

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
What do you think it will really look like when (if) schools reopen this fall?
We are starting out in a hybrid schedule here. Kids get live one day per week and virtual the rest. Teachers will have to wear masks and gloves.
What do you think it will really look like when (if) schools reopen this fall?
Going to be a mishmash of in school, distance learning, difficult baby sitting scheduling, to say the least. Suspect less parental and grandparent involvement, on classroom events, after school events, PTA, etc. Pam and I have been several events a year since granddaughters first started school. Not likely to participate as much during the epidemic, if they are even scheduled this year.
Mine open in August....I'll let you know lol. Either way it's going to be an utter disaster.
What do you think it will really look like when (if) schools reopen this fall?
I talked to a teacher today. She said suddenly her high school offers remote online schooling. Just like all the colleges fought online learning but eventually caved in because they were losing students to schools that did.

i know a lot of teachers who are scared. Scared for their jobs and scared to go back to work. They should be scared.

mark my words coronavirus is the beginning of the end for public school teachers as we know them today. No unions, no job security! No pensions.

5 of you can teach the same number of students that it used to take ten teachers. A robot could be a teacher.
I apologize sincerely for going political on this, but the two major teachers' unions are going to stonewall any attempt to have on-site classes. They will keep bringing up irrational fears and nonsense, pretending to be fearful for the kids and for themselves...all bullshit. They will trot out a few elderly, medically-compromised teachers, and play violins while they wail that bringing in infected kids to her classroom will be a "virtual death sentence" for being a conscientious teacher.

The ONLY acceptable way forward will be all students stay home, and make heroic efforts to teach them in their basements. Right now, some of the Locals are pretending to consider proposals by school boards for two days in/two days out and other such plans, but it is all just a sham. The kids will not be going to school in any but a few rural districts that haven't got the word from On High yet.

Then, by some miracle, as soon as the election results are final - assuming Sleepy Joe prevails - the teachers will bravely volunteer to come back to the classrooms and by March or so, things will get back to "normal."

Mark my words. The Leftist plan is to MAXIMIZE THE PAIN of the CV-19 pandemic. Keep the kids home, which keeps the parents home and prevents them from working. Keep the People as miserable as possible up and through Election Day.
I apologize sincerely for going political on this, but the two major teachers' unions are going to stonewall any attempt to have on-site classes. They will keep bringing up irrational fears and nonsense, pretending to be fearful for the kids and for themselves...all bullshit. They will trot out a few elderly, medically-compromised teachers, and play violins while they wail that bringing in infected kids to her classroom will be a "virtual death sentence" for being a conscientious teacher.

The ONLY acceptable way forward will be all students stay home, and make heroic efforts to teach them in their basements. Right now, some of the Locals are pretending to consider proposals by school boards for two days in/two days out and other such plans, but it is all just a sham. The kids will not be going to school in any but a few rural districts that haven't got the word from On High yet.

Then, by some miracle, as soon as the election results are final - assuming Sleepy Joe prevails - the teachers will bravely volunteer to come back to the classrooms and by March or so, things will get back to "normal."

Mark my words. The Leftist plan is to MAXIMIZE THE PAIN of the CV-19 pandemic. Keep the kids home, which keeps the parents home and prevents them from working. Keep the People as miserable as possible up and through Election Day.
You’re insane. Online classes threaten teachers.

Look at that baseball team. How many tested positive? Now put 30 kids in a classroom. Then send them home to go infect their families.

You republicans are nut job conspiracy theorists. Paranoid. Idiots!
I apologize sincerely for going political on this, but the two major teachers' unions are going to stonewall any attempt to have on-site classes. They will keep bringing up irrational fears and nonsense, pretending to be fearful for the kids and for themselves...all bullshit. They will trot out a few elderly, medically-compromised teachers, and play violins while they wail that bringing in infected kids to her classroom will be a "virtual death sentence" for being a conscientious teacher.

The ONLY acceptable way forward will be all students stay home, and make heroic efforts to teach them in their basements. Right now, some of the Locals are pretending to consider proposals by school boards for two days in/two days out and other such plans, but it is all just a sham. The kids will not be going to school in any but a few rural districts that haven't got the word from On High yet.

Then, by some miracle, as soon as the election results are final - assuming Sleepy Joe prevails - the teachers will bravely volunteer to come back to the classrooms and by March or so, things will get back to "normal."

Mark my words. The Leftist plan is to MAXIMIZE THE PAIN of the CV-19 pandemic. Keep the kids home, which keeps the parents home and prevents them from working. Keep the People as miserable as possible up and through Election Day.
You’re insane. Online classes threaten teachers.

Look at that baseball team. How many tested positive? Now put 30 kids in a classroom. Then send them home to go infect their families.

You republicans are nut job conspiracy theorists. Paranoid. Idiots!
Obviously, the only solution is homeschooling.
I apologize sincerely for going political on this, but the two major teachers' unions are going to stonewall any attempt to have on-site classes. They will keep bringing up irrational fears and nonsense, pretending to be fearful for the kids and for themselves...all bullshit. They will trot out a few elderly, medically-compromised teachers, and play violins while they wail that bringing in infected kids to her classroom will be a "virtual death sentence" for being a conscientious teacher.

The ONLY acceptable way forward will be all students stay home, and make heroic efforts to teach them in their basements. Right now, some of the Locals are pretending to consider proposals by school boards for two days in/two days out and other such plans, but it is all just a sham. The kids will not be going to school in any but a few rural districts that haven't got the word from On High yet.

Then, by some miracle, as soon as the election results are final - assuming Sleepy Joe prevails - the teachers will bravely volunteer to come back to the classrooms and by March or so, things will get back to "normal."

Mark my words. The Leftist plan is to MAXIMIZE THE PAIN of the CV-19 pandemic. Keep the kids home, which keeps the parents home and prevents them from working. Keep the People as miserable as possible up and through Election Day.
You’re insane. Online classes threaten teachers.

Look at that baseball team. How many tested positive? Now put 30 kids in a classroom. Then send them home to go infect their families.

You republicans are nut job conspiracy theorists. Paranoid. Idiots!
Obviously, the only solution is homeschooling.
Well not if your parents aren’t smart enough. I couldn’t teach anyone math.
I apologize sincerely for going political on this, but the two major teachers' unions are going to stonewall any attempt to have on-site classes. They will keep bringing up irrational fears and nonsense, pretending to be fearful for the kids and for themselves...all bullshit. They will trot out a few elderly, medically-compromised teachers, and play violins while they wail that bringing in infected kids to her classroom will be a "virtual death sentence" for being a conscientious teacher.

The ONLY acceptable way forward will be all students stay home, and make heroic efforts to teach them in their basements. Right now, some of the Locals are pretending to consider proposals by school boards for two days in/two days out and other such plans, but it is all just a sham. The kids will not be going to school in any but a few rural districts that haven't got the word from On High yet.

Then, by some miracle, as soon as the election results are final - assuming Sleepy Joe prevails - the teachers will bravely volunteer to come back to the classrooms and by March or so, things will get back to "normal."

Mark my words. The Leftist plan is to MAXIMIZE THE PAIN of the CV-19 pandemic. Keep the kids home, which keeps the parents home and prevents them from working. Keep the People as miserable as possible up and through Election Day.

I'm a center/right teacher and disagree completely with what you stated here. Look at my scenario and try to be objective.

I teach in a top 10 largest district in the nation. My school has nearly 3,000 students. Granted we're projected to have roughly 55% of our students returning this August and I'm sure some will decide last minute not to or to, so let's just say 1,500 kids show up (easy math).

So my school's campus will have roughly 1,500 students, plus a few hundreds faculty/staff members that's going to have us at about 1,800 on campus at any given time. That's a lot of people crammed into a relatively small space.

Now let's look at my specific classroom. I have a room that was built to fit 25 elementary students (I teach high school, when my section of the school was built 15 years ago or so the principal sent an email apologizing to parents and explaining that my hallway and its classrooms were built to an elementary size and she apologizes for the inconvenience). I will be teaching between 28-33 17 and 18 year olds. I can't distance them 3 feet from each other (literally), let alone 6. Classroom sizes will not be smaller due to funding and the fact that roughly half of our teachers will be doing online teaching for the students who've opted out of brick and mortar learning.

The hallway right outside of my room is literally shoulder to shoulder to entire way whenever we're in-between bells. The hallway is already one-way so adding that provision will not change.

I will have roughly one week of sanitation supplies for my room. That's it.

Now add in poor ventilation of the units in the building.

I want to teach in brick and mortar. I love doing it (or I wouldn't), I'm good at it, and quite frankly it's actually A LOT less work than teaching online was at the end of the last year (because teaching online means I have to re-do every single assignment I have-not complaining just giving some perspective).

I don't mind teaching during Covid-but at least have a plan in place. At least have safety precautions put into place. I'm not saying everyone who steps foot on my district's campuses will die from Covid-but some will. Is it really too much to ask for smaller classroom sizes-which by the way are deceptive because the citizens of my state voted for a class size amendment, but they threw in the fine print that it was to be an average class size and not a hard cap therefore your self-contained classrooms of 4-5 students count against the average, therefore making the amendment that the citizens voted for completely useless.

There is no plan for any of the following situations:

-If the schools need a sub. The district was been short on subs for years and has teachers from the school cover for their peers. So what are we going to do, squeeze 60+ kids into a room that fits 20 of them comfortably?

-If a student gets Covid here's what happens: they notify as many people they come in contact with and "deep clean" where they suspect that student was.
My wife, a retired school teacher, says it will be a mess. At least for the younger ones.

The kids won't wear their masks. Every kid will take theirs off multiple times every day.

The kids will still touch one another. Forget about social distancing.

The teachers will have a hellva time teaching the kids with masks as barriers. Not impossible but more difficult.

They will not be able to make up for what they lost last spring and will be at a learning disadvantage this year until this crap is over with a vaccine.

The upper and middle class parents will find a way to make up for the learning loss for their children but the lower class will never make it up. They will just get further behind.

Biden's Chicom buddies really screwed us and our children big time. I hope Hunter Biden loves the billion dollars he got from him. I know his cocaine dealer is happy.
What do you think it will really look like when (if) schools reopen this fall?
Our county today announced online classes only.
Now, the question is... why should all of the support staff get paid full wages and benefits for not working?
The Republicans want to cut some of the funding for schools that don't reopen for that reason.
Why is the left going batshit crazy about that and turning into a narrative of Trump hates education?
What do you think it will really look like when (if) schools reopen this fall?
Our county today announced online classes only.
Now, the question is... why should all of the support staff get paid full wages and benefits for not working?
Are they not working? Our support staff have been busier than ever.
What do you think it will really look like when (if) schools reopen this fall?
Our county today announced online classes only.
Now, the question is... why should all of the support staff get paid full wages and benefits for not working?
Are they not working? Our support staff have been busier than ever.
Busier than ever doing what?
Cafeteria workers.... just what?
Special needs teachers.... what?
Janitorial.... what?
Teachers Aids....what?
Assistant Principles.... what?
The sister of a sales guy here is a special needs teacher... full pay and bene's... and she does exactly 0 work. There are no online classes for them obviously. She has been on vacation since March and it will continue till at least December.
My brother is a Buildings Super for 6 Chicago schools... they did didly squat in March - May because only limited people were allowed in the building, mainly grounds work. None were laid off even though they didn't work. Now we are in July, they are all there but they have little work to do, all kinds of them going home hours early or not even coming in... all paid in full.

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