Seriously, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for GOP pundits/apologists

It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson (who died almost 2 decades before the Civil War,) one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .
Seriously, no one gives a damn.
Now go change your diaper.
All GOP pundits go through the same life cycle. They rise up by toeing the party line, then they rise to the top by calling everyone with less zealous beliefs than them a RINO, and then they have 2 options: double down on increasingly zanier beliefs to maintain their audience, or fall victim to the rabid zombie audiences they created who now call them RINO's.
Just like Obama. Did as he was told by his masters and now cashing in. They gave him some puppy treats. What happened to the Clinton charities? Why did she abandon her desire to help people? It's not like she has a full schedule.
It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson (who died almost 2 decades before the Civil War,) one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .
Damn trying to hard?
It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson who dies almost 2 decades before the Civil War, one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .
According to herr drumph, Kim is a smart cookie who he'd be honored to meet with.

Can you just imagine the uproar from the RWNJs if Obama had been the one to say that?

And no, I couldn't imagine having to clean up after the idiot-in-chief, EVERY FUCKING DAY OF THE WEEK!

I agree, Drumpf lies like crazy and then acuses the News of fake news. LIke:

1. The murder rate is the highest it's been in the last 45-47 years. Untrue.
2. The media does not report Terrorist attacks. Untrue
3. CIA: We can't share secrets with Trump because he might tell Russians???
4. All negative polls are "Fake News".
5. Fox Poll:

Who do you trust more to tell the truth:
1. Trump 45%
2. Reporters 42%
3. Neither 10%

Why is this man President?

Why is this man President?

Because you voted for him ?
When Trump first made his comments about slave-owner Andrew Jackson being troubled that the Civil War wasn’t avoided, he clearly didn’t know that Jackson had died 16 years before one of America’s bloodiest wars even began.

Instead of admitting that he has a worse-than-elementary level grasp of American history, Trump doubled down and now claims that Jackson could predict the future.

Andrew "Ms Cleo" come he never saw the Bowling Green Massacre coming ?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry
. Would never have let it happen!

8:55 PM - 1 May 2017
When Trump first made his comments about slave-owner Andrew Jackson being troubled that the Civil War wasn’t avoided, he clearly didn’t know that Jackson had died 16 years before one of America’s bloodiest wars even began.

Instead of admitting that he has a worse-than-elementary level grasp of American history, Trump doubled down and now claims that Jackson could predict the future.

Andrew "Ms Cleo" come he never saw the Bowling Green Massacre coming ?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry
. Would never have let it happen!

8:55 PM - 1 May 2017

Not only that, but he was wrong when he said that Jackson would have prevented the war. Jackson had a terrible temper, and let it be known that if any Southern states attempted to nullify federal law, as they were threatening to do during his presidency, that he would personally come down and crush the leaders of the movement. The South backed off at that time, only to succeed years later. At the end of his life, he was asked if there was anything he regretted. He answered that he regretted that he never hanged Sen. Calhoun, his X VP, and leader of the Southern states rights movement. Jackson was a warrior, not a diplomat.

John C. Calhoun - Wikipedia
Bottom line: and in its mildest of forms, Trump is NOT fit to be president of anything, most of all of a great country.
Y'all lefties seem to be patting one another on the back and drooling idgit juice with glee for what amounts to jack shit for a reason.
Let's quote a couple (from memory) of Trumpisms:

1. They done gave me a damn Mexican judge for my university case.
2. Megyn Kelly is bleeding from where?
3. Media does not report Terrorist attacks.
4. All negative polls are fake news.
5. CIA: "We can't share secrets with Trump because he might tell Russians???
6. He (Trump) would be "Honored" to meet with Kim Jong Un.
7. Murder rate is highest its been in 45-47 years. (untrue)

How is this man President?
Cuz the American people voted him into office, that's how.
Google the word 'vote'
Is that like we felt sorry for you idiots that voted for Crooked Hillary?

Bottom line: and in its mildest of forms, Trump is NOT fit to be president of anything, most of all of a great country.

You've not made that case in the past.

You have no metrics.

So to make this claim is nothing but stating an opinion.

Just so we are clear....after all, most of us know you are not fit to comment on anything.
Y'all lefties seem to be patting one another on the back and drooling idgit juice with glee for what amounts to jack shit for a reason.
Let's quote a couple (from memory) of Trumpisms:

1. They done gave me a damn Mexican judge for my university case.
2. Megyn Kelly is bleeding from where?
3. Media does not report Terrorist attacks.
4. All negative polls are fake news.
5. CIA: "We can't share secrets with Trump because he might tell Russians???
6. He (Trump) would be "Honored" to meet with Kim Jong Un.
7. Murder rate is highest its been in 45-47 years. (untrue)

How is this man President?

He won the election.

Was there a point you were trying to make here ?
No intellect. Huh. I suppose you could be right and he got rich and has stayed rich by pick pocketing folks on the mean streets.
I never claimed the man had class. He's a little like that cousin you hope nobody ever finds out you're related to.
But he's still President of the United States and not for nothing... ain't everyone able to reach that high.
Long as he does more things right than he does wrong he's got my support.
No intellect. Huh. I suppose you could be right and he got rich and has stayed rich by pick pocketing folks on the mean streets.
I never claimed the man had class. He's a little like that cousin you hope nobody ever finds out you're related to.
But he's still President of the United States and not for nothing... ain't everyone able to reach that high.
Long as he does more things right than he does wrong he's got my support.
No intellect. Huh. I suppose you could be right and he got rich and has stayed rich by pick pocketing folks on the mean streets.
I never claimed the man had class. He's a little like that cousin you hope nobody ever finds out you're related to.
But he's still President of the United States and not for nothing... ain't everyone able to reach that high.
Long as he does more things right than he does wrong he's got my support.

Let's look at some of the intelligent things he has said:
1. They done gave me a damn Mexican judge for my fake university case.
2. Media does not report terrorist attacks
3. All negative polls are fake news
4. CIA: We can't share secrets with Trump because he might tell Russians.
5. I (Trump) would be honored to meet with Kim Jong Un.
6. Global warming was invented by the Chinese. It's just a money making scheme......

I am still waiting for him to say something intelligent, nevermind do. He is starting to look to worse than President Cheney.
The democrat party lost the presidency, both houses of congress the majority of governors and over 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade and the hard core left feels sorry for right wing pundits while Fox is still the #1 news network. Go figure.
The democrat party lost the presidency, both houses of congress the majority of governors and over 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade and the hard core left feels sorry for right wing pundits while Fox is still the #1 news network. Go figure.

Lots of Germans, in the 1930s, felt exactly as you do right now.......
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