Serious Question for Progressives

When, oh when, will retards finally catch on that blaming one party for big spending and big government is...retarded?
When, oh when, will retards finally catch on that blaming one party for big spending and big government is...retarded?
Both parties spend, one party spends on the military, supports imperialist like wars, and constantly wants to cut taxes for the rich. The other party supports a social safety net for the poor, supporting small businesses with incentives, etc..
Our military is the smallest its been since befroe WW2. How's that working out for us?

The reason our military is smaller is because the government now uses defense contractors for many of the duties that used to be performed by the military.

This was supposed to REDUCE the cost of Defense. How's that working out for us?

Look at it a percentae of GDP and its the smallest ever, thnks to Obama's reckless cutting.
Once we cut back the federal government and make it useless, we can start focusing on the tyrannical state governments, and after that.. ANARCHY!

When's the last time anyone cut back the size of the Federal Government? Let's be honest with ourselves here...the Federal Government is a bloated, inefficient entity that wastes incredible amounts of money.

You want an example? We just spent $500,000,000. to train 4 or 5 Syrians to go fight ISIS! THAT is your Federal Government in action!
When, oh when, will retards finally catch on that blaming one party for big spending and big government is...retarded?
Both parties spend, one party spends on the military, supports imperialist like wars, and constantly wants to cut taxes for the rich. The other party supports a social safety net for the poor, supporting small businesses with incentives, etc..
Democrats funded both wars, retard.
When, oh when, will retards finally catch on that blaming one party for big spending and big government is...retarded?
Both parties spend, one party spends on the military, supports imperialist like wars, and constantly wants to cut taxes for the rich. The other party supports a social safety net for the poor, supporting small businesses with incentives, etc..
Democrats funded both wars, retard.
We're talking about today's parties and what they're doing.
Every time someone DOES recommend shrinking the size of the Federal Government...the people who run government immediately declare that if cuts are made then they will unfortunately have to close all the national more help for tax payers at the IRS...etc...etc...they don't cut waste...they cut services to "punish" us for demanding that they get their act together.
When, oh when, will retards finally catch on that blaming one party for big spending and big government is...retarded?
Both parties spend, one party spends on the military, supports imperialist like wars, and constantly wants to cut taxes for the rich. The other party supports a social safety net for the poor, supporting small businesses with incentives, etc..
Democrats funded both wars, retard.

Democrats where told that US is going to war. Do you want to pay for it or let us soliders die due to bad equipment and bad medical backup...

That was the real option.
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?

I found this interesting : I find it a "Do What I Say Not What I Do" kind of view

Yes, admittedly, there is plenty of GOP support for small government when it comes to cutting taxes on the wealthy, limiting regulation of big business, gutting environmental regulations, weakening legal protections for workers and racial minorities, and slashing government funding for public education, public health, and social welfare services. But there is a common denominator to this kind of small government action. It is all designed to serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of everyone else. Thus, the Republican Party opposes government alleviation of hunger through the distribution of food stamps, but supports government subsidies to corporations.

The Republican "Small Government" Fraud

Is English not your first language?

You obviously have never heard this saying.

When, oh when, will retards finally catch on that blaming one party for big spending and big government is...retarded?
Both parties spend, one party spends on the military, supports imperialist like wars, and constantly wants to cut taxes for the rich. The other party supports a social safety net for the poor, supporting small businesses with incentives, etc..
Democrats funded both wars, retard.

Democrats where told that US is going to war. Do you want to pay for it or let us soliders die due to bad equipment and bad medical backup...

That was the real option.
The same war a lot of the Democrats voted for?? Hillary's war???
Here is a list.

Stop going to War.
Remove War of Drugs, Mandatory Minimums - Less people in Jail
Reduce Corporate Welfare
Introduce a Proportional Representation Single vote transfer system for all federal elections

Wise investments
Spend more on education as it directly reduces welfare dependents in the future
Introduce a National Health Insurance (reduces Health cost publically, as shown in other countries)
Invest in Alternative fuels, will save in US needing to have heavy interests abroad
Is there any improvement that can be made to our economy or society where the answer isn't, "More and bigger government"?

Sure, we can cut military spending and reduce the size of our military by discontinuing our policy of intervention in every little war that takes place on this planet. We can dump the entire Dept of Education and let the states worry about teaching their kids. Keep one thing in mind about our current government. It isn't getting bigger. We are spending more money on SS and Medicare and fewer people are contributing into these programs, so a strain has been put on the system, but government itself has not been getting bigger for a very long time. In fact, the size of our federal government has been shrinking consistently since the end of the Reagan administration when it was at its largest. Yup, the Gipper had more people working in the Federal Government than any president in the history of the US. The Gipper was truly the owner of "Big Government".


Now I'm sure you are going to come up with some reason why all this is not true.
Our military is the smallest its been since befroe WW2. How's that working out for us?

Just fine if we'd stay the Hell out of everyone else's wars.
We stayed the hell out of Syria. How'd that work out for everyone?
When, oh when, will retards finally catch on that blaming one party for big spending and big government is...retarded?
Both parties spend, one party spends on the military, supports imperialist like wars, and constantly wants to cut taxes for the rich. The other party supports a social safety net for the poor, supporting small businesses with incentives, etc..
Democrats funded both wars, retard.
We're talking about today's parties and what they're doing.
Convenient for you.
But no, we're not. We're talking your statement that Democrats support social safety net and the implication they dont support imperialist wars. Dems consistently voted to fund every conflict we've been in.
Progressives don't want bigger government, they want other peoples wealth confiscated and redistributed to them.
And yet alleged right wingers scream like welfare queens when you try to take away their tax expenditures, which add up to TWICE what we spend on social welfare programs.

When, oh when...

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