Seriously, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for GOP pundits/apologists

What can account for the hypocrisy and ignorance on the left these days? Does hatred and anger account for the propaganda they seem to swallow like pablum? The democrat party is virtually leaderless and dying and Hillary's excuses are a freaking joke. Left wing pundits like Colbert behave like angry clown freaks and yet the hard core left claims to feel sorry for right wing pundits.
When Trump first made his comments about slave-owner Andrew Jackson being troubled that the Civil War wasn’t avoided, he clearly didn’t know that Jackson had died 16 years before one of America’s bloodiest wars even began.

Instead of admitting that he has a worse-than-elementary level grasp of American history, Trump doubled down and now claims that Jackson could predict the future.

Andrew "Ms Cleo" come he never saw the Bowling Green Massacre coming ?

Donald J. Trump [emoji818] @realDonaldTrump

President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry
. Would never have let it happen!

8:55 PM - 1 May 2017

Not only that, but he was wrong when he said that Jackson would have prevented the war. Jackson had a terrible temper, and let it be known that if any Southern states attempted to nullify federal law, as they were threatening to do during his presidency, that he would personally come down and crush the leaders of the movement. The South backed off at that time, only to succeed years later. At the end of his life, he was asked if there was anything he regretted. He answered that he regretted that he never hanged Sen. Calhoun, his X VP, and leader of the Southern states rights movement. Jackson was a warrior, not a diplomat.

John C. Calhoun - Wikipedia
How long did it take you to look that up? Don''t pretend you knew it before this thread was posted.

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Bottom line: and in its mildest of forms, Trump is NOT fit to be president of anything, most of all of a great country.
Tea Pain‏ @TeaPainUSA Apr 30

We live in sad times when you hear that a Nazi left Trump's staff and you have to ask which one. #Gorka
The "sad times" are a result of the fact that reptiles like you believe it's acceptable to post outright slander like that, among other things

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It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson (who died almost 2 decades before the Civil War,) one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .

And the Republicans in Congress are getting an ear full already at town-hall meetings regarding their fake healthcare bill. Trump invited them all to go bungee jumping off a cliff and they were excited as school children to join him but as they jumped one by one they all turned back to find out there was no bungee, just jumping. "See you at the bottom it's going to be a tremendous landing, amazing incredible landing on the rocks. Beautiful American rocks."
It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson (who died almost 2 decades before the Civil War,) one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .

And the Republicans in Congress are getting an ear full already at town-hall meetings regarding their fake healthcare bill. Trump invited them all to go bungee jumping off a cliff and they were excited as school children to join him but as they jumped one by one they all turned back to find out there was no bungee, just jumping. "See you at the bottom it's going to be a tremendous landing, amazing incredible landing on the rocks. Beautiful American rocks."

I'm actually "grateful" to the orange clown for giving democrats LOTS of ammunition to democrat challengers in the House in 2018......AND, keep an eye out for lots of governors' mansions to also switch thanks to the HC bill debacle.
Can't remember if I posted this but -

I read somewhere that Jackson actually made bets and paid off those who could last the longest in beating slaves. There was more but can't remember all of it.

That the pussy grabber would Jackson as a role model is particularly disgusting. Not mention his rewriting history.

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When Trump first made his comments about slave-owner Andrew Jackson being troubled that the Civil War wasn’t avoided, he clearly didn’t know that Jackson had died 16 years before one of America’s bloodiest wars even began.

Instead of admitting that he has a worse-than-elementary level grasp of American history, Trump doubled down and now claims that Jackson could predict the future.

Andrew "Ms Cleo" come he never saw the Bowling Green Massacre coming ?

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry
. Would never have let it happen!

8:55 PM - 1 May 2017
Jackson undoubtably saw the seeds of the civil war planted and sprouted.
It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson (who died almost 2 decades before the Civil War,) one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .

And the Republicans in Congress are getting an ear full already at town-hall meetings regarding their fake healthcare bill. Trump invited them all to go bungee jumping off a cliff and they were excited as school children to join him but as they jumped one by one they all turned back to find out there was no bungee, just jumping. "See you at the bottom it's going to be a tremendous landing, amazing incredible landing on the rocks. Beautiful American rocks."

No one cares what paid astroturf is whining about.

You must think we are fooled.
Teh "sad times" are the fact that reptiles like you believe it's acceptable to make comments like that.

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Ted Nugent: Obama Is A “Chimpanzee” and “Subhuman Mongrel
View attachment 125418

Considering the vile names you douche nozzles use to refer to Trump, why do you imagine anyone should care how Obama's critics refer to him? Absolutely anything is fair game. Isn't that what you believe?

The hypocrisy of the left is unbelievable.
It's turning out to be the hardest job on the media outlets, especially on TV where one's face is actually on camera.......How the hell does one attempt to "apologize" for the Trumpster's mistakes, lies and comical outbursts?

The orange clown's latest absurdities?

Andrew Jackson was a kind hearted guy who would have prevented our Civil War...On the "sweet disposition" of Jackson:
Indian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst US ...

Then on Jackson (who died almost 2 decades before the Civil War,) one would assume that his "compromise" in avoiding the war would have been to allow slave owners to just chain ONE foot of those slaves....Yesh, THAT would have avoided the slaughter.

Second, absurdity......Trump "admires" Kim Jun Un and....were the situation "just right" he could negotiate with the fat, infantile and crazed tyrant.....Why someone would ask?
Because trump is NOT a hell of a lot different that Kim Jun Un.....they are both child-like, they are both insecure, they are both power crazed and they both seem to love unfettered power with nukes and were it not for that darn Constitution, Congress, our court system, and laws, Trump would be Un's spiritual; twin now that the love affair with Putin is waning.

So, imagine....just IMAGINE having to defend this idiot in chief. .
I'm guessing we'll get over it just fine. You on the other hand are in for some struggles.
All GOP pundits go through the same life cycle. They rise up by toeing the party line, then they rise to the top by calling everyone with less zealous beliefs than them a RINO, and then they have 2 options: double down on increasingly zanier beliefs to maintain their audience, or fall victim to the rabid zombie audiences they created who now call them RINO's.

You are right but you forgot about why they think that tax breaks for the rich and famous creates jobs. Let's look at Bush jr. in 2003 he gave the 1% rich a 3.8% tax break and then a short time later unemployment decreased by 0.5%. But the two things are not related here's why: Republican Presidents are also famous for doubling he Defense budget and increasing spending on infrastructure projects. Those actions do indeed create jobs but the GOP counts them as tax-break jobs so the voters will give them license to continue doing it. That whole thing about tax breaks is a scam.

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