Serena Loses...Cries Like a Democrat ...Blames Ump for Sexism


May 23, 2014
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss
I dont think this was so much a liberal thing as it was a whining American thing these days. Identity Politics, the Cult of Victimhood is ubiquitous.

That doesnt mean that the ump did not use hostility toward Williams to drive his rulings against her.

That it was a womans tournament kind of leaves sexism out of it; why would a sexist judge penalize one woman in favor of another?

But anyone remember this guy?

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Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.
Why don’t she show some class and not ruin the moment for the Japanese player. Perhaps Serena is racist against Asians.
I dont think this was so much a liberal thing as it was a whining American thing these days. Identity Politics, the Cult of Victimhood is ubiquitous.

That doesnt mean that the ump did not use hostility toward Williams to drive his rulings against here.

That it was a womans tournament kind of leaves sexism out of it; why would a sexist juidge penalize one woman in favor of another?

But anyone remember this guy?

And who started identity politics? Liberal Democrats. BLM Movement In 2016 was created and funded by Soros to churn out black votes for Hillary. Cops died so Hillary could get votes. This bullshit of not taking responsibility and blaming it on ———( fill in blank) is bullshit.
Serena, in the past, would discredit her opponent’s accomplishment by making excuses for why she lost, but this was while the match was still going and she still could have won.

After the match she gave her opponent the credit she deserves.

She might have a point though. I haven’t been able to watch much tennis in recent years but maybe there is a discrepancy in how women are penalized for bad behavior and how men are penalized for similar bad behavior.
Serena, in the past, would discredit her opponent’s accomplishment by making excuses for why she lost, but this was while the match was still going and she still could have won.

After the match she gave her opponent the credit she deserves.

She might have a point though. I haven’t been able to watch much tennis in recent years but maybe there is a discrepancy in how women are penalized for bad behavior and how men are penalized for similar bad behavior.
After...what about in the moment?
Conners, McEnroe vs Borg etc..... had some pretty big hissy fits and were never punished for it when I was young kid.... if memory serves?
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.

On January 21, 1990, at the Australian Open in Melbourne, American tennis player John McEnroe becomes the first player since 1963 to be disqualified from a Grand Slam tournament for misconduct.

John McEnroe disqualified from the Australian Open - Jan 21, 1990 -

Yet another false narrative busted. Serena wasn't even disqualified, she lost one point and then a game.
Serena, in the past, would discredit her opponent’s accomplishment by making excuses for why she lost, but this was while the match was still going and she still could have won.

After the match she gave her opponent the credit she deserves.

She might have a point though. I haven’t been able to watch much tennis in recent years but maybe there is a discrepancy in how women are penalized for bad behavior and how men are penalized for similar bad behavior.
Bottom line is that Serena was petty and classless.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.

On January 21, 1990, at the Australian Open in Melbourne, American tennis player John McEnroe becomes the first player since 1963 to be disqualified from a Grand Slam tournament for misconduct.

John McEnroe disqualified from the Australian Open - Jan 21, 1990 -
It was because he was a dude. :21:
I didn't like any of the outbursts then.... seems like tennis should be a peaceful sport, to me....
At some point Tom Brady is also going to claim the refs are penalizing him because he is a woman, when in reality, it will be because he is getting old.
The crowd booed the poor girl who won. Bunch of limousine liberals and Democrats who drove down from their lilly white upscale suburbs in Connecticut to watch the Open.
I didn't like any of the outbursts then.... seems like tennis should be a peaceful sport, to me....
Because of the degradation of our culture and society most sports...all the way down to Little Leage and junior football, have turned into platforms for screaming obscenities and outrageous behavior by players and spectators.
She was bested by her better. End of story. Her accusatory excuse making is unbecoming, albeit expected...

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