Separation, I agree, will solve everyones' race problem

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by due process people are supposed to be convicted of crime before depriving anyone of life or liberty or property

if we don't defend due process equally for all people, then our govt can run amok

Well Ma'am, your race has proven itself to be unworthy of my trust. I am not interested in Blacks trying to enter government and governing Whites to fix our problems. We helped your race build this great nation with 310 years of free labor, torment, dehumanization, and destruction. Why not give us a few states, help us to become independent, and we just peacefully separate from each other since we do not get along in peace?...

Hi Anonymous1977 I actually agree with you on setting up such a system. i posted it on two message here
Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing
BTW My parents were both Vietnamese Buddhists, I was born in Galveston Texas and considered Asian American.
but my birth certificate states that both my parents are WHITE. so you can say that makes me white.

But I do believe if you believe in segregation for these positive reasons, you need to be part of this team
trying to set up and secede that Freedmen's Town district away from the City of Houston that has destroyed
one Black church after another. It is horrible what I saw go down there. But Gladys House and Lenwood Johnson
and others have a whole dirty laundry list of tax money owed for the destruction of national historic landmarks there.

Their plans for a campus are posted on that website.
Why not unite the Ben Carsons and Allen Wests, the Obama's and Sheila Jackson Lee's
to set up a federal system of issues credits for restitution back to the community to restore the
historic district as a campus and create jobs and education in business and govt management.

Contact Sheila Jackson Lee's office and Gladys House at at ymail I believe.
she is the native descendent business leader from Freedmen's Town, i'm just a volunteer
trying to get backing for those plans to convert the district into its own city state.

so glad you think along these lines. you are right most people are too afraid
to emancipat e themselves and demand back the land to govern directly.
the land was originally Freed Slave but it was seized by eminent domain, so that needs to be voided and reversed
or else set up a public system that recognizes the plans of the Black community that have been censored and destroyed.

Well Ma'am, I think that with Blacks the first thing that needs to happen is unity and repair among ourselves...our problems are so unique that they need to be addressed and repaired among our own first...we have too many problems, like self-hatred and a destroyed humanity state I think, for trying to unite with others before uniting with self.

With our (Blacks) own government, what rules us would be entirely in our own hands. I have 0 faith that the American government can and will solve the problems of Blacks.

Peace & Blessings to you:).

Hi Anonymous1977 What went wrong with Govt (by political parties and corporate interests skewing due process)
is the same thing that went wrong with the church laws -- people didn't follow them but just abused them for control.

Since the Constitution is based on natural laws that govern all people by conscience
the basic principles are still unifying and bear authority for checking against abuses.

People want free speech and press, right to petition, free exercise of religion
and peaceful assembly and security; due process to redress grievances and to
defend our rights freedoms liberty and consent under equal protections of the laws.

this isn't being taught to people by invoking the Constitutional laws directly.
people are taught to depend on party and politicians which has turned into bullying and pimping.

But why not teach people to govern by the laws directly.
the Reformation started the movement to liberate people from dependence
on church authority that was selling out and pimping the process for money.
instead of working out issues spiritually, the church was selling indulgences
so people could buy their way out of sins. and now it's the govt that is being
bought and sold to the highest bidder, not just our courts but legislation. and
now how we interpret laws is bought and sold through campaigns in the media.
all corporatized for profit while the working people suffer and keep paying for this circus.

so the same reformation is now taking place with the state.
people on all sides are calling to renounce false dependence on govt sold out to politics.

so let's organize in groups and start incorporating networks for governing by
districts or by party and do all the work directly to build programs and finance them.
by pass the system of giving our money and labor to govt and then beg and fight to get it back. WTF

wake up people

i'm glad you are seeing where this is going
it is refreshing to meet you and I will introduce you
to the Black leaders organizing around Freedmen's Town

you are right, that I can never understand all the pain and issues
that went into this battle that is fought to this day. I can sympathize
and support you and others to succeed in your common goals.
And you will serve as a model for others to follow nationwide/

This needs to happen anyway.

When I spoke with a political science graduate with the Nation of Islam
he said the same thing you did, that unity was needed first before
rebuilding the govt from that. only you can understand the learning curve
of catching everyone up who is over 150 years behind on property ownership
due to slavery and all the pain and suffering passed down to future generations to this day.

Gladys House will want to work with you and introduce you to the other
team members in her network pulling these plans together. I can help her
with some things, but this really is not my battle. I will PM you to see how
to connect you on these ideas. it will come together faster if the people
like you and her are directly connected and not trying to fight on your own.

And I think Asclepias has a business background that is part of the solution,
so I hope you two get on the same page and start building up to critical mass....
Yep, Anonymos1977, you should be segregated on a deserted island.
You realize he believes all whites are racist? And that Asslips and few others agree with a lot of his garbage?
Let them work together. They can be like the Klan and just keep it under their hoods.
My friend Gladys swears that only Whites can be racist "by definition of racism."
If that is how she sees things, when I work with her, I have to work by her terms.
And same when I work with the Klan who want to be segregated by race.
They have every right to their beliefs, and just can't impose that where it endangers others.
To each their own.
Yep, Anonymos1977, you should be segregated on a deserted island.
You realize he believes all whites are racist? And that Asslips and few others agree with a lot of his garbage?
Let them work together. They can be like the Klan and just keep it under their hoods.
RGS knows I believe nothing of the sort, but I do know he won't admit his racialism.
I didn't say you did dumb ass I quoted you in responding to anonymous, I guess 5th grade English and critical thought are not skills you have learned well ehh?
Yep, Anonymos1977, you should be segregated on a deserted island.
You realize he believes all whites are racist? And that Asslips and few others agree with a lot of his garbage?
Let them work together. They can be like the Klan and just keep it under their hoods.
RGS knows I believe nothing of the sort, but I do know he won't admit his racialism.

Why would you expect anyone to incriminate themselves?
Of course they will take the Fifth. The point is to work in ways that don't require people to change by you telling them.
Focus on common solutions, find out where we agree, and that's good enough to get the job done.

We can all take the Fifth on the rest that isn't necessary. We all want freedom to correct our own issues on our own.
you will never separate because welfare benefits will no longer be available

The majority of Americans on welfare are White, idiot lol.

Hi squeeze berry
how about the majority of Americans don't own and manage their
own land or cities and don't have equal knowledge or protection of their rights by law.
that isn't race specific
squeeze berry sorry, dinner break
I think you are jumping ahead of the game.
once people organize to buy out their own districts
and manage their schools, businesses and tax base,
they naturally organize by community.

So the people who organize by Black communities,
or Asian business communities, or Christian churches etc
will naturally connect and pool their resources together
if they are going to form a cohesive business plan.

of course the various neighborhood associations,
business and civic associations, church and political parties
are going to be organized by like minded people, including
those who "identify by race" or class/culture etc.

that will take care of itself as people organize in
self-governing groups to represent themselves
as directly and effectively as possible.

it just won't be forced but will be by free choice,
by how people naturally align and identify as a group.

race, language and religion are part of that
and are nothing to be ashamed of. it's part of cultural heritage and identity.

time for realism

1. the country would be split into "reservations". I figure about four of them plus an integrated area.There will be fighting over who gets what territory. Plenty of border wars.

2. some of the "reservations" will fail and request or demand aid.

unless you mean enclaves within this country, which I think you refer to ?

That is more likely, but still next to impossible to achieve. The branch dividians ran afoul of the govt and look what happened.

if it wasn't so early in the am I would get a drink after tying that.

off to work I go hi ho
Yep, Anonymos1977, you should be segregated on a deserted island.
You realize he believes all whites are racist? And that Asslips and few others agree with a lot of his garbage?
Let them work together. They can be like the Klan and just keep it under their hoods.
RGS knows I believe nothing of the sort, but I do know he won't admit his racialism.
I didn't say you did dumb ass I quoted you in responding to anonymous, I guess 5th grade English and critical thought are not skills you have learned well ehh?
Now you are lying. I said no such thing but you did.
time for realism

1. the country would be split into "reservations". I figure about four of them plus an integrated area.There will be fighting over who gets what territory. Plenty of border wars.

2. some of the "reservations" will fail and request or demand aid.

unless you mean enclaves within this country, which I think you refer to ?

That is more likely, but still next to impossible to achieve. The branch dividians ran afoul of the govt and look what happened.

if it wasn't so early in the am I would get a drink after tying that.

off to work I go hi ho

realism is the people are ALREADY organized by party,
and in case you didn't know this, the parties ALREADY organize
by precinct level, district level, state and national etc.

Right now, these structures are ABUSED to try to bully over the other parties.
Instead, why not use them to organize and manage their OWN programs and NOT BULLY or impose
this outside their parties? Instead of fighting with other parties, the minute the party agrees,
that platform is a DONE DEAL because it is only for the members anyway. So implementation is direct
and uncontested. All the resources can go directly into creating and managing those programs for those party members.

But Ok squeeze berry if you really believe this is more divisive than unifying,
so you can team up and help my friend who bet me 20 million
to either prove me right or wrong and/or help raise 20 million if you and he are wrong.

He also thinks that separating people by party will divide the nation more,
and I argue no it will do the opposite by uniting people who are already divided by party.

And the way to set up "enclaves" is by district or city, and let people choose
how to organize and manage their resources LOCALLY first, BEFORE delegating
things to the county, state and federal level. (If people can't agree within the same district,
they can organize separate solutions by party, just like how religions co exist within the same city.)

Instead of DEPENDING on higher levels of govt
to step in and supervise or make decisions for you "in cases of conflict"
people resolve their own conflicts civilly (ie without fighting legally, politically nor legislatively) to create mutually agreed solutions, so the money saved can be invested directly in building their programs, schools and business districts.

So this is no different than the sovereign states getting their act together locally.
Or the cities organizing and making sure their citizenry is represented and no
resources are wasted on conflicts or abuses that could be resolved.

We have diverse religious groups who fund and manage their own programs for their members
without imposing on the general public or on other religions that disagree.

So why not use that same model for political parties and their programs they want to fund?
Yep, Anonymos1977, you should be segregated on a deserted island.
You realize he believes all whites are racist? And that Asslips and few others agree with a lot of his garbage?
Let them work together. They can be like the Klan and just keep it under their hoods.
RGS knows I believe nothing of the sort, but I do know he won't admit his racialism.
I didn't say you did dumb ass I quoted you in responding to anonymous, I guess 5th grade English and critical thought are not skills you have learned well ehh?
Now you are lying. I said no such thing but you did.
So you did not say the red highlight?
You realize he believes all whites are racist? And that Asslips and few others agree with a lot of his garbage?
Let them work together. They can be like the Klan and just keep it under their hoods.
RGS knows I believe nothing of the sort, but I do know he won't admit his racialism.
I didn't say you did dumb ass I quoted you in responding to anonymous, I guess 5th grade English and critical thought are not skills you have learned well ehh?
Now you are lying. I said no such thing but you did.
So you did not say the red highlight?
That was sarcasm for his stupid ass comment. You know it, I know it, and you need to grow up. You far right racialists know you get harder than you hit. Always will be that way.
To all of the homosexuals (I guess) and others who are more interested in me than THE ISSUE, this isn't about Anonymous1977 (why are you so interested in me, f*ggots, and others?)

The simple fact is if people don't get along in peace, separation perhaps will bring them peace.

When in segregation, the minority still got butchered. If you think homosexuality has anything to do with the race problem, I suggest you read up on both issues.
When in segregation, the minority still got butchered. If you think homosexuality has anything to do with the race problem, I suggest you read up on both issues.

Dear JakeStarkey I think what Anonymous1977 is proposing
is not just the physical segregation but the separate autonomy and development
of entire financial and governing systems built owned and managed by Black citizens, leaders and communities.

It is the EMPOWERMENT that comes from the unity from the "collective identity and culture".
That is the point, not just "separating physically."

I agree with the point Anon is making, and just believe it can be called for voluntarily and that's enough to make it work.

What can and should be MANDATORY is restitution for criminal abuses and violations of civil rights.
If wrongs have been committed that are quantifiable, such as the abuse of concrete amounts of
taxpayer money to destroy irreplaceable national Black history and Civil Rights landmarks in Freedmen's Town,
that is a TANGIBLE debt that can be demanded paid back by restitution and invest in this historically BLACK district.

I also back Anon on that. So this goes beyond just separating, and into reorganizing, restructuring
and empowerment. And if this can be done for the Black communities and leadership,
it can serve as a model for all other communities to organize and rebuild their cities and businesses the same way.
All by voluntary collaboration, where anything mandatory is from corrections due from past violations of laws and rights.
Let them work together. They can be like the Klan and just keep it under their hoods.
RGS knows I believe nothing of the sort, but I do know he won't admit his racialism.
I didn't say you did dumb ass I quoted you in responding to anonymous, I guess 5th grade English and critical thought are not skills you have learned well ehh?
Now you are lying. I said no such thing but you did.
So you did not say the red highlight?
That was sarcasm for his stupid ass comment. You know it, I know it, and you need to grow up. You far right racialists know you get harder than you hit. Always will be that way.
I did not quote Anon I quoted you and told you what he believes. Or is this whole thread a great big lie? Did he just pretend to want separation of the races and segregation? Is this a joke thread?
RGS knows I believe nothing of the sort, but I do know he won't admit his racialism.
I didn't say you did dumb ass I quoted you in responding to anonymous, I guess 5th grade English and critical thought are not skills you have learned well ehh?
Now you are lying. I said no such thing but you did.
So you did not say the red highlight?
That was sarcasm for his stupid ass comment. You know it, I know it, and you need to grow up. You far right racialists know you get harder than you hit. Always will be that way.
I did not quote Anon I quoted you and told you what he believes. Or is this whole thread a great big lie? Did he just pretend to want separation of the races and segregation? Is this a joke thread?
Answer those questions for yourself. I corrected you on what I said. It was sarcasm. You don't get it. I don't care. But I oppose segregation.
When in segregation, the minority still got butchered. If you think homosexuality has anything to do with the race problem, I suggest you read up on both issues.

Dear JakeStarkey I think what Anonymous1977 is proposing
is not just the physical segregation but the separate autonomy and development
of entire financial and governing systems built owned and managed by Black citizens, leaders and communities.

It is the EMPOWERMENT that comes from the unity from the "collective identity and culture".
That is the point, not just "separating physically."

I agree with the point Anon is making, and just believe it can be called for voluntarily and that's enough to make it work.

What can and should be MANDATORY is restitution for criminal abuses and violations of civil rights.
If wrongs have been committed that are quantifiable, such as the abuse of concrete amounts of
taxpayer money to destroy irreplaceable national Black history and Civil Rights landmarks in Freedmen's Town,
that is a TANGIBLE debt that can be demanded paid back by restitution and invest in this historically BLACK district.

I also back Anon on that. So this goes beyond just separating, and into reorganizing, restructuring
and empowerment. And if this can be done for the Black communities and leadership,
it can serve as a model for all other communities to organize and rebuild their cities and businesses the same way.
All by voluntary collaboration, where anything mandatory is from corrections due from past violations of laws and rights.

Nope, you are wrong. Anon is talking about the "homelands" the South Africans set up. We are in this together. There is devolved "collective identity and culture".

That has already been defined by the Constitution of "We the People", not the "collective identify and culture separation peoples."
I didn't say you did dumb ass I quoted you in responding to anonymous, I guess 5th grade English and critical thought are not skills you have learned well ehh?
Now you are lying. I said no such thing but you did.
So you did not say the red highlight?
That was sarcasm for his stupid ass comment. You know it, I know it, and you need to grow up. You far right racialists know you get harder than you hit. Always will be that way.
I did not quote Anon I quoted you and told you what he believes. Or is this whole thread a great big lie? Did he just pretend to want separation of the races and segregation? Is this a joke thread?
Answer those questions for yourself. I corrected you on what I said. It was sarcasm. You don't get it. I don't care. But I oppose segregation.
Yet here you are defending Anon.
When in segregation, the minority still got butchered. If you think homosexuality has anything to do with the race problem, I suggest you read up on both issues.

Dear JakeStarkey I think what Anonymous1977 is proposing
is not just the physical segregation but the separate autonomy and development
of entire financial and governing systems built owned and managed by Black citizens, leaders and communities.

It is the EMPOWERMENT that comes from the unity from the "collective identity and culture".
That is the point, not just "separating physically."

I agree with the point Anon is making, and just believe it can be called for voluntarily and that's enough to make it work.

What can and should be MANDATORY is restitution for criminal abuses and violations of civil rights.
If wrongs have been committed that are quantifiable, such as the abuse of concrete amounts of
taxpayer money to destroy irreplaceable national Black history and Civil Rights landmarks in Freedmen's Town,
that is a TANGIBLE debt that can be demanded paid back by restitution and invest in this historically BLACK district.

I also back Anon on that. So this goes beyond just separating, and into reorganizing, restructuring
and empowerment. And if this can be done for the Black communities and leadership,
it can serve as a model for all other communities to organize and rebuild their cities and businesses the same way.
All by voluntary collaboration, where anything mandatory is from corrections due from past violations of laws and rights.

Nope, you are wrong. Anon is talking about the "homelands" the South Africans set up. We are in this together. There is devolved "collective identity and culture".

That has already been defined by the Constitution of "We the People", not the "collective identify and culture separation peoples."

1. you don't have to be separated as in not under the Constitution. We already have Mosques and Muslim civic programs run by and for the Muslim community. We have Christian programs through churches and also schools. Some prisons have their own school like system set up where the whole unit operates as a body. What is wrong with having people organize by party and run their own programs. That would be LESS divisive than the partisanship we have now, where people feel they have to compete and bully out the other groups, if they DIDN'T have to compete to control their own programs and funding for them directly.

As for beliefs about race, why not let people organize around that if this helps them focus.
We let women have all-women support groups to feel safe and unified. That isn't considered sexist.
If this is done respectfully it doesn't have to be divisive or dismantling.

2. Did you read Anon's message about organizing communities IN THE STATES:
"Why not give us a few states, help us to become independent, and we just peacefully separate from each other since we do not get along in peace?"

We have Freedmen's Town in Houston where the community has been asking to set up a campus to help
minority leaders to manage their own democratically elected management.
Another man I met wanted to organize all the Black townships across the nation by radio.

This doesn't have to be in any negative way.

The science groups connect across the nation, and link up academic institutions from city to city to consolidate resources
and collaborate on projects.

This would be like the African Cultural Studies departments of different campuses in different cities
all joining up as one network. That doesn't have to interfere with what anyone else does who can do similar.

This is NOT competing but collaborating and organizing resources by like minded people.

Does not have to be negative or divisive.

Sure, if it is done wrong, like the violent Ferguson protests or Waco compound incident.
But there is NO NEED for that if people agree to organize and participate freely.

This can be no different than organizing a university campus and buying out the land to own and manage it locally.
But just include houses and businesses around the campus as part of a self-sufficient district.
As long as you are not "plotting to violate civil rights" of other people, there is nothing wrong with focusing locally.

3. What I think would give assurance that this isn't going to get out of hand is where just like states, the groups agree to be under the Constitution, and respect the same equal protections of the laws as govt has to for the people and States. i would require this same Constitutional standard for all corporations, parties, political religious or business groups, educational charity or nonprofit, etc.

If you are so concerned that such groups not get too crazy with the African/race issue, then make sure all the Constitutionalists, ranging from the Obama's and the liberal Muslims to the Ben Carson's and Allen West's who are conservative and traditional, all agree as decisions are made. if they are truly correct to the Constitution, and aren't going outside the lines, then people should have no trouble agreeing it is perfectly lawful and peaceful with no weird racist violence or exclusion/threats to anyone going on.

The whole prison system needs to be revamped per state, where it is organized between the nonviolent misconduct issues separate from the mentally and criminally ill, and the truly dangerous criminals who need to be isolated and guarded in military prisons which I would recommend along the border.

The minority communities have already had to organize resources around the prisons since it affects so many of their populations. So that can be used to start building campuses and military prisons/teaching hospitals, and create city-states around that.

Thanks JakeStarkey
I think where you and I may not connect here, is you and I don't connect on Constitutional laws as self-enforcing when people agree in spirit. I understand you and I are better at connecting as fellow Christians, and I also find this works with people connecting on Constitutional laws. I am trying to see if this connection under the Constitution is enough to bring together the more liberal minded and the conservative minded Black leaders and party members in unity in that same spirit. if so, we don't have to get divided over race if we can agree to remain united on Constitutional laws and what these mean in spirit. Any conflicts on laws thus need to be resolved, so we are truly of one mind, and do not fear anyone is going to subvert the law as we have now due to splits with Obama and who is interpreting the Constitution to exclude the others.
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So who gets ordered to leave the States you decide should be black or white? Millions that is who.

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