Serena Loses...Cries Like a Democrat ...Blames Ump for Sexism

Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.

On January 21, 1990, at the Australian Open in Melbourne, American tennis player John McEnroe becomes the first player since 1963 to be disqualified from a Grand Slam tournament for misconduct.

John McEnroe disqualified from the Australian Open - Jan 21, 1990 -

Yet another false narrative busted. Serena wasn't even disqualified, she lost one point and then a game.
McEnroe's conduct 28 years ago is not comparable to Serena Williams conduct.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.

On January 21, 1990, at the Australian Open in Melbourne, American tennis player John McEnroe becomes the first player since 1963 to be disqualified from a Grand Slam tournament for misconduct.

John McEnroe disqualified from the Australian Open - Jan 21, 1990 -

Yet another false narrative busted. Serena wasn't even disqualified, she lost one point and then a game.
McEnroe's conduct 28 years ago is not comparable to Serena Williams conduct.

You asked for an example and I gave it to you. In that incident McEnroe was not given a pass for being a male. His history is irrelevant as it pertains to each incident. But of course you choose to ignore the facts and disagree. I would expect nothing less from someone pushing a false narrative.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

Serena Williams is not involved in politics because of her religion.
According to, Jehovah’s Witnesses “do not lobby, vote for political parties or candidates, run for government office, or participate in any action to change governments,” but they do make a point to “respect the authority of the governments under which we live.”
Get a life Bush92.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.

On January 21, 1990, at the Australian Open in Melbourne, American tennis player John McEnroe becomes the first player since 1963 to be disqualified from a Grand Slam tournament for misconduct.

John McEnroe disqualified from the Australian Open - Jan 21, 1990 -

Yet another false narrative busted. Serena wasn't even disqualified, she lost one point and then a game.
McEnroe's conduct 28 years ago is not comparable to Serena Williams conduct.

You asked for an example and I gave it to you. In that incident McEnroe was not given a pass for being a male. His history is irrelevant as it pertains to each incident. But of course you choose to ignore the facts and disagree. I would expect nothing less from someone pushing a false narrative.
I asked for an example of a similar incident. Similar is the keyword and these incidenrs were not similar.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The US's best tennis player.... that's how patriotic you are.
I bet limousine liberals Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezshinski were there. They will lead their Monday morning show by letting all the peasants in flyover country know how trendy they are.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.

On January 21, 1990, at the Australian Open in Melbourne, American tennis player John McEnroe becomes the first player since 1963 to be disqualified from a Grand Slam tournament for misconduct.

John McEnroe disqualified from the Australian Open - Jan 21, 1990 -

Yet another false narrative busted. Serena wasn't even disqualified, she lost one point and then a game.
McEnroe's conduct 28 years ago is not comparable to Serena Williams conduct.

You asked for an example and I gave it to you. In that incident McEnroe was not given a pass for being a male. His history is irrelevant as it pertains to each incident. But of course you choose to ignore the facts and disagree. I would expect nothing less from someone pushing a false narrative.
I asked for an example of a similar incident. Similar is the keyword and these incidenrs were not similar.

Of course you would say that. They both smashed rackets. It was similar.

But, it doesn't really matter. Serena's opponent was a female, so the idea of sexism is just pointless. Naomi Osaka was also playing under whatever conditions Serena is complaining about. Serena's match was on a level playing field for both players. THAT is what really matters. We can go back and forth on this example and that example, but what really matters is she was playing in a fair match. She got her ass kicked. She should just own up to it and shut up.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The US's best tennis player.... that's how patriotic you are.
When U.S. Marines took Iwo Jima from the Japanese and hoisted the flag...they were winners. Serena lost to a Japanese...and cried.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.

You mean like this less severe incident?

Actually, don't click that. It would be on you to provide examples of similar conduct where men weren't punished. But even then, it would be fairly irrelevant, at best. The entire tournament the chair upires had been pretty stern with all players about their on court conduct. The game has become full of theatrics in recent years that have led to increasingly lax conduct standards. This has become a problem and tournaments are starting to reassert expectations of good conduct.

The whole idea is nonsense. Serena was losing, and losing badly. She knew she was struggling and she lost her cool. She wanted to win so badly that she couldn't bare the realization that she was going to lose. She's done this before. Her history of abusing umpires nearly got her suspended from the tour several years ago. Not only that, but she was basically given a pass for violating her probationary terms two years later when she once again was penalized and then threatened the umpire.

This is classic Serena Williams. She has a long history of losing her temper when she's losing, acting inappropriately, and then blaming everyone else while refusing to take responsibility for herself.

I feel really bad for Naomi Osaka. This should have been the happiest moment of her life. Lots of young tennis players dream of one day playing their idol, and many of them eventually get the chance. Lots of young tennis players dream of one day winning a Grand Slam, and many of them get the chance. But Osaka had a fairy tale fall into her lap. Finally, she had the chance to play her idol, and on top of that it was her first Grand Slam final, and to make it even better it was her favorite Grand Slam event, where she attended as a child, watching as she daydreamed. Annnnnd....she won. This should have been the happiest moment of her life, as her. But it was shattered because her own idol was a selfish kuunt with a bad attitude.
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Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

Serena Williams is not involved in politics because of her religion.
According to, Jehovah’s Witnesses “do not lobby, vote for political parties or candidates, run for government office, or participate in any action to change governments,” but they do make a point to “respect the authority of the governments under which we live.”
Get a life Bush92.
Well I just witnessed a piss poor display of sportsmanship didn’t I? Her actions are befitting of liberal Democrats.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The US's best tennis player.... that's how patriotic you are.
Sorry to inform you, this thread is a racist thread meant to put the black girl in her place.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The umpire was a woman, and both players were women, how in the heck could it be "sexist"? :21:
she's a racist and has man genes to be able to win that much
she is being a model for young blacks/blacks:
be violent
be hateful
be racist

CALL FOUL when you commit a crime and cops arrest you???!!!!!!!
RESIST arrest when you commit a crime
call the cops racist when YOU commit a crime!!!!!!????!!
--typical black committing a foul/crime--calling the ump/cops wrong/racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you don't see the idiocy of this, you must be racist
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Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The US's best tennis player.... that's how patriotic you are.
When U.S. Marines took Iwo Jima from the Japanese and hoisted the flag...they were winners. Serena lost to a Japanese...and cried.

And I'm sure those US Marines who were shot and lay dying might have cried too.

Yes, we can all pick and choose things to make an invalid point, it's not hard.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The umpire was a woman, and both players were women, how in the heck could it be "sexist"? :21:

The chair umpire was Carlos Ramos, a man.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.

Clearly you missed the examples provided. The match itself was fair. Naomi Osaka is a woman also in case you didn't notice. Serena got her ass handed to her in a fair match.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The US's best tennis player.... that's how patriotic you are.
Sorry to inform you, this thread is a racist thread meant to put the black girl in her place.

I'm not unaware of why the OP is doing such things.
The chair umpire was Carlos Ramos, a man.

My Bad, thanks for the heads-up.

I looked up the conflict Serena had with the chair judge, and the article I was looking at talked about her conflict with Eva Asderaki-Moore in 2015.
That was obviously a different occasion. :21:

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