Serious Question for Progressives

Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?
That's the problem with your kind. You pretend to ask a serious question and then make a filthy accusation out of your ridiculous question. You can look at the facts to see the truth but your ideology has blinded you to the facts. So you make the same ignorant accusation by asking a pretend question.

Job shifts under Obama: Fewer government workers, more caregivers, servers and temps

The takeaway: An overall gain of 6.4 million more non-farm payroll jobs last month than in January 2009, which represents a 4.8% increase. All of that growth came from the private sector, while the public sector shrunk: Private payrolls have added 7 million jobs over Obama’s presidency, while government payrolls (federal, state and local) have contracted by a combined 634,000 jobs.


Payrolls of oil and gas producers, for instance, have jumped nearly 31%, reflecting the surge in domestic production; still, that’s just 216,100 jobs in total. And automakers, who benefited from massive government aid during the depths of the Great Recession, have added 192,700 jobs (28%) since January 2009; they now employ 884,000 people.

Government payrolls at nearly all levels also have been cut. Local governments have shed 446,000 jobs, about 3% of their total workforce; state governments have cut a net 121,000 jobs, with small growth in education more than offset by cuts elsewhere. And while the federal government has added 62,700 non-postal jobs, the Postal Service has reduced its workforce nearly 18%, or 129,400 jobs. The Postal Service now employs fewer than 600,000 people, its smallest payroll since 1964.


So we can go tit for tat. You ask that same dubious and ignorant question where the answer can be found in a brazilian (ref to famous joke about Bush) different places from reputable sources. But you would rather get your facts that from people that tricked America into the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts and that ignorant of the most ignorant failed "trickle down" economy.

I answered the question even when the facts were right under your silly nose. Now answer mine. Name a GOP policy in the last 40 years that has helped a majority of Americans.



Thought so.
When the government shuts down and Federal employees are
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?
That's the problem with your kind. You pretend to ask a serious question and then make a filthy accusation out of your ridiculous question. You can look at the facts to see the truth but your ideology has blinded you to the facts. So you make the same ignorant accusation by asking a pretend question.

Job shifts under Obama: Fewer government workers, more caregivers, servers and temps

The takeaway: An overall gain of 6.4 million more non-farm payroll jobs last month than in January 2009, which represents a 4.8% increase. All of that growth came from the private sector, while the public sector shrunk: Private payrolls have added 7 million jobs over Obama’s presidency, while government payrolls (federal, state and local) have contracted by a combined 634,000 jobs.


Payrolls of oil and gas producers, for instance, have jumped nearly 31%, reflecting the surge in domestic production; still, that’s just 216,100 jobs in total. And automakers, who benefited from massive government aid during the depths of the Great Recession, have added 192,700 jobs (28%) since January 2009; they now employ 884,000 people.

Government payrolls at nearly all levels also have been cut. Local governments have shed 446,000 jobs, about 3% of their total workforce; state governments have cut a net 121,000 jobs, with small growth in education more than offset by cuts elsewhere. And while the federal government has added 62,700 non-postal jobs, the Postal Service has reduced its workforce nearly 18%, or 129,400 jobs. The Postal Service now employs fewer than 600,000 people, its smallest payroll since 1964.


So we can go tit for tat. You ask that same dubious and ignorant question where the answer can be found in a brazilian (ref to famous joke about Bush) different places from reputable sources. But you would rather get your facts that from people that tricked America into the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts and that ignorant of the most ignorant failed "trickle down" economy.

I answered the question even when the facts were right under your silly nose. Now answer mine. Name a GOP policy in the last 40 years that has helped a majority of Americans.



Thought so.
Your own graph shows the problem, R-Derp. Local and State government has indeed been cut because Local and State governments have to work within balanced budget frameworks. The Federal Government just keeps on getting bigger despite the shrinking of the military and the Post office. Why? Because the Feds can keep running bigger and bigger deficits.
Yep. We can probably break up the country into several smaller ones. That way, we can shrink the government in each of those countries. That's not a solution I'd advocate, but it's probably a reasonable way to shrink government.

That's like improving gas mileage on a car by breaking it up into component parts to reduce the weight of each "car."
Progressives don't want bigger government, they want other peoples wealth confiscated and redistributed to them.
And yet alleged right wingers scream like welfare queens when you try to take away their tax expenditures, which add up to TWICE what we spend on social welfare programs.

When, oh when...
Really? What straw man is that?

The libs get irritated when we expose their true motives, wealth envy.
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?
Sure, we could teach Americans some common fucking sense. We could also cut spending, grow the economy, and raise enough taxes to pay the damn bills, all at the same time.

Oh, and we could stop playing policeman to the world, stop screwing with the rest of the world, come home, and stop spending so goddamned much cash on deadly toys.
Why not end all government regulation of Wall Street? That way, the major banks and investment houses won't have to operate illegally in order to get all of our money. They could do like Joe Kennedy did. Just legally manipulate the economy to their own advantage. You see, Enron was actually a conservative wet dream come true! So was the junk bond mortgage investment bubble! Less regulation of Wall Street is GOOD for you!
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?

Sure, we can cut military spending and reduce the size of our military by discontinuing our policy of intervention in every little war that takes place on this planet. We can dump the entire Dept of Education and let the states worry about teaching their kids. Keep one thing in mind about our current government. It isn't getting bigger. We are spending more money on SS and Medicare and fewer people are contributing into these programs, so a strain has been put on the system, but government itself has not been getting bigger for a very long time. In fact, the size of our federal government has been shrinking consistently since the end of the Reagan administration when it was at its largest. Yup, the Gipper had more people working in the Federal Government than any president in the history of the US. The Gipper was truly the owner of "Big Government".


Now I'm sure you are going to come up with some reason why all this is not true.
Our military is the smallest its been since befroe WW2. How's that working out for us?

Just fine if we'd stay the Hell out of everyone else's wars.
We stayed the hell out of Syria. How'd that work out for everyone?

It's worked out fine so far. How many American deaths in Syria to date? How many in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Why not end all government regulation of Wall Street? That way, the major banks and investment houses won't have to operate illegally in order to get all of our money. They could do like Joe Kennedy did. Just legally manipulate the economy to their own advantage. You see, Enron was actually a conservative wet dream come true! So was the junk bond mortgage investment bubble! Less regulation of Wall Street is GOOD for you!

I have no problem with people risking their own money and reputation. They should never be allowed to have the taxpayers cover their losses
Progressives only count federal employees as "government ", they've completely missed rules and regulations
When, oh when, will retards finally catch on that blaming one party for big spending and big government is...retarded?
Both parties spend, one party spends on the military, supports imperialist like wars, and constantly wants to cut taxes for the rich. The other party supports a social safety net for the poor, supporting small businesses with incentives, etc..
Democrats funded both wars, retard.

Democrats where told that US is going to war. Do you want to pay for it or let us soliders die due to bad equipment and bad medical backup...

That was the real option.
They had to fund the war because BushCo was going to send them anyway? LOL, you're a druggie.
When, oh when, will retards finally catch on that blaming one party for big spending and big government is...retarded?
Both parties spend, one party spends on the military, supports imperialist like wars, and constantly wants to cut taxes for the rich. The other party supports a social safety net for the poor, supporting small businesses with incentives, etc..
Democrats funded both wars, retard.

Democrats where told that US is going to war. Do you want to pay for it or let us soliders die due to bad equipment and bad medical backup...

That was the real option.
They had to fund the war because BushCo was going to send them anyway? LOL, you're a druggie.
Amazing, right? The Dems passed measure after measure condemning the war but refused to do something that would actually stop it, which was cut off funding.

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