Serena Loses...Cries Like a Democrat ...Blames Ump for Sexism

Curious - Why did Donald give Serena a free ride on his jet and a picture of herself .. Then illegally call it "charity"? :confused-84:

Donald Trump once gave Serena Williams a picture of Serena Williams and called it charity.
That’s just one of several examples of Trump dubiously claiming a charitable contribution in this exposé by The Washington Post, which pokes holes in the Republican frontrunner’s claim that he gave nearly 5,000 charitable gifts totaling $102 million over the past five years. Documents reveal that Trump gave away many rounds of golf at his various golf courses, but not much cash. “Not a single one of those donations was actually a personal gift of Trump’s own money,” the Post writes.

Williams might be surprised to learn that she’s on the list.

Trump listed a donation to “Serena William Group” in February 2015, valued at exactly $1,136.56. A spokeswoman for the tennis star said she had attended a ribbon-cutting at Trump’s Loudoun County, Va., golf course that year for a new tennis center. But Trump hadn’t donated to her charity. Instead, he had given her a free ride from Florida on his plane and a free framed photo of herself.​

Donald Trump once gave Serena Williams a picture of Serena Williams and called it charity.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

Serena Williams is not involved in politics because of her religion.
According to, Jehovah’s Witnesses “do not lobby, vote for political parties or candidates, run for government office, or participate in any action to change governments,” but they do make a point to “respect the authority of the governments under which we live.”
Get a life Bush92.
She lost...does that mean the apocalypse is coming.
Curious - Why did Donald give Serena a free ride on his jet and a picture of herself .. Then illegally call it "charity"? :confused-84:

Donald Trump once gave Serena Williams a picture of Serena Williams and called it charity.
That’s just one of several examples of Trump dubiously claiming a charitable contribution in this exposé by The Washington Post, which pokes holes in the Republican frontrunner’s claim that he gave nearly 5,000 charitable gifts totaling $102 million over the past five years. Documents reveal that Trump gave away many rounds of golf at his various golf courses, but not much cash. “Not a single one of those donations was actually a personal gift of Trump’s own money,” the Post writes.

Williams might be surprised to learn that she’s on the list.

Trump listed a donation to “Serena William Group” in February 2015, valued at exactly $1,136.56. A spokeswoman for the tennis star said she had attended a ribbon-cutting at Trump’s Loudoun County, Va., golf course that year for a new tennis center. But Trump hadn’t donated to her charity. Instead, he had given her a free ride from Florida on his plane and a free framed photo of herself.​

Donald Trump once gave Serena Williams a picture of Serena Williams and called it charity.
Derangement syndrome strikes again. WTF does Trump have to do with any of this?
Conners, McEnroe vs Borg etc..... had some pretty big hissy fits and were never punished for it when I was young kid.... if memory serves?

Your memory serves you well. And I don't recall Mac getting 5 points taken away for his hissy fits either. A point here and there was about it.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss
Look, the ho is getting old. End of story.


In a more mature assessment, the ho is upset she is getting old. No really...


Look, she displayed bad etiquette and poor sportsmanship. Look, complain at a bad call -- like all pro athletes do -- then move on and win the competition or take your humiliation like a
I don't pay attention to sports much. I have not seen Williams over time. That's why it was a shock to see her yesterday. She has become huge with a face like a gorilla. What happened to the poor woman.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The umpire was a woman, and both players were women, how in the heck could it be "sexist"? :21:

The umpire was a man.

The woman Serena was talking to came out when Serena asked for the referee.
So if he's admitted to coaching...which is illegal...then Serena has an issue because her coach has totally fubared her claim that she doesn't cheat!

Here's my take on the coaching. I don't think he really meant any harm. And I don't believe for a moment Williams was trying to cheat. I think what he did was more likely just enthusiasm that accidentally went too far. There's a fine line and honest people can easily cross it by mistake in the excitement of the moment. Imagine if her sister Venus were to get excited and start shouting and gesturing.

"Yeah! Come on! Attack it! Protect your backhand! Make her chase them down! Right there, she can't make that shot, put it right there!"

Things like that could easily be construed as coaching, even though it's not meant to be actual coaching. But it's not coming from her coach, so probably wouldn't be called. When it comes from the coach himself the same conduct is more likely to be considered a violation. These are the rules, and they're reasonable, but a violation shouldn't automatically be assumed malicious. The violation was observed by the chair umpire. It was cited, and a warning was given. That was the appropriate response. It could have, and should have, ended there, and it would have been a trivial moment forgotten within 24 hours.

But Williams wouldn't let it go. Instead of simply accepting it, she chose to lose her cool. The moment she did that, she set herself on course for the rest.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit.
Perhaps you can provide an example of when a male player was punished for a similar incident.
John Macenroe was penalized during a match so have many other male tennis players. The penalty was a non factor since Serena was already being routed by her opponent. But of course the Libosphere is rallying around Serena because that's what they do. Make excuses for failure.
It's obvious after reading the thread that Serena hates Mexicans.

She DID marry a white man so he probably taught her racism.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss
The Russians! The Russians! Osaka colluded!
I dont think this was so much a liberal thing as it was a whining American thing these days. Identity Politics, the Cult of Victimhood is ubiquitous.

That doesnt mean that the ump did not use hostility toward Williams to drive his rulings against her.

That it was a womans tournament kind of leaves sexism out of it; why would a sexist judge penalize one woman in favor of another?

But anyone remember this guy?

McEnore was awesome
" I am the most fabulous whiner..... And I am a whiner". - DJT

This is such a ludicrous and ridiculous thread coming from a supporter of Donald Trump, the biggest damn whiner of all time.

However, I do not condone her behavior and she should have shown greater restraint.
Then what the fuck does me being a Trump supporter have to do with anything? Oh...that’s have derangement syndrome. Trump dominates your life.
What the hell does Serena's behavior have to do with Democrats?
she's a microcosm of them
perfect example of them
I didn't win/we didn't win---whine/throw a tantrum

microcosm of blacks:
commit a foul/crime--be violent/blame others/call others racist/etc
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The US's best tennis player.... that's how patriotic you are.
What does tennis have to do with patriotism?
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The umpire was a woman, and both players were women, how in the heck could it be "sexist"? :21:

The chair umpire was Carlos Ramos, a man.

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