Serena Loses...Cries Like a Democrat ...Blames Ump for Sexism

Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The US's best tennis player.... that's how patriotic you are.
Sorry to inform you, this thread is a racist thread meant to put the black girl in her place.
Racist. How dumb can you be? It’s about a chick that got her ass kicked by someone better and had a little hissy fit about it. End of story.
Curious - Why did Donald give Serena a free ride on his jet and a picture of herself .. Then illegally call it "charity"? :confused-84:

Donald Trump once gave Serena Williams a picture of Serena Williams and called it charity.
That’s just one of several examples of Trump dubiously claiming a charitable contribution in this exposé by The Washington Post, which pokes holes in the Republican frontrunner’s claim that he gave nearly 5,000 charitable gifts totaling $102 million over the past five years. Documents reveal that Trump gave away many rounds of golf at his various golf courses, but not much cash. “Not a single one of those donations was actually a personal gift of Trump’s own money,” the Post writes.

Williams might be surprised to learn that she’s on the list.

Trump listed a donation to “Serena William Group” in February 2015, valued at exactly $1,136.56. A spokeswoman for the tennis star said she had attended a ribbon-cutting at Trump’s Loudoun County, Va., golf course that year for a new tennis center. But Trump hadn’t donated to her charity. Instead, he had given her a free ride from Florida on his plane and a free framed photo of herself.​

Donald Trump once gave Serena Williams a picture of Serena Williams and called it charity.
Nobody cares but you.
She has a history with the US Open.

Both her and her sister have been targets. Remember when the Ump was giving Venus's opponent extra points? I never saw that happen with any other player ever.

WIMBLEDON : Venus Williams loses track — and then loses the match

It was actually because of repeated bad calls against Serena Williams that the electronic Hawkeye was made a part of the game.

The Man Who Saved Tennis—From Bad Line Calls

"In all the sports we've done," says Hawkins, "there's been one major catalyzing incident to make the governing body react." In tennis, that incident was a match at the 2004 U.S. Open, pitting Serena Williams against Jennifer Capriati. Several egregiously bad line calls went against Williams, with TV replays (from network high-speed cameras nicknamed "Mac Cams" after John McEnroe) laying bare the chair umpire's errors.


They weren't errors. They were outright cheats. Some of the balls were out 5 or 6 inches. Not even close to the line. And the unp was overruling the linesman.
She has a history with the US Open.

Both her and her sister have been targets. Remember when the Ump was giving Venus's opponent extra points? I never saw that happen with any other player ever.

WIMBLEDON : Venus Williams loses track — and then loses the match

It was actually because of repeated bad calls against Serena Williams that the electronic Hawkeye was made a part of the game.

The Man Who Saved Tennis—From Bad Line Calls

"In all the sports we've done," says Hawkins, "there's been one major catalyzing incident to make the governing body react." In tennis, that incident was a match at the 2004 U.S. Open, pitting Serena Williams against Jennifer Capriati. Several egregiously bad line calls went against Williams, with TV replays (from network high-speed cameras nicknamed "Mac Cams" after John McEnroe) laying bare the chair umpire's errors.


They weren't errors. They were outright cheats. Some of the balls were out 5 or 6 inches. Not even close to the line. And the unp was overruling the linesman.
they were targeted because they are black--right?
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss
Accuses umpire of sexism in an all females match...… riiiiiiight.
She has a history with the US Open.

Both her and her sister have been targets. Remember when the Ump was giving Venus's opponent extra points? I never saw that happen with any other player ever.

WIMBLEDON : Venus Williams loses track — and then loses the match

It was actually because of repeated bad calls against Serena Williams that the electronic Hawkeye was made a part of the game.

The Man Who Saved Tennis—From Bad Line Calls

"In all the sports we've done," says Hawkins, "there's been one major catalyzing incident to make the governing body react." In tennis, that incident was a match at the 2004 U.S. Open, pitting Serena Williams against Jennifer Capriati. Several egregiously bad line calls went against Williams, with TV replays (from network high-speed cameras nicknamed "Mac Cams" after John McEnroe) laying bare the chair umpire's errors.


They weren't errors. They were outright cheats. Some of the balls were out 5 or 6 inches. Not even close to the line. And the unp was overruling the linesman.

If you don't understand the difference between Wimbledon and the US Open, then you shouldn't be talking. Period.

And to say that Hawk Eye was adopted because of the Serena Williams v Capriati match is about as simplistic as saying someone had a heart attack because of what they ate for breakfast this morning. Talk about adopting some kind of instant replay had been happening for years in professional tennis. Several other professional sports had been adopting instant replay protocols around the turn of the century. Tennis employed a variety of electronic aids for assisting call accuracy, such as Cyclops was used for serves (Ilie Nastase famously dropped to the ground during Wimbledon 1980 to argue his case--to the device--that his opponent's serve had been out). The Mac-cam system gave a view of baseline balls. The need to find effective solutions to improve the accuracy of half-inch calls a continual conversation. The capacity for technology systems to offer solutions was (and continues to be) limited.

But professional tennis isn't like NFL football, or even MLB baseball. You have a conglomeration of tournaments that have separate governance. Heck, the four major tournaments aren't even consistent on vital equipment specifications; each uses a different material for their court and have different specifications for tennis balls. The pro tours have many broad rules and regulations, but it takes a lot of coordination and negotiation to reach uniform agreement to implement changes of widespread and significant impact. There were no rules about what instances would allow for a challenge system, how the challenges would be executed, or the methodology to resolve them. John MacEnroe continually lobbied for official adoption of the Mac-cam, but it wasn't a complete solution and there were worries that employing it in the wrong ways could lead to a new set of faulty calls. So, without proven technology and a consistent framework in place, it was better to preserve the status quo.

The 2004 US Open was already testing a system called Auto-Ref, which was active and being tested during the Williams v Capriati match. Hawk Eye was a competitor to Auto-Ref that had recently been adopted by professional cricket and had been heavily pitching itself to pro-tennis. Auto-Ref development was proving slow, and Hawk Eye was able to port their system to tennis and provide a fully tested product before Auto-Ref could prove itself, though it was still nearly two years after that match before Hawk Eye was officially employed by a tournament on the pro circuit. It would be two years longer before a set of consistent rules were implemented regarding challenges and the use of Hawk Eye to resolve challenged calls.

It's worth pointing out that Williams v Capriati from the 2004 US Open was a single incident of an umpire making clearly bad calls, and the immediate response was that the umpire was dismissed from further duties for the rest of the tournament. Just because she had a poor job performance that particular day does not mean Williams was being targeted.
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I see the Little Trumpster racist are reaffirming, that they are truly the ugly lowest form of human life. If their minds get any smaller, their heads will disappear.
What an horrible example and are the true Ugly Americans.
I see the Little Trumpster racist are reaffirming, that they are truly the ugly lowest form of human life. If their minds get any smaller, their heads will disappear.
What an horrible example and are the true Ugly Americans.
So sexist!
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The umpire was sexist. Serena was correct in questioning his calls. He escalated things. Didn’t like being called out by a woman.

Serena was penalized for getting coaching from the stands. I’ve never seen that called before. Not for anyone, even when it’s blatant. And then for breaking her racket? This umpire has had multiple male players smash rackets this season alone, and he’s never called them on it.

Serena didn’t blame the umpire for her loss. She blamed him for being a sexist jerk who didn’t like getting called out for his bad calls by a woman.
Well, Serena just pissed away her chance to be an ambassador to the sport of tennis, which more than any other sport, is about sportsmanship and manners. She ain't no Roger Federer, that's for sure. Personally I think her sister Venus is much classier and graceful than her. I don't even like the way Serena plays, she's just a talentless brute who serves and rallies like a man. I'm surprised a few of the clothing and shoe labels haven't pulled there sponsorships of Serena by now.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The umpire was sexist. Serena was correct in questioning his calls. He escalated things. Didn’t like being called out by a woman.

Serena was penalized for getting coaching from the stands. I’ve never seen that called before. Not for anyone, even when it’s blatant. And then for breaking her racket? This umpire has had multiple male players smash rackets this season alone, and he’s never called them on it.

Serena didn’t blame the umpire for her loss. She blamed him for being a sexist jerk who didn’t like getting called out by a Roman.
He did exactly what he was hired to do, Serena's coach was indeed coaching her, that was more than obvious from the video. And Serena did indeed threaten and speak abusively to the ref. The ref had no choice but to penalize her. As a side note, Serena's behavior was a little abnormal, she does have tantrums, but it's never been this bad. It's possible she may be suffering from post partum disorder.

Postpartum Disorders
Sorry to inform you, this thread is a racist thread meant to put the black girl in her place.
Post partum.....and anybody take a gander at the butt?:ack-1: Used to be what those in the hood called "a fine onion" but damn....the caboose suddenly big as a house.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The umpire was sexist. Serena was correct in questioning his calls. He escalated things. Didn’t like being called out by a woman.

Serena was penalized for getting coaching from the stands. I’ve never seen that called before. Not for anyone, even when it’s blatant. And then for breaking her racket? This umpire has had multiple male players smash rackets this season alone, and he’s never called them on it.

Serena didn’t blame the umpire for her loss. She blamed him for being a sexist jerk who didn’t like getting called out for his bad calls by a woman.
Was he a sexist for or against women?

BTW you know he is hispanic. I hope you're not racist.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

Being one, I suppose makes you an expert. Being a racist and a misogynist is made clear too. Thanks for sharing, dirtbags like you are always entertaining.
I played tennis in high school and college, called lines for professional tournaments, sat chair for amateur competitions
There is ONE rule at the top of all rules-As a chair Do Not interject yourself into the match. I do not generally care for Serena but she has points here. This is the Finals of the US open. The “coaching” thing goes on all the time, leave it alone. The raquet smash should not have been ignored but half the time it is. Then he got all pissy about the “thief ” comment. Chair umpire, nobody wants to see you have a big impression on the match. Be aware of that before you go nuts with rule enforcement.
Serena Williams lost and can’t accept it. Blames umpire for sexism. Typical liberal bullshit. Maybe Colin Kapernick can come to her rescue. Liberals always have an excuse. “Hillary didn’t lose...Russians stole the election.” :206: “So Many blacks are in prison...not because they committed crimes...but because they are black.” :206: “I didn’t lose fair and’s because umpire was sexists” :206: “The college professor gave me a C on my final just because he is an asshole” :206:
Serena Williams accuses umpire of sexism in US Open loss

The US's best tennis player.... that's how patriotic you are.
Jingoism, is not synonymous with patriotism....

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