Serial Numbers Missing on Some Ballots in Arizona Election Audit

35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.
And then the final vote tally won’t match the numbers recorded at local voting places.
OK...let’s try the old....sneak them in while nobody is looking.
So you add 10,000 fake votes to the count

Each town and voting location keeps a book of registered voters and who has voted with signature. At he end of the day they count the number of people who voted. Then they recount the number who voted and seal the book.

Now, what happens when it turns out 10,000 more people voted than showed up in that book. Bells and whistles go off.

Didn’t happen though....the counts matched
You can count illegal votes as many times as you want. It does not change the fact they are illegal. The audit will determine that. And the proof will be the ballot itself. Fraud is going to be proven and you and yours will be outed as the traitors. Get ready it is coming.

As many times as you count, there will be 10,000 more votes than people who voted and signed the book.

You don’t even need an audit, it would be reported that night that the numbers don’t match
Sure, like in GA? Or PA.? Get real, there was massive and obvious fraud and people will not stop until it is proven. Not that the guilt shown already does not confirm fraud happened.

There was not massive fraud. Trump's AG confirmed this. You are part of a evil criminal organizaqtion that plots to take over this country.
He confirmed it based on nothing. He investigated nothing.

Because he saw no evidence of fraud. He instructed the US Attorneys to be on the lookout for any potential vote fraud. They were looking and saw nothing.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Still don't have a answer. This is the best you can do when you can't refute anything.
Not all registered voters vote, and not all people eligible to vote are registered. That leaves a lot of room for Democrat NAZIs to manufacture votes.

How does one go about doing that?
Going into Election Day, you have no idea who will show up to vote and who will stay home.
Once voting has ended, the voter registration book is sealed. No way to insert voters.

You are making shit up again
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.
And then the final vote tally won’t match the numbers recorded at local voting places.
OK...let’s try the old....sneak them in while nobody is looking.
So you add 10,000 fake votes to the count

Each town and voting location keeps a book of registered voters and who has voted with signature. At he end of the day they count the number of people who voted. Then they recount the number who voted and seal the book.

Now, what happens when it turns out 10,000 more people voted than showed up in that book. Bells and whistles go off.

Didn’t happen though....the counts matched
I Fulton county GA, the numbers we are talking about were all recorded at the Fulton County counting center, moron.

You said they count the number who voted twice.

If someone voted twice then there would be more ballots than voters. Fulton happens to be black and you have no issue with calling blacks crooked just because they don't vote the way you want.
I've already explained why your imbecile theory is wrong

You have given a imbecilic annswer that is all. If the number of votes cast are equal to the number of voters then there is no fraud.
I've already explained why your imbecile theory is wrong
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
It did so illegally. It also does wonders for election fraud.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.
And then the final vote tally won’t match the numbers recorded at local voting places.
OK...let’s try the old....sneak them in while nobody is looking.
So you add 10,000 fake votes to the count

Each town and voting location keeps a book of registered voters and who has voted with signature. At he end of the day they count the number of people who voted. Then they recount the number who voted and seal the book.

Now, what happens when it turns out 10,000 more people voted than showed up in that book. Bells and whistles go off.

Didn’t happen though....the counts matched
You can count illegal votes as many times as you want. It does not change the fact they are illegal. The audit will determine that. And the proof will be the ballot itself. Fraud is going to be proven and you and yours will be outed as the traitors. Get ready it is coming.

As many times as you count, there will be 10,000 more votes than people who voted and signed the book.

You don’t even need an audit, it would be reported that night that the numbers don’t match
Sure, like in GA? Or PA.? Get real, there was massive and obvious fraud and people will not stop until it is proven. Not that the guilt shown already does not confirm fraud happened.

There was not massive fraud. Trump's AG confirmed this. You are part of a evil criminal organizaqtion that plots to take over this country.
He confirmed it based on nothing. He investigated nothing.

Because he saw no evidence of fraud. He instructed the US Attorneys to be on the lookout for any potential vote fraud. They were looking and saw nothing.
Bunk. He didn't look at any evidence. He couldn't have in the time he claimed to have devoted to it.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
Hand over the ballots and the books and see if the signatures match and the laser on the ballot was scanned properly when it was mailed out to the voter and returned.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
It did so illegally. It also does wonders for election fraud.
Arizona has been voting by mail for years
What is the fraud?
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
Hand over the ballots and the books and see if the signatures match and the laser on the ballot was scanned properly when it was mailed out to the voter and returned.
What are you waiting for?

If there are that many voters who do not exist, it should be easy to find
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
That's already been done, moron. Crowder showed voters whose address was a vacant lot.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
Hand over the ballots and the books and see if the signatures match and the laser on the ballot was scanned properly when it was mailed out to the voter and returned.
What are you waiting for?

If there are that many voters who do not exist, it should be easy to find
Except that until the AZ audit was allowed, it wasn't allowed.
So damaged ballots were missing serial numbers
If a ballot is missing its serial number--it shouldn't be counted at all...

How do we know it was missing the serial number before the Cyber Ninjas got their hands on it? They are not following procedures or state audit rules. What evidence is there that they didn't remove the serial numbers?
Well...the state has been snagged lying and trying to destroy evidence multiple times now so a prudent person wouldn't put much faith in what they say about anyone else...

While the Cyber Ninjas despite all the smears that the communist have tried----still haven't been found to have lied or destroyed evidence...

Bullshit. The election was counted, recounted, hand counted and audited. It was certified by the Secretary of State and confirmed by the House and Senate. If the Republican government didn't get it right the first three times, you may as well quit holding elections.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
That's already been done, moron. Crowder showed voters whose address was a vacant lot.

No one has shown any such thing. Show me something VALID. Not some right wing loon on YouTube or a piece in the GateWay Pundit.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
That's already been done, moron. Crowder showed voters whose address was a vacant lot.

No one has shown any such thing. Show me something VALID. Not some right wing loon on YouTube or a piece in the GateWay Pundit.
You will never agree that anything I post is "valid." Do you expect me to find evidence of voter fraud on CNN?
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
That's already been done, moron. Crowder showed voters whose address was a vacant lot.

No one has shown any such thing. Show me something VALID. Not some right wing loon on YouTube or a piece in the GateWay Pundit.
Your shit out of luck then. But there is no way to debunk his findings. No one has even tried.
35 states voted GOP state house and senate

Traitor Joe did not win any of those without cheating
What that shows is voters cast ballots for Republicans, but they didn’t want to vote for Trump

He was not a very good President

Trump had historically high ratings from republicans. You and your side have that lie, and nothing else, to explain the most obvious election fraud in American history. the Zionist 911 traitors from the GOP are the only ones supporting Biden. Polls showed before election time the Reagan democrat and the Clinton aka NO go on senile boob bob dole republican.

The truth of the polls before the election showed traitor joe doing precisely what he did in nh and Iowa - go off a cliff as the voters checked him out closely.

You are arguing that traitor Joe as a candidate was like Reagan and Clinton, when, in reality, he was bob dole 2.0 and there was significant trump gains with black voters outside the urban fraud zones.

Trump won 35 states.

It takes an unreal moron not to understand that is the true math of the down ballot....
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble with fraud and cheating with the ballots as you claim, in all 5 of these states, to give Biden a win,

While NOT also committing the same alleged fraud with the same ballots for the Democratic Congressmen and senators running?

What good would it be for democrats with their agenda, having Biden as their president, without a strong majority in Congress??? Why wouldn't they do the alleged same cheating that they did with Biden, with the other Democrats running so to keep their strength in congress or make it even bigger??? They were all on the same ballots used to vote for president, processed through the same machines as the presidential candidates?

It makes no sense to be willing to allegedly commit fraud, A felony crime, without going for it, with The House as well so that the democrats could easily pass legislation they favor?
Why would Democrats go through all that trouble? Dang, originally we felt you were naïve, now we know you're just plain stupid. stupid is it to fake the Presidential ballot but not fake the down ballots and win there too?
About as stupid as a Democrat.
Not as stupid as a Stolen Election Republican

You still haven’t explained how fake ballots can be sneered into the official count
By dishonest people just like you.
Show me how to sneak in fake ballots without being detected
Drop them off at the counting facility. They look like any other ballot.

Then that throws off the count. You have more votes than voters.
That has already been proven and never debunked.

That is not true. Extra votes has been debunked. Even Republicans get it.

“The poll book is completely off. Completely off,” Carone claims in the video.

“Off by 30,000?” Johnson says.

Carone adjusts her mic and leans in to say: “I’d say that poll book is off by over 100,000.” She then asks Johnson how many registered voters are in the poll book.

“Do you even know the answer to that?” she says. Johnson tries to respond but Carone cuts him off. “Zero. Zero,” she says, holding up her hand in a “zero” gesture. “There’s zero.”

Arizona's population increased 40% since the late 90's. It's registered voters almost tripled in the same amount of time. That is impossible.
That is a blatant LIE
Arizonas population increased in that timeframe
No it is not. I said the population increased 40%. The registered voters almost tripled. All worked out by an expert statistician. You are welcome to debunk it.
Arizona went to 100 percent mail in vote
See what it does for voter participation?
So you can't debunk what I said. Some( a lot) of those voters simply do not exist.

Easy us some votes from voters who do not exist
That's already been done, moron. Crowder showed voters whose address was a vacant lot.

No one has shown any such thing. Show me something VALID. Not some right wing loon on YouTube or a piece in the GateWay Pundit.
Here's he proof, dingbat:


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