Serena Loses...Cries Like a Democrat ...Blames Ump for Sexism

She has a history with the US Open.

Both her and her sister have been targets. Remember when the Ump was giving Venus's opponent extra points? I never saw that happen with any other player ever.

WIMBLEDON : Venus Williams loses track — and then loses the match

It was actually because of repeated bad calls against Serena Williams that the electronic Hawkeye was made a part of the game.

The Man Who Saved Tennis—From Bad Line Calls

"In all the sports we've done," says Hawkins, "there's been one major catalyzing incident to make the governing body react." In tennis, that incident was a match at the 2004 U.S. Open, pitting Serena Williams against Jennifer Capriati. Several egregiously bad line calls went against Williams, with TV replays (from network high-speed cameras nicknamed "Mac Cams" after John McEnroe) laying bare the chair umpire's errors.


They weren't errors. They were outright cheats. Some of the balls were out 5 or 6 inches. Not even close to the line. And the unp was overruling the linesman.
Oh fucking please! :290968001256257790-final:
I see the Little Trumpster racist are reaffirming, that they are truly the ugly lowest form of human life. If their minds get any smaller, their heads will disappear.
What an horrible example and are the true Ugly Americans.
You are a delusional dork.
The truth is Republicans hate successful black athletes........

You wouldn't know the truth if it picked you up and dropped you on your head. You are posting nothing but mindless partisan nonsense. The democrat party has convinced you that makes you 'smart.' They lied to you.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The umpire was sexist. Serena was correct in questioning his calls. He escalated things. Didn’t like being called out by a woman.

Serena was penalized for getting coaching from the stands. I’ve never seen that called before. Not for anyone, even when it’s blatant. And then for breaking her racket? This umpire has had multiple male players smash rackets this season alone, and he’s never called them on it.

Serena didn’t blame the umpire for her loss. She blamed him for being a sexist jerk who didn’t like getting called out for his bad calls by a woman.
:chillpill: Time to take our meds before beddy bye time. :cuckoo:
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

Being one, I suppose makes you an expert. Being a racist and a misogynist is made clear too. Thanks for sharing, dirtbags like you are always entertaining.
:9:Just for you PC idiot.
"I'm honest, I was coaching."
That was Serena's coach in an interview with ESPN.
So if he's admitted to coaching...which is illegal...then Serena has an issue because her coach has totally fubared her claim that she doesn't cheat! Now she could have claimed that EVERYONE cheats on that and have raised a stink about the referee calling it on her but that's like you trying to get the State Trooper who pulled you over for speeding on the interstate to not give you a ticket because other people are speeding too! You can go there but it ain't gonna work...and you KNOW it's not gonna work!

Bottom line is this...Serena was playing badly. Her opponent was playing inspired tennis. She used the umpire's ruling as motivation to inspire herself to make a bit of a comeback but then ran out of gas with that and was losing 3-4 in the second set already down one set. Calling the umpire a "thief" and ranting at him in the middle of a match she was losing was the kind of gamesmanship that John McEnroe used to employ when he was playing tennis. It's poor sportsmanship and Serena should apologize to her opponent who's winning effort was booed by the New York fans. THAT is the real travesty from that match!

Did you purposely leave out the part where he said she didn’t see him?
She had a moment is all. She's been fantastic and #1 for many years. Now she's married and has a child. She can't practice tennis 10 hours a day anymore.

She's had her run. It happens.

Serena has a history of cheating and abusive behavior. She's a bully and a terrible role model for any young athlete.
She was channeling her Hillary. I think she called the umpire deplorable.
She has no such history and you just flat out slandered her.

I don't know about cheating, but Williams has a well documented history of bad attitudes and abusive conduct. She very nearly was suspended from the pro tour back in 2009 after threatening to kill a lineswoman. That was at the US Open, no less. Instead of a suspension they gave her the maximum fine and a two year probationary period. Two years later she threatened a chair umpire, near the end of her probationary period. They should have cited her for violating the probationary terms, which would have led to a suspension. But they gave her a pass.

Not only does he have a history of abusive behavior, she's been handled with kids gloves, and it's emboldened her to repeat such antics.

Totally expected from your kind.

Wow, that's pretty racist.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The umpire was sexist. Serena was correct in questioning his calls. He escalated things. Didn’t like being called out by a woman.

Serena was penalized for getting coaching from the stands. I’ve never seen that called before. Not for anyone, even when it’s blatant. And then for breaking her racket? This umpire has had multiple male players smash rackets this season alone, and he’s never called them on it.

Serena didn’t blame the umpire for her loss. She blamed him for being a sexist jerk who didn’t like getting called out for his bad calls by a woman.

Your knowledge of tennis is a bit shaky, Dragonlady! I can recall both Nadal and Andy Murray being given penalties by this same chair umpire. I can also recall him giving a warning to Venus Williams for receiving coaching in one of her matches in the French. Ramos has a reputation as one of the best umpires in the who is not afraid to penalize "star" players if they break the rules. Nothing that Ramos did during that match was a "bad call" by the way. Serena's coach admitted that he was coaching her from the stands. That makes the initial warning completely warranted. Serena did smash her racket during the match. As the second personal conduct violation in a match that's the loss of a point. Calling an umpire a "thief" is a clear violation of the prohibition of abusing umpires or lines people. That's what led to her being docked a game in that second set.

Serena's tantrum was just that...a tantrum. She and her coach were cheating. Her coach ADMITTED that he was cheating! They got caught at it and were given a warning. Not penalized in any other way. The point that was taken away later was for smashing her racquet. Another tantrum. Why? Because Serena for some reason thought she shouldn't have been given the warning for the coaching violation? So now she's accusing one of the most respected chair umpires working in tennis today of being a "thief" because he twice made correct rulings against her? That tantrum got her a one game penalty...a well deserved one game penalty!
Unless being on the other side of the court she completely didn’t see anything her coach did. She has never been called for a coaching violation a single time in her 23 slam history.
She said right there that coaching is cheating and she’s not a cheater.
The truth is Republicans hate successful black athletes. Look at what they’re doing to NFL players. And look what they do to unarmed black kids walking down the street.
One thing we can all agree on, About Republicans if there’s anyone they hate more than blacks it’s gay people.
there it is again
black commits foul/crime = whitey to blame/racist
great logic
"I'm honest, I was coaching."
That was Serena's coach in an interview with ESPN.
So if he's admitted to coaching...which is illegal...then Serena has an issue because her coach has totally fubared her claim that she doesn't cheat! Now she could have claimed that EVERYONE cheats on that and have raised a stink about the referee calling it on her but that's like you trying to get the State Trooper who pulled you over for speeding on the interstate to not give you a ticket because other people are speeding too! You can go there but it ain't gonna work...and you KNOW it's not gonna work!

Bottom line is this...Serena was playing badly. Her opponent was playing inspired tennis. She used the umpire's ruling as motivation to inspire herself to make a bit of a comeback but then ran out of gas with that and was losing 3-4 in the second set already down one set. Calling the umpire a "thief" and ranting at him in the middle of a match she was losing was the kind of gamesmanship that John McEnroe used to employ when he was playing tennis. It's poor sportsmanship and Serena should apologize to her opponent who's winning effort was booed by the New York fans. THAT is the real travesty from that match!

Did you purposely leave out the part where he said she didn’t see him?

You mean the part where her coach said she might not have seen him so he did it several times to make sure that she did? What part of they were cheating don't you get? If you don't like the rule...then change it. As it stands now...that chair umpire was 100% correct in doing what he did.
Which of 'The Hippo Sistaaas' tried to get away with wearing a 'catsuit' at the French open?
I can promise you all that wasn't a cat in that suit.
The 'Hippo Sistaaas' have been pulling their bullshit stunts for years.
Remember when the World Tennis Federation started random drug testing?
That year neither of the Sistaaas entered a single tennis tournament.
Hence the extreme volatility.
Which of 'The Hippo Sistaaas' tried to get away with wearing a 'catsuit' at the French open?
I can promise you all that wasn't a cat in that suit.
The 'Hippo Sistaaas' have been pulling their bullshit stunts for years.
Remember when the World Tennis Federation started random drug testing?
That year neither of the Sistaaas entered a single tennis tournament.
Hence the extreme volatility.
They definitely were juicing.
Which of 'The Hippo Sistaaas' tried to get away with wearing a 'catsuit' at the French open?
I can promise you all that wasn't a cat in that suit.
The 'Hippo Sistaaas' have been pulling their bullshit stunts for years.
Remember when the World Tennis Federation started random drug testing?
That year neither of the Sistaaas entered a single tennis tournament.
Hence the extreme volatility.

Oh, please fuck off with this. Serena Williams has a temper because she has a temper. It's just who she is. She's always been very self centered and aggressive. Even as a child it was evident.

And she's not the first person to have a temper like that. Nobody would suggest that John McEnroe was using steriods. At least, if he was, he was doing it wrong.
Here's a collection of men who were immediately disqualified for their outbursts, including McEnroe at the 1990 Aussie Open. Pay special attention to that one, as it follows the same pattern as Williams, almost perfectly. The only differences are that McEnroe merely slammed his racket (didn't break it), his verbal abuse was brief (as opposed to the ongoing berating Williams gave), and his final penalty was more severe (disqualification).

Also, I'm getting tired of hearing people try to give Williams credit for "sportsmanship" during the awards ceremony. You don't get props for a feigned Beyonce moment when you're the one who Kanyed them in the first place.

US Open 2018: Disqualifications that weaken Serena Williams' sexism accusations - MARCA in English
Here's a collection of men who were immediately disqualified for their outbursts, including McEnroe at the 1990 Aussie Open. Pay special attention to that one, as it follows the same pattern as Williams, almost perfectly. The only differences are that McEnroe merely slammed his racket (didn't break it), his verbal abuse was brief (as opposed to the ongoing berating Williams gave), and his final penalty was more severe (disqualification).

Also, I'm getting tired of hearing people try to give Williams credit for "sportsmanship" during the awards ceremony. You don't get props for a feigned Beyonce moment when you're the one who Kanyed them in the first place.

US Open 2018: Disqualifications that weaken Serena Williams' sexism accusations - MARCA in English
The bitch makes her own bed everytime she makes herself look like a %%%%.
We can all take comfort knowing the 'Hippo Sistaaas' can't shit on the world's tennis courts forever.
Then they'll be vanish like popcorn farts in the wind.
"I'm honest, I was coaching."
That was Serena's coach in an interview with ESPN.
So if he's admitted to coaching...which is illegal...then Serena has an issue because her coach has totally fubared her claim that she doesn't cheat! Now she could have claimed that EVERYONE cheats on that and have raised a stink about the referee calling it on her but that's like you trying to get the State Trooper who pulled you over for speeding on the interstate to not give you a ticket because other people are speeding too! You can go there but it ain't gonna work...and you KNOW it's not gonna work!

Bottom line is this...Serena was playing badly. Her opponent was playing inspired tennis. She used the umpire's ruling as motivation to inspire herself to make a bit of a comeback but then ran out of gas with that and was losing 3-4 in the second set already down one set. Calling the umpire a "thief" and ranting at him in the middle of a match she was losing was the kind of gamesmanship that John McEnroe used to employ when he was playing tennis. It's poor sportsmanship and Serena should apologize to her opponent who's winning effort was booed by the New York fans. THAT is the real travesty from that match!

Did you purposely leave out the part where he said she didn’t see him?

You mean the part where her coach said she might not have seen him so he did it several times to make sure that she did? What part of they were cheating don't you get? If you don't like the rule...then change it. As it stands now...that chair umpire was 100% correct in doing what he did.

As it stands, you appear to be a liar.

The coach, in the interview with Pam Shriver directly after the match, never said he kept trying to get her to see him coaching.

Is there some other interview you’re referencing?

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