Separation, I agree, will solve everyones' race problem

A few points to remember:

Most people ARE ALREADY racial separatists, in the neighborhoods they choose, the spouses they choose, the friends, the churches, you name it. In NYC, people are very separated. But nobody calls NYC "racist"!

Black slavery was an example of FORCED RACIAL INTEGRATION!

Not "separation".

How'd that one work out for ya?
For thousands of years, humans lived on separate continents... what "brought us together", ahem, was SLAVERY, WARFARE, INVASION, VIOLENCE. We were naturally meant to live with our own kind. The wickedness of man brought about integration. God's plan is separation.
Races are like oil and water.

You can integrate them with vigorous shaking.

But set the bottle down, wait half an hour, and boom...


Simple physics.
Artificial measures are all we have to promote racial integration:

Affirmative Action



Government 'Anti-Discrimination' Laws

Media Pressure

Media Lies

Media Shaming

Propaganda in schools
Take all that away, and people go to live with their own kind. They will deal with their own people, and avoid the rest.
God -- or nature -- or biology -- or evolution...


They differ genetically. Evolutionarily. Physically. Mentally. Behaviorally.

Everyone knows it.

God wants all humans to know, love and serve him.

But to live where nature ordains.

If "humanity" is all there is too it, then ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT is all that logically follows.
God -- or nature -- or biology -- or evolution...


Wrong. Cowardly little PUSSIES like you fabricated such distinctions and invested a non-existent significance to them because you have neither balls nor brains.
Walk down the streets of Tokyo as a black man and see whether "non-existent significance" is the operative principle.

Saunter into a white biker bar in southern Missouri as a black man and relish the fabricated distinctions as you greet everyone with a wave.

Stroll through the streets of Washington Heights as a white female not looking to buy drugs to get a handle on how "race is a social construct."

Good luck!
Walk down the streets of Tokyo as a black man and see whether "non-existent significance" is the operative principle.

Saunter into a white biker bar in southern Missouri as a black man and relish the fabricated distinctions as you greet everyone with a wave.

Stroll through the streets of Washington Heights as a white female not looking to buy drugs to get a handle on how "race is a social construct."

Good luck!

All of those 'examples,' if they were true, would exactly prove my point, you stupid fucking coward.
That would be a disastrous miscalculation. Look around the world and you will see that the darker you are the more you are discriminated against in pretty much all countries that are not Black governed. Not only have whites done a job on Black peoples minds here in the US. They have infected the minds of others around the globe. Whats making us suffer is lack of knowledge about who we are and having the unity to combat any brainwashing.

Well my brother, I don't trust all sources for my info...Whites could easily brainwash us into believing that "everybody hates you."

If we had our own nation we could easily become a member of this organization: NAM CSSTC Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation of which Fidel Castro said: "[the purpose of the organization is to ensure] the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries [in their] struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination, interference or hegemony as well as against great power and bloc politics."

If we united, White nations seeking to "exterminate Blacks in the name of race" would not go unchallenged.

We need to stop being cowardly brother!
So you advocate treason and civil war and a racist one at that and claim whites are the problem?
you will never separate because welfare benefits will no longer be available

The majority of Americans on welfare are White, idiot lol.

Hi squeeze berry
how about the majority of Americans don't own and manage their
own land or cities and don't have equal knowledge or protection of their rights by law.
that isn't race specific
squeeze berry sorry, dinner break
I think you are jumping ahead of the game.
once people organize to buy out their own districts
and manage their schools, businesses and tax base,
they naturally organize by community.

So the people who organize by Black communities,
or Asian business communities, or Christian churches etc
will naturally connect and pool their resources together
if they are going to form a cohesive business plan.

of course the various neighborhood associations,
business and civic associations, church and political parties
are going to be organized by like minded people, including
those who "identify by race" or class/culture etc.

that will take care of itself as people organize in
self-governing groups to represent themselves
as directly and effectively as possible.

it just won't be forced but will be by free choice,
by how people naturally align and identify as a group.

race, language and religion are part of that
and are nothing to be ashamed of. it's part of cultural heritage and identity.
That would be a disastrous miscalculation. Look around the world and you will see that the darker you are the more you are discriminated against in pretty much all countries that are not Black governed. Not only have whites done a job on Black peoples minds here in the US. They have infected the minds of others around the globe. Whats making us suffer is lack of knowledge about who we are and having the unity to combat any brainwashing.

Well my brother, I don't trust all sources for my info...Whites could easily brainwash us into believing that "everybody hates you."

If we had our own nation we could easily become a member of this organization: NAM CSSTC Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation of which Fidel Castro said: "[the purpose of the organization is to ensure] the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries [in their] struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination, interference or hegemony as well as against great power and bloc politics."

If we united, White nations seeking to "exterminate Blacks in the name of race" would not go unchallenged.

We need to stop being cowardly brother!
So you advocate treason and civil war and a racist one at that and claim whites are the problem?

RetiredGySgt Calm down
I think Anon is trying to unite to get PAST fear of inferiority
and just DIY. Quit depending on other people to recognize your rights
and just exercise and build your own wealth and power yourself.

This is closer to what the conservative Blacks are trying to teach in terms of independence.
Even if it isn't perfect, this is easier to work with than liberals who keep begging and pimping politically.

I don't agree with forced segregation, but i DO believe
in rewarding people with tax breaks and encouraging them
to invest in buying out their districts and schools, and manage their own businesses and govt.
So all people can learn to be equal in all areas of social institutions, from health care to law, and not
depend on others to run the govt for them.

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