Sentencing of 1st Jan traitors moves up a notch

They were attempting to stop Pence from confirming the election. Absolute scum who deserve every minute of jail time they are getting. Why do you excuse this threat to the country ?
Dolts like you aren’t very smart, you just regurgitate what the media tell you.
The protesters were there to get the Senate to send the electors back to the states so the states could verify the election results and make sure no laws were broken. It’s a constitutional process. No one was trying to “overthrow the government”.
Dolts like you aren’t very smart, you just regurgitate what the media tell you.
The protesters were there to get the Senate to send the electors back to the states so the states could verify the election results and make sure no laws were broken. It’s a constitutional process. No one was trying to “overthrow the government”.
Do me a favour. Thats not how it works in a proper country. Traitors one and all.

This fella punched a policeman and that never ends well. Just like the rest of them this fake patriot cried and grovelled in order to get a lighter sentence. 41 months.

Have any of these traitors actually stood up and said "Yeah , I wanted to stop Pence".
Why are they such cowards ?
Meanwhile Antifa and BLM protesters get a pass and waltz away scot-free.

This fella punched a policeman and that never ends well.
Apparently it does so long as you are a leftwing kook.

Just like the rest of them this fake patriot cried
I'd take one of him over 10,000 of you.

in order to get a lighter sentence. 41 months.
That means that another terrible Trump Insurrectionist trying to overthrow democracy as America's greatest threat will be out in time to vote in next year's midterms! :lmao:
Poor Tommy still stewing over January 6th and the Donald? Sad to think his only response is simply everyone who disagrees with his enlightened view points are traitors, treasonous, uneducated Walmart shoppers, worse yet Trump supporters 😮 Oh me oh
My they are coming to get you and destroy the country. Well Tommy boy after Mr cabbage patch and your buds are finished with the financial integrity and bill of rights of this country there won’t be much left.
You have serious issues if you see any link between the two issues. People who try to overturn elections deserve everything that they get.
I see riots burning down city blocks, 20,000 cops being injured, 25 people killed, $20.000,000,000 damage and few people getting prosecuted in the 2020 riots.

In the Jan 6th “insurrection“ I see a mob of rowdy people do some damage to the Capitol Building with 140 cops injured and one dead protestor. These protestors are arrested and undergo barbaric treatment and solitary confinement. Plus I hear reports that the FBI was involved in inciting the riot.

Once again we appear to have two different rules of law in our nation. One for the liberals and a stricter one for the conservatives.

Treatment of Jan 6th Prisoners – Complaints Filed with UN:


This fella punched a policeman and that never ends well. Just like the rest of them this fake patriot cried and grovelled in order to get a lighter sentence. 41 months.

Have any of these traitors actually stood up and said "Yeah , I wanted to stop Pence".
Why are they such cowards ?
Why are rapists of the Islamic persuasion not deported from your country? Why are women accused of racism for reporting rapes? Clean up the cesspool you call a country before you say anything.
I agree and most have been charged with trespassing. Not insurrection like the Dems keep screaming.

The FBI investigated and found no sign that anyone was trying to overthrow the Government.

Leave it to the lefty loons to keep screaming insurrection and overthrow of the Government. Imbeciles one and all.

This fella punched a policeman and that never ends well. Just like the rest of them this fake patriot cried and grovelled in order to get a lighter sentence. 41 months.

Have any of these traitors actually stood up and said "Yeah , I wanted to stop Pence".
Why are they such cowards ?
How is that "moving up"?

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