SENSELESS: Oregon man faces charges after he killed Black 19-year-old Aidan Ellison, over playing loud music in parking lot inn where they were both

If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
sure, because blacks resist arrests/attack cops

Yea because whites always follow police orders and don't resist or fight the police.
it all CROSSCHECKS!!!!
.....FACTS: blacks graduate at lower rates and murder/rape/etc at higher rates.....not only does this prove they will have more contacts with the police per capita, but also they will not obey legal commands any less

False. You are a Trump Humper to the core, just keep the lies coming.
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
sure, because blacks resist arrests/attack cops

Yea because whites always follow police orders and don't resist or fight the police.
it all CROSSCHECKS!!!!
.....FACTS: blacks graduate at lower rates and murder/rape/etc at higher rates.....not only does this prove they will have more contacts with the police per capita, but also they will not obey legal commands any less

False. You are a Trump Humper to the core, just keep the lies coming.
Kill Colbert's family and we start the miniscule beginning of getting even. You will get them when the tide turns anyway.
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
Probably. After the cops asked him to turn off the music and he responded with “fuck you, po-Leese mutha fucka. Suck muh dick, cracka. I dindu nuffins!” And then proceeds to fight with the cops, likely pulling a weapon.

see, we can play the “probably” game too.
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
sure, because blacks resist arrests/attack cops

Yea because whites always follow police orders and don't resist or fight the police.
We don't riot and loot when whites get themselves killed by the police. See the difference?
America is better than this. i play loud music myself

For shooting the teen, or anyone playing loud music, the individual should go to prison. That said, whether it's the teen or you, by playing music very loud (I don't care if it is pop-rock, classical, hip-hop or rap), shows a complete disregard for your neighbors, especially if it is loud after the normal times that people are in bed, trying to get some sleep because they may have to work the next day, or are ill and need rest to recuperate. For those that do like to play their music loud at their residence or while in their cars, you apparently think that just because you like your style of music, those around you must, also...or you don't give a crap about those around you.
Behind our house and one property over, is an idiot that has his own band and they liked to play their hard-rock with the volume up high and well into the night. I went over and informed them that my daughter was having difficulty getting sleep (I'm retired and can sleep whenever I choose), she has to work. The response I received was a hand gesture imitating a gun pointed at me and told to leave. As, in this area, people can be fined for loud noise after 10pm, I simply called the police whenever the volume ramped up after hours. After a few calls the loud volume after 10pm ended and hasn't returned. When you hit the idiots in the pocketbook, they learn.
The lessen for you who like your music loud, respect your neighbors and wear headphones, or it might cost you.
Good riddance.

Damn blacks think that they're the only thing that matters. Like they have the right to disturb everyone else.

Maybe it'll make blacks start thinking about others before blasting that niggo music. I doubt it. We had one of these animals pull into a truck stop one night blasting that shit. Two trucks got together and formed a circle around him. He said let me go or I'll call the cops. The truckers said "go ahead, and we'll have you arrested for disturbing the peace and waking up 50 truckers." He turned it down and left. Don't fuck with truck drivers. They make a living out here and don't take shit from anyone, especially little pussy ass teen negros who think they own the place.

They think that rap shit makes them bad ass. No, it makes them DUMBasses.
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America is better than this. i play loud music myself

People shouldnt be playing loud music in an inn parking lot. The kid was a inconsiderate and selfish douchebag who im sure told him to fuck off when the guy complained about the music, thereby turning the discussion into an argument rather than an apology.. As for the guy who shot him, he is even worse. I guess they both deserved each other.
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
Probably. After the cops asked him to turn off the music and he responded with “fuck you, po-Leese mutha fucka. Suck muh dick, cracka. I dindu nuffins!” And then proceeds to fight with the cops, likely pulling a weapon.

see, we can play the “probably” game too.

Damn Butt Supreme did they teach you that on the compound.
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
sure, because blacks resist arrests/attack cops

Yea because whites always follow police orders and don't resist or fight the police.
We don't riot and loot when whites get themselves killed by the police. See the difference?

You don't need to, the system is set up by you for you.
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
Probably. After the cops asked him to turn off the music and he responded with “fuck you, po-Leese mutha fucka. Suck muh dick, cracka. I dindu nuffins!” And then proceeds to fight with the cops, likely pulling a weapon.

see, we can play the “probably” game too.

Damn Butt Supreme did they teach you that on the compound.
Oh shit. Black Jesus is in the house. I was just thinking... “I’d love to hear from someone who is as sharp as a styrofoam cup. Someone who can cry racism at anytime for any reason. Someone who is constantly the victim who shuns all personal responsibility. Added points if it can be from someone who has to ask for employee assistance to buy Murray’s pomade and wave builder seamless durags, because his items are always locked behind the sliding glass due to the target audience’s affinity for shoplifting.
And then you popped in. It’s like magic.
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
Probably. After the cops asked him to turn off the music and he responded with “fuck you, po-Leese mutha fucka. Suck muh dick, cracka. I dindu nuffins!” And then proceeds to fight with the cops, likely pulling a weapon.

see, we can play the “probably” game too.

Damn Butt Supreme did they teach you that on the compound.
Oh shit. Black Jesus is in the house. I was just thinking... “I’d love to hear from someone who is as sharp as a styrofoam cup. Someone who can cry racism at anytime for any reason. Someone who is constantly the victim who shuns all personal responsibility. Added points if it can be from someone who has to ask for employee assistance to buy Murray’s pomade and wave builder seamless durags, because his items are always locked behind the sliding glass due to the target audience’s affinity for shoplifting.
And then you popped in. It’s like magic.

What kind of irresponsible asshole plays loud music at fucking 4:20 in the morning?

Sure, you don't shoot the piece of shit, but some assholes run around thinking they can do whatever they please and the MSM encourages them to do so based upon their skin color.
A piece of trash does , but you can’t use a deadly weapon like a psycho
There are many “unhinged “ white males in the USA and it’s skyrocketing
Many young blacks are complete thugs but this SOB is getting life in prison
All he had to do was move
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
sure, because blacks resist arrests/attack cops

Yea because whites always follow police orders and don't resist or fight the police.
We don't riot and loot when whites get themselves killed by the police. See the difference?

You don't need to, the system is set up by you for you.
....that doesn't even make's babble crap .....what he said is true......and your rioting/etc when a CRIMINAL gets killed is one of the reasons your culture is an undeniable cycle of failure
If the shooting was the other way 'round, it would not have made the news.

Yea because the black teen probably would have been shot on the spot by police.
sure, because blacks resist arrests/attack cops

Yea because whites always follow police orders and don't resist or fight the police.
We don't riot and loot when whites get themselves killed by the police. See the difference?

You don't need to, the system is set up by you for you.
....that doesn't even make's babble crap .....what he said is true......and your rioting/etc when a CRIMINAL gets killed is one of the reasons your culture is an undeniable cycle of failure
It’s not undeniable.
Just watch, he will deny it, while simultaneously blaming whitey for its problems.

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