this.

All I said was that where i grew up it would have been Zimmerman that was seen as a threat. But hey look how good Zimmerman's life is now.

Lot of criminals where you grew up?
There was no neighborhood watch... Just Zimmerman. He was unemployed, dropped out of school.. his parents paid his rent and he was creeping around the neighborhood at night with a loaded gun.

Was he kicked out of school, like Trayvon?
Stolen jewelry and burglar tools, like Trayvon?
Committing violent assaults, like Trayvon?

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